There is a conspiracy of complacency around the world in which they still imagine that if we do a few minor things, minor adjustments and reduce our carbon dioxide emissions, then all will be well. But, it won’t; because we’ve already got too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. And the rate at which the fracking giants, the US and Russia are leaking methane into the Arctic, including from the no-longer perma-frosted soils of Alaska and Siberia, The War Against the Climate the two countries are successfully waging is the first War either country has shown even the remotest sign of winning since their successful joint effort in WW2, that being, not coincidentally, the high point of each of the two wanna-be's Empires stature.
"We’re already going to have more than 2C degrees of warming even if we don’t emit anymore because of the already existing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. So, we’ve got to not only stop emitting it or reducing it, reducing emissions, but find ways to take it out of the atmosphere, and that’s a technology that hasn’t been developed.”
Notwithstanding Iceland's rather pathetic CSS experiment.
Airstrike capitalism - also known as Reaganomics/Thatcherism/ - once our new religion, despite its massive failure, is still the USA's driving force and we remain just as fundamentalist about it as the Taliban are about Islam.
So instead of nurturing the carbon sequestration regimes in place: rainforests, we, as in mankind, or, more specifically, the G-20 nations whose policies decide how the world is organized, started razing them to the ground to "grow" fuel, caring not a whit that the resultant CO2 such an endeavor would pour in to the atmosphere would wreak havoc with the world's weather and guarantee a future climate inimical to their own children's well-being. And not just economies' well-being:
“Methane gas oxidizes in the atmosphere first to a transitory toxic substance call methanol and then moves to formaldehyde and water vapor. Both are very dangerous gases, because formaldehyde (Formaldehyde (HCHO) is one of the heaviest gases out there, and it is the product of methane oxidation at high levels. As levels go higher it can cause hypothermia, asphyxiation, and ultimately acidosis, which literally eats you from the inside out.” (This description matches what scientists have been describing in almost all cases where birds, geese, bats and other small animals have died mysteriously). Methane is toxic, and water vapor traps heat.” Silverthorne cites a report published in Science Daily, about methane levels increasing by 27 million tons in 2007 (European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT). formaldehyde does not smell until it reaches 3ppm. Studies made in Brazil -one of the location affected by mass fish death- revealed that concentrations as low as 1.25 ppm, well below the countries legal limit, caused breath impairment. Other studies completed earlier than the one in Brazil, determined that formaldehyde in water reduces oxygen levels.
Methane's increase in its atmospheric composition grows at the precise rate that the drilling rigs fracturing the earth's surface grow, which in turn follow their own parallel path alongside the growth in the world's energy consumption. What you will never see enumerated is the fact that, as fast as the alternative energy generation technologies contribution to the energy mix increases, the world's overall energy use continues to grow even faster.
Climate change has a progressive effect, slowly working throughout the world. But, all of the slowness is building up to a big change. Moreover, by the time anomalous weather patterns disrupt agriculture, causing worldwide starvation, it’ll be too late to do anything. We all know this. Unfortunately, global inertia is the problem. “The forces of inertia are so enormous … the use of fossil fuel is so built into our society, that everything in life, now including the vast destruction occurring from out-of-control wildfires and flooding, results from burning fossil fuels.”
But we all already know that, too, don't we?
