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There's a golf between us: Gusts of wind from the guts of wind. |
Missile Diplomacy: The Rain of Terror That Never Ends.
How are you enjoying your citizenship in the Full-Spectrum DomiNation? Do you like the Pax Americana the Neo-Cons have gifted/grifted us with?
The workings of Democracy getting you excited to share it? As stated in the PNAC:
"We have no choice but to re-instill in our foes and friends the fear that attaches to any great power.... Only a war against Saddam Hussein will decisively restore the awe that protects American interests abroad and citizens at home".
We (the "We" being a small coterie of "think-tank" war-mongers) stating there is "No Choice" (which begs the question, then what good is this Democracy you're always bragging about if a few self-appointed elites decide the future allocation of the Nation's treasure?). If You, all unelected hacks, can decide, and you clearly, in retrospect, can, on the foreign policy decisions that will start an illegal war, throw trillions of dollars of US labor's earnings into the coffers of a few hi-tech weapons manufacturers, destroy the last vestiges of any freedom the press had by censoring their output via "embedding" them with our troops, and starting a campaign of "Shock and AWE" to purposely terrorize the civilian population of not only the country we bombed "Back into the Stone Age" but,
"to re-instill in our foes and friends"
ie, we must periodically wage wars, because, once instilled, the terror we've inspired must be re-enforced as "only a War" can do, for, not only our allies, but our foe-of-the-month as well.
In the Bellicose of the Beast:
Police Forces around the country have been executing unarmed civilians on a fairly regular basis while the President golfs. The "America First" president that gets so maudlin over the deaths of foreign Muslims has nothing but dry eyes for his own countrymen as they're gunned down by police and madmen heavily armed by NRA vigilante-minded anarchists whose freedom to sell chemical weapons of military caliber he completely supports, despite the fact that those weapons, no one can rationally deny, will be turned on the citizens he has sworn to protect, even as he launches missiles against a regime he has himself derided his predecessor for "interfering" with.
"You shouldn't be partners with a Gas Killing Animal who kills his people and enjoys it!"
As only someone who constantly Fires his people and actually DOES enjoy it can know.
First, there's no sense in the phrase Gas killing, so one must redact the Gas, as it is not an adjective, and you can't kill gas, leaving Killing Animal, much the same characterization as the many shooters in the USA have been characterized.
"You have to take out their families" ... (and he doesn't mean for pizza).
And our humongous-bellied POTUS has unequivocally partnered with the NRA and refused to contemplate any act that actually puts the Americans he has sworn to protect "First". His idea of how to make America Great Again is apparently by allowing weapons manufactures to sell them the most deadly military gear to turn against them while he sends missile screaming into foreign countries to protect THEIR citizens while abandoning US citizens to the vagaries of SWAT teams breaking down their doors and shooting them, or tracking them down in the streets like animals and gunning them down by shooting them in the back. All while having the easily deployed necessary technology, such as drones equipped with nets, to apprehend said suspects with no danger to the officers who claim their own fear for their lives as an excuse for using deadly force against civilians armed with nothing but a screwdriver.
If that's the case, the solution requires that no officers be required to confront them, much as the solution that members of the armed forces needn't confront enemies, should be likewise devised. Instead the most deadly of forces and military equipment have been lavished on Police Forces Nation-wide such that they feel no restraint in deploying them, while government troops sit in comfort and droning away, creating new terrorists with every strike while the same President who calls Assad a killing animal chastises his CIA operatives for waiting until their target walked away from their family before killing them, "You should have killed them all", he scolded, even though he has also claimed we have no business being in Syria at all. Well no business but the Oil Business.
Why aren't these drones being used domestically, not armed with bombs, but with nets, and cameras instead of rubber bullets and gas? What's the use of all this whiz-bang technology we're always bragging about if the only use for it is to gun down, or otherwise end the life of, suspects (even in foreign strikes, those murdered by drones are never accused, never mind found guilty, of any crime). Did you know a laser beam aimed, not at the suspect, but at his firearm, can cause it to heat so rapidly they'd be unable to hold it? Just as a surgeon can send several laser beams to burn out cancer tissues, such that the intensity of each beam is insufficient to burn the surrounding tissue, and only when the beams meet at the site of the tumorous cells, are they intense enough to burn tissue, the same stratagem could be used by drones and computers to do the same, but aiming at the firearm instead of a cancerous tumor (it could actually be used in military operations as well, causing entire regiments to drop their weapons).
And don't think for a minute it is just because it would be unfeasible, because you have in your possession a small handheld devise, smaller than a firearm, that is located via triangulation by cell towers miles away. The technology is already there. The same principle applies that Naomi Klein described in The Shock Doctrine:
"Only a crisis – actual or perceived – produces real change. When that crisis occurs (and the killing of more US citizens than all the Syrians killed by Assad's ... (ALL modern weapons are chemical weapons)), the actions that are taken depend on the ideas that are lying around."
(Which she actually picked up, so to speak, from Milton Friedman).
The solutions that don't involve deadly force however, are never even considered. That is how thoroughly indoctrinated we have become to the use of Deadly Force (Infinity War? Really?!? ... and we flock to see it, as the Corporate Hollywood bosses knew we would), not as a last resort, but instead go in with guns blazing, causing the most deadly outcome possible, a mindset that every one of the mass-shootings in the USA shows us is the same mindset of criminals and madmen intent on going out in a blaze of glory, using piles of corpses of victims no one will remember so they will be remembered instead (who knows any of the people Jesse James murdered, or who Bonnie and Clyde mowed down? Time named Hitler Man of the Century, do you think Trump doesn't covet such a Title? Do you think he cares how many dead it'll take him to gain it?).
We could have opted to show the world a different way of being, to show that the Great Experiment of Democracy works for the betterment, not of just one country, but of mankind. Instead we have the same ideas lying around that Hitler/Mussolini had: World Domination by Military Government. That is the Pax we proudly call American. But it is neither. We should therefore be using Donald Trump as a mirror to see what we have become instead of as a lightening rod to take all the heat away from the true perpetrators of this War on Democracy, the Corporate bosses and the stooges their "Free Speech", ie endless piles of purloined Cash, empowers (one of whom, at least, has done us the favor of leaving Congress, which has become the epicenter of Corporate Rule).
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