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The Pentagong Show

The Pentagong Show
United State of Terror: Is Drone War Fair?

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

The blEnd of History

If President Obama's a Kenyan, why didn't change his name to hide the fact?
 Drumph's a German, and he DID change his name to hide it.

But he signals the Right people as to what his true nature is:

By sporting a melange of hairspray and spit meticulously
sculpted into the shape of a WW2 German Helmet.

Though he really seems to like playing golf, 
He loves it more when we call him, "Adolf".
Highlighting a psychotic need to be
The world's number 1 Celebrity,
Though no West Point Gent.

His name means more Ad Revenues
For the media circus we still call "News",
As venom, bile and nasty prompts 
Oozes from his Washington swamp
Like Ointment.

To fill his cabinet, he eschewed the best,
Choosing generals with loaded chests.
Preferring metal formed into a shield
To earning mettle in the Field
Of Appointment.

Like a boll Weevil
His cushy digs belie his Evil, 
 Exhaling a snakelike Hiss
Spawning a miasma of Avarice,
That spreads Disappointment.

That damned ill-natured baneful vice
Claims austerity for you is Nice,
While Luxury keeps a million Poor,
Pride assures they won't restore
What's been Looted.

 Envy itself, and Vanity
 are now ministers of every industry.
Their darlings, Folly and Fickleness
force diet furnishings and dress
To be uprooted.

Hence what was just fine for a time,
 In half a year becomes a crime;
As he struck down all Obama's laws,
For arbitrary ones all full of flaws,
Everyone disputed.

How vain is mortal Happiness
But how to learn the bounds of 
Or that perfection on the ground 
is not only crazy, but (more profound), 
To humankind, unsuited.

Yet every one who lacks success, 
With angry shouts demands redress.
Cursing politicians, Armies, Navy Fleets,
Yet letting Banks be run by Cheats,
Who should've been uprooted.

Sweeping in a Princley Store 
from conning Middle Class and Poor,
For nothing less can thrive,
Than Lawyers in an honest Hive,
With a Free Press, accoutered.

Imprison some, set others free,
Justice is a rarity,
Her presence since no more requires, 
With all her train and Pomp's retired,
All transmuted.

Even Clergy serve themselves, you see
Work not for souls, but their own prosperity.
Whether Jim and Tammy or the swaggering Saggart, 
That Con Man and Braggart,
Divinely Uninspired.

How long it'll take is anyone's guess
'Til he makes the Secret Service his own SS,
His will to power has one intent,
Destroy work done by a better President, 
Less self-interest-mired.

All while claiming it's Democracy
while ignoring all but his constituency;
But those outside the Party called "Tea",
Comprises the vast Majority,
Who kneel during an anthem that's War-inspired,
Yet would gladly stand to shout,
"You're Fired!"

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