But a low energy future is a far far cry from what we continue to build for the future of our beloved country. Contrarily, the use of energy continues to accelerate, along with the buildup of methane and CO2 in the atmosphere. Even as deserts all over the globe glisten with solar arrays and rooftops get blackened with solar panel installations, and even as EV's roll off fossil-fuel-enabled assembly lines and mono-crops of corn fill the fields of the Midwest as far as the eye can see only to go up in smoke to fuel ICE machines, the amount of oil burned, the tonnage of coal oxidized, the cubic feet of natural gas needed to slake our ever-growing thirst for electricity (for such essential things as enabling our appliances to 'talk' to each other and quench speculators' burning desire for crypto-currencies), all continue their inexorable rise. A rise, now that we've collectively decided to forget anything so fanciful as 'resource constraint' or 'peak oil', that is now complemented by the rise in what's come to be called green/renewable energy, that, far from enabling us to move to a lower energy future, locks us into one that is so dependent on ever-increasing energy usage, that it will leave us unable to do the most basic of everyday activities, like unlocking the front door to our own house, without a power assist. Ie, without monetizing it.
We have rigged the entire economy to function under the same assumptions as electric windows in cars: reduce the terrible strain that opening the window manually would exact, for a bit of ease, a touch of royal privilege, that tingle of power without effort the flick of a button produces, but leaves us in the predicament of no juice, no escape. We have similarly built our entire economy into a trap, one that is entirely dependent on an electronic array of devises and AI collectively called The Web, which is by any definition a trap, a World Wide Snare, but even the audacity of naming it what it really is has not enlightened us to its true nature in the slightest. Because it gives us a feeling of power even as it saps the last bit of it to funnel into the matrix.
That was the whole point of the so-called information revolution that one generation is completely mum about to their children: Monetization. That was the push in the eighties to monetize everything that wasn't tied down. And that is exactly what trapping us in the matrix does, because that energy that's now needed to unlock the front door, may be as green as you like, but it still comes at a cost, and so to go to work each day, you now have added a little more to your cost, a little more to the Corporate machine that feeds that energy to you in those little sips, in much the same way the media feeds us its doses of scintillating violence and encapsulated murder.
Every time you surrender your ability to do something such that at first it uses, then needs (as alternate methods of performing the task are jettisoned or forgotten), energy, your actions have been monetized, you can no longer perform them without paying someone something. Such as changing the TV remotely. It may have been inconvenient before, maddening, even, but it didn't cost you anything, and, as we have learned, even that simple amount of exercise, going from your chair to the box to change the channel, is beneficial to a human body, because, like all mammals, it has evolved for action. But this benefit is now foregone, and the adverse health affects of the resultant hours of sedentary viewing, are legion. So something that was a godsend to an invalid has turned the rest of us into invalids, and it's a change we gladly accept, but ultimately pay for. Every household now can boast of dozens of remotes, controlling everything from their radio and TV to their sauna and children. More plastic in that one convenience, when multiplied dozens of times, than was in an entire 1950's apartment. Then there's the batteries, many left to simply corrode in the old devise, as the new one takes a different size, and the electronics, in both the devise itself and the one it controls that needs its own compatible embedded electronics to enable it to respond to the commands you give it via the remote.
And this monetization of everything under the sun makes us participants in the geo-engineering of the planet:
Dane Wigington's Geoengineering Watch quotes Mr.Wigington's assertion that the more we try to geo-engineer the problem of climate change away, the faster we bring it on. Exactly the same dynamic as the 'green" revolution: the more we add green energy into the mix, the faster Climate Change accelerates.
In a world where we spend hours and hours burning up precious fossil fuels that we all know are leaving an invisible gas to choke us all to death to highlight a meeting between two egomaniacs intent on enriching themselves at the expense of the rest of their countrymen, such as we saw in the recent meetup between a Trump card and an Un leader, not one of the myriad talking heads bloviating over the 'event' ever mentions the self-aggrandizing nature of both its participants; no wonder nary a word is spoken as to the other, more pressing, real problems that are studiously ignored on a daily basis.