The biggest problem, though, our Green tech enthusiasts wish to, or wish you, to ignore, is waste. The Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition (SVTC), a San Francisco-based non-profit, has been tracking the waste created by solar panel manufacturers since 1982, and reports a disturbing upward trend in the amounts being generated annually. But that's no problem ... simply do with solar panel production what you've done with every toxic waste-producing manufacturing process: move it to China! They welcome poisoning of their workers for their Leaders' prosperity. It's the only country in the world where that's the entire underpinning of their economy: poison the masses, if they dare complain, (they don't ... they are so used to doing exactly as ordered they make sheep look like rebels) "Reeducate" them. Solar panel makers in China can simply dump silicon tetrachloride on fields near their factories, yet, not to be outdone by a mere civilian industry, USA Merchants of Death stoked by the Pentagon, the deadly heart beating at the center of weapons manufactory, are the real champions of waste, especially radioactive waste, as the bomb-makers tolerate no limits to their perfidy:
The production, maintenance, and modernization of nuclear weapons are sources of super profits for what is, in essence, a cartel. One that doesn't receive any notice anywhere in the Green New Deal, which by its omission, leaves the entire military industrial complex intact, and with it, the onerous taxes necessary to maintain and expand it (it's never large enough). The business model these so-called "enterprises" but actually cartels, employ is “cost-plus.” That means that no matter how high cost overruns may be compared to original bids, contractors receive a guaranteed profit percentage above their costs. These include a series of familiar Corpornations: Boeing, Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics, GenCorp Aerojet, Huntington Ingalls, and Lockheed Martin. In other areas like nuclear design and production, the names at the top of the list will be less well known: Babcock & Wilcox, Bechtel, Honeywell International, and URS Corporation. When it comes to nuclear weapons testing and maintenance, contractors include Aecom, Flour, Jacobs Engineering, and SAIC; missile targeting and guidance firms include Alliant Techsystems and Rockwell Collins.
To name a few.
“The markets in China now are not really markets,” Donald Straszheim, head of China research at New York-based Evercore ISI, said on Bloomberg Television. “They are government operations.”
(After reading the above paragraph, can you explain how that differs from here, having read the paragraph above that?) In both countries, it is the wealth of the billionaire Keptocracy that is protected, at the expense of actual workers, who must earn it while the elite burn it: literally in front of our face as they rocket up into the atmosphere on useless joyrides even while wildfires burn all over the globe; they can't resist adding their own polluted exhaust to an atmosphere already besotted with it. Money to burn money to burn, we get it from daddy, so we don't have to earn.
“They are government operations”:
Much of the responsibility for nuclear weapons development, production, and maintenance lies not with the Pentagon but the Department of Energy (DOE), which spends (and by spends, they mean lards Corponations' balance sheets with, they even have an acronym for them, so-called GOCO sites (“government owned, contractor operated”) more on nuclear weapons than it does on developing sustainable energy sources.
Efficiency in production, the process whereby all backup and redundancies are destroyed in the name of a fast profit, needs to be replaced by equality of distribution as the goal of our national efforts. But, of course, that will never, even in the face of a crippling pandemic and horrendous climate destruction, making money purely for the sake of amassing wealth with no plan for its investment other than to amass yet more wealth into the hands of those who haven't a clue as to what to do with what they already have, is so deeply entrenched into the Reagonomic culture of greed that persists in no place more than New York City, its largest cheerleader, the City that gave us a con artist and serial bankrupt for a President:
New York Governor Kathy Hochul said Ida caused more than $50m in damage in that state after the storm’s record-breaking rainfall of 7.8cm (3.1 inches) per hour on Wednesday.
"The difference today is that the entire supply chain has been battered even before Ida’s occurrence."
It wasn't "battered," it's been systematically deconstructed to replace resilience with "efficiency", ie to put quick profits ahead of robust construction. And the center of that impetus to squeeze every last quarter of a cent of resiliency out of the supply chain, forcing JIT rules down the throat of every manufacturer that's a link in that chain was NEWYORK City's Wall St.
Climate Battle
Just another phrase in the unending spate of idiotic references to mankind's drive to destroy the Blue dot's ability to sustain life that the NYT has proliferated, referring to what is but a skirmish in the Climate War the West, spearheaded by NYC, has been waging on the world, a veritable War of Error in which those who don't take a knee in homage to the mantra that "There is no such thing as society," are subjected to crushing unilateral sanctions designed to cripple their economy.
"We’ve done a less good job of thinking about water coming from the sky."
Ahem. I believe they call that "rain".
The entity that thinks it's capable of ruling the entire globe, never thought of following the simplest of maxims, one that's known even to school children, to prepare for a rainy day:
"Starting at about a tenth of an inch of rain per hour, rainfall exceeds the system’s capacity."
