Friday, September 27, 2019
GRETA: Globalization Reduces Everything To Ashes.
While Saudi oilfield were still billowing black plumes of acrid smoke into the atmosphere, the world was treated to the Cassandra-like apparition of Greta Thunderberg booming ominous prognostications as lightening bolts flashed in her adolescent eyes.
The two may not be as unrelated as you think.
This is how our military "protects" us:
The WW2 generation saw its own War bonds used to finance the design, building, and deployment of nuclear weapons that would, from the day they were born, be held over the heads of their children as an existential threat to their existence. Citing Communism as the reason for the necessity of this dire knife's-edge existence, the Republican administration of Ronald Reagan then moved the most vital parts of our industrial infrastructure to China, the world's largest Communist nation. Then upgraded the nuclear arsenal.
Remember, WW2 ended in Europe before the bomb was even tested. And it was ETO, not Edo, the bomb was designed for. Hitler, so said the German refugees to the USA who had worked with his Nazi regime, was supposedly on the brink of making one of his own (he never even came close). So the US was held hostage to the tune of billions of dollars in ransom to develop and use a technology it never needed. One that was subsequently used much more against its own citizens in peacetime than against those of any other nation even in times of War (with one very notable exception, of course).
This was the start of the new US military. A military bent on protecting us by developing systems, usually in secret, that were magnitudes more threatening to our own security than anything any adversary had ever devised. A military that would metastasize into being the foundation of the US Capitalist model of military Keynesianism: reduce or threaten the mere expansion in military spending, and, first the USA's, then the World's, economy goes into a tailspin. A military so enamored and dependent on the combustion of fossil fuel that it would in time come to depend on the annual incineration of so much carbon-based fuel that the nation of Miss Thunberg's origin can and does run its modern economy by burning a lesser amount.
The next generation saw their tax dollars go toward development of Darpanet, the technology that would network defense industries' labs, military branches of government, and research libraries of American Universities together to form the basis of the Internet: a system that would reduce the various enterprises that formed the entrepreneurial backbone of the economy to dust. Industry after industry was disappeared from the US landscape, to be replaced with tattoo parlors, hair and nail salons and earth-fracturing equipment with its interminable miles of pipelines, now needed to feed the server farms that fed the streaming video to the select citizens that had the wherewithal to afford private streaming. No longer was data broadcast to anyone who had a radio/TV, but would only be fed to those "in the club".
Then, as the World Trade Center was reduced in seconds to a heap of smoldering rubble, we became privy to the enormity of what the defense department had unleashed on us, as it handed the fruits of our development dollar to anyone who could buy a PC ... no matter where they lived. Because the attacks were orchestrated by that ultimate gift to terrorists, The Internet. Cyber Warfare, identity theft, data-hostages made of entire municipalities, all were non-existent until the US Armed Services wrested billions of tax dollars from the declining wages of its workers to "protect" them by connecting the world of communication to its array of "Smart" weapons.
Now, for the new generation, the US military has once again used the funds provided it by American taxpayer to develop yet another technology, as its gift to yet another generation, that has upped the ante of the ability of other nations to threaten not only an attack on the US but its utter desolation.
That gift, as we were made privy to via the attack on the Saudi oil facility, is Drone Warfare.
As I mentioned in a previous posting, and evinced by the ad in the above GIF, the US military has planted for this generation the seeds of its own destruction. Even as the current administration has put all its eggs in the fractured basket of LNG production and exportation via enormous ships costing multiple billions of dollars, the military has gifted every terrorist and adversarial country with the cheap, easily deployed technology of drones, making every one of those floating bombs a threat to the very customers it needs to pay for the loans made to assemble, fill and launch them. But what that strategy has baked into it is the need of our hapless customers to be willing to allow a potentially deadly firebomb right into their ports to endanger shipping and lives and the environment. None of which costs are in any way a deterrent to the industry that would have had to flare all that gas anyway. One would think that terrorists using our own planes as missiles launched from inside our own country would have given us a clue to avoid making portable bombs that any terrorist can easily follow and, once again having been handed a remarkably cheap method of doing so, attack. This gives a whole new meaning to the phrase self-defense, making it synonymous with self-immolation.
