Andrew Constance— local MP for Bega in Australia — reflects on the impact of the New south Wales fires:
"It's unfair".
While India toasted, they said nothing; as Bangladesh flooded, they had no comment; as Japan was hit by one tropical storm after another, the only response was to pay miners to fill hoppers with coal, and millions of plastic bottles with water to ship to Asian customers; and as one Pacific island after another looks to a future in which the waves of a rising Pacific Ocean swallow up their homes, this Australian MP, a leader in a country run by the staunchest of Climate Derangement shruggers ("Hey", intoning the idiot phrase of the 2010's, "It is what it is"), thinks that the ravages inflicted by a climate driven berserk by the activities of industrial man recklessly pouring billions of tons of CO2 into the gaseous mix that supports all life on earth, are "Unfair" when they redound onto him. That is just too startling.
It's little wonder that the modern description of anyone doing a good job or performing to their peak is "killing it". The best we can do on this earth, the apex of perfection, the ideal to which we affix our banner, is as next to nothing, until we've received that highest of accolades and have been assured that we're Killing it (the"it" in question never need be articulated ... what does it matter? The mere fact that we're killing something suggests we're doing great, right?). Then we know we have reached the pinnacle of achievement.
Such is the case with the planet. Far from "doing something" about Climate Change, aside from periodically climbing into Jets to roar across oceans, firing off jet engines to spirit us away to air-conditioned conferences that waste fossil fueled, as well as human, energy and accomplish nothing. We know collectively that, akin to the infamous food-to-fuel program still sucking up federal and fossil fuel resources to plow up the prairies and pour fossil fuel-derived pesticides onto its plains and ignite the hundreds of coal-fired processing plants built during the Bush administration specifically to give the coal industry a customer for its filthy fuel far into the future (a future we are now living in), all to provide juice to continue the burning of the planet inside the chambers of internal combustion-driven machines, not an EV in sight, are, aptly as it turns out, "Killing it". But thanks to the militarization of our culture to which we are self-blinded, that is a good thing. Keep up the good work! ... and there's no danger of our not doing so. We will continue to not only maul and fracture it, desiccate and poison it, geo-engineer and despoil it, but will do so at a more rapid pace as Militancy and Capital embrace in a suicidal return to feudalism, amidst the clamor for Monarchy. As the rabble cast about for a Savior as this world based on depletion loses its ability to sustain us, one look at the tubby-chubby goldi-flocked figure they've lighted on to do so, is enough to convince one that their view of the world is maybe a tad cock-eyed, their perception of what is necessary for their well-being perhaps somewhat askew.
By 1965, at the height of the Viet Nam war, twenty years after the end of WW2, the US had spent a trillion Dollar$ on what it snarkily referred to as "Defen$e": it now spends that Trillion of Dollars each and every year on its Warfare-all-the-time drive for Full Spectrum Domination of every "Nation" (without Sovereignty, there is no Nation, and for as long as you're being "Fully Spectrum Dominated", your sovereignty is moot) on the planet. A give-away, a shrug of the shoulders, a total capitulation to the Deep State consciously made at the turn of the century as the response to a Saudi cadre of a George W. Bush White House's, ie, USA-funded Taliban (To whom the GW WH gave more than $40 million less than six months before 9/11) that in turn supported Al-Qaeda.
With the publication of the PNAC, the conspiracy to rob the Nations of the world of their sovereignty was laid out in full, the reason behind the rumors that the GW administration had at the very least, ignored the warnings of the 9/11 attack, made manifest, as they used that attack to fully implement the fruits of their conspiracy and inflict their right-wing Hawk agenda onto the country. The entire list of signatories to the PNAC are all Republican Party members, and they signed up the rest of the GOP, and finally, after 9/11, the rest of the electorate, to the full subjugation of US Democracy to the Rule of the Militarily-led Deep State. That our illustrious Coward-in-Chief of the same party now squirms under the restraints to his power goes uncommented on not only by his Democratic contenders, but by the entire Media establishment, from radio to TV, print to twitter, not a peep is heard about the charlatan naming as a nemesis the same organization without which he would never have been selected to occupy his seat of power. Much akin to Putin besmirching Liberal politics, when Liberal politics is what gave Russia Democracy, and what gave Russians the ability to vote for Putin: No liberalism, no "ex" (like the CIA, there's no such thing as "ex") KGB Lubyanka-installed spy chief would ever be sitting in the place of power in which Putin is currently ensconced.
Yet the Deep State reigns in Russia far less than it does here. They lost the War, but the Triumphalism of the nineties that spawned the PNAC and its armchair warriors is seen as a victory of liberal Democracy, a victory that was undermined before it was ever declared. Hardly had the ink dried on Fukuyama's, "The End of History", which declared the ascendancy of Western liberal democracy's victory unassailable, than the leaders of the GOP were huddled together conspiring, with far more fervor than any Soviet apparatchik had ever done, to undermine and destroy the fruit of the Cold War victory, to such a degree that they now disparage the term liberal as they embrace Nazism to the roar of the crowd at their rallies, its anti-Semitism now aimed at Muslims (Semitism is not a religion, it's a race) instead of the sacrosanct Jews.
Napalm, a fiery jelly that sticks to the skin, is but one of a panoply of USA chemical weapons of mass destruction designed to: "Kill anything that moves". |
"It's unfair"?
