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The Pentagong Show

The Pentagong Show
United State of Terror: Is Drone War Fair?

Friday, January 10, 2020

The Furor's Schreibtischtäters Open Panderer's Box.

When JFK directed Robert Macnamara to organize the loose collaboration of senior military officers, industrial managers, and legislators, referred to by Ike as the military-industrial complex, into a formal central management, creating the military-industrial empire that has since mushroomed into  Washington's hegemony over the rest of the country, what was then and to this day is still referred to as "the market" was replaced by a Central management.

In the name of defense and with neither announcement nor debate, a basic alteration had been made in the governing institutions of America. A Deep State (industrial management) was installed in the federal government, under the Secretary of Defense, to control the nation's largest network of industrial enterprises. With the characteristic managerial propensity for extending its undemocratic power, limited only by its allocated share of the national wealth ... and a growing share of its future wealth. Seated in the Pentagon, this State Managed Enterprise combined economic, political, and military decision-making. Combining in the same hands, in a fun-house mirrored reflection of the communist and fascist states we derided as our enemies, it now now seeks to trample over individual rights with unrestrainable central Rule, having created an autocratic environment so reminiscent of Russia, that the President reflects far more the Autocratic pretensions of a Russian than the Democracy that US Pentagon Neo-cons have had us running around the globe while they pretend we are "Spreading Freedom", firing off Beautiful missiles wherever there are oil reserves to slake our automobiles constantly growing thirst.

It is this totalitarian State that Fukuyama called Liberal Democracy that in fact "won" the Cold War, the end of history, ie the only possible , form of government, was therefore not what he so callously rang out in his nationalistic fervor, reflected not so much the aspects of liberal of democracy as it had Militancy and Oiligarchy, or, if you will, Autocracy.

As Americans and now the world, sold everything they once called freedom for the freedom to own and fuel their personal transportation  modules, they neither knew or cared that they were selling themselves down the river for the promise of ease, the adoption of luxury for themselves to be attained by the domination of American firepower in order to privatise and monetize via financialization the natural resources of the rest of humanity.

As our Furor delivers death at the push of a button from his "compound", the rest of the country pays dearly every time he ensconces himself in Ma-he's-so-Largo, pouring millions into the coffers of Trump "Enterprises", he sits mere miles away from where his Republican predecessor in the Oval Office was sitting reading fairy tales while America was attacked on the homeland for the first time since the War of 1812. Now the Furor can sit in his own little Berchtesgaden endangering the rest of the country to pander to his declining base (not that the support of those remaining is less fervid, but that the policies of the man they so cherish are killing them off far faster than it is harming the lives of his opponents: the vast majority of the homeless: Trump supporters, farmers in the flooded Midwest: Trump supporters, the Largest percentage of those dying from opioid addiction: Trump Supporters, those left without health insurance because of the evisceration of Obamacare? That's right, Trump Supporters. If you want an example of the old saying to "Bite off your nose to site your face" there is no better example).

As The Furor rashly threatens to increase the fury of the Wehrmacht, the underlying assumption that the US military is in a class by itself becomes questioned even as the Pentagon's decision power enlarges. As our Furor's actions allocate more of the country's decision making to the Pentagon  Empire, along with an increasing portion of the nation's national product, ie money, gold, as in Treasure, a supine Congress and nation squabble over what portion of those funds go to them, never at the astronomical amount, nor the amassing of Overkill to the n'th degree of those weapons "we don't want to use" (but have nothing else ... we make nothing else that has such a high profit margin ... like the insurance commercial , we have become the personification of Mayhem, leaving little wonder The Furor is what propels our foreign policy).

Now, whereas, in the USSR, the combination of top economic and political decision-power was a formal part of the organization and ideology of that society, much as it still is in today's Russia, in the USA!USA!, by contrast, the joining of the economic/financial/managerial and top political power was done in such an unannounced and in effect, covert fashion, that even with the launching of the Pentagon designed, implemented and controlled world-wide-web of computers all interconnected with the Pentagon's super computers as its nexus, it took Snowden's revelations to waken the public to the fact that their privacy, whatever there was left of it, was being invaded regularly, and unstoppably. Even in Hilter's Germany, people could at least put a towel over their phones (they were convinced the Gestapo could hear their conversations otherwise ... unlike today, when the NSA actually CAN, with our complete acquiescence).

Let's see how much we love being deceived by looking at The Furor's statements:

"As long as I am President of the United States, Iran will never be allowed to have a nuclear weapon."