So in a city boasting the most expensive real estate in the United Sates of America, a mere tenth of an inch of rain overwhelms the system's capacity. If we discount everything else this pathetic number suggests, what we must come to realize is that the financial Center of the country in the forefront of waging a Climate War against the rest of the world has left its highly inflated property values, the most widely held and overpriced asset in the country, one that is used as leverage for countless securitized loans held by the banks around the world is left defenseless against the onslaught of the most predictable of weather events: a tenth of an inch of rain.
Their plan? More word soup: Environmental Justice, climate watchers, stormwater resiliency. Because
"This kind of radical change in weather (rain greater than a tenth of an inch) is beyond the understanding of our typical measuring tools,” (or should that be "fools"?)
Boasting, "the largest green infrastructure program in the country," according to the DEP’s (Dept of Environmental Protection) Timbers claims it includes small “rain gardens,” also known as bioswales, designed to absorb excess rainwater on city streets and other public spaces. Apparently the fact that it did nothing to allay the flooding means nothing to Timbers. Perhaps protecting the City from the environment should be someone's job now instead of the other way around. However, in a world of word soup where words are simply thrown together because they produce the desired somnambulance in the population, we should ask ourselves what exactly is "Green infrastructure"? In the NYT, in an article by Brad Plumer, the question was asked, "How Green are Electric Cars?" The answer to which was supplied: "Very Green." Following this logic, wherein a vehicle that's made with more than a ton and a half of plastic is considered "Very Green," a parking garage for electric vehicles would necessarily be included under the rubric of "green infrastructure," so it's little wonder that the city with, "the largest green infrastructure program in the country," is subject to flooding should a tenth of an inch/hr of rain fall onto its paved surface.
Their plan? Same as the old plan:
"Water is our wildfires, (until the wildfires erupt there). When Congress passes a federal infrastructure bill, New York City would be poised to receive an influx of funds."
So the richest City in the country with the richest, most affluent tax base in the world, has as its plan to use the Federal government to force the rest of the country to pay for their upkeep. The city that houses the Wall St criminals that have eviscerated the "flyover" states' ability to provide jobs to their citizenry because they found it more profitable to abandon their industries and move them to a Communist regime, together with the technology that those citizens' taxes paid to develop, are now to have their income siphoned off by federal taxation to funnel them, once again, into the coffers of that City of Criminals, New York. Precious resources picked from pockets, leaving them defenseless to face the ravages of climate change-fueled disasters of their own, to waste on nonsense projects like "Green Infrastructure", which, evidenced by the fact that, as stated above, with the largest GI tract in the world, is still incapable of stopping disastrous flooding.
"It will be a race against time.”
WILL be!? It IS a race against time, and the New York-blessed marriage of Washington and Wall St, once referred to as The Washington Consensus, and enforced by NeoCon Empiricists bent on creating an arc of instability to fuel, via forever Wars, US hegemony, fired the starting pistol.
Because of New York City, more than any other place in the world, Disaster Capitalism reigns. Yet when it rains disaster on NYC, the rest of the country is supposed to sit silent and pay up to make the city that bequeathed on it Donald Trump as its President, rainproof. Wow. If that don't beat all for standing, sitting or running gall.
And the built environment that Disaster Capitalism has bequeathed on us isn't something we can simply decide to live without, as a flood of Capital, like a flood of rain, destroys everything in its path:
In 2005 the container fleet in total was under 2,000 vessels, the largest vessel capacity was 11,078 TEU with a Deadweight (dwt) value of 115,700 tonnes. By the close of 2020 it had rocketed to 5,234 vessels, with some boasting a capacity of 23,964 TEU and 232,606 dwt. This has driven overall Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) by 42%, from 44K TEU in 2005 to 8.82 million TEU in 2020. Various factors have driven the growth, notably economies of scale vs transportation costs, a dominant Asia Europe trade lane fuelling enough cargo, and fierce competition amongst owners. All have played into the burgeoning desire for more of what have become known as ‘mega’ container ships.”
