The American Way of Life is NOT Negotiable.
Like the military, the economy is now a bigger threat to us than the exigencies it was set up to protect us from in the first place. Because the "us" here in the good ole US is not us at all, but "them". And all they care about, as the number of homeless filling the streets and living in their cars steadily increases, are the employment numbers that belie the growing desperation; the rising housing values, that leave employed people nowhere to live but on the streets; the excessive Stock Market valuations, buoyed by tax bonanzas and an "independent" FED without which the traded companies' balance sheets could never justify those valuations; and all in the name of a Free Market that's been rigged (they may be called Equity Markets, but there's nothing equitable about them) and a Democracy that's been cynically usurped, buoyed up on the hydrogen fumes of a Financial system so riddled with corruption it needs but a spark to ignite a firestorm of economic destruction from the tinderbox of derivatives that has been construed for the sole purpose to hide their very real flammability. The ensuing conflagration will engulf the global economy yet again as it sets ablaze a bonfire of asset destruction that will incinerate without distinction the valuable assets along with the junk.
Because that distinction, between real value and trumped-up trash, has been malignantly configured to make the difference between the two indecipherable. Using the totally bonkers concept of hiding risk from investors in order to use the hard-earned sweat of the indebted multitude to pay for the bad bets of the well-placed, bad debts that are still dragging on the economy from the last crackup, a similar concept was in full view, though unreported, as the claims of the rich after the climate-related storms of the Atlantic, were paid, their property secured, all while the bulk of the insurance Companies' premiums are paid for by the families living in bungalows and trailers, whose premiums will rise to pay for the nose-bleed valuation on the property of the rich: Communism redux.
Collectivism: they collect, but rarely pay, those not well-placed. The Corzine Mentality of running a fine-tuned machine of asset allocation whose underlying mechanism is designed to enrich the House at the expense of its clients (MF Global collapsed into bankruptcy in 2011 and lost more than $1 billion of its customers' money). Run out of money? No problemo. Just ransack your clients' accounts: "whatdya think they're there for, 'cause they're theirs? There there. There's no their there, just Ours."
Much like in Our Boarding House, there's a lot of Hoople goin' on:
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Hoople: Lazy character preferring to work as little as possible, "earning" money on the side running every scam going. |
And now that's all the economy is anymore, with the head scammer, whose morphology bears not a little resemblance to the overstuffed corpulence of the Major, is feeding his family reams of insider information to enable them to run every scam going while he does what he does best: distracts the hoi polloi and our embedded media with his outlandish buffoonery.
Meanwhile back in reality, the repercussions from heating up the atmosphere are indeed non-negotiable:
Dr. Jeff Masters' Wunderground Weather site reports on a fierce storm that brought over 50 foot seas and wind gusts in excess of 90 mph to Alaska's Aleutian Island ...
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Bombogenesis: An atmospheric pressure drop of 24 millibars in 24 hours . This storm dropped 55 millibars in 24 hours. |
Meanwhile Robert Fanney, aka Scribbler, reports that hurricane force wind gusts are blowing off the West Coast of Greenland and predicts that temperatures there will likely hit record ranges of up to 54 degrees Fahrenheit above average in the next few days.
And then there's Sam Carana of Arctic News fame informing us that on the other side of the Arctic Ocean a freshwater lid, formed from all the melting icewater floating atop the heavier, saltier, ocean water, has resulted in warmer water since Heat can't escape through the freshwater dome, (but solar radiation can penetrate deep into the salt water beneath), as is evident from the huge anomalies at the locations near Svalbard, where temperatures were 13.19°C or 23.77°F higher than normal. While:
Venezuela Poised to Become the First Country to Lose All of Its Glaciers to Climate Change
Climate scientists believe Antarctica may have hit a tipping point (and that's just the tip of the iceberg).
But the intelligence of even our brightest is no match for the rampant stupidity of militant capitalism:
Mahindra will open the area's first new vehicle assembly factory in 25 years (Not 25 years from now, but the 1'st one in 25 years ... ain't English grand? It's the Gracie Allen of languages), building off-road vehicles. Oh, but they'll be electric (Not!).
EVs will simply send CO2 emissions upstream. (Simply? That's actually was the original point of making them, to extend the life of the most environmentally destructive form of transportation imaginable, Automobiles, by pseudo-convincing the almost half of the globe's population that lives in Mega cities that it's OK, 'cause it doesn't affect them anymore). But like ethanol, it merely makes them feel better while actually accelerating Climate Derangement.
Sen. Jack Reed, the top Democrat on the Armed Services Committee, describes the present moment as the “first time really in history with any major conflict that we have borrowed rather than ask people to contribute to the national defense directly, and the result is we’ve got this huge fiscal drag … that we’re not really accounting for or factoring into deliberations about fiscal policy as well as military policy.”