And as the tale that wags the doggerel comes full circle, the Coward-in-Chief of the US armed Services remonstrates in his usual nonsense phrasing that
"Iran killed an American contractor, wounding many (Iranians?)."
The operation he speaks of however, was not a drone attack. Drone attacks, because they target specific individuals are assassinations: MURDER.
However, should such attack by the cowardly deployment of drones by a US Army "Warrior" (oh yes, now arm-chair warriors can inflict casualties while safely ensconced in a Barcalounger crunching down on a bag of Cheetoz as though they're playing a video game) result in the transformation of innocent children, as it has so many times done, into a cloud of pink mist, then it is referred to as "Collateral Damage". No one that matters has been killed here, move on.
Implicit in the reference to the contractor as such is the fact that he/she was a civilian. Yet one glance at US strategy, both implicit in its immense armamentaria of nuclear-bomb-tipped missiles, and explicit in its deliberate targeting of both civilians and the infrastructure needed for their sustenance, makes crystal clear, is that it is based all but exclusively upon the targeting of civilian populations. That is why the US citizenry can so easily be made comfortable with the thought of drone-enabled cross-border assassinations of anyone the Coward-in-Chief declares ... well, just declares. He doesn't actually have to give a reason (national security and all), because US taxpayers, except APPLE, have been paying dearly to amass the largest cache of the most expensive and most destructive concentration of military power EVER. Which destructive power is by design, aimed, not at the military of the opposition, but, just like the sanctions that precede the launching of War, at its civilians. Yet the war-mongering USA can, without even the slightest twinge of conscience, let the tail wag the dog into a second term, as he has made it manifestly clear, is the plan (Demonstrating once again, to absolutely no one's notice, the danger implicit when you let War Criminals, such as Bush/Cheney, not only get away with, but profit immensely, together with their entire cadre of regime-changing acolytes, from their War Crimes).
And nothing will change, because nothing can. When the man who shouts "Deep State" whenever an obstacle is thrown up to deter any of his policies, (for example, the anti-Semitic so-called Muslim ban: many of the Nations he banned are largely comprised of Semites: Thus does the man showboating his anti anti-Semitism credentials start out his term with the most anti-Semitic executive order ever issued) yet who peopled his administration with Deep State warriors and then bequeathed to the Pentagon, the nerve-center and personification of the Deep State, a sizable increase in their budget, larger than what they themselves had requested, cementing the marriage of the domestic economy to the Pentagon (with guess who as the over-powering cheating and abusive husband and who as the hand-maiden wife), making their divorce all but non-negotiable.
And that makes any possible change from our current path to self-immolation untenable. As Australia reaps the whirlwind they have fallen over themselves to be instrumental in sowing, yet whines that
"It's unfair"
... we continue the crime of the century, which is what the fracturing of the continental plate of the North American continent amounts to, as it leaks out its prodigious store of methane while oil companies flare off the future energy resources of a generation while simultaneously increasing the amount of energy needed to run the American society of the future. And that's just the domestic crime.
For the international Crime is of unfathomable proportions. The road back is in flames and beclouded by black acrid smoke. People shouting for Free Markets while they vote year after year, decade after decade, one generation after the another, end up not only undermining, in the name of Security, but distorting and finally, once the Fed has been escorted under the military tent, completely centralizing those markets via Pentagon procurements for the gigantic parasitic military economy that delivers nothing but takes everything; and then, once left with no resources for the civilian economy, they put in power a man whose sole talent is to turn us against each other to squabble for the scraps they've thrown us while the self-same military crouches on its haunches awaiting the day its Commander-in-Chief orders them to attack, a la Kent State, but in a manner that will make Kent State look like a holiday, its opposition.
Right now, teams of lobbyists are actively working, via funds to the tune of billions of dollars of taxpayer money (an obvious contradiction in terms. If the money has been surrendered, it is most decidedly not the taxpayer's money: it is the government's) to persuade the taxpayer-salaried Congressmen on the Armed Services committee, who sits on that committee for the same reason a Congresswoman sits on the Banking committee: not, in either case, to regulate, nor deter their more obvious defalcations or shrewd scams, but to be paid by the Pentagon, or to be paid by the banks, to push forward Corporate agendas that more often than not are in direct opposition to the interests of their constituency. In the Pentagon's case, it's even more egregious because they pay those lobbyists to persuade those committee members with the very money gleaned from federal revenues, to fund a Pentagon program, or continue funding an obviously failed one that is hemorrhaging cash with no results. Thereby using our own money to bribe our "representatives" to vote against our own interests in favor of their's, which must supersede our's, with no more justification than that Father Knows Best.
In this dynamic, the Wehrmacht always wins, and, being as it is, a machine, it is concerned about Climate Change legislation only insofar as it can produce profits: that is what Capital does, flows toward that which will enable its own growth with total disregard for the destruction it wreaks ... ask any Native American, or Ecuadoran tribal chief now living in the squalor of La Paz so Chevron can plunder his village to deliver to you the fuel necessary to haul a 3-ton empty living room around with you. And now, with the total acquiescence of the Central Banks of the world in abrogating their responsibility of sound finance and instead spinning off cash as though it reels off a roll as easily as toilet paper, leaving its value completely unmoored from the productivity of the underlying economy, every one of the world's OECD nations have signaled their silent but deadly complicity. So when one of those nations complains that,
"It's unfair"
it's difficult to fathom just what their concept of fairness might be. (Fiji in flames, perhaps?).
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