Although this is not an outright lie, the subtext of the threat imposed by a nuclear-armed Iran is that of our collective security, and the US security now, thanks to the reigning President, has  been diminished.

So, starting off with this deception, the next statement becomes incredible, (in its literal meaning of lacking credence):

"The American people should be extremely grateful and happy no Americans were harmed in last night’s attack by the Iranian regime."

There is no reason for the American people to be "extremely" anything ... it is extreme behavior that puts us in peril. As for why we should be happy that the bases for which our national product has been drained by billions and billions of dollars to construct have now been destroyed in a flash, can only be understood if, like the Donald himself, you never had to actually work to send in the tax dollars to the government (the government to which he refuses to show what part of his share that burden was) that we should be grateful while the draining he spoke of on the Trump stump is of our tax dollars, whereas the so-called swamp has only been filled with even more vile vermin than ever, as apparently the plan is to simply continue to build up Iraq's economy while ours continues to deteriorate.

That no one was killed as been shown to be a lie by various sites I would never even consider listening to had they not now been granted more credibility than The Donald (and I don't mean believed by myself, but, contrary to what his MAGA boot-lickers believe, by most of the world). It is IRAN whose response we were hoping (and was) proportional ... in other words, it is Iran that the Furor has made look like the sane party here. That is a fact brought about by only one person's behavior.

Thus do the rumors that hundreds of wounded and dead were flown out of Iraq to hospitals in Israel become far more credible than the almost miraculous zero casualties our leaders assure us is the case.

All, unless you're a fool, is most assuredly not well.

 "All of our soldiers are safe",

Well, WE aren't safer. So what's the point of paying trillions of dollars to all these soldiers if the only consideration of our President is that they are safe while we are in more danger than ever? Why shouldn't WE get free healthcare for life when it is us you putin (sic) peril  while making sure the soldiers , who are paid to face peril, are safe?

" ... only minimal damage was sustained at our military bases."

  Then you and your fellow billionaires shouldn't have any problem paying for their repair.

"Our great American forces are prepared for anything".

We would be laughing in our sleeves if any other leader made such a fatuous (and dangerous ... like throwing down a gauntlet) claim.

"For far too long -- all the way back to 1979, to be exact -- nations have tolerated Iran’s destructive and destabilizing behavior in the Middle East and beyond.  Those days are over.  Iran has been the leading sponsor of terrorism, and their pursuit of nuclear weapons threatens the civilized world". 

For far too long -- all the way back to 1945, to be exact -- nations have tolerated America’s destructive and destabilizing behavior in the Middle East and beyond.  Those days are over.  The USA has been the leading sponsor of terrorism, and their continued expansion and modernization of their vast arsenal of nuclear weapons threatens the civilized world.

 "We will never let that happen".

We will never let what happen?

"Iran has been the leading sponsor of terrorism" ... okay, so that's already happened.

" ... and their pursuit of nuclear weapons threatens the civilized world" ... okay, so that is happening,

"We will never let that happen".

But just what is it we will supposedly never let happen!?

(Remember him and his speech-writers worked on this for hours ... this nonsense phrasing is NOT accidental).

"Last week, we took decisive action to stop a ruthless terrorist from threatening American lives."

Last week, we took a rash, deceptive, extreme action to stop a truthless terrorist from threatening American lives: More American lives, as I noted above, are threatened by our own President, none more so than his most ardent followers, by the lies and policies he has instituted, than by any foreign adventurer.

 "At my direction, the United States military eliminated the world’s top terrorist, Qasem Soleimani.  As the head of the Quds Force, Soleimani was personally responsible for some of the absolutely worst atrocities."

The same man who brags "I'll do a lot worse than waterboarding", basically putting the stamp of "the world’s top terrorist" on his own lapel along with the US flag that he has been dragged through rivers of blood, proudly claims his intention of continuing America's worse Atrocities. Not content with the drone killings of previous administrations, and feeling that collateral damage of anyone near American targets is not enough, the President threatened to go after their families and kill them as well.

"He trained terrorist armies, including Hezbollah, launching terrorist strikes against civilian targets.  He fueled bloody civil wars all across the region.  He viciously wounded and murdered thousands of U.S. troops, including the planting of roadside bombs that maim and dismember their victims."

