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The Pentagong Show

The Pentagong Show
United State of Terror: Is Drone War Fair?

Thursday, December 26, 2024

War on Christmas

Greed: The Spirit of Christmas Presents.

 Until recently Faux News hosted their annual “war on Christmas” meme in order to flagellate those not enthusiastic enough about the pagan idea of a virgin birth of an immortal god come to “save” mankind from their, which would be his, folly.

Now that there is an actual war on Christmas in what is still referred to as the holy land, despite it being awash in blood spilled by one tribe of monotheists gleefully killing off another, salivating all the time about their prize, Lebensraum, to be wrested from their inevitable Final Solution to the Palestinian problem, nary a whisper of the phrase War on Christmas is heard now that there is an actual war on Christmas day being waged. Specifically because no one could care less. When spirituality is measured by how many material possessions and land one owns, acquired by grinding those who stand in your way of obtaining such WORLDLY wealth into the dust, the word “hypocrisy” doesn’t quite cut it somehow, now does it?

So as we face the New Year firm in the knowledge that the Oct Hamas attack was carried out on the “suggestion” of a conspiring Putin, dead set on the Trump victory such an attack would make inevitable,  the caos in the West he is already vindictively stirring being Trump’s gift to the dark lord as gratitude for his contribution to the fElon’s electoral victory.

So all we can really do is stand by and watch the MGM musical version of Noah, with kNessen Yahoo in the role of Yahweh, the USA his oh-so-complicit two-faced Noah constructing the Ark of instability as an instrument of betrayal.

And every musical needs a song, so the Twelve Days of Christmas seemed appropriate, with a few minor changes:

On the first day of Christmas, my Rabbi gave to me,

A cartridge to load my Uzi;

On the second day of Christmas, my Imam gave to me,

Two cluster bombs, and a cartridge to load my Uzi;

On the third day of Christmas, my Father gave to me, 

Three French tanks, Two cluster bombs, and a cartridge to load my Uzi;

On the fourth day of Christmas, the 700 club gave to me, 

Four killer drones, Three French tanks, Two cluster bombs, and a cartridge to load my Uzi;

On the fifth day of Christmas, Pope Francis gave to me,

Five Golden Rules … 

Four killer drones, Three French tanks, Two cluster bombs, and a cartridge to load my Uzi;

On the sixth day of Christmas, my Rabbi gave to me, 

Six geeks a-slaying,

Five Golden Rules … 

Four killer drones, Three French tanks, Two cluster bombs, and a cartridge to load my Uzi;

On the seventh day of Christmas, my Father gave to me, seven Kwanza missiles, Six geeks a-slaying,

Five Golden Rules … 

Four killer drones, Three French tanks, Two cluster bombs, and a cartridge to load my Uzi;

On the eight day of Christmas, my Gay Priest gave to me, eight raids on hospitals, Seven Kwanza Missiles,  Six geeks a-slaying,

Five Golden Rules … 

Four killer drones, Three French tanks, Two cluster bombs, and a cartridge to load my Uzi;

On the ninth day of Christmas, Supreme Leader gave to me, 

Nine Israeli pagers, eight raids on hospitals, Seven Kwanza Missiles, Six geeks a-slaying,

Five Golden Rules …

Four killer drones, Three French tanks, Two cluster bombs, and a cartridge to load my Uzi;

On the tenth day of Christmas, Southern Baptists gave to me, ten lurid assassins, Nine Israeli pagers, eight raids on hospitals, Seven Kwanza Missiles, Six geeks a-slaying,

Five Golden Rules …

Four killer drones, Three French tanks, Two cluster bombs, and a cartridge to load my Uzi;

On the eleventh day of Christmas, Evangelicals gave to me, Eleven pipe-bombs targets, ten lurid assassins, Nine Israeli pagers, eight raids on hospitals, Seven Kwanza Missiles, Six geeks a-slaying,

Five Golden Rules …

Four killer drones, Three French tanks, Two cluster bombs, and a cartridge to load my Uzi;

On the Twelfth day of Christmas, the Holier-than-Thou’s gave to me, Twelve Hummers pummeling, Eleven pipe-bomb targets, ten lurid assassins, Nine Israeli pagers, eight raids on hospitals, Seven Kwanza Missiles, Six geeks a-slaying,

Five Golden Rules …

Four killer drones, Three French tanks, Two cluster bombs, cartridge to load my Uzi.

(All reeking with the stench of Self-Serving Hypocrisy).

Thus do we now sit facing the New Year with the specter of religious zealotry and its Siamese twin, totalitarian rule, firmly ensconced in the seat of power, its days in the shadows past. Soon Enough they will embroil the globe, yet again, in a paroxysm of astounding destruction so as to rule in the darkness that will descend in its wake.

                                                 The One True god to rule them all,
                                                      The One god to blind them,
                                                      One god to bring them all,
                                                    And in the darkness, bind them,
                                         In the Holy Land, where even the Shadows lie.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Beavis and Butthead go to Washington.


                                                                 What could go wrong?