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The Pentagong Show
United State of Terror: Is Drone War Fair?

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Transgendered Transcendered: What if God was One of Us?

God not the farther sun but wholly spirit.

 I saw the headline,



"By creating a narrow definition of gender as being only male or female, unchangeable once it is determined at birth. That definition would be as either male or female, unchangeable, and determined by the genitals a person is born with. 

"Sex means a person's status as male or female based on immutable biological traits identifiable by or before birth."

I don't see the problem, actually. They don't call transgendered people either strictly male or strictly female, because they're transgendered, not multi-gendered. If a person's labeling as either male or female weren't already determined by the genitals a person is born with, there would be no such thing as being transgendered. You could simply proclaim yourself one sex or the other. Isn't it precisely because one is classified as male or female on the basis of the genitals one is born with that the transgender classification even exists?

However, one thing it does make clear, is that it renders the Judaeo-Christian "God the Father" an impossibility: It was never born, and is not biological; it is not a person; nor, as far as we know, is it endowed, heavily or otherwise, with genitalia: so the only truly transcendgendered being is the incarnate god. However that most assuredly means there is no god the father, since god can have no genitalia. But neither is god a shemale. Since

"gender is determined at birth and only includes male or female, determined by the genitals a person is born with", so there is no possibility of a being that was never born and that is incarnate of being male OR female. (Not to mention, there being but The One, what would be the point?)  

One of US?

If God had a sex what would it be?
And would you define it to Its face?
If you were faced with It in all Its glory
What would you ask if you had just one question?
And yeah, yeah, God is great
Yeah, yeah, God is good
And yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah
What if God was one of us?
Had a nob like one of us
A transgender on the bus
Tryin' to make Its way home?

If God had a face what would it look like?
And would you want to see if, seeing meant
That you would have to believe in things like heaven
And in Jesus and the saints, and all church profits?
And yeah, yeah, God is great
Yeah, yeah, God is good
And yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah
What if God was one of us?
With labia like some of us
A transgender on the bus
Claimin' a fake's a real womb?
Just tryin' to make Its way home

And yeah, yeah, God is great
Yeah, yeah, God is good
And yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah
What if God was one of us?
Had a cob like some of us
A transgender on the bus
Tryin' to make Its way home?
Just tryin' to make Its way home
Like a holy rolling stone
Back up to heaven all alone
Just tryin' to make Its way home
Nobody callin' on the phone
'Cept the Popess maybe in Rome

Original song's Songwriters: Eric Bazilian / Joan Osborne

Thursday, October 18, 2018

"BREAKING BAD" NEWS: The Princess and the peeKing Duck the Truth.

  Targeted assassination of a journalist is now a crime?

Not to MBS. He witnessed many of the same targeted assassinations in Iraq against reporters who made the mistake of not being "embedded" with the troops. Who can blame him for not getting the rules Straight? Well, US media for one.

He is a dictator; that 's what they do. That's why we hire them, have been for decades:

                                                                  Baku to the Future.
Making America Great Again: Enlisting Saudi assassins in the fight for Russia's Caspian Basin Oil.

The murder and Breaking Bad-style dismemberment and disposal of Khashoggi, a kind of Khash and carry operation, seems to have caused quite a stir.

Whodda guessed? Given the level of murder as entertainment prevalent from TV, movies, and the Oval Office where the last administration used to hold Killing Tuesdays to decide what country's sovereignty they'd ignore and which target they'd pick for "elimination".

  BeHead of DeCapistan playing Gulf Golf.

 Is turning your victims into pink mist more aesthetically pleasing than sawing them to pieces? Even for a medieval regime that quite regularly chops off peoples' heads while they're still alive? Decapitation isn't what most westerners think, a clean guillotine-like severance of the head. It is a gruesome hacking away 'til the head falls off, usually of an innocent person, considering that it can be ordered against anyone for non-capital offenses. It is State-sponsored murder plain and simple, against those who think they have human rights ...  which, in Saudi Arabia, you don't.

Perhaps you've heard of Ms. Ghomgham, the well-known advocate of equal rights for Shiites, who faces accusations related to that activism. Perhaps #METOO has, and they simply don't care, it's so much more important to highlight a mentally disturbed white woman, who's got an apartment, a Life, a profession, and her freedom, than it is to lift a finger to save from a horrible fate a (shudder) Muslim, being tried in the kingdom’s Specialized Criminal Court, specifically set up, in homage to Guantanamo-style kangaroo courts, to try "terrorism" cases. Terrorism being,, thanks to the Sole World's SuperPower, whatever you want it to be, but mostly a mechanism to rid yourself of unwanted opposition.

The Three Stooges
Pictured above are three former US Secretaries of State:

The one in the middle sat in front of the entire World as he shoved GWMD's lies down its throat so as to enable the US military to attack and utterly destroy a sovereign nation. One sitting on vast oil reserves of such quantities they rivaled those of Saudi Arabia.

To his right sits Madeline Albright, what she has to say about the killing of half a million Iraqi children via sanctions is heartless enough, but she also likes MBS' attitude: "What's the point  of all this military (power) you're always bragging about if you don't use it?" (To bomb whoever, whatever and whenever you like? To "take the OIL").

And perhaps you recognize the notorious Mrs. Clinton, the wife of the President who presided over the pillaging of Russia, another country, coincidentally enough, sitting on huge reservoirs of petroleum. Taking Libya by storm, she cackled like a mad hen while clucking, "We came, we saw, he died," using braggadocio after presiding over the brutal murder of another country's leader, bombing
the bejesus out of yet another country with vast oil reserves.

Perhaps one can begin to see why the MBS is a tad confused: The "democracies" of  the west have engaged in serial Orgies of murder in order to quench the West's insatiable and inexorably growing thirst for oil. They have for decades engaged in killing spree that kept that flow from ebbing.

It has not gone unnoticed:

By "living freely" we MENA (sic) taking energy reserves from elsewhere when our own are depleted.

To accomplish this, modern "counterterrorism combat" has shifted away from traditional military objectives — such as destroying airfields, gun emplacements, or barracks — to killing specific individuals, largely reshaping war into organized assassinations.

But State-Organized assassinations are not "counterterrorism combat"; they are not combat at all. Those perpetrating them are murderers, not Warriors, in any normal sense of the world, unless you equate honor and murder. And include the drone-operators and sniper-murderers of person or persons, regardless of their status (even defenseless women and children, who are labelled "guilty" by association) without warning in your definition of "combatants". And counterterrorism is just whatever you want it to be, as evidenced by the now undeniable support the US has extended to terrorist operations in Syria, and, as suggested by their years of denial in this case, many other places where they simply haven't been reported, most notably in African nations. Oil-rich African nations, to be exact.

