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The Pentagong Show

The Pentagong Show
United State of Terror: Is Drone War Fair?

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Rambling Rows: MAGA = Militarism AssassiNation Gibberish Acrimony

The Market Bull in a China Shop: Everlasting youth vs. everlasting endurance?

The gyrating market, the Market as King, and yet ...

The US stock market has never been so high, and yet ...

US GDP is growing at a snail's pace despite enormous amount of stimulation, in all forms, from interest-free loans to Corponations, unwarranted increases in both Defense and Deficit spending, increases in Credit Card Spending, yet another QE (US Treasuries are monetized so Goldman Saks can puff up their balance sheet), and other sleight of hand means are used to goose the numbers to make growth look larger than it actually is, while simultaneously, the debt burden, the real extent of which has the opposite trajectory in both its growth and the pains gone through to hide the enormity of that growth, all occurring at at time when the economy is supposedly booming. The economic methamphetamine epidemic epicenter is, after all, the Fed.

 It's like the anti-abortionists celebrating their victories and declaring how their "saving" babies by forcing unwanted fetuses to be carried to term even as simultaneously, infant mortality rates shoot up in the exact states where anti-abortion laws are the strictest. Living, born infants are allowed to perish while all the resources of the States are funneled into "saving" a petri-dish-sized accumulation of cells so that it can come to term only to be left to languish and die while Right-to-Lifers celebrate their own "morality" that caused the spike in infant mortality: as a result, the more infants that die prove how effective their campaign is to save the unborn. Gutting Obamacare so that all the mothers who wanted abortions because they have no access to health care for their newborns is just their extra little gift of anguish to sate the religious right's religious right to inflict cruelty on those hapless enough to get pregnant while poor. Punishing any woman who dares to have sexual relations, their next target being birth control of any kind. Their motto seems to be, "We 're Worse than the Ayatollah", as they cheer their chubby tubby hero's murder of Muslims anywhere. "Faster Pussy-grabber, Kill Kill!"

Much the same logic seems to be at  play in the entire global economy as the richest Nations in the world grow their debt as though they were third world "emerging" economies and have not the least inkling that growing their debt at double-digit rates while both their actual growth and projected growth emphasizes their continued inability to generate the revenues necessary to ever pay that debt, yet simultaneously promising to reduce their carbon footprint (ie decrease their growth rate even more), while Yellow-Green-vested protesters demonstrate how any Green vested interests are doomed to go bankrupt.

What has society to say to you? ...  He told me how his wife's father was a clever but unlucky artisan. No joy had lighted up his laborious days. He had been force to join the growing coterie of workers who were laid off, thrown off health insurance, and died at fifty, having panted all the years of his life under the thumb of bosses whose rapacity exacted form him the price of the very water he drank from acid rainclouds, while defiling the air he breathed with black diesel soot and industrial plastics fumes. Not enough to pay him in minimum quantities of cash, they taxed the sweat of his brow and claimed the blood of his sons for their wars. No protection, no guidance: What had society to say to him? No plastic straws! Be submissive and be honest, dishonesty is only for the upper crust, whose crumbs you may sweep into your rusty lunchpail. If you rebel, I will kill you, if you steal, I'll Jean Valjean you. And when you suffer, and you will, I'll have nothing for you - nothing except perhaps a beggarly dole of bread - but no consolation for your troubles, no respect for your manhood, no pity for the sorrows of your Les miserable life.

How else can the Furor refuse foodstamps to the unemployed and school lunches to the poor while pouring billions of dollars in subsidies into the Midwest programs that churn food production into heavily-subsidized fuel production in the world's #1 producer of energy from fossil fuels. Yet have you ever heard a whisper from MSM pundits linking these two phenomena? Have you heard a single soul asking why we are larding the bottom lines of mega-corporations with tax dollars while refusing the Right to Life to millions? Yes, I know it's hard to swallow, but food is life (unlike water. Although many protest that it is, because "Water is Life" is such a catchy eco-phrase, but it's not: water's necessary for life, but it isn't life ... food however, IS (otherwise it's not food)). In order for corn to become fuel, the life must be crushed, burned, and otherwise squeezed out of it ... you can't do that to water; even after pissing in it, defecating in it, flushing it through filthy, bacteria-laden pipes to a treatment facility, it can then be re-used for human consumption precisely because it isn't life. But the living tissues in crops of corn that the Great, Rich and Powerful USA! scythes down and feeds to the insatiable maw of fuel consumption is packed with Life, and could provide the only method we know of to sustain animal existence: subsuming other living things. Pouring billions in dollars into Squandering that precious commodity by burning tons of fossil fuel to simply create an additive with which to adulterate even more fossil fuels, isn't just a boondoggle, it's immoral, uneconomic, and vicious mendacity.