What we will see soon enough will be drone swarms. Not of the kind that bombed the Saudi warmonger's facilities, but of the smaller, cheaper variety. Picture the Allied invasion of Iraq under the auspices of Bush had the Iraqis had the cheap drones to deploy to flash lasers into the eyes of our terrorist bombers as they flew toward their innocent targets of unarmed civilians to drop chemical weapons of mass destruction onto their heads and on their power plants and hospitals. Instead of the wanton destruction of their civilian infrastructure, American jets, made blind by cheap drones, would crash with their millions of dollars of munitions; $35billion jets taken down by cheap, 3-D printed, off-the-shelf, Drones-'R Us buzz-bombs our flyboys must hit with hardware costing thousands of times as much to produce and fly. The economics of modern warfare will bankrupt modern economies built on the false premise that the more costly it is, the better. Such high-flying theories will be brought back down to earth with the ease of shooting fish in a pork-barrel.
Entire fleets of aircraft carriers could be immobilized by swarms of the technology the same Defense Department developed so as to invade other counties' sovereign airspace in order to assassinate selected victims and whoever else happens to inadvertently get in the way. The technology that shows the utter lack of any so-called "Honor" of being in the service, or the "Valor" of soldiers used as remote snipers, even more than the cowardice than aerial bombardment on unarmed citizens, which at least requires pilots (the real method we used to win WW2, not nuclear bombing: carpet bombing and the resultant firestorms, planned down to the last detail to engulf and incinerate civilian populations).
And now, the marriage of drones with AI is already taking place. Similar to how fictional Transformers build themselves, or more accurately, rebuild themselves, drones, copying Mathias Rust, who evaded fighter jets and the world’s most sophisticated air defense technology to land his light aircraft in Red Square, right in the heart of Moscow, will be able to evade radar better than any multi-billion dollar stealth aircraft, to then do what no Stealth plane could ever do, and, perhaps carrying the disassembled parts of a launcher, for example, could, using AWAC-style technology, such that one of the drones is the AI queen bee directing the AI-enabled squadron under her command, assemble the disparate parts into a whole and commence bombardment, intelligence gathering, or grid sabotage. All thanks to our own tax dollars and the wisdom of allowing life-long generals who've never seen combat, to dictate how US policy is run.
In this scenario you can see the next generation of defense department-developed technology ready-made to be used against us: AI.
But using the production, deployment and sales of arms as the leverage upon which the rest of the economy is built means that you have no choice. We will, because we must, sit idly by distractedly staring into our portable computer screens for the next tidbit of trumpery, while our every nibble of sent data is monitored and recorded (every time anyone fires up their "communication" device, it should flash the reminder that, "Anything you say or download can and will be used against you in a court of law"), every cent spent registered in a book of accounts, and every step we make mapped by Google Earth to be sold to the highest bidder, all courtesy of the Department of War, euphemized as defense, so as to assuage any misgivings about running the economy on the same basis as the Wehrmacht of Germany we supposedly defeated (Do you really "Win the war" when your way of life is obliterated and replaced by the one your opponent in the War espoused? So much so that your citizens put into office a man from the same country as the one you defeated? Hitler wanted to "Make Germany great again" by imposing a "New World Order" ... Sound familiar? Do the millions US citizens of Irish descent who voted to put this Aryan Supremacist in the Whitehouse really think he doesn't consider them to be one of the inferior races to be throttled? "First they came for the Socialists, and we did not speak out ...).
Yet it is the future climate that's the most alarming?
Most of the world's children live in intractable poverty, even as the world's GDP rises above any it has ever seen before; its wealth piled up to unfathomable heights; amassed under the control of an ever-shrinking minority of multi-billionaires intent on nothing more than growing their own hoards to even more obscene dimensions, while billions sludge through the depths of despair. It is nice that white teens have time to ponder the future. The reason they have a well-cosseted present to take for granted is precisely the same reason they chastise the adults for. Profligate energy consumption regardless of the consequences, the one Greta cites being but one of those consequences. It seems her message would have had more power and a far better reception had she at least mentioned the country of Yemen; if she had least intimated the slightest bit of concern for all the other children her own age and younger who have neither the time nor space to worry about what the future might hold, because the only future they ever have the energy to think about is their next meal and where it's to come from.
Thanks to fossil-fuel combustion, Greta has none of those worries. She is, and has been her whole life, well fed and well-housed. Somehow she thinks, not knowing the energy-intensive basis of her well-being (every calorie we ingest, for example, takes ten calories of oil-derived energy to get it onto our plate), that the murderous ape called man has her best interests at heart, or at least should have her best interests at heart. Yet nowhere in the history of mankind is there even the slightest indication that humans, when organized into nations or empires, act humane (Well okay, they may act humane, but they never are). Slavery was the foundation of Capitalism and it, like modern economies, relied on violence and the threat of violence, joined at the hip with the innate feelings of superiority of one people over another such that they felt absolutely zero compunction about flogging them, torturing them, separating them from their families and selling them like livestock, to then be driven like livestock until they dropped. Is it any wonder the military is now the foundation upon which modern society is built? And the military lives on fossil fuels. So the world will continue to burn fossil fuels until it roasts itself like a pig on a spit.