  "We got your back." 

So why the brouhaha? As mentioned at the outset of the Trump Presidency, contrary to popular mythology, it is not in the nature of businessmen to be either original or creative: they find an instance of success and then they copy it. The Template the Trump administration set out, unapologetically, though not specifically stated, is the GW Bush template: mouth support for lower oil prices so you don't get blamed when your policies result in their inexorable rise, for no fault of your own, of course, to nosebleed levels. As Wail St and the economy follows the path of GW, the escalating spike in oil prices will soon enough follow suit, this being just one mechanism by which that happens: no matter what the ruse used, however, with oil demand rapidly pulling north of the 100 million bbl/day burn rate, the ability of global economy to sustain the damages it wreaks on its infrastructure is most likely to come under severe strain. Yet, climate change catastrophes are the fuel Capitalism's craves to keep its unending growth paradigm growing (the rostrum of the impossibility of infinite growth on a finite planet has grown a tad tiresome, lately, don't you think?  One need only look at the growth on this same finite planet for at least the last 3.5 billion years to see that infinite growth on a finite plane is not only  possible its results are staring us right in the face ... we just don't know how to do it right, as we don't have any mechanism to uptake and recycle industrial or now, in our infinite wisdom, even natural, waste).

Severe and Pro-tech: "Policing" is now paid Thuggery ... with pension Benefits.

And as the world watches how the democracies have treated their citizens after they dissolved their savings like so much spring snow under the searing blasts of oil-constrained austerity, it becomes far more difficult for the non-western nations to keep from laughing out loud at the level of hypocrisy spilling ink all over Washington's Post-democratic institutions:

From "Rocket Man" to "In-His-Pocket Man".
And not to be left out of any game of spin the bottle, when kissing trillionaires is the prize, the TBTF criminals, are, imbued with more conviction of their own entitlement, as fawning as any of the pampered females in their entourage (Melania and Ivankavakava being only the American version: stepping into exalted positions of privilege by virtue of nothing more than their males' achievements: Dynamite). These soft, lady-like girly-men must prove their masculinity with the only tool left to them: Brutality.
The Bromance of Finance: Saudi Princess demurely awaits her Dimon Ring.

No wonder he thought he'd get away with it. Get away with what?

One last, "He brought it on himself", point. The release by Erdogan of the cleric for whose release the Trump imposed sanctions on Turkey, which release was claimed to have nothing to do with the Turkish accusations of murder and dismemberment leveled at the Saudi regime, and which, WH denials now being more of an indicator that whatever is being denied is in fact true, the release most certainly had EVERYthing to do with the Turks' exposing what would normally have been kept under wraps.

Fits of presidential pique that then impose extra-legal tariffs onto countries that are our allies, come with consequences that can't necessarily be ameliorated via military means, which, given the hubris and temperament of the tRump, are the only ones left. Such consequences may include the uncontrollable rise in the price of oil that everyone in the world knows is The Trump's Achilles' heel, his having, in his usual manner of playing with all his cards face up, broadcast it to them, is now facing at the very least a spate of volatility that need never have happened had Trumpelstiltskin not decided to pander to his Evangelical hordes to get a man, charged and convicted of crimes in another country, released. That is what the danger of pandering to the base means, and the result of doing so are more far-reaching and more convoluted than can ever be predicted. That is the reason such rash
decisions should never be the province of a single power-hungry avaricious private citizen with no ties nor respect for the institutions of government he lusts after taking the reins of for his own aggrandizement, which the Trump has never shown any indication whatsoever was not his only goal in seeking the Oval Office.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Anti-Darwin Cult Cheers their Avatar's "Good Genes".

                                                                    Cash ... oh gee.

   One Furor ...

... Leads to Another

The cognitive dissonance of the humans populating the earth gets more pronounced with each passing year, so much so that a president who champions a basket of deplorables, the latest being one MBS, an MBS of an even more lethal variant than the MBS his Republican predecessor, GWMD Bush, promulgated to enrich himself and his cronies via the hornswoggling of the entire world's middle class, can claim with a straight face his ascendance is due to his Good Genes, as his acolytes, who steadfastly deny that evolution, or even Charles Darwin for that matter, have any validity, cheer wildly.

Yet, of all the major religious groups in the U.S., evangelical Protestants, 80% of whom express their loyalty to the Chief, are among the most likely to reject evolution, of which theory genes are the centerpiece. That they should be unaware of this most salient fact is nonsense, as is the idea that the MSM, all those really "Smart" people, are unaware of that causal link. Yet not the genius Rachel, MS. NBC, not Anderson Cooper, any WaPo reporter, nor those of the NYT, have, nary a one, many of whom reported the remarks of the President, seen fit to point out the disconnect, not between the President and his ridiculous claim, but of the acceptance of such an absurdity by his sycophants despite its flying in the face of their "faith". A faith that shows its true immoral nature by their blithe embrace of what is heretical to everything they profess, to obtain a very earthly, albeit abstract, reward.

The man who created bin Salman, promoted him, and redirected the entire weight of US foreign policy, military and security establishments to place their trust in him, Trump, the host of a host of Partietags across the nation, abets the clown prince's act with total impunity, and the world, watching as the same two entities pummel the poorest nation in the world with the weapons developed and delivered by the two richest, pretends to be appalled.

The Hairspray Happily Joins in the Slaughter of the Heir's Prey.

Here's the man partying with the actual creators of ISIS, the same buffoon who claimed time and again that Obama "Created ISIS", while Obama was still President and Commander-in-Chief of the US armed forces, the same person who claimed that members of congress who didn't stand and applaud his rostrums during his SOTU speech should be charged with treason, yet pretends that a candidate running for that same position (when it's Him who must be obeyed) shouldn't be investigated by the FBI for making far more treasonous claims, then puts the full backing and support of the American people and its criminal military behind a known murderer, shows exactly why President Obama, or any sitting President or any State intelligence service, would be remiss in not investigating a treasonous charlatan's base, unfounded allegations that the Commander-in-Chief of the US armed Forces was a Traitor, when said scoundrel is running for the highest office in the land, the oval office.