The US trained terrorist armies, including the Mujahadeen, launched terrorist strikes as did US forces in Iraq (in the dead of night with Stealth technology and bragging about deliberately instilling Shock and Awe (terror!) against civilian targets). The US viciously wounded and murdered thousands of Iraqis, including the dropping of phosphorous bombs and other chemical weapons of mass destruction carrying warheads coated with Depleted Uranium that maim and dismember their victims and plant carcinogenic radiation in the soil that destroys the lives of innocent unborn children for generations. All for no other reason than money and profits. No reason for the Iraq War has yet to be contrived to this day. Every reason the Bush administration profered, has proven to be a lie, yet the US has never bothered to come up with an actual reason. Can You Mr. Trump? WHY ARE WE THERE? Is that too much to ASK?

"Peace and stability cannot prevail in the Middle East as long as Iran continues to foment violence, unrest, hatred, and war".

Peace and stability cannot prevail in the Middle East as long as America's Wehrmacht continues to pummel from the air anyone it disagrees with while its Transnationals Corporations profit immensely from the violence, unrest, hatred, and war that are more and more its only source of bread and butter.

I will stop there for now, the list being more exhaustive than I had anticipated, as every single statement is based on a lie or a misleading assertion. For example, the last person I heard make the claim that, "We are energy independent, and we do not need Middle East oil", was The Donald's  2016 contender, Hillary Clinton. It was a lie when she said it and it's a lie now. Also, the only reason the US is the largest producer of natural gas is that it has sanctioned Iranian gas in order to attain that supremacy, along with its title of the largest flarer of natural gas in the world, which flaring is accelerating the rate of climate change by adding so much additional CO2 to the atmosphere it's as if an invisible major industrial country the size of Australia has sprung into existence to add its Carbon burden to the atmosphere.

A country that burns through more than 20% of the world's energy resources, with a mere 5% of the planet's population, and then incinerates, for no reason whatsoever, enough fuel to power the economic expansion of the rest of the globe, cannot stand in front of the world and pretend the fault lies all on the other side, and especially not when its own CIA was responsible for the US puppet regime that was set up in that country in 1953 specifically to insure its own and its allies access to Iranian oil (Amoco Corporation, originally Standard Oil Company, was a global chemical and oil company that was founded in 1889. In 1935, it became the Anglo- Iranian Oil Company and in 1954 adopted the name British Petroleum ... the company responsible for the  the Deepwater Horizon oil disaster that killed eleven people, inflicting far more casualties than the attack that precipitated the assassination of Soleimani).

Americans should take note: there is no such thing as American oil: all of the oil on the American continent that is now being exploited using technology developed, not by the oil companies, but by US taxpayer dollars, is the property of Exxon, Mobil, BP, Chevron, or other private entity. The energy resources these entities are burning off so callously do not belong to the American public, but to American Transnationals who care so little about its worth they destroy it in their mad greed-fueled rush for profit. They would rather burn it up than let the US public have it. If that's what they think about YOUR right to your own country's resources, what makes you think they give a flying duck about Iraq's citizens rights? or Iran's? Or do you simply not care?

While bragging about how great his leadership has been in bringing about his trumped-up sterling economic numbers, homelessness has surged; the largest prison population in the world is incarcerated in his Country; the term, "death by despair", has been coined during his tenure as suicide numbers rocket to never-before-seen heights; but not to the astronomical heights of the federal deficits and the monumental increase of the National Debt, occurring simultaneous with the continued ballooning of the Fed's balance sheet, by his own diktat, while the stubborn increase in the nation's trade deficit keeps growing even as he continues to rile every one of our trading partners; while the largest rise in US toxic emissions of this century has happened during this "boom"; all along with an unprecedented decline in both American prestige and American influence across the globe, which is only a harbinger of the damage his latest action will result in, have all occurred under his leadership. 

 The end of his speech blasphemously ordering that God bless America, as though he had the power to command the deity itself, is profane. The blindness to reality he projects in this amalgam of distortions and re-writing of history promises that the repercussion from his actions, comparable to those from his Ukrainian phone call, will be far-reaching and certainly won't end before his presidency does.

All of which suggest that the missile that shot down that Ukrainian airliner had less to do with Iran than with MEK or one of the terrorist organisations within Iran that are funded by America, or Mossad, or even Iraq, or another party intent on creating a false flag to sow, together with the dragon teeth the US has already planted, even more caos into the field of broken dreams, or, perhaps the most likely, the culprit was ISIS, which has most certainly not been "100% destroyed". That lie alone is so obviously a complete fabrication that it renders any US explanation of the reason for the downed jet laughable. That is if it weren't for the lives shattered and bodies scattered all across that sad darkling plain.

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