Total military costs racked up since that day in 2001 (can you guess which one?) are now $5.6 trillion. That includes not only Pentagon expenses, but also the State Department, Homeland Security, veterans’ health care… and $534 billion in interest costs arising from those expenses. What it doesn't include are the DOE, a large part of whose budget goes to nuclear matters, or the EPA, whose responsible fro the cleanup of so-called Super sites, many of which were involved in the Federal Government's uranium enrichment programs.
Both the United States and Britain have been making more money with arms sales to Saudi Arabia in recent years than ever before. Human rights critics fear that Saudi Arabia has not only bought their weapons but their acceptance for its policies
American car buyers are borrowing like never before—and missing plenty of payments, too.
Stock markets have grown to a total value of nearly one-and-a-half times GDP in the US
Financialisation and globalisation have become the most overt manifestations of neoliberalism in today’s world.
Because of the above, the IEA Sees U.S. Shale Surge as Biggest Oil and Gas Boom in History, meaning that the aftermath will be the biggest BUST in history.
Trump’s vow to “drain the swamp” was just one more empty promise as he adds to the muck with military contractors in key Pentagon jobs and other industry lobbyists at regulatory posts, says Jonathan Marshall. Big surprise, that.
Exxon has "global expertise in extra-long laterals—including a 39,000 footer in Russia," WoodMac says.That's via a partnership with Rosneft, inked while our Secretary of State was its CEO. As can be gleaned from his performance while in the job, it is the only reason he was appointed Secretary of State. But Luckily, it had nothing whatsoever to do with his Rolodex of Russian contacts.
Rahmstorf said there are currently about 600 billion remaining tons of carbon dioxide that can be emitted (The idiotically-monikored "carbon budget") if the world is to have a good chance of keeping warming considerably below 2 degrees Celsius (If it's already more than .8 degrees, the most conservative estimate of how much increase we've already measured, how can it ever be "considerably below" 2 degrees?) and with some 40 billion tons of emissions each year (an amount that's growing not shrinking), that leaves just 15 years.
“If we start to ramp down emissions from now on (Lol) we can stretch this budget to last us about 30 years,” he said. “With every year that we wait we will have to stop using fossil energy even earlier.”
The amount of global warming as a product of CO2's increased concentration in the atmosphere is the model that global climate scientists use in their calculations. Nowhere in those formulas is the excess heat from burning billions of bbl's of oil a year, combined with that released from Natgas, only the solar radiation from above, not the solar radiation from below, which also can't radiate out into space because of the increased density of the gaseous blanket with which we are suffocating ourselves.
The so-called "Carbon budget" assumes somehow that all the heat generated by using renewables (all energy generation anywhere in the known universe produces waste heat in the process) can escape into space. This seems to indicate that the so-called "Carbon budget" is a misnomer, because, what the article, what NO article written about the increase in CO2 cares to mention, is that during the same year that the failure to reach "Peak Carbon" occurred, the amount of energy generated by the so-called renewables is far larger than it's ever been and represents a far greater percentage mix of the ever-growing use of fossil fuels which, by the way, far from making the human experience on the planet easier and life more enjoyable, is starting to have precisely the opposite effect, wreaking havoc all over the globe, and dooming the children that the human race, which is hell-bent on reproducing at an astronomical rate, to early death.
Any other human endeavor, that doesn't advocate the constant multiplication of offspring, from Art to Science, is disdained, ridiculed, and in many States, punished by ostracism or death: Reproduce or be killed. Whereas the world itself is telling us, Reproduce and be killed. We are no more intelligent than bacteria in a petri dish. At least the bacteria are having their exogenous energy piped into them by an entity over which they have no control; we, however, are both the agents and subjects of our own experiment of stoked population growth, everybody watching with bated breath to see how the resultant inability of our own economic system to support such rabid multiplication of such an energy-intensive species will crash and burn.
Emissions are forecast to reach around 37 billion tons of carbon dioxide from fossil fuel burning and industrial activity in 2017, said the group, which published the results in the journal Environmental Research Letters and more detailed findings in Earth System Science Data Discussions.
“If we want to ensure that emissions remain flat we have to put policies in place . . . and the second step is to start to drive emissions down.” (While relying on auto sales, arms deals and tourism as drivers of the Globalized economy: all of which depend on technologies that produce emissions as a result of energy-intensive activities). It's like saying we have to keep dead zones from spreading while slathering more and more nitrogen-based fertilizer on industrial-sized croplands that drain into the Mississippi and hence the Gulf of Mexico. In both cases, it ain't gonna (because it can't) happen.
This question is crucial, because, there's been so many hoorays and so much enthusiasm over the enormous increase in Renewables that are now being used to generate electricity, that no one has bothered to look at the use of fossil fuels, which one would hope would show a concomitant decline: they aren't. Their use is steadily increasing. And not only are they increasing they are, as of last year, increasing at a faster rate than the 1.5% at which they had been increasing before the use of alternatives to fossil fuels were even considered.