You know, like the one that blocked the Suez canal. These monstrosities are sitting in blocked ports around the world as idle as the equally-absurd-sized Cruise Liners. What they have in common is that monies invested in their construction maintenance and deployment means (borrowed) monies that have been taken away from alternatives, which then go bankrupt and disappear. Resiliency is squeezed out in the name of profits from every aspect of the Globaloney Economy, and replaced with mountains of debt as colossal as the behemoths plying the oceans' waves burning highly polluting bunker fuel all along the way. All fueled by the Fed and the ECB, along with their subordinate's Central Banks that must follow suit. Which is a direct connection to:
The accelerated drop in homeownership rates. One that coincides with a sharp increase in home prices. An easy enough concept to understand, no? Yet the equally obvious observation that, "The accelerated rise in homelessness rates coincides with a sharp increase in home prices" is somehow overlooked. Perhaps because it makes it far too obvious that it is the Fed's asset acquisition programs, the ones keeping those NYC properties at such nosebleed valuations that far exceed their worth, especially given that their security has been left at the complete mercy of the fossil fuel-stoked elements, that are directly responsible for the rise in homelessness, and the billionaire class would rather keep the polity in the befuddled state they too seem to prefer to be in:
Since 2012, private equity firms bought several hundred thousand vacant single-family homes, from the Fed who used taxpayer-supplied funds to buy them at rock-bottom prices, in key markets, then further conspired with the Fed to drive up prices in the process, and started to rent them out. REIT cred.
Our society has been very well trained to turn two blind eyes to the big picture, and to simply spend their time and energies only on their own pursuit of personal pleasures. If this paradigm is not overturned, and people do not choose to stand and face the challenges closing in on us, we will have no chance. Ergo, we have no chance.
For, far from retooling, and building green infrastructure, the very city that is now frothing at the mouth for the rest of the country to pay to protect it from the ravages of the monster they have loosed on the rest of us, Wall ST, in the heart of the city that prospers only when Wall St prospers, has been funneling money, via pump and dump schemes and QE dollars, for at least the last fifteen years, trillions of investment dollars, most of them generating losses for their investors but billions for Wall St, the fracturing tsunami of millions of barrels of oil/day keeps the US balance of payments from total collapse, while warming cold hearts by lighting a Bonfire of the Vanities, igniting billions of cubic feet of natural gas and flaring it into the atmosphere:
Countries (or states, such as Texas) that rely on black gold for revenue necessarily come to represent the interests of petroleum extractors. Cursed by oil, they become more belligerent and thumb their noses at international institutions. Terry Lynn Karl, who wrote that "Oil revenues are the catalyst for a chronic tendency of the state to become "overextended, over-centralized and captured by special interests." That is Texas to a "T", the Loan Tarsands State, although not so much as "captured" as "sold out to," and Trump's vision of the USA, making a nation of petroleurs, turning the country into a petro-State that is little more than a brigand, with Texas flaring so much of a natural energy-rich resource that its citizens are left freezing to death, their overabundance of natural resources sold for a pittance via LNG terminals that whisk the natural gas out of their state to sell to the highest bidder overseas while their own rates skyrocket from contractual scams that rob even their children of their earnings before they've even received them. The poor fossil fools, for them there will be no Freedom Molecules.
“Cowardice, alone of all the vices, is purely painful — horrible to anticipate, horrible to feel, horrible to remember; Hatred has its pleasures. It is therefore often the compensation by which a frightened man reimburses himself for the miseries of Fear. The more he fears, the more he will hate. And Hatred is also a great anodyne for shame.” (Well, no worries there, we have no shame).
— From the demon Screwtape, in The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis.