That's not the Future, Greta.
That's the Present.
It's the Past.
It's Humanity welded to a cross of Iron ...
Where've ya been?
Monday, September 2, 2019
ComBUSTenomics: "A big fat dose of global warming!"
WOW: Worn Out West genes.
I read a remarkable statement today from stating that biofuels create carbon emissions.
I read a remarkable statement today from stating that biofuels create carbon emissions.
Wow! Whoknew? Here I thought biofuels were all about carbon sequestration. Somehow it never occurred to me that planting the endless vistas of the Midwestern plains with solar powered photosynthetics in order to set them afire inside the vast army of ICE machines deployed by the automobile robofacturers of the world that were designed to do exactly that wouldn't unleash a single molecule of carbon ... how could I have been sucha fool!
But how was I supposed to know that using fossil fuels to first plant, then goose with fossil fuel-derived fertilizer, then spray with fossil-fuel-derived insecticides and herbicides all across an endless vista of prairies was merely the prelude, the setup, the equivalent of pouring barrels of oil onto the land and setting them ablaze so that we could then use the plants grown thereby to then set another blaze, would result in not less CO2 being vented into an atmosphere already besotted with it, but would result in more ... a lot more. After all, it's the Green solution. The Green Revolution, the Green New Deal. Whodda guessed the Green New Deal is being dealt from the bottom of the deck from the ship of fuels?
Melissa McCarthy receiving the Royal Blessing. (Wonder what he's grabbing ... ). |
With Dorian threatening the US southeast, having exhibited wind gusts of 220 mph during its rampage through the Bahamas and now barreling toward the only State in the Union with a ban on its own employees even mentioning Climate Change in any of their correspondence, and with the Amazon burning up as they burn it down, Bolsanaro has caught on to western media techniques and imposed a burning ban for the Amazon forest, which resulted in an additional 2,000 new fires being started there in the last 48 hours (per Business Insider) ... When you know a "Ban" is simply right-wing winking (Copying President Plump's laughably obvious body language as he "chastises" white Supremacists for the El Paso shooting, his message, delivered via his usual ploy of broadcasting, via his uncomfortable shifting of his bulky frame and laboriously studied reading of his teleprompter, that he means exactly zero of what he strives mightily to make clear he is being told to say) there is no reason to curtail what you've been told by that same govt is their REAL attitude, which is "Burn Baby Burn".
So now Bolsonaro can shrug and say, "See? I told them to stop, but they're criminals. What can I do?"
The similarity to The Donald's fawning acolyte Sarah Palin's, "Drill Baby Drill", is no coincidence, of course, because they both say the same thing, being that the commodity being drilled not only burns plenty of fossil fuels in the process of drilling it up and pumping it out, but, Quelle Surprise!, we are drilling them up for the sole purpose of burning them up. Aren't you shocked?
How tweet it is:
The one campaign promise the big fat Jackie Gleason-sized goon from the Men are from Mars-a-Lagoon is working hard to keep is his administration's unstinting support for changing the US into a Petro-State. This by keeping front-and-center of his Climate-Change-is-a-Hoax hoax. Because Combustenomics, has no alternative, no Plan "B", each one of those proposed being, like the ethanol scam, and all other biodiesel and renewable energy plan B's, no more than a ploy to extend the fossil fueled growth of our rabidly pro-creating species as far beyond the carrying capacity of the planet as is possible before the severe contraction and resultant destruction of entire economies.
DJ: "This very expensive global warming bullshit has got to stop."
DJ Max replaying the same tune: "It's just madness."
This is what differentiates our own President Plump from his G-7 counterparts: he has no compunction about admitting his plans to use climate change to bully the public into letting him do what's best for him and his class (despite the insistence of many that he has no class), while every one else is in an intractably hopeless situation, pushing us back into a medieval economic structure to be based on dynastic families instead of Divinely-appointed Monarchs ... not that the so-called leaders of the irreligious evangelicals, who believe in no god but Power, would shrink from the task of proclaiming him Ruler for Life if they were given the slightest opportunity to do so.