Again, you'll find no mention of this blatant inconsistency on any of the MSM news outlets, even as they go on and on and on and on about Trump's troubles with the "Deep State" (as though it sprang into existence under DT, and had nothing to do whatsoever with Obama's decision, when the economy was flat on its back and shedding a million jobs a week from the machinations of the last Republican administration, not to prosecute the criminals that had been running it, bringing undreamed-of wealth to them, and ruination to the rest of the country: the same template now being used by the Trumplestiltskin).

But never do you hear the MSM ask, "Exactly why wouldn't the intelligence services be appalled that a brat billionaire who was denying the country's Chief executive's legitimacy, via the idiotically monikered, "Birther Movement", and hurling treasonous accusations at him?" If elected representatives, members of the government, are accused of being guilty of treason for not applauding a speech, surely a serial bankrupt, which means a man who has time and again deceived and robbed his investors, trying to wheedle his way into the  presidency via lies and false accusations, is far more suspect.

Although to hint darkly at hidden motives is hardly helpful, to look at him is immediately to see that he is a collection of grifts, (as masterly woven as his hair is in drifts) which present themselves as such precisely because in each case they have slightly over-flowed their measure. Not that one could accuse him of being inclined to overshoot the truth; it arguably being but an attempt to express a certain quality of passive excess which is the note of the whole man and which for an attentive eye, began with his right-down-to-the-crotch neckties and ended with his wild and totally unsubstantiated accusations.

But he can do things. He can get things done. He can stoke a fire in a blistering hot desert, spurring feverish activity for a commodity we're flooding the world with as though there were no tomorrow. Why the rush rush oil rush Mr. President? Why the unseemly slavish lust ready-made like a silver spoon, the id lib of an ego maniac that inspires uncomfortable squirming to witnesses of his infantile tantrums. Will he be chewing the rug next, like Hitler? He describes himself as being a very successful, happy, clever, active, ambitiously local New Yorker, the same style of elite that his base followers love to tromp. Handsome, or at least convinced, his dress just too fine. His movement, his manner, his tone are respectively just a tad free, too easy, and too familiar; his being in short just too obvious. But the result of it all is a presence that is in itself a close contact, the air of immediate, unconscious, unstinted life, and of his doing what he likes and yet still, the trait his haters prefer not to see, also liking to please. A Rock Star with little rock to show for all the acclamation he receives.

"The world has hit "new twin peaks for demand and supply" of oil at 100 million barrels a day, the International Energy Agency (IEA) announced Friday in its monthly oil market report.

"Neither demand nor supply shows signs of ceasing to grow any time soon, the Paris-based organization said.

"Oil could hit $200 'or even double that figure': as the Saudis threaten to retaliate against any sanctions over Khashoggi's disappearance,  "the Kingdom’s (Lol!) economy has an influential and vital role in the global economy,” (unless, of course, you're an economist,  then you know that oil is just another commodity, its absence, given enough investment, easily enough replaced by something else).  The explanation as to what, or why, given the intractable wars and Saudi repudiation of every single value Western Democracies cherish, we haven't deployed oil's replacement a generation ago, is never given for the very simple reason that it needn't be as the question is never asked.

"We've put our man on top!", Donald - "I would have just taken the oil," - Trump, as Michael Wolff reported in his book Fire and Fury, brags to whoever will listen.

At the same time that these sordid tales of murder and dismemberment get the press roiling, they are less concerned, as in not at all, about the genesis of horrific hurricanes that leave entire beachscapes ravaged and are a direct result of the Trumpian ruffians scorched-earth campaign to drastically increase the pumping of CO2 and water vapor into the atmosphere creating a "genocidal level of warming" as they flare with a flair trillions of cubic feet of natural gas, enough to provide the energy needs of Washington State for a year, as though it's inconsequential, while those who are deeply aware that it is, say nothing, even when those consequences are visited upon their fellow citizens. And lest we forget, those trillions of cubic feet of natural gas burned for nothing do so in the same State where energy from all over the world is imported into their refineries to be processed, merges with a transportation sector totally reliant on millions of internal combustion engines, each pouring their own clouds of carbon dioxide, ozone, carbon monoxide and myriad other gasses into the surrounding environs, whence they're carried off by the prevailing westerlies, floating right over the Gulf, a gulf already be-speckled with its own resource-extracting rigs, while a fierce sun beats down and supplies energy in far greater amounts, but which, with no wind farm or solar panels anywhere in sight to utilize, gets absorbed by the already warm waters akin to charging a giant battery, ready to unleash its massive store of energy at the slightest provocation Nature might provide. The result of all this venting is as predictable as if you were to allow nuclear plants to simply dump their waste into the Gulf: dire repercussions to be visited upon others while you walk away Scot free with your profits. But Don't blame Exxon: blame Texas. They Allow it, They Encourage it, They Subsidize it. Florida, if the US were a country of laws, would already be dragging the state of Texas into court to pay the damages wrought in Florida by the avariciousness of Texans. But we don't have a country of laws, we have a country of Cowboy Capitalism: Corporations are above the Law, which they now make themselves, having bought every politician in Texas. There is no Texas Government; there is only Texan acquiescence to the needs of its corporate sponsors.

A recent report on the psychology of Drumph's countryman (Remember, just as Jews, per the Israeli PM, owe allegiance to a country they've never seen, Germans, and other minorities, often carry the same conviction: that the support of the country they or their ancestors left takes precedence over the one that welcomed them to its shores), Adi Schicklgruber, illustrates, we must see him as he really is – a human being with strengths and weaknesses. He does, after all, display some exceptional abilities. One of which is his ability to somehow discover and successfully apply principles of mass psychology.

From the book of Preyer, "My Fight (Mein Kampf) to Make Germany America Great Again":

“The lack of knowledge of the internal driving forces of great changes (the steep escalation in costs of obtaining, and leveraging, energy resources) led to an insufficient evaluation of the importance of the great masses of the people; from this resulted the scanty interest in the social question, the deficient courting (by the Democratic Party who prefer to refer to them as deplorables) of the soul of the nation’s lower classes.”

Adi and the Donald believe that since mass reaction contains many feminine elements, there has to be a place for women in promoting a movement:

“Do you know the audience at a rally is just like a woman (Die Masse das Volk is wie ein Wieb). Someone who does not understand the intrinsically feminine character of the masses will never be an effective speaker. Ask yourself: ‘What does a woman expect from a man?’ Clearness, decision, power and action. What we want is to get the masses to act. Like a woman, the masses fluctuate between extremes. . . . The crowd is not only like a woman, but women constitute the most important element in an audience. The women usually lead, then the children follow, and then last, I have won over the whole family, as the fathers follow .”