While we tilt at windmills, their manufacture dumps tons of carbon into the air, since their propellers are constructed of mostly fiber glass, their stanchions of thousands of pounds of concrete, and their necessarily long transmission lines swallowing up energy just to move it, creating resistive heat all along its burgeoning length and in the process igniting tinderbox forests ablaze, yet these behemoths' lifespans are proving to be half of the 30-year estimates they advertised. Unrestrained, nay goosed-to-the-n'th-degree, consumption of energy products grows ever faster, the jackdaws sucking the last remnants of a once oil-rich mantle dry as ever more oil pumps proliferate like mushrooms on a dank forest floor.

When one is using the last dregs of a precious irreplaceable resource, the technology that sucks out the rest of it would, in a world ruled by reasonable men, be deployed to build such windfarms and solar arrays in order to best transition our societies into ones with less energy-intensive paradigms. But quite the opposite is occurring instead. The last gasp is being used to spur consumption, as ever more of the last precious drops are siphoned into SUV's, are slathered over the globe to bring movies and entertainment streaming into the living rooms of the well-heeled, with less and less going into actual profitable production. The overarching trend in new technology of the last two generations, having been designed and "spun off" into the "private" realm of, (since we are always at War, and the economy is a veritable Wehrmacht), War privateers, it has gone unnoticed that it is all aimed at catering to the "needs" of the leisure classes, the parasites of the global economy living off the fumes of their predecessors and sneering at the rest of humanity when it tries to collect social security, calling them The Entitled, while the actual EnTitled use their inherited position of ascendancy to build an infrastructure of AI-enabled bots and the IoT internet of things to shut out the rest of their fellow humans from the possibility of a role, relegating them to drug addiction, alcoholism and despair for which they offer no help; just prisons, punishment, humiliation, and early death while the Autocrats funnel research into enabling themselves to live forever.

Its so easy to do. Just extract a trillion dollars a year or so and call it "defense" and the plebes'll pay through the nose to furnish the Pentagon with the money their children will then have to do without. Then, as the Wall makes so crystal clear, take those funds for whatever you want, giving it the flimsiest of covers with some pseudo-defense sounding acronym (or create a "Space Force" perhaps?) and, presto, once again yet another scheme to hand over an ever larger portion of the GDP to the EnTitled is effectuated. No questions asked as to how many billions will be allocated, nor what the parameters for success are. Nor does it seem to matter that a Space Force by its very nature requires highly trained technical personnel and scientists: the very people the administration insists are either liars or incompetent hacks via his assertion that climate change, which every one of them knows is a direct function of how much CO2 is in the atmosphere, is a hoax.

And yet the crowds cheer them on. H. L. Mencken and  Reinhold Niebuhr were all too right, it seems.

MAGA: MicrosoftAmazonGoogleApple: the four richest US Corporations, none of which would  even exist if it weren't for seed money to provide the dragon's teeth planted by the DOD. As always everywhere, the Market Forces always dance to the tune of Armed Forces.

And so, we labor, we suffer, and we die earlier than citizens in any other industrial State. We die, not in a hospital, those sterile mausoleums being beyond our wallets, we die at home, in back allies, in the streets run down by Tesla-driving frat-brats patting themselves on the back for going "Green", like swamp slime, toilet scum, food mold. Rank Parasitic Pestilence: lessors flourishing, thanks to the evil machinations of the Fed enabling them to live off the productivity of the unFed, as their lessees seen as their "lessers", succumb to diseases once eradicated and now thriving again as life expectancy decreases. 

As Amazon flies packages to well-heeled lay-abouts, Green aficionados remain blissfully ignorant of how, at its inception, it was hailed by none other than TIME magazine as being the initial salvo of a green revolution, illogically claiming that people would no longer have to drive to the market to pick up a book, but could save themselves a trip and the gas involved to have it (miraculously, apparently, as though the post office made its deliveries on a flying carpet powered by wishful thinking) brought to their door, perhaps never dreaming that it would become the face of an industry bundling everything from birdseed to electronics in layers of unrecyclable plastic, cushioned by fossil-fuel-derived popcorn and laying waste to entire forests to construct single-use shipping cartons.

Even while Australia's wildfires promise to keep burning right through the long hot summer, its tourist industry is assuring visitors that there's nothing to worry about here, ignore the gargantuan increase in your carbon footprint that intercontinental flying adds to it, and come on downunder the ground and visit a wombat in its lair, while enjoying that fresh-cooked-meat-smell-filled atmosphere from the delicious aroma of 1.25 billions animals charbroiled in our conflagrations, the global-warmed heat of which You can then pat yourself on the back for increasing. Mmmm, nothing like the downhome smell of roasted koala to make your vacation a once-in-a-lifetime experience ...