See the common element to these lies: they arouse our fear. Why does fear have such an effect on us, despite officials' long history of lying to us about threats? How do you describe people ruled by their fears? We call them cowards. It’s the description of us that none of us dare say. Yet, together with greed, it is the entire basis of the Disaster Capitalist economic system we insist that every country in the world need adopt, or like Venezuela, or poor Cuba, we will unilaterally destroy them ... for absolutely no other reason, nor need we have one, for no other nation dare even question our right to do so. Their own internalized Fear and Greed (FaG) guarantees they will never do so.
"The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has predicted a 5-degree Celsius increase by 2100 as its worst-case scenario."
But they never took into account methane ... at all, nor NO2, neither did they predict that, far from reducing our combustion of fossil fuels we would dramatically increase them in every country around the globe ... every single one, or as they seem to prefer these daze: Every. Single. One.
Luckily, though, if all the promises made by all the nations of the world to cut their carbon emissions are kept, the Earth will only heat up another 6° Fahrenheit. We don't care, we don't have to; we'll be gone by that point. No worries. According to the supernaturalists, who by virtue of their "religion", insist that this life is but a blip in our immortal existence, so why sweat it? Their new motto?:
Shut up and die, because WE believe in a truth that's a lie.
Little molecules of CO2 and a virus that's little more than the flu, are just god's gift to get closer to you.
"Hence, it is impossible to conceive of any credible (and no, the feckless "Green New Deal" doesn't count) scenario in which the mass die-off of billions of people will not occur in this century."
So if you're wondering why the pandemic is being handled so badly all around the world, you should remember that every single policy maker in every country knows this to be true. Extreme (well, what is rapidly becoming the normal) weather is now a greater direct cause of displacement and death than even the terrible racket of warfare.
The new normal is that there is no longer any "normal." People should understand that the planet's climate has not only changed, it’s still changing. No new normal is able to last because we continue to pump climate-changing gases into the atmosphere at an accelerating rate. Hence, it can never reach an equilibrium. And equilibrium is what climate and weather are all about: stasis and entropy rule the flow of air, commonly referred to as the wind, so as carbon continues its rise in its percentage of the composition of the atmosphere, geological-scale processes will eventually come to bear to pull it out and sequester it. Eventually. In geologic time. Not in our time, though. Sorry Iceland. Our time is close to being over. No one knows why the world sequesters carbon, thereby making life possible, we only know it has done this since the beginning of time, and excavating it and setting it aflame is exactly what one would do if one were bent on worldwide climate chaos. Exactly what the religions of the world are all agreed on stoking to further their own Creator myth's fairy tale. One that not even their children believe.
"The real issue is whether the country is controlled by its aristocracy (a dictatorship), or instead by its public (its residents). Let’s be frank and honest: an aristocratically controlled government is a dictatorship, regardless of whether that “aristocracy” is in fascist Italy, or in Nazi Germany, or in Communist USSR, or in North Korea, or in the United States of America."
For the last forty years, mind you, America, with NYC as its main driving force, has been moved steadily along an easily defined trajectory. We’ve moved step by step toward more political and economic inequality, with NY-based Wall St. leading the way to making us a petro-state, there's now more political corruption, more impoverishment, more malign neglect toward the national infrastructure, and more environmental "disruption" (disruption? So apparently, now "disruption " is synonymous with "unalterable destruction"), along with a steady decline in literacy and a rolling collapse in public health (among other equally grim trends).
There is a bizarre divergence between this newborn eagerness of the mainstream to talk about the "Climate Battle" (whatever that means) and their utter unwillingness to talk about peak oil despite the fact that the entire economy is now skewered to pour resources into energy production, specifically fossil fuel energy production, which is what fracking, about which there is a complete silence from every media outlet. Yet if it were not for peak oil, there would BE no hydraulic fracturing, as it is energetically, environmentally and economically ruinous. It is only in an environment where all other sources of petroleum have been squandered, that hydraulic fracturing is even taken under serious consideration.
