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The Pentagong Show

The Pentagong Show
United State of Terror: Is Drone War Fair?

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Japan's Health Minister: Burn it up! to cool it down.

We all burned our feet
By Dancin' in the street!

As the Portugal island of Madeira goes up in flames, along with much of Siberia, and various localities around the globe gurgle under the flood waters raging through their once-busy streets, the reaction of the modern states of the OECD is pretty much uniform: Burn more fossil fuel to fix the damage ravaging our lives from burning too much fossil fuel. Replace all those destroyed vehicles with brand new insurance-paid ICE (InternalCombustionEngine) machines. Who wants electric vehicles when they cost twice as much and are made non-functional by water all the easier? Rebuild, then build yet more housing in the expanding flood plains of rivers and near the coastline that will be inundated sooner than even the climate scientists claim (lest you panic).

 The US alone provided 17 million more ICE machines on a SAAR basis so far this year, and is eagerly willing to provide any number the world demands, drooling over the profit potential. Every industry on earth has now, in the Home of the Brave New World of Lawless Capitalism, where society (we of the lowercase caste) doesn't exist, and Society (of the uppercase Crust), being of Divine genesis, kowtows to NO law, has adopted the Merchants' of Death mantra of, "Yes we know it's wrong, but, but, we have to do it or some other they will".

Controlled Combustion, that process we use to produce our man-made energy needs is out of control. Meanwhile, too hot for you in Japan? No problem, says the health minister ... just run your air conditioner, the biggest power-hog in your house, all night. Like they do in Phoenix, and Palm Springs, Dubai, and Saudi Arabia. Burn it Up To cool it down!

Key in Lionel Richie:

"All Night Long"

Well, my friends, our climate's done
The rays are proof there's too much sun
Throw away the work to be done
Let the AC, stay on
(stay on, stay on)

Everybody singe, everybody pants
Lose your life in one last dance
We're going to party

Karamu, fiesta, forever
Come on and singe along!
We're going to party
Subaru, Fiesta, forever
Come on and singe along!
We're going to party
Subaru, Fiesta, Sierra
Come on and singe along!

All night long! (all night)
All night long! (all night)
All night long! (all night)

People panting all in the street
See them falling dead at your feet
Life is good why not Tweet
Let the AC stay on
(stay on, stay on)
Feel it in your hearth
While feeding it your coal
Let coolness take control
We're going to party
Liming, fiesta, forever
Come on and bring your bong!

All night long! (all night)
Bring your bong! (all night)
All night long! (all night)
Bring your bong! (all night)

Yeah, once heatstroke's started
Temps don't go down
Come join the fun
It's a deadly go round
Everyone's cranking
Their AC's on high
Come join the Party
We're all gonna die!
Oh, yes
Join the Ruling Party!

All night long! (all night)
Don't take long! (all night)
Don't take long! (all night)
All night long!

Everyone you meet
They're dropping in the street
All night long!
Yeah, I said, everywhere's there's heat
They're dropping in the street
Don't take long!
Yeah, I said, everyone you Tweet
They're dropping in the street
Like King Kong!
Feel good! feel good!

Guinness, the bottler of perhaps the most famous brew in the world, which their website claims is, "Made of More" (of more what it doesn't care to advertise), decided, around five years ago, to market their enormously successful nitrogen-gassed stout, since it worked so well in the beloved can, in a bottle, but what you're going to get, far from being "made of more", is decidedly less: specifically, .8 oz.'s x's 6 less in every sixpack, which, at now only 11.2oz's per bottle, amounts to almost half a bottle (4.8 oz's to be exact) less than what was, before every other European bottler followed suit, the norm of 12 ounces per bottle. But that wasn't enough. As if to slap their customers in the face, they took the savings from actual product, and used it to wrap each and every bottle in a completely worthless, non-bio-degradable, sheath of plastic, thereby becoming the poster boy of breweries for environmental degradation, giving the big finger and a poke in the eye to anyone who thinks major corporations need give a damn about our paltry concerns of having to pay for such wanton irresponsibility if we happen to like their product.

And I do like their product, but only buy it in bars now, as that comes from kegs ... re-usable kegs. Because THEY have to pay for them, not you.

This is the new paradigm shift, where the product you purchase costs Corporations, and therefore You, less than the packaging and shipping that brings it, oh so conveniently, to your door, all the costs hidden, and that's why you're poor ...

Illustrating for us that every reaction to human-induced Climate Change is to burn more fossil fuel to ameliorate the very condition brought about by burning fossil fuels. And that paradigm starts with getting the fossil fuels in the first place, as evidenced the most by the Fracking States of America, where the current price of oil is simply not enough to cover the burdensome cost of extracting it in the first place, which costs are so onerous to start with because of depletion (a phenomenon judged irrelevant by economists, but which has proven to have very real consequences), requiring us to burn the cheaply-derived fossil fuels to get out the far more expensive (in terms of energy, CO2 production, and money)  and therefore, more profitable (until they're not), syn-oil.

So why is Guinness included in this? Because of their, in any sane world, criminal use of the fossil-fuel-derived plastic in a totally irresponsible, you clean up our mess, unnecessary, use of unknown tons of plastic to disguise their reduction in volume of the actual product its customer want, while simultaneously claiming, "Made of More". To paraphrase a previous Clinton's previous campaign slogan, "Eat our Externalities, stupid customers!"

This has to put them right in the driver's seat of climate change along with such back-stabbing, conniving luminaries as VW.

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