“The people, in an overwhelming majority, are so feminine in their nature and attitude that their activities and thoughts are motivated less by sober consideration than by feeling and sentiment.

 Birther Trump's ancestor, Adi, was able to feel, identify with, and speak irascibly to the people’s deepest concerns and sentiments, while giving them hope that he would eliminate them. He eliminated them alright, by the millions. Just as climate change-wrought destruction is doing for his modern cutout. As though of one mind, they both appeal to the most primitive and idealistic dispositions in people, purposely arousing the most base instincts. At the same time, camouflaging them in noble terms by “justifying all actions as the means of attaining an ideal goal.” That goal being one of an ersatz Nationalism, one that demands loyalty be sworn, not to the Nation they supposedly cherish, but to its leader, whose machinations are quite unabashedly designed to bring about first its utter despoliation, to be soon enough followed by its spectacular ruin, making GW's Cowboy-boot-enhanced stomp in the face look like a friendly pat on the back.

What despots (German is the only nationality, which, just coincidentally, happens to be the most hyper-masculine, power-worshiping cult since the Romans, with the word "MAN", not only in it, but comprising a full half of its ethnic name) understand is that people do not unify in dedication to a common purpose that is against their immediate better interests, or as Upton Sinclair put it, “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”

Together with Lord Overstone's prognostication that, "No warning can save a people determined to grow suddenly rich," recognizes that despite the willingness of men to die for an ideal, the need to maintain that zealousness requires more immediate and material satisfaction, they realize that piracy, enslavement, and resource extraction are all acceptable to such a mob, and that the thuggery to which we are all now parties to are not only winked at by our own representatives, but encouraged so as to allow clown princes with their hands on the spigot to continue to enable our lavish, self-important lifestyles of air travel, automobiles as a toy, and the ability to wield the power of supercomputers in order to send through the ether such trivialities as selfies, pictures of kittens and instagrams of our meals by the millions over "free" WiFi as though the energy required to do so is of no consequence whatsoever to anyone whatsoever, or not, at least, to anyone of consequence.

 “All force which does not spring from a firm spiritual foundation will be hesitating and uncertain. It lacks the stability which can only rest on a fanatical view of life.

"In the struggle of two views of life, the weapon of brute force, used continuously and ruthlessly, brings about the decision in favor of the side it supports.

And yet we are shocked, Shocked! by the murder of one lone Saudi, even as the force the Saudis wield comes directly from our own GSE's (All the Defense departments so-called "Free enterprise" adjuncts are GSE's - From IBM to Martin Marietta, Lockheed to Raytheon - they exist to create nothing more than military ascendancy via monies funneled from Labor to the Federal government to these GSE's coffers. They produce nothing of value to the civilian economy, they are kept alive, zombie-like, by a moribund, Centrally-planned bureaucracy, (swamp, if you prefer): Government-Sponsored Enterprises, (as long as you don't look too closely at what "enterprise" actually means)).

“There is only so much room in a brain, so much wall space, as it were, and if you furnish it with your slogans, the opposition has no place to put up any pictures later on, because the apartment of the brain is already crowded with your furniture.”

DT understands the underlying value of a hierarchical political organization that doesn't remain aloof from the people. The opposition, on the other hand, disregards the loneliness and isolation suffered by them, it prefers to proffer "gender fluidity" where no such thing actually exists, while simultaneously promulgating the same hyper-militaristic mindset that is the main culprit in stratifying gender roles in the first place by making youngsters feel they must, since they are more inclined to love than war, be in the wrong skin. This, of course, will get them nowhere. Like Germans who loved Hitler, but not necessarily the Nazi philosophy, Trumpsters will follow him over any cliff.

“The only criterion for membership in the GOP is “unconditional obedience and faithful devotion to Trump.

"Hitler’s memory lapses tended to drive “people, and particularly, his associates, to distraction.” He would say something one day and a few days later say the opposite, and being completely oblivious of his original statement.

Such that,

"The inner difficulties of a Hitler government will be found in the person of Hitler himself.

"He was greatly adverse to experts and had little regard for their opinion. He looked upon them as mere hacks, as brush-cleaners and color-grinders.”

"He is subject to "states", one of which is the state of his being a boy again, and the sign of it was his talking nonsense.

And nonsense is what, as evidenced by the Paris Accords, the world wants to hear. Like the current kerfuffle, the President's decision to withdraw from them caused consternation, even, as evidenced by the 100 million barrel IEA estimate quoted above, it is mostly Showboating. In reality they secretly greet such outbursts of the child-president as face-savers. The Paris accords and the thin veil of civility torn from the face of a whoring world serve them well, as they can, like Democrats, shrug their shoulders and despair, "What can we do?", when in fact, they were doing nothing anyway but paying lipservice to the public while kowtowing to the  100 companies that produce more than 70 percent of global emissions, mostly run by billionaires of the Keptocracy to which Trump belongs. He makes it so convenient, his hanging gut ample enough for the whole world to hide behind as it chastises him, then continues to do what it was doing anyway, but more comfortably knowing that they have someone to point at and say, see, it's all his fault? What choice do we have?

Which happens to be a very good question. Maybe if we keep that up someone will actually try to answer one. It's only a start, but don't you think without that, there'll be no answers even attempted? Apparently so, because every decade we keep burning more and more carbon-based fuel to power an ever-growing array, as if it were no problem, of energy-dependent devises, processes and lives. A trajectory that took us directly to where we find ourselves now, while the path that it's continuing to take us down, is no less fraught with despair and ruin. Yet still there is not a politician alive who knows how to stop mankind's descension into a Mad Max world ruled by insanity and rabid violence. It is perhaps all we are capable of, it is certainly a direction we have most ardently embraced.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Michael surged and roared ashore, "Texas screwed ya!"

Flaring from fracking is quite literally CO2 and water vapor production. Unlike other extraction methods, it produces CO2 upfront, before a joule of useful energy is derived. 
 Michael surged and roared ashore, "Exxon's screwed ya!"
Michael surged and roared ashore, "Texas screwed ya!"
Exxon fueled the wind with shale, "How we screwed ya".
Exxon fueled the wind with shale, "Now we've screwed ya!"

Michael surged and roared ashore, ""Exxon's screwed ya!"
Michael surged and roared ashore ashore, "Texas screwed ya!"
Flaring methane makes CO2, Such fun to fool ya
Flaring methane makes CO2, Such fun to fool ya.
CO2 and Water Vapor Production facility.
 It exists for one reason:
 To produce CO2 and Water Vapor, two of the most potent greenhouse gasses, from CH4.