But perhaps you're too concerned about how the accidental killing of one contract worker rains down death from the sky in the form of yet another chemical weapon, while the murder of 167 or so is just shrugged off as an accident, the Fog of War, a fog machine we have deliberately stoked as though we were trying to recreate the London of the 50's when it was choking itself to death on its own effluvia.

Hard to say.

What's easier to say is that, although even Robert Fisk accepts the now official explanation that the Republican Guard shot down that plane, it is not too hard to imagine the cyberspace manipulation of data on that guard's radar screen . Remember Stuxnet, anyone? If you can control centrifuges such that they go haywire, deliberately killing Iranian scientists, how do you expect me to believe that either Israel or its client State, the USA, the two parties responsible for the murder of those scientists and which both have agents with boots on the ground at the end of the day, would hesitate to introduce blips, as they did on 9/11, onto the screens of the air traffic controllers in Iran, much like they did on FAA radar screens on that fateful day in New York?:

Vigilant Guardian: " ... various agencies including the FAA, NORAD, the DIA and the Canadian Air Force, were conducting as many as five war-game drills, involving deliberately inserting blips onto FAA and military radar screens, which were still present during at least the first attack; drills during which "live-fly" exercises with actual aircraft were simulating the behavior of hijacked airlines in real life."

9/11 Commission:

"As you know through previous testimony from Gen. Eberhart to Congress, we were in the middle of a NORAD exercise at that particular time. Which means, that basically our entire staff was focused on being able to do the air operations center mission, which was our job to do. We had just come out of a video teleconference with the NORAD staff and with our folks at that particular time when I was handed note that we had a possible hijacking in Boston Center. And it had come from the Northeast Air Defense Commander Col. Bob Meyer (phonetic) who is commander up there and he had requested that I call him immediately. And I was upstairs in our facility. I immediately went downstairs and picked up the phone, asking on the way to my staff, is this part of the exercise? Because quite honestly and frankly, we do do hijacking scenarios as we go through these exercises from time-to-time. But I realized that it was not – that this was real-life."

Yet even so, there was not enough time to halt the airplanes, how much time do you think the Republican Guard had to make his split-second decision? (The answer's in the question). The question one must ask now is would the Iranian military and civil authorities be better served or further undermined were they to release the data that would prove this? Assuming any existed. Would you? As the Supreme Leader, or a member of his "tech-savvy" cyberforce, would you let it become common knowledge that the Furor has such power over your own military's actions? Would you divulge the fact that your War Games are so vulnerable to cheating? Or that those under your command can be so easily fooled by the Great Satan into shooting passenger airliners out of the sky? (all of which begs the question as to WHY planes are flying at the same time missiles are?).

Perhaps we'll never know. But one thing is sure, we are being habitually lied to, so why we believe any official story is somewhat of a mystery.

Churchill quipped that, "In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies."

Well, thanks to our rogue state of Perpetual War (that ultimate expression of Terrorism), this is wartime. But far from being precious, truth is castigated as Fake News, treated like a harlot, stripped of its proofs, and tarted about as though, like a reality show Star, it's pretending it's real when it is in fact scripted; so it's not so much attended by as held captive by the body of lies it's immersed in; lies purposely promulgated to provide the dry ice for the Fog of War.

How else to explain how a man the entire world knows is guilty of the War Crime of first degree murder is on "trial" instead for rigging yet another election?

Friday, January 10, 2020

The Furor's Schreibtischtäters Open Panderer's Box.

When JFK directed Robert Macnamara to organize the loose collaboration of senior military officers, industrial managers, and legislators, referred to by Ike as the military-industrial complex, into a formal central management, creating the military-industrial empire that has since mushroomed into  Washington's hegemony over the rest of the country, what was then and to this day is still referred to as "the market" was replaced by a Central management.

In the name of defense and with neither announcement nor debate, a basic alteration had been made in the governing institutions of America. A Deep State (industrial management) was installed in the federal government, under the Secretary of Defense, to control the nation's largest network of industrial enterprises. With the characteristic managerial propensity for extending its undemocratic power, limited only by its allocated share of the national wealth ... and a growing share of its future wealth. Seated in the Pentagon, this State Managed Enterprise combined economic, political, and military decision-making. Combining in the same hands, in a fun-house mirrored reflection of the communist and fascist states we derided as our enemies, it now now seeks to trample over individual rights with unrestrainable central Rule, having created an autocratic environment so reminiscent of Russia, that the President reflects far more the Autocratic pretensions of a Russian than the Democracy that US Pentagon Neo-cons have had us running around the globe while they pretend we are "Spreading Freedom", firing off Beautiful missiles wherever there are oil reserves to slake our automobiles constantly growing thirst.

It is this totalitarian State that Fukuyama called Liberal Democracy that in fact "won" the Cold War, the end of history, ie the only possible , form of government, was therefore not what he so callously rang out in his nationalistic fervor, reflected not so much the aspects of liberal of democracy as it had Militancy and Oiligarchy, or, if you will, Autocracy.