The rest of the Burn-it-to-the-ground crowd at the G-7 have nothing different to offer, but they shrink from being so bald-faced about it, preferring to try their hardest to maintain the charade that they are trying their best to cut emissions while growing every industry in their own country that increases those emissions, from airlines and tourism (WOW), to car robfacturing and fracturing, to the largest of them, the biofuels programs, only one of which, ethanol-from-corn, is mentioned above. Although that's not quite true. The Amazon fires are being deliberately set so as to plant enormous swaths of rainforest with sugarcane plantations to supply Brazil's own biofuel-from-sugar Combustenomic enterprises with product to refine. Copying the other government-subsidized (all of these burn-fuel-to-grow crops to burn more fuel to process those crops into fuel to in turn burn inside ICE machines are heavily subsidized ... and all of them slough off their heavily fossil-fuel-dependent products as "Renewable") purposely stoked reliance on combustenomics to keep tax dollars flowing into their otherwise empty coffers.
Coal is Australia's biggest export. OPEC’s oil production increased in August and the US rig count and oil production continues its maniacal race to pummel the earth until every drop of everything combustible is squeezed out of its splintered swiss-cheesed surface; but the one flaw, the one perhaps overlooked miscalculation in this mad rush for conflagration is made manifest by the fate of Iceland's WOW airline to which they had hitched their entire economy's future, the wreconomic impact of total reliance on ComBUSTenomics, never having been contemplated. Far from making a soft landing, as Bloomberg reports:
WOW Air’s bankruptcy has had such a negative effect on Iceland’s tourism sector that the country’s economy, which was previously estimated to grow by 1.8 percent, is instead on track to contract by 0.4 percent . has crash-landed.
As it appears the airline’s demise may have tanked Iceland’s economy.
The parallel here to 2008 is undeniable. Per The Economist, Iceland had followed the suit of the larger countries, especially the US, in its pursuit of easy money:
Iceland’s Prime Minister David Oddsson promulgated Reagan-style policies and privatization.
Cronyism became rampant.
The banking sector grew rapidly, propelled by borrowed money. Icelanders could
access credit easily.
Housing prices escalated and consumption soared.
The economic recession the West plunged the globe into in 2008 began in Iceland when Iceland’s banks collapsed, wiping out 50,000 people’s savings, plunging its own citizens into debt while putting 25% of homeowners into mortgage default.
And now, leveraging the use of the tourism industry as a boon to economic growth, regardless of its total dependence on the continued escalation of the burning of fossil fuels, it grew itself into a tourist economy, one left bereft of tourists.
That is what the West, and none with more fervent disregard for its future consequences or less concern for its impact on the impossibility it creates of fostering less energy-intensive industries, than Plump's Bake America's Slate Kerogen (BASK). Like Iceland's WOW, Plump's BASK has leveraged the entire economy on a stratagem that has its own future failure guaranteed by the very wreconomics of depletion its proponents determinedly drill, and drill, and drill, and then drill some more, to deny.
The hope, as was Bush's in 2008, being that he'll have long ago absconded with his rehypothecated funds far ahead of the crisis hitting.
"It's called weather, [it] changes and you have storms and you have rain and you have beautiful days,"
Methane accumulation in the atmosphere is now occurring at a torrid pace. Such a rapid increase is resulting in the weather changes that the President callously laughs off as though they simply don't matter (Hey, it's only the weather), and as the entire slate of Democratic candidates remains silent on his haughty promulgation that, "You have storms and you have rain," as the Southeast drowns in wave after wave of torrential downpours flooding its streets and filling its basements with water wrung out of the atmosphere occasioned by the severe rise in methane and its accompanying VOC's (volatile organic compounds) of n-butane, ethene, toluene, methylbenzene and many other heat-trapping molecules, the President 's resident idiot at the DOE, that consummate Texan, Rick "The Dick" Perry, proclaims that they are "Freedom Molecules", but the people left dead from hurricane Dorian's heat-fueled EF-4 tornado-like force winds, were perhaps not as anxious to be "free" of their mortal coil as his callous remarks suggested.
But instead, if any reference at all is made to the link between hyper-amped storms and amped-to-hype promises of fracking's economic boom, it will only be as fleeting as the cry for gun control after this latest murder spree by one of Texas' unending parade of home-grown terrorists. Whereas every boom has its bust, t he fracking boom has the inevitability of its comBUSTenomics spelled right out for us to contemplate as we watch the sheets of rain cascade down from the sky in torrents. So let's just continue to ignore the fact that our DJ is playing the same tune as GW: Keep Pushing until something Breaks. Only this time, since no one will be able to say, "Nobody could've seen it coming", since everyone has already seen it coming, President Plump's already-contrived answer will be, "The Democrats did it to stop my Best-in-the-entire-World's-History Wreconomic Recovery".
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