Michael surged and roared ashore, "Exxon's screwed ya!"
Michael surged and roared ashore, "Texas screwed ya!"
Atmosphere rivers flow through the sky, spread effluvia
Milkin' money from your countryside, you'll catch effluvia.

Michael surged and roared ashore, "Exxon's screwed ya!"
Michael surged and roared ashore, "Texas screwed ya!"
Sanctioned exports out of Iran, So easy to fool ya,
Filled those contracts from the Permian, Too easy to fool ya.
“If you’re on the production side and your goal is to produce oil but you have to go through natural gas to get to the oil, since the cost to compress that natural gas is too great (ie, because Exxon's profits would be less), it’s better to just burn the gas to get to the crude,” Gregg Abbott said. That sanctions CO2 production. When Trump and Pruitt conspired to stop listing CO2 as a pollutant, this is the reason: to give a green light to Flaring operations, which settle a heat-enhancing layer of CO2 and water vapor over the entire Gulf of Mexico (They don't care, they don't have to, they Own you).

Michael surged and roared ashore, "Exxon's screwed ya!"
Michael surged and roared ashore, "Texas screwed ya!"
We Spread Pollutants far and wide, "How we screwed ya"
Warming waters flood countryside, "Now we've screwed ya!"

Michael surged and roared ashore, "Exxon's screwed ya!"
Michael surged and roared ashore, "Texas screwed ya!"
FEMA and insurance will pay those claims, hard to School ya,
All those losses are Exxon's gains, Frack that crude, yah.

Michael surged and roared ashore, "Exxon's screwed ya!"
Michael surged and roared ashore, "Texas screwed ya!"

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

MAGA cum Lousy: Making America Gangrenous Again.

Crapitalism: The Immoral Equivalent to War

As the US continues to make itself isolated from the rest of the global economy, gangrene has begun to seep in. Gangrene is a type of tissue death caused by a lack of blood supply.  Blood supply to an energy-intensive economy bent on constant military expansion is oil, yet, in the face of constrained energy reserves, multi-billion-dollar destructive impacts from high-atmospheric-energy-amped storms, and environmental degradation resulting in enormous yield losses for huge swaths of the plains, the US continues to increase its reliance on fossil-fuel-based energy consumption, with no resultant uptick in oil production, contrarily, it spurs the use of energy where said increase should be spurned.

Which is all to say, in a, I hope, not too annoyingly roundabout way, that, even if this were the only example of it, as the IPCC comes out with its most dire warning yet about everything we already know about the end result of our squandering of the earth's treasures to funnel their beneficence to a fraction of its inhabitants, all of whom can only agree on one thing: to keep the earth from undergoing the disastrous effects our energy-intensive lifestyle has condemned it to is to spread that lifestyle to every corner of the globe while simultaneously increasing our own rampant energy consumption by whatever means necessary.

Need more gasoline than you can import? Turn the vast plairies into an ethanol plant by growing acres upon acres of corn to process, via coal-burning power plants, into fuel, not for the carbon-based energy units called people, but for their CO2-spewing machines. But don't make those machines more energy-efficient or smaller: no, with all that free green-energy we are now growing by pouring vast amounts of Blue-State tax dollars into Red-anti-government States that demand a cessation of deficit spending even as they scream bloody murder if a nickle of their deficit-fueled boondoggle is threatened, we do the opposite. Double the transit fleet tonnage and decrease its fuel efficiency. As an added bonus, that ethanol delivers a less energy-intensive fuel, so all that extra tonnage streaming across the nations highways requires a good ten% more gas to travel the exact same distance.

Following the IPCC report, Victoria University professor of climate science Tim Naish said the CO2 reduction target they proposed was not possible without technology - that doesn't yet exist- to extract carbon dioxide from the air. Ah, but the technology does exist, it's called forestation. But the world is instead engaging in the most protracted bout of DE-forestation in mankind's history, burning vital forests down, and consequently pouring vast reserves of CO2 into the atmosphere that we now whine we need to devise a new technology to extract what shouldn't - as in we already knew we would thus seal our fate -  have been put there in the first place. Instead, entire swath's of not only the Amazon rain-forests, but those in Indonesia as well, in order to "grow" fuel: sugar to be used for ethanol in South America; bio-diesel from Indonesia to be used to poison the volk via wagons in Germany. It is not technology that we need: if mankind as a whole were a patient it would be in the insane asylum being treated with Electric shock therapy to see if we couldn't jolt it back into its senses.

Which brings to mind a more apt analogy: Frankenstein. The economy, receiving the jolt mankind needed in 2008, created the monster that has been stumbling around blindly with an outraged crowd at its heels ever since.

The stitched together remnants of the market forces that blew itself to pieces have been haphazardly sewn onto the tattered remains of Centrally planned economics with an autocratic head precariously perched atop, to ease its periodic replacement, sending ersatz signals to the benumbed periphery as its gangrenous tissue increasingly succumbs to its torpor and responds more and more sluggishly to the ever-increasing stimuli of massive doses of military expenditures, deficit spending, and suffocating debt, to increase demands in the economy, none of which are in any way related to the actual needs of the underlying tissue which therefore becomes all the more necrotic.

Even as the sclerotic carcass of the USSR lay rotting away in its infamous dustbin of history,  the USA was rummaging through that stinking dumpster to cannibalize the corpse so as to resurrect its worse features and splice them onto the far more dangerous body politic of liberal democracy, at the center of which sits the Federal Reserve, a private bank staff paid with taxpayers' funds, costing it billions to perform one function: normalize interest rates so that they are what the market wants. There is no larger indicator of the failure of market forces than when an entity purposely manipulates that market economy via interest rates yet claims its main function is to set those rates at neutral, where they naturally should be, to effect the greatest market efficiency. HUH? If that sounds confusing, it's because it doesn't make any sense whatsoever. But that an agency, developed at a secret gathering of madmen intent on Hyde'ing their true motives of self-aggrandizement, meet on an island called Jeckyl, should emerge as a monster really shouldn't come as any great surprise.

 Now when that same entity purchases MBS and Treasuries to the tune  of $4.5 Trillions of dollars, for the express purpose of keeping the long-term borrowing costs of an out-of-control federal government and pour billions upon billions into a fracking industry that would otherwise be flat on its back, in order to pump enormous volumes of energy into transportation and electricity-generating capacity, then withholding that vital forcing will cause dislocations that are as predictable and inevitable as the changes atmospheric forcing, caused by the vast clouds of pollutants thus generated, is causing.