As Americans and now the world, sold everything they once called freedom for the freedom to own and fuel their personal transportation  modules, they neither knew or cared that they were selling themselves down the river for the promise of ease, the adoption of luxury for themselves to be attained by the domination of American firepower in order to privatise and monetize via financialization the natural resources of the rest of humanity.

As our Furor delivers death at the push of a button from his "compound", the rest of the country pays dearly every time he ensconces himself in Ma-he's-so-Largo, pouring millions into the coffers of Trump "Enterprises", he sits mere miles away from where his Republican predecessor in the Oval Office was sitting reading fairy tales while America was attacked on the homeland for the first time since the War of 1812. Now the Furor can sit in his own little Berchtesgaden endangering the rest of the country to pander to his declining base (not that the support of those remaining is less fervid, but that the policies of the man they so cherish are killing them off far faster than it is harming the lives of his opponents: the vast majority of the homeless: Trump supporters, farmers in the flooded Midwest: Trump supporters, the Largest percentage of those dying from opioid addiction: Trump Supporters, those left without health insurance because of the evisceration of Obamacare? That's right, Trump Supporters. If you want an example of the old saying to "Bite off your nose to site your face" there is no better example).

As The Furor rashly threatens to increase the fury of the Wehrmacht, the underlying assumption that the US military is in a class by itself becomes questioned even as the Pentagon's decision power enlarges. As our Furor's actions allocate more of the country's decision making to the Pentagon  Empire, along with an increasing portion of the nation's national product, ie money, gold, as in Treasure, a supine Congress and nation squabble over what portion of those funds go to them, never at the astronomical amount, nor the amassing of Overkill to the n'th degree of those weapons "we don't want to use" (but have nothing else ... we make nothing else that has such a high profit margin ... like the insurance commercial , we have become the personification of Mayhem, leaving little wonder The Furor is what propels our foreign policy).

Now, whereas, in the USSR, the combination of top economic and political decision-power was a formal part of the organization and ideology of that society, much as it still is in today's Russia, in the USA!USA!, by contrast, the joining of the economic/financial/managerial and top political power was done in such an unannounced and in effect, covert fashion, that even with the launching of the Pentagon designed, implemented and controlled world-wide-web of computers all interconnected with the Pentagon's super computers as its nexus, it took Snowden's revelations to waken the public to the fact that their privacy, whatever there was left of it, was being invaded regularly, and unstoppably. Even in Hilter's Germany, people could at least put a towel over their phones (they were convinced the Gestapo could hear their conversations otherwise ... unlike today, when the NSA actually CAN, with our complete acquiescence).

Let's see how much we love being deceived by looking at The Furor's statements:

"As long as I am President of the United States, Iran will never be allowed to have a nuclear weapon."

Although this is not an outright lie, the subtext of the threat imposed by a nuclear-armed Iran is that of our collective security, and the US security now, thanks to the reigning President, has  been diminished.

So, starting off with this deception, the next statement becomes incredible, (in its literal meaning of lacking credence):

"The American people should be extremely grateful and happy no Americans were harmed in last night’s attack by the Iranian regime."

There is no reason for the American people to be "extremely" anything ... it is extreme behavior that puts us in peril. As for why we should be happy that the bases for which our national product has been drained by billions and billions of dollars to construct have now been destroyed in a flash, can only be understood if, like the Donald himself, you never had to actually work to send in the tax dollars to the government (the government to which he refuses to show what part of his share that burden was) that we should be grateful while the draining he spoke of on the Trump stump is of our tax dollars, whereas the so-called swamp has only been filled with even more vile vermin than ever, as apparently the plan is to simply continue to build up Iraq's economy while ours continues to deteriorate.

That no one was killed as been shown to be a lie by various sites I would never even consider listening to had they not now been granted more credibility than The Donald (and I don't mean believed by myself, but, contrary to what his MAGA boot-lickers believe, by most of the world). It is IRAN whose response we were hoping (and was) proportional ... in other words, it is Iran that the Furor has made look like the sane party here. That is a fact brought about by only one person's behavior.

Thus do the rumors that hundreds of wounded and dead were flown out of Iraq to hospitals in Israel become far more credible than the almost miraculous zero casualties our leaders assure us is the case.

All, unless you're a fool, is most assuredly not well.

 "All of our soldiers are safe",

Well, WE aren't safer. So what's the point of paying trillions of dollars to all these soldiers if the only consideration of our President is that they are safe while we are in more danger than ever? Why shouldn't WE get free healthcare for life when it is us you putin (sic) peril  while making sure the soldiers , who are paid to face peril, are safe?

" ... only minimal damage was sustained at our military bases."

  Then you and your fellow billionaires shouldn't have any problem paying for their repair.