So one must tease out for oneself the reason for such a loud silence on what is the most important subject for future planning. And what then becomes glaringly obvious is that the end of the era of cheap and abundant energy means that something's gotta give. Yet the one thing that is also glaringly obvious is that what that one thing must be is the ubiquity of cars and the impossibility of living in our built environment, the one we designed for a world run for automobiles that is now gone, is the one thing that no politician anywhere, not just in the USA, but anywhere, has the stomach to address. Never mind the intelligence to devise a solution. But we have to change, because this blue dot in the vast emptiness of cold, dark space that we call home doesn't contain the resources that would be needed even to keep things going the way they were going in the past. So, given that, how the hell is it even remotely feasible that we will not only keep doing that, but also build on top of it an entirely new infrastructure capable of electrifying a billion vehicles that have yet to be built in order to reach a point somewhere decades hence where we will finally be exactly where we were, not today, as right now our situation is dire, but a generation ago, only to end up back here, with nothing different than a new drive train in our vehicles and a different, more energy-intensive overlay to keep those vehicles moving? Vehicles that, in a world that consistently floods our roadways, are to be powered by electric batteries that, when even slightly damaged, can rapidly discharge their stored energy in the form of heat, leading to an inferno. And the bigger the battery, the bigger the fire. And EV's the size of SUV's, the only vehicles Americans care to purchase, necessarily have a giant battery pack, so if the car suffers sufficiently severe impact, it goes up in flames—as plenty of Tesla incidents, that have taken excess of 10,000 gallons of water to extinguish, have illustrated.
That's their plan for your future. Even as floods roar across highways, fill up car-packed tunnels and inundate city streets tossing multi-ton vehicles around like they're Tonka toys, the push to replace ICE machines with what are basically chemical weapons of mass destruction proceeds unabated. Goes forward as though we are ignorant of the future calamity we are hiding from sight under the hood.
It is because we have no answers to these questions that they are never allowed to enter the public discourse. On one of the ubiquitous cop shows that play ad nauseum on American TV, an officer advising a younger member of the police force tells him a secret, "Never ask a question you don't already know the answer to." That is the state of reportage in the country today. And since no one knows the answers, no one ever dares, being ruled by fear, as we all are, to pose the questions that society actually needs to have answered. While, not to be outdone, society never complains about this sorry state of affairs, because we don't want to hear answers we don't know how to deal with, specifically, answers that will threaten our own privileged status of flying around on our asses safely ensconced in our flying car pets.
When I first read the following, I thought it was written by the Evangelical pastors supporting the Presidency of The Blob:
"Not contentment, but more power, not peace at all, but war; not virtue, but proficiency. The weak and poorly formed shall perish: first principle of our philanthropy. And one shall help them to do so. What is more harmful than any vice? Active sympathy for the poorly formed and the weak— Christianity."
But it's from Friedrich Nietzsche's Der Antichrist, (1895).
I knew what they were calling "Christianity" these days had nothing to do with anything I've ever read in the bible about Christ, but I had no idea there was an actual formula they were following, nor that it was specifically called "The Antichrist."
American industrial infrastructure, which was progressively shifted to colonies and/or vassals, as well as to China, has left us with no expertise, as expertise is the province of Labor, not Capital, which can only buy it. We have watched as Wall St and the City that hosts it have changed the rules, turning an economy built via Industrialization into an economy of financialization. But having Banks and other financial institutions as "the backbone of the economy", means, since all bankers are spineless, that the economy no longer has a backbone. It is structurally set up to fail, held up only by rickety institutions that have been deemed TBTF to reassure the leery. But that means, not that they are indeed too big to fail, we already know that's not true, as each and every one of them already did fail in 2008, (and are still in operation today, not because of the brilliance of bankers, but because of the deep pockets, that would be yours, of the Federal government), but that when they do fail, and no one doubts they will, they will bring the entire edifice down with them; while all those bankers will flee to the safehavens they've stashed their stolen goods in, leaving the rest of us holding the bag. And that bag will be stuffed with IOU's that they have made in our name. You see, to them it's always just been another hand of Liar's Poker. But for the rest of us, it'll be Game Over.