 The entire system upon which the economy now rests have all been either rescued, bailed out, or came into being only because of government investment in R&D, yet the People, from whom the investment dollars for Nuclear Research, Computer Development, and design and construction of the  Internet were wrested, and from whom the monies for TARP and the bailout of the entire financial "industry" were extorted, those people to whom the government went when it needed funds to bailout the auto industry over which executives had lorded, thus fattening their wallets while they driving the industry they commandeered into a brick wall, have nothing to show for their investments.

Claiming that they"paid back" the "loan", all theses industries are plowing full steam ahead into the next crash, fully armed with the knowledge that the fortunes lost in the next debacle will likewise not be theirs, but the suckers they lined up like ducks in a shooting gallery to be picked off with all the glee of a marksman, chest puffed up with the pride of conquest that comes even when the prey is robbed of its powers of fight or flight.

 But that's not  how investment's supposed to work. The US citizens who invested in GM, via the US Treasury, should be receiving dividends, like any other shareholder, as long as the companies it bailed out are making money. Every cent the Fed created to supply the fracking giants, such as Halliburton, already flush with cash from Cheney's gift of non-competitive bidding on military contracts, should have dollars flowing, akin to that fracked condensate, in to the pockets of the citizens of the US who risked future tax liability in order to pay for their bailouts. Instead, the taxpayer is still burdened with $4.5TRILLION of liabilities from those companies going out of business (ie declare bankruptcy so they don't have to pay their bills, then get sucked up by EXXON for pennies on the dollar (pennies on YOUR dollars), keep the receipts from selling that fuel abroad, pour what they save into building LNG infrastructure to ship the resultant Natural Gas overseas, with loans guaranteed by the Federal government from whom it hides the profits in tax-havens, and we wonder why the country keeps getting  poorer.

 So the Fed raises interest rates.

This is the new Frankenstein economy. Where the taxpayer and the citizens' monies incur all the risk, extend the loans, guarantee the profitability of one enterprise after the other, and the clowns they employ, who more often than not run the enterprises to whom they been given the sacred trust of operating, right into the ground, but not before stitching together a carefully crafted golden parachute to strap on themselves to jump out of the wreckage right before they plunge it into the sea.

And like the other centrally planned economies it so scathingly trashed in the past, the current global economy is stymied by the lack of actual demand, the unaccountability of entire industries for the enormous benefit from public expenditure they reap, even as they refuse to pay a nickel to the government that provides the equivalent of the very air they breathe: oil, or more exactly, as we're about to find out, cheap oil. Without it there'd be no Amazon, no Google, no Facebook, as there'd be no internet, the single-most energy-intensive entity, outside of the transportation sector, in existence.

 The FED, Ginny Mae, Fanny Mae, and Freddie Mac, the SEC, NSA, Sally Mae and bailed-out banks, the nuclear industry, airports, the interstate highway system, all are the products not only of Central planning in Washington, but Central funding from US taxpayers in whose numbers less and less are ranked the actual People (Corporations, the only ones that have a vote) who can afford to pay for such largess, even as they profit from it more than those who are having their feet held to the fire to do so.

If you don't wish to have a phone with you 24 hours a day, don't care to drive for a good quarter of your waking hours, or maybe if you don't appreciate the joys of air travel supervised by the Stasi, nor desire to buy a McMansion (most of whose rooms you'll never see), if you don't have any inclination to live in a floodplain, or in the middle of the dessert, it matters not a whit: you're paying for all of them anyway.

The 2008 depression changed the landscape in ways we've refused to acknowledge, and one of those way was that it tipped the idea of assuming a shared burden in order to provide a shared affluence on its  head. Austerity means there is no shared affluence, just an unshared burden. But since those who are "asked" to bear that burden now get no say, so the old USSR dynamic was simply slid into place with the Corporate heads of the private sector, who bear none of the onus of governance, instead of the Politburo: WE, as in Corporate heads, decide, not the market, and certainly not the government, its role has been truncated: simply deliver their lobbyist-written pronouncements to the citizens, and protect and serve them with lethat firepower and military-style weapons. 

As a stark example of this new reality, politically and economically, we should take heed from the reaction to the IPCC warning mentioned above, it couldn't be more stark:

"If that happens (ie, if oceans' temperatures increase beyond the 2C target ... "if" indeed, Lol), temperatures over many land regions would increase by double that amount (and that estimate, given it comes from the IPCC, errs on the low side).

"The Australian government has rejected the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report’s call to phase out coal power by 2050, claiming renewable energy cannot replace baseload coal power.

"Prof Naish: that doing something about climate change (the usual fiction) is not a viable option because it will (sic) destroy the economy.

 So there you have it, nothing else, even human existence matters: only "the economy".

If you think protesting and boycotting any specific Corporate plan will accomplish anything beyond a specific goal (such as stopping a pipeline - a laudable achievement, but ...), this should set you straight: even the inevitable short term (as in by the end of this century) destruction of everything we know is not enough to steer us from our path of extermination. So even as we love to continue to compare everyone we don't like in government to Hitler, the reason we most abhor what he did is forgotten: the industrialization of human annihilation. Yet we continue to idolize the machine that brings about the exact same thing: the Corporate Cowboy Capitalist Keptocracy. So now the decades-old question of how could the Germans have done it is at long-last answered. How could they be so cruel? (watch a Trump rally in the Bible belt-in-the-mouth states and witness the ascension of cruelty to the status of a virtue throughout the heartlessland of America). 

What we are doing is this: Perhaps you know,  perhaps you don't, but it is a well-known bromide in investment circles that as debt increases, it takes more and more debt to eke out each dollar of profit. Likewise we have woven the same dynamic into our energy usage such that even as our usage soars, the benefits it provides decrease. Using CO2-generating methods to industrialize the production of clothing, food, and housing may or may not have been wise, but it can be hard to argue that they didn't/don't have salubrious results.

To do so in order to enable watching reruns of Gilligan, funding college for students who'll be hired, if at all, to do jobs that have no such educational input requirements, fuel multi-ton vehicles to carry hundred-pound loads, and basically to subsidize the entire tourism/travel/airline industries, which is to name but a few of the energy-squandering, heat-trapping mechanisms we indulge in simply for our fleeting entertainment, is completely bonkers. It's mad bad and sad. To say we can do nothing is not very believable when in point of fact we've yet to even try anything (Seriously, a few wind farms, and solar arrays, added in order to keep the fossil-fuel-regime going, don't count as trying. Look at the figures: global energy consumption is growing faster than renewable sources of power-generating capacity. What that means, sans even lip-service to conservation, is that, regardless of the best of intentions, is that the faster we add renewable energy into the mix, the faster we're burning through our fossil reserves, and so the quicker that CO2 is burdening the troposphere). In other words, Green Power, renewable energy, however you wish to refer to it, is not being used to replace fossil fuel, but contrarily is being used to enhance their extraction, deployment and combustion.