"Our great American forces are prepared for anything".

We would be laughing in our sleeves if any other leader made such a fatuous (and dangerous ... like throwing down a gauntlet) claim.

"For far too long -- all the way back to 1979, to be exact -- nations have tolerated Iran’s destructive and destabilizing behavior in the Middle East and beyond.  Those days are over.  Iran has been the leading sponsor of terrorism, and their pursuit of nuclear weapons threatens the civilized world". 

For far too long -- all the way back to 1945, to be exact -- nations have tolerated America’s destructive and destabilizing behavior in the Middle East and beyond.  Those days are over.  The USA has been the leading sponsor of terrorism, and their continued expansion and modernization of their vast arsenal of nuclear weapons threatens the civilized world.

 "We will never let that happen".

We will never let what happen?

"Iran has been the leading sponsor of terrorism" ... okay, so that's already happened.

" ... and their pursuit of nuclear weapons threatens the civilized world" ... okay, so that is happening,

"We will never let that happen".

But just what is it we will supposedly never let happen!?

(Remember him and his speech-writers worked on this for hours ... this nonsense phrasing is NOT accidental).

"Last week, we took decisive action to stop a ruthless terrorist from threatening American lives."

Last week, we took a rash, deceptive, extreme action to stop a truthless terrorist from threatening American lives: More American lives, as I noted above, are threatened by our own President, none more so than his most ardent followers, by the lies and policies he has instituted, than by any foreign adventurer.

 "At my direction, the United States military eliminated the world’s top terrorist, Qasem Soleimani.  As the head of the Quds Force, Soleimani was personally responsible for some of the absolutely worst atrocities."

The same man who brags "I'll do a lot worse than waterboarding", basically putting the stamp of "the world’s top terrorist" on his own lapel along with the US flag that he has been dragged through rivers of blood, proudly claims his intention of continuing America's worse Atrocities. Not content with the drone killings of previous administrations, and feeling that collateral damage of anyone near American targets is not enough, the President threatened to go after their families and kill them as well.

"He trained terrorist armies, including Hezbollah, launching terrorist strikes against civilian targets.  He fueled bloody civil wars all across the region.  He viciously wounded and murdered thousands of U.S. troops, including the planting of roadside bombs that maim and dismember their victims."

The US trained terrorist armies, including the Mujahadeen, launched terrorist strikes as did US forces in Iraq (in the dead of night with Stealth technology and bragging about deliberately instilling Shock and Awe (terror!) against civilian targets). The US viciously wounded and murdered thousands of Iraqis, including the dropping of phosphorous bombs and other chemical weapons of mass destruction carrying warheads coated with Depleted Uranium that maim and dismember their victims and plant carcinogenic radiation in the soil that destroys the lives of innocent unborn children for generations. All for no other reason than money and profits. No reason for the Iraq War has yet to be contrived to this day. Every reason the Bush administration profered, has proven to be a lie, yet the US has never bothered to come up with an actual reason. Can You Mr. Trump? WHY ARE WE THERE? Is that too much to ASK?

"Peace and stability cannot prevail in the Middle East as long as Iran continues to foment violence, unrest, hatred, and war".

Peace and stability cannot prevail in the Middle East as long as America's Wehrmacht continues to pummel from the air anyone it disagrees with while its Transnationals Corporations profit immensely from the violence, unrest, hatred, and war that are more and more its only source of bread and butter.

I will stop there for now, the list being more exhaustive than I had anticipated, as every single statement is based on a lie or a misleading assertion. For example, the last person I heard make the claim that, "We are energy independent, and we do not need Middle East oil", was The Donald's  2016 contender, Hillary Clinton. It was a lie when she said it and it's a lie now. Also, the only reason the US is the largest producer of natural gas is that it has sanctioned Iranian gas in order to attain that supremacy, along with its title of the largest flarer of natural gas in the world, which flaring is accelerating the rate of climate change by adding so much additional CO2 to the atmosphere it's as if an invisible major industrial country the size of Australia has sprung into existence to add its Carbon burden to the atmosphere.

A country that burns through more than 20% of the world's energy resources, with a mere 5% of the planet's population, and then incinerates, for no reason whatsoever, enough fuel to power the economic expansion of the rest of the globe, cannot stand in front of the world and pretend the fault lies all on the other side, and especially not when its own CIA was responsible for the US puppet regime that was set up in that country in 1953 specifically to insure its own and its allies access to Iranian oil (Amoco Corporation, originally Standard Oil Company, was a global chemical and oil company that was founded in 1889. In 1935, it became the Anglo- Iranian Oil Company and in 1954 adopted the name British Petroleum ... the company responsible for the  the Deepwater Horizon oil disaster that killed eleven people, inflicting far more casualties than the attack that precipitated the assassination of Soleimani).

