The scandal behind VW's rigged readings is far murkier than anything anyone wants to talk about just yet. A light embarrassment, a little false note in the tinkling coins. The marriage of State and Corporation that we so decry we can no loner deny, 'cause when VW pulled their nasty trick, it wasn't just for themselves, but the palm oil plantation owners and the diesel refiners and stations all palming off palm oil diesel to the public as, "eco-friendly", even as a choking smog sends 25 planes into the air over in Singapore as more rainforest is burned down to plant palm oil plantations from which this bio-fuel is produced. But the diesel made therefrom has lost its price advantage over dirty diesel since the collapse of oil prices, and that gives this scandal its real juiciness.
Like Putin's 'Champions" or China's State Enterprises, corporate heads do exactly what Adam Smith, their go-to man when they want a catchy phrase like, "the invisible hand of the market", (with no one ever noting that the only reason a hand needs to be invisible is when it's picking your pocket, and that the best place to do that is in a busy marketplace), to sell the complete rape of the public to that very same public (ya gotta admit, they're pretty good at it), but failing to mention that it was that same Adam Smith who warned, in the same tome (it's very tome-y), that at no time nor any place have two or more members of the corporate class got together than that within ten minutes they have entered into a conspiracy against the public.
This particular conspiracy had a lot more in mind than selling a few extra Jettas. It was inter-corporate intrigue that was out to salvage an industry and the trillions in investment that have been sunk into it, billions of which was wrung out of climate change believers, those pro-Lifers, as a conscionable alternative to fossil fuel investment. This was the way to maintain the carefree pursuit of mindless driving, driving ,driving without all that nasty guilt about habitat annihilation. But of course, it was/is a lie. The only way, not only to sell more vehicles, but to make the science work such that bio-diesel has a smaller carbon footprint than its fossil fuel-derived counterpart was to play us all for the colossal suckers we're always obligingly molding ourselves into, and simply fix the tests. Those who knew wouldn't care and those who cared wouldn't know, or at least wouldn't care to know.
This goes right to the heart of the beast. The economic system can only be maintained by deliberately lying not only to the public but fellow businessmen and investors, bankers, insurance personnel and accountants; complete fabrications that are massaged for your comfort and relaxation. The entire global economy has been Enronned. The transportation sector is not only a vital artery, but a contributor of a vast portion of the world's nations' economies, and it is buttressed by a pack of lies created by the same mAdMen who concocted the same campaign of obfuscation and outright lies to sell cigarettes to a gullible, sensation -hungry public. But this is the transportation sector that they've hoodwinked us about this time. On an enormous, unfixable scale.
Think about the resources that need to be brought to bear just to repair VW's wanton damage, Then consider the dozen or so other Car Manufacturers that did the same or something similar, and you begin to see the picture. The US alone robofactured 18 million units in the last year. But don't stop there. Now let's consider the impact of an entire industry blowing second-hand smoke, of a much more toxic mixture than any cigarette, in your eyes. The scale of this crime is monstrous. Yet the same type of shenanigans still goes on in the housing industry, and the Banking industry, the insurance companies, all doing business making decisions on the basis of false data. But not just false. As in the VW case, one of the few times they weren't able to hide the evidence of their crime, data deliberately manipulated to be false for other than just the obvious underhanded reason.
The same carefully planned deception undergirds the entire globalized economy. An over-leveraged house of cards that were all slipped from the bottom of the deck of a pack of lies by a bunch of Jokers who built a sand Bank on the coast of an inexorably rising ocean of debt.
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The external combustion that precedes the internal combustion in your engine. |
Metaphorically speaking, that is.
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