To paraphrase Jimmy Carter, it is the Immoral Equivalent of War. Nor is there any chance, given that we truly are held, stifling and incapable of effecting change, under a heavy-handed, unrelenting Corporatocracy (heavy emphasis on the rat), that change will be effected. But not because it will destroy the economy, we've already done that, but because we have ceded our will to those who care about only their own ascendancy. Even unto the destruction of the planet's ability to sustain life, including, naturally, their own.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Th1rteen R3asons Why kavaNaught.

Listening to the blase testimony of a broken-down Ford, I started to have a memory jog, a sense of familiarity with a story I had nonetheless never heard before, until that proverbial little bell went off in my head and I realized what, to me, was a striking similarity between Dr. Ford's account of her teenage trauma, and the teenage trauma of Hannah Baker, the protagonist in Th1rteen R3asons Why, who takes her own life because of circumstances resulting from the jock mentality of bullying and males' perception of girls as their playthings that existed at her high school.

 The striking similarities?

1) Rape culture: Kavanaught is not just a Catholic, he's a Catholic that believes ardently in the Church and the Rape Culture it maintains, and would still be maintaining, if it weren't for the fact that the priestly depredations included BOYS. So much so that everyone thinks pedophilia refers to the rape of boys, whereas it is a term that encompasses having sex underage children of either gender. So statutory rape is what it really is, it's pederasty that's between males. But because most of our allies in the middles east are not only advocates, but practitioners of, childhood rape of 12-year-old girls, and even Democratic India still uses female offspring as a source of wealth to be sold to 50-year-old lascivious ogres, the fact that the Catholic Church's priests were either raping girls or covering up for those who did, was never a problem ...  nor was it the well-kept secret the Kavanaughs of the world would have you believe. It was only when MALES started coming forward, males of the same age and nature of  Kavanaugh (I went to Catholic High School and Holy Cross College as a youth: Catholic drinking culture is overwhelming, aggressive, and every bit as misogynistic as Dr. Ford portrays it as at that time. (Whether it still is? well ...). So for him to portray himself as a good Catholic and choirboy,should NOT be taken as a sign of virtue, but for what it ostensibly is: a sign  of complicity in and acceptance of Rape Culture.

2) Jocks. At Liberty High, as in most high schools, they rule the roost and take what they want. They are the High School apprentices of the over-arching militarism and Bullying nature the USA has shown as its true face. Like the name of the school, America has debauched the concept of Liberty so thoroughly that it no longer means that you have personal freedom until it starts to impinge on that of others, but has perverted it to mean the Freedom of the Rich and Powerful, whether as countries or individuals, to bully, oppress, and, should it prove necessary, exterminate, those opposing their own ascendancy. Giving them a Liberty high indeed.

3) Frat Brat twits: the boys in neither case had become frat brats yet, but in both the series and the Ford saga, they went on to become such: engaging in privileged drinking, sexually-charged initiations usually involving the degradation, humiliation and dehumanization of a fellow human being as a source of great fun and ribald hilarity. Punked gone wild, as it were.

4) Although already mentioned tangentially, Drunkeness: the culture of BEER: One of the teenagers is in puppy-love with Hannah Baker, so a bunch of Jocks and Bullies (not always the same, many bullies are physical wrecks, and hang around the jocks to bask in their aura and do their dirty work, as the jocks could get kicked off the team) confront him and dare him to drink, under the threat of a thrashing from them ganging up on him (Bullies are generally, as we saw from Kavanuah's performance, cowards who get all girly-weepy when they don't get their own way or are confronted by superior force), an entire quart of beer while they cheer him on. Again, as a teenager, in a beer-swilling working class Lowell background, I can attest to the accuracy of this depiction: you don't drink? You're a pussy, a momma's boy, a nothing faggot ...  (not exactly the categories a 16-year-old wishes to be classified in). Perhaps you think this has changed: I would maintain it's only gotten worse. It is directly tied to the hyper-masculine, anti-feminine, competitive military culture we're all stewed in 'til we start firing guns because it's just so much goddam fun!

5) Kegs!

6) Choir boy image: The teens responsible for the rapes in Th1rteen R3asons Why, of which there are two, are squeaky clean jocks basking in the adoration of their classmates for bringing glory to Liberty High.

7) When confronted with his crime, the protagonist turns into a snarling junkyard dog right in front of our eyes. The transformation, was, as Kavanaugh's was, as startling as a werewolf, or Jeckyl/Hyde movie, and without special effects!

There are other physical similarities relating to the specifics of Dr. Ford's account:

8) Two attackers: both of whom were drunk and acquainted with each other in an intimacy above and beyond the usual high school friendships. Of which only one actually commits the offense that traumatizes his victim. Neither suggests any overt homosexual congress, but there is a decided tone to their fondness for each other that is suggestive of the current term, "Bromance". That soldiers love and care for each other in wartime and under conditions of war is not only accepted but lauded. But   civilian men in peacetime must hide affection for another male as carefully as the most homo-erotic must.

9) The girl is pushed into a bedroom, on the second floor, and the door locked behind her leaving her and her assailant inside.

10) The victim tells no one. It is this salient fact that brought me to think of 13 Reasons Why. When the press was asking why Dr.Ford didn't tell anyone, I thought of this Netflix series. I needn't however have done so. Two of my sisters were the victims of repeated rape as teenage girls, neither ever told a soul, certainly neither the authorities nor my parents, neither of whom would have done a thing, and the girls would have been accused of lying.

11) In both cases, both the assailants and the girls were drunk illegally, none of them being old enough to drink.

12) Social class was not exactly what you would call working class. In both the TV drama and the actual one recounted by Dr.Ford, the perpetrator and the victims were of an order of magnitude above the hoi polloi economic status of their contemporaries. 

13) Highly political milieu: In the series, although it is never mentioned by the series' writers,  producers, or critics, the bullying culture prevalent at the High School reflects the bullying culture of the Economic system as evidenced by the monopolistic practices of one War-Mart, a drugstore that used unfair business practices to push small business owners out of their home territory and then  actively worked to push them out of the area they had fled to to get away from them: but there's no escaping Monopoly on this scale. Not when, like Amazon, Apple, IBM, Microsoft, Westinghouse, on and on and on, it has the full faith and credit of America's Military Government behind it.