Americans should take note: there is no such thing as American oil: all of the oil on the American continent that is now being exploited using technology developed, not by the oil companies, but by US taxpayer dollars, is the property of Exxon, Mobil, BP, Chevron, or other private entity. The energy resources these entities are burning off so callously do not belong to the American public, but to American Transnationals who care so little about its worth they destroy it in their mad greed-fueled rush for profit. They would rather burn it up than let the US public have it. If that's what they think about YOUR right to your own country's resources, what makes you think they give a flying duck about Iraq's citizens rights? or Iran's? Or do you simply not care?

While bragging about how great his leadership has been in bringing about his trumped-up sterling economic numbers, homelessness has surged; the largest prison population in the world is incarcerated in his Country; the term, "death by despair", has been coined during his tenure as suicide numbers rocket to never-before-seen heights; but not to the astronomical heights of the federal deficits and the monumental increase of the National Debt, occurring simultaneous with the continued ballooning of the Fed's balance sheet, by his own diktat, while the stubborn increase in the nation's trade deficit keeps growing even as he continues to rile every one of our trading partners; while the largest rise in US toxic emissions of this century has happened during this "boom"; all along with an unprecedented decline in both American prestige and American influence across the globe, which is only a harbinger of the damage his latest action will result in, have all occurred under his leadership. 

 The end of his speech blasphemously ordering that God bless America, as though he had the power to command the deity itself, is profane. The blindness to reality he projects in this amalgam of distortions and re-writing of history promises that the repercussion from his actions, comparable to those from his Ukrainian phone call, will be far-reaching and certainly won't end before his presidency does.

All of which suggest that the missile that shot down that Ukrainian airliner had less to do with Iran than with MEK or one of the terrorist organisations within Iran that are funded by America, or Mossad, or even Iraq, or another party intent on creating a false flag to sow, together with the dragon teeth the US has already planted, even more caos into the field of broken dreams, or, perhaps the most likely, the culprit was ISIS, which has most certainly not been "100% destroyed". That lie alone is so obviously a complete fabrication that it renders any US explanation of the reason for the downed jet laughable. That is if it weren't for the lives shattered and bodies scattered all across that sad darkling plain.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Globalization Fires Up The External Combustion Engine: "We're Killing It".

Andrew Constance— local MP for Bega in Australia — reflects on the impact of the New south Wales fires:

"It's unfair".

While India toasted, they said nothing; as Bangladesh flooded, they had no comment; as Japan was hit by one tropical storm after another, the only response was to pay miners to fill hoppers with coal, and millions of plastic bottles with water to ship to Asian customers; and as one Pacific island after another looks to a future in which the waves of a rising Pacific Ocean swallow up their homes, this Australian MP, a leader in a country run by the staunchest of Climate Derangement shruggers ("Hey", intoning the idiot phrase of the 2010's, "It is what it is"), thinks that the ravages inflicted by a climate driven berserk by the activities of industrial man recklessly pouring billions of tons of CO2 into the gaseous mix that supports all life on earth, are "Unfair" when they redound onto him. That is just too startling.

It's little wonder that the modern description of anyone doing a good job or performing to their peak is "killing it". The best we can do on this earth, the apex of perfection, the ideal to which we affix our banner, is as next to nothing, until we've received that highest of accolades and have been assured that we're Killing it (the"it" in question never need be articulated ... what does it matter? The mere fact that we're killing something suggests we're doing great, right?). Then we know we have reached the pinnacle of achievement.

Such is the case with the planet. Far from "doing something" about Climate Change, aside from periodically climbing into Jets to roar across oceans, firing off jet engines to spirit us away to air-conditioned conferences that waste fossil fueled, as well as human, energy and accomplish nothing. We know collectively that, akin to the infamous food-to-fuel program still sucking up federal and fossil fuel resources to plow up the prairies and pour fossil fuel-derived pesticides onto its plains and ignite the hundreds of coal-fired processing plants built during the Bush administration specifically to give the coal industry a customer for its filthy fuel far into the future (a future we are now living in), all to provide juice to continue the burning of the planet inside the chambers of internal combustion-driven machines, not an EV in sight, are, aptly as it turns out, "Killing it". But thanks to the militarization of our culture to which we are self-blinded, that is a good thing. Keep up the good work! ... and there's no danger of our not doing so. We will continue to not only maul and fracture it, desiccate and poison it, geo-engineer and despoil it, but will do so at a more rapid pace as Militancy and Capital embrace in a suicidal return to feudalism, amidst the clamor for Monarchy. As the rabble cast about for a Savior as this world based on depletion loses its ability to sustain us, one look at the tubby-chubby goldi-flocked figure they've lighted on to do so, is enough to convince one that their view of the world is maybe a tad cock-eyed, their perception of what is necessary for their well-being perhaps somewhat askew.

