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The Pentagong Show

The Pentagong Show
United State of Terror: Is Drone War Fair?

Monday, December 23, 2019

The Barbaric Heart of the Deep State Lies in the Pentagon.

Pentagon Capitalism = Military-imposed Socialism

Public bears all the obfuscated Risk; Privateers reap all the Profits

Boots on the Ground Trample Over Any FootPrints of Peace
Aboard the DeathStarShip Free Enterprise

O Money tree, O Money tree!
How much you shape our economy.
O Money tree, O Money tree,
"Defense" dollar$ pervert Democracy.

Not only do they spread like slime
But make civilians all sub prime.
O Money tree, O Money tree
Defense dollar$ pervert Democracy.

O Money tree, O Money tree
Fueling Empire's fantasy!
O Money tree, O Money tree,
Much treasure doth thou wring from me.

For every year the Money tree,
Brings even heathens grief and glee.
O Money tree, O Money tree,
Much treasure doth thou wring from me.

O Money tree, O Money tree,
Thy missiles blow up brightly!
O Money tree, O Money tree
Thy missiles shine out Knightly!

Each Warhead holds its tiny light,
Each "Little Boy" howls endless night.
O Money tree, O Money tree
Thy missiles shine out brightly!