This shouldn't surprise anyone, as there has been neither discussion nor expression of any necessity to conserve our use of energy. Contrarily, via fracking in the US the oversupply of a fuel detrimental to the entire planet is not only accelerating, it is doing so with the use of government funding, tax breaks and depletion allowances that flail taxpayers so as to force upon them the burden of costs that ratepayers and shareholders should be, but aren't, shouldering. Once again Capitalism does what it does best: funnels profits to criminals thereby creating more criminals in the process, as others see the easy gains to be "won"' by climbing aboard the gravy train of Government guarantee. Despite the self-serving volumes written to the contrary, at its heart, Cowboy Capitalism is Criminality gone Wild.
The only thing, despite the Kyoto protocols and other misguided attempts to reduce our fuel burning, that changed that 1.5% yearly climb in the combustion of everything we can dig up into smoke, was the GW recession. And that's the only thing that'll stop it now. That is the obvious plan. Just as watching the trading in the Stock Market of certain securities prior to the 9/11 attack alerted observant speculators that something was afoot, the current build up in stock prices is just as foreboding, as the reasons for it are exactly the same: Knowing what's about to happen, you get it while the gettin's good. And then step out out of the way right before the debacle becomes manifest to the rest of us, leaving all those ships that rose with the rising tides to flounder in the stormy seas of rigged markets and FED-induced business cycles, the cyclical nature of which is denied the better to keep a trusting public without even a lifeboat to climb into or a life-vest to don. Because that 's what being "fully invested" amounts to.
You see, if you really believe the fact that the planet we're on is getting warmer, and that the reason for said warming is the amount of CO2 being generated, then there is no escaping the fact that the population that you would logically target to redress that situation would be the middle classes of the OECD countries, and, more specifically, the middle class of the USA, which, even compared to its lifestyle-equivalent fellow members of this select club of Nations, burns up an outsize proportion of energy, and yet whose exports, to pay for that usage, have always, for decades, been in the negative ... by billions of dollars.
Yet the whole thrust of Capitalism, the supposed strength upon which it rests and provides the resiliency its ardent supporters claim it has, is based on the proper allocation of resources. An allocation based on a practice called accounting, which practice has been purposely debased. This much was spent on this or that and produced this, that and the other thing, production of which would halt should it be proved unprofitable. Yet decade after decade the US economy has, by the only metric that the most UBER-capitalist nation in the world allows: profitability, has been shown to be not only wanting, but sorely so, disastrously so, as the US has been building up, simultaneously, a National debt so onerous that, as these underlying dynamics of the economy illustrate, surpasses the ability of the debtor to ever repay. Debt is now the largest export that the US economy has, and it is the one that the reign of the Trump of Doom will make toxic. And toxic debt leads to crippling interest rates: that's why it's called junk, no one would want it except for its nosebleed interest rate is so alluring that those who know how collect it during the boon then slough off the securities once it's too dangerous (by, (as in the case of the toxic MBS and CDO's), getting the FED to buy it by the truckload, as one example of how the well-heeled take but never give) get to skim the cream and leave the bad debt for the rest of us to bear. And then call it Reform. (Seen Trading Places? Debt is just another commodity, like OJ in the film, to be manipulated so the suckers buy it just as its price has peaked).
But, having no resources, the dispossessed can't pay, and the bankrupt country must distract the world from that fact. Which is why the Distractor-in-Chief is doing such a bang-up job. Our orangutan Zero fiddles about, while our 'ome burns. No one notices that the drop in real value of real estate turned into a pile of ash loses, no matter how much insurance you've paid, not only its appraised value, but its value for generating the very coin need to justify the outre debt assumed via leverage in the first place, but what the debt was using for leverage has been burned (or flooded) right out from under it. At some point this continuing destruction of the very infrastructure needed to produce the wealth to pay for, not only what is being completely destroyed, but the debts written off that can no longer be serviced, will, as it always does, reach a Lehman's moment, and the country's pr machine will no longer be able to hide that the Climate is a far stronger PR machine, as unmitigated disasters equivalent to what's happened to Puerto Rico soon enough demonstrate Nature's far greater ability to destroy wealth at a rate much faster than we can create, not just wealth, but the very facilities necessary to create it.
That is the point of The Donald's Disaster Capitalism. Creation of the only thing he's capable of producing: Chaos. For it is in that environment that he flourishes, and from which he plans to extract his billionaire-sized bounty, which even at that size doesn't come close to what his billionaire ego knows he, all while his putting on heirs (onto the federal payroll), deserves. What in heaven's name would lead anyone to believe that he intends to do otherwise?
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