By 1965, at the height of the Viet Nam war, twenty years after the end of WW2, the US had spent a trillion Dollar$ on what it snarkily referred to as "Defen$e": it now spends that Trillion of Dollars each and every year on its Warfare-all-the-time drive for Full Spectrum Domination of every "Nation" (without Sovereignty, there is no Nation, and for as long as you're being "Fully Spectrum Dominated", your sovereignty is moot) on the planet. A give-away, a shrug of the shoulders, a total capitulation to the Deep State consciously made at the turn of the century as the response to a Saudi cadre of a George W. Bush White House's, ie, USA-funded Taliban (To whom the GW WH gave more than $40 million less than six months before 9/11) that in turn supported Al-Qaeda.

With the publication of the PNAC, the conspiracy to rob the Nations of the world of their sovereignty was laid out in full, the reason behind the rumors that the GW administration had at the very least, ignored the warnings of the 9/11 attack, made manifest, as they used that attack to fully implement the fruits of their conspiracy and inflict their right-wing Hawk agenda onto the country. The entire list of signatories to the PNAC are all Republican Party members, and they signed up the rest of the GOP, and finally, after 9/11, the rest of the electorate, to the full subjugation of US Democracy to the Rule of the Militarily-led Deep State. That our illustrious Coward-in-Chief of the same party now squirms under the restraints to his power goes uncommented on not only by his Democratic contenders, but by the entire Media establishment, from radio to TV, print to twitter, not a peep is heard about the charlatan naming as a nemesis the same organization without which he would never have been selected to occupy his seat of power. Much akin to Putin besmirching Liberal politics, when Liberal politics is what gave Russia Democracy, and what gave Russians the ability to vote for Putin: No liberalism, no "ex" (like the CIA, there's no such thing as "ex") KGB Lubyanka-installed spy chief would ever be sitting in the place of power in which Putin is currently ensconced.

Yet the Deep State reigns in Russia far less than it does here. They lost the War, but the Triumphalism of the nineties that spawned the PNAC and its armchair warriors is seen as a victory of liberal Democracy, a victory that was undermined before it was ever declared. Hardly had the ink dried on Fukuyama's, "The End of History", which declared the ascendancy of Western liberal democracy's victory unassailable, than the leaders of the GOP were huddled together conspiring, with far more fervor than any Soviet apparatchik had ever done, to undermine and destroy the fruit of the Cold War victory, to such a degree that they now disparage the term liberal as they embrace Nazism to the roar of the crowd at their rallies, its anti-Semitism now aimed at Muslims (Semitism is not a religion, it's a race) instead of the sacrosanct Jews.

Napalm, a fiery jelly that sticks to the skin, is but one of a panoply of USA chemical weapons of mass destruction designed to: "Kill anything that moves".

Yet no entity has seen fit to point out that the Patriot Act rescinded all rights to privacy, all rights to anything, other than Security. Even if, a parallel to the Pentagon's policy toward VietNam (using both biological and chemical weapons of mass destruction aimed directly at the peasantry), they have to kill you to make you Safe. As the very people who rally around The Donald Duck wrap themselves in the Security of a militarism that blankets the globe, while they simultaneously scream for "Freedom", not a voice is raised to point out that the two are in direct opposition to each other. Total security means total lack of freedom: of movement, of speech and of markets. It's called a supply-side market for a reason. The battlefield of dreams is all that's left after the military has depleted national resources to build its Wehrmacht to attain and maintain their Full Spectrum Domination: Build it and they will succumb. Because they will have nowhere else to go as we pound sand into the earth to eke out the last driblets of oil-substitute from a despoiled continent to fuel our A-35's and power our Abrams tanks and other "Defense" products. A fracturing so widespread, going on in more than half of the US' States, is a process that, even more than blowing off mountain tops, leaves a landscape unfit for habitation: a bleak, other-worldly terrarium of pumping jackdaws silently sucking up the last remnants to be AI-delivered to the coterie of pirates and brigands we, led by the GOP, have chosen to abdicate our own sovereignty to; and, apparently, if WE can't have sovereignty, why should anyone else? Because

"It's unfair"?

And as the tale that wags the doggerel comes full circle, the Coward-in-Chief of the US armed Services remonstrates in his usual nonsense phrasing that

"Iran killed an American contractor, wounding many (Iranians?)."

The operation he speaks of however, was not a drone attack. Drone attacks, because they target specific individuals are assassinations: MURDER.

However, should such attack by the cowardly deployment of drones by a US Army "Warrior" (oh yes, now arm-chair warriors can inflict casualties while safely ensconced in a Barcalounger crunching down on a bag of Cheetoz as though they're playing a video game) result in the transformation of innocent children, as it has so many times done, into a cloud of pink mist, then it is referred to as "Collateral Damage". No one that matters has been killed here, move on.