Simarlarly, in the current, political theater, more egregious problems with Kavanaugh are never explicitly stated either:

His, not only support for, but, as associate White House Counsel for then-President George W. Bush,  Brett Kavanaugh's participated in the passing of The PATRIOT Act, a bit of skullduggery that, contrary to Lindsey Graham's words,  " ... was the most unethical sham since I've been in politics". Not some committee hearing. SenaTory (sic) Graham is referring to the perceived railroading of one man, one completely replaceable Frat-Brat judge, whereas that particular frat Brat presided over the most despicable sham I'VE ever seen in politics, which is the Bush/Cheney's usage of the 9/11 disaster to hoodwink the American Public into not only illegal wars, but the trading away of their 4'th and 5'th amendment rights in exchange for a promised, but never delivered, "Security". This act greatly expanded the Deep State these same Republicans keep groaning on and on about, by creating two of the biggest boondoggles in the Federal hierarchy of Acronymic agencies: The much-vaunted, but mostly theatrical, TSA, and the Federal trough known as the Dept Of Homeland Security. SenaTory Graham, I suggest you take a flight like the regular people, and you will quickly see that, "This is hell", and not the hell of one lone Jock bully, entitled choirboy, but of an entire nation, so that the DHS can put on their act while for the most part, it is a provider of sinecures, rewards for payment of political debts for white, politically-attached untrained jocks. Usually the only job they can ever hope to qualify for.

Kavanaugh’s career as a Republican legal operative and judge supporting the power of corporations, the security state and abusive foreign policy as well as torture, leading up to and including his career as a federal judge, these betrayals of his office, however would not have cost him the nomination, anymnore than not doing the job he was being paid to do was what cost Scott Pruitt's his. So for the Democrats to stoop to this recourse, may in fact be as reprehensible as Graham, (who Trump himself has observed, is, "one of the dumbest human beings I’ve ever seen”) contends, can not only be understood, but from the future peril of the country and its pell-mell slide to Autarky, can perhaps be even sanctioned, should it work.

He also maintains that mass surveillance is “entirely consistent” with the US Constitution.

The NSA's habitual spying on unsuspecting citizens who have committed no crime nor engaged in any suspicious behavior of any kind, for which revealing the extent of Snowden is still hiding out in Russia, Kavanaugh fully supported and wrote judicial arguments upholding, yet did you hear one single reference to it in all the hours upon hours of reporting on this confirmation hearing? The prohibitive cost alone, in both energy usage and personnel, is enormous, and, as we've seen time and again during the many shootings that have occurred while DJ's making America Grate Again (like it ever stopped) the vast ocean of data is so completely unmanageable that suspects who should be under surveillance are, even after being interrogated, are set free, enabled thereby to go on and commit mass murder.

Senator Dick Durbin“It is clear now that not only did Judge Kavanaugh mislead me when it came to his involvement in the Bush Administration’s detention and interrogation policies, but also regarding his role in the controversial Haynes nomination.”

Who nominated him? President, “I'll not only bring back waterboarding  … I'd do a hell of a lot worse than waterboarding”, Trump.

Hear any of the members of the SenaTory judicial committee ask any questions about that?


As Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers ask in their great piece in Counterpunch Kavanaugh is the Wrong Nominee:

"Shouldn’t  the risk of having a torture facilitator on the Supreme Court be enough to stop this nomination?"

You'd think so, huh? But no, Graham screams at the committee,

 "I would never do to them what you've done to this guy!"

But "this guy" he is referring to is an apologist for torture, a man who would do to you FAR worse than anything perpetrated on poor little picked-on him, merely because of the suspicion of wrong-doing! 

 Graham further fulminates,

 "I cannot imagine what you and your family have gone through."

This from a member of Congress. The Congress that eagerly approved the Bush Wars; Wars that ended up tearing American families apart while sending more than 4000 of our countrymen to early graves; causing PTSD to thousands and thousands more; crippling tens of thousands more for life, limbs blown off, faces permanently disfigured, ability to work gravely impaired, burdening the rest of the public with the onus of supporting an ever-growing population of militarily-destroyed human beings used as fodder for wars no one has any idea to this day why we're fighting, yet you can't imagine what KAVANUGH's family has gone through!? It's only the momentary ordeal of a self-serving, torture-apologist, surveillance-(by the Deep State)-supporting, unitary-executive-defending judge that finally stirs your empathy? Why has no one asked SenaTory Graham,

"What the Hell's the matter with you?!"

Those people, those soldiers, don't matter; Their families torn apart for a generation now, and reduced to penury, just don't matter. Their astronomical suicide rate, because of policies Graham has as a member of Congress, inflicted on them, are of no concern. Just keep sending more. The damage done to their families is a trivial matter, not to even be compared with the trauma poor Brat Kavanaugh has undergone. Apparently only the $200,000-and-higher salaried civilian government employees of the Republican Party, one immersed in a self-described swamp, government employees for whom the scariest words in the English language are, "I'm a government employee and I'm here to help", matter.

But They're the ones from the government and THEY'RE the ones insisting that the fact that they're there to help is the scariest thing imaginable to contemplate. We should take them at their word: It is of them we should all be deeply scared. Yet here we sit night after night as they argue with one another over Nothing. A Kavanaught caught being Kavanaughty and snarling like a junkyard dog because some uppity bitch thinks she has the right to do anything other than submissively bare her throat to his snarling advances.

Okay, I get it, it's wrong. But unlike the other actually unconstitutional, yet ignored, aspects of Kavanaugh's career, it neither was, nor sadly, probably still isn't, against the law. Law he has no respect for, but has vowed to uphold. If this is the kind of citizen the GOP, their Champion, Ronald Reagan, being the one who called those words, "I'm from the government and I'm here to help" the scariest nine words in the English language, chooses to nominate for the Supreme Court, it shows Reagan's words to be prophetic, as they are all from the government and are all sooooo eager to help ... themselves. To do so they turn around and give that same government they claim to despise the untrammeled ability to spy on you, waterboard you, and "disappear" you, all of which suggests we really should try and use this bizarre media event as yet another mirror, one of many the Trumpelstiltskin has held up to us, to admit it is carnival-like distortions we see reflected back at us, and hope we can thereby wrest some sort of sanity from this otherwise insane spectacle we're broadcasting to the world.