Implicit in the reference to the contractor as such is the fact that he/she was a civilian. Yet one glance at US strategy, both implicit in its immense armamentaria of nuclear-bomb-tipped missiles, and explicit in its deliberate targeting of both civilians and the infrastructure needed for their sustenance, makes crystal clear, is that it is based all but exclusively upon the targeting of civilian populations. That is why the US citizenry can so easily be made comfortable with the thought of drone-enabled cross-border assassinations of anyone the Coward-in-Chief declares ... well, just declares. He doesn't actually have to give a reason (national security and all), because US taxpayers, except APPLE, have been paying dearly to amass the largest cache of the most expensive and most destructive concentration of military power EVER. Which destructive power is by design, aimed, not at the military of the opposition, but, just like the sanctions that precede the launching of War, at its civilians. Yet the war-mongering USA can, without even the slightest twinge of conscience, let the tail wag the dog into a second term, as he has made it manifestly clear, is the plan (Demonstrating once again, to absolutely no one's notice, the danger implicit when you let War Criminals, such as Bush/Cheney, not only get away with, but profit immensely, together with their entire cadre of regime-changing acolytes, from their War Crimes).

And nothing will change, because nothing can. When the man who shouts "Deep State" whenever an obstacle is thrown up to deter any of his policies, (for example, the anti-Semitic so-called Muslim ban: many of the Nations he banned are largely comprised of Semites: Thus does the man showboating his anti anti-Semitism credentials start out his term with the most anti-Semitic executive order ever issued) yet who peopled his administration with Deep State warriors and then bequeathed to the Pentagon, the nerve-center and personification of the Deep State, a sizable increase in their budget, larger than what they themselves had requested, cementing the marriage of the domestic economy to the Pentagon (with guess who as the over-powering cheating and abusive husband and who as the hand-maiden wife), making their divorce all but non-negotiable.

And that makes any possible change from our current path to self-immolation untenable. As Australia reaps the whirlwind they have fallen over themselves to be instrumental in sowing, yet whines that 

"It's unfair"

... we continue the crime of the century, which is what the fracturing of the continental plate of the North American continent amounts to, as it leaks out its prodigious store of methane while oil companies flare off the future energy resources of a generation while simultaneously increasing the amount of energy needed to run the American society of the future. And that's just the domestic crime.

For the international Crime is of unfathomable proportions. The road back is in flames and beclouded by black acrid smoke. People shouting for Free Markets while they vote year after year, decade after decade, one generation after the another, end up not only undermining, in the name of Security, but distorting and finally, once the Fed has been escorted under the military tent, completely centralizing those markets via Pentagon procurements for the gigantic parasitic military economy that delivers nothing but takes everything; and then, once left with no resources for the civilian economy, they put in power a man whose sole talent is to turn us against each other to squabble for the scraps they've thrown us while the self-same military crouches on its haunches awaiting the day its Commander-in-Chief orders them to attack, a la Kent State, but in a manner that will make Kent State look like a holiday, its opposition.

Right now, teams of lobbyists are actively working, via funds to the tune of billions of dollars of taxpayer money (an obvious contradiction in terms. If the money has been surrendered, it is most decidedly not the taxpayer's money: it is the government's) to persuade the taxpayer-salaried Congressmen on the Armed Services committee, who sits on that committee for the same reason a Congresswoman sits on the Banking committee: not, in either case, to regulate, nor deter their more obvious defalcations or shrewd scams, but to be paid by the Pentagon, or to be paid by the banks, to push forward Corporate agendas that more often than not are in direct opposition to the interests of their constituency. In the Pentagon's case, it's even more egregious because they pay those lobbyists to persuade those committee members with the very money gleaned from federal revenues, to fund a Pentagon program, or continue funding an obviously failed one that is hemorrhaging cash with no results. Thereby using our own money to bribe our "representatives" to vote against our own interests in favor of their's, which must supersede our's, with no more justification than that Father Knows Best.

In this dynamic, the Wehrmacht always wins, and, being as it is, a machine, it is concerned about Climate Change legislation only insofar as it can produce profits: that is what Capital does, flows toward that which will enable its own growth with total disregard for the destruction it wreaks ... ask any Native American, or Ecuadoran tribal chief now living in the squalor of La Paz so Chevron can plunder his village to deliver to you the fuel necessary to haul a 3-ton empty living room around with you. And now, with the total acquiescence of the Central Banks of the world in abrogating their responsibility of sound finance and instead spinning off cash as though it reels off a roll as easily as toilet paper, leaving its value completely unmoored from the productivity of the underlying economy, every one of the world's OECD nations have signaled their silent but deadly complicity. So when one of those nations complains that,

"It's unfair"

it's difficult to fathom just what their concept of fairness might be. (Fiji in flames, perhaps?).