The largest of which , and the most glaring, being, the ever-accelerating straight-jacketing of economies to needing ever-increasing energy consumption in a world that constantly bemoans what that self-same ever-accelerating use of energy is doing to the future viability of every lifeform on this hapless globe.
So back to Dane Wigington's Geoengineering Watch.
Many people consider geoengineering to be of a conspiracy-theory level of thinking, even as they themselves drive around every day of their lives in their own private little geo-engineering machine. Every man and woman piloting around a gasoline-burning engine knows that they are spewing molecules of CO2 into the air every time their foot presses down on that pedal that enables fossil fuel injection and combustion. We prefer not to talk about it, but that doesn't keep it out of our minds. Ignoring it, however, has driven us, as a society, completely out of our minds. That's what cognitive dissonance does, you know. You eventually go bonkers, because you habitually do things you know, but never acknowledge, are inimical to your own specie's longterm survival. Such as participating in geoengineering the atmosphere of the planet you live on, heating it up to the point of stoking cataclysm after cataclysm. As an example, what we've done in the political sphere by purposely forcing cognitive dissonance onto ourselves: Letting the military call itself the "Defense" department as it wages Infinity Wars against prostrate countries so weak even their neighbors need not arm themselves. The name's soon to be changed to the Nobel Peace Prize Department.
It is because our minds have been purposely trained to accept such lies, and it is done purposely; in the days when war wasn't so blithely accepted as the status quo, but thought of as an eventuality, countries had no problem referring to the military part of their governments as the War Department, as we also did here in the USA. It is only after WW2, when the world decided, well, the US decided, that War was to be the engine that ran the economy, such that we have been on a war footing ever since, did they who must be obeyed decide that the truth caused a bit too much discomfiture amongst those insisting on their humanitarian ideals as the drivers of our conflicts, and so decided to give it the more innocuous label of Defense. The result, of this pre-conditioning is that we can fully participate in a feat of geo-engineering the likes of which the world has never seen, and simultaneously think of anyone talking about someone purposely geo-engineering the environment as a nutjob.
But it's a bit too much like collateral damage: If you know ahead of time that someone other than the target is going to be destroyed by your actions, it isn't really collateral damage, as it was part of the plan. If a drone strike is intended for someone in a wedding party, for example, you can claim the groom was killed, and the rest were collateral damage, but that's being what's called to your face disingenuous, but in reality is bald-face lying. If they survive, it's true you don't plan to hunt them down, but that they were killed, was a known side-effect. Planned mayhem is a far more accurate description than collateral damage, which implies casualties other than the target were unforeseen and unavoidable, whereas neither one of those adjectives is an apt description of intentionally bombing a target who is attending a wedding.
In other words, you can't pretend that we aren't purposely geo-engineering the environment simply because that isn't the reason we drive. Because, in order to drive, we must purposely, ie by design, burn fossil fuels which you are fully cognizant add CO2 to the atmosphere, which CO2 is causing that atmosphere to heat. So unless we, now in 2018, agree with that spawn of Manhattan, President Trump, and deny reality, we are currently, purposely, engaged in geo-engineering the environment in order to drive. Not in the same sense that we engineer the landscape so that we can drive over it on a smooth surface by covering everything with a deathmask that smothers the life out of any living thing it's sticky boiling mass is lava'd over, but we nevertheless know that it is part and parcel of the process of combustion that one suck up huge volumes of oxygen, and return CO2 in its place. And when that source of carbon is from trapped sunlight from millions of years ago, the percentages of CO2 to carbon can do nothing but change, with the disadvantage always going to oxygen, it being the limiting factor, since it's only being created by what's alive now, an amount far outweighed by the addition of not only all the CO2 that is being produced from lifeforms currently living, but by chemically attaching it to newly freed carbon that was sequestered in fossilized lifeforms during eon after eon of earth's existence. The limiting factor in science is the one that puts an end to a process when an infinite supply of another is available. You can add all the nitrogen fertilizer to your crops that you want, but if there's not the concomitant amount of water available, they will grow quite robustly only until the water runs out.
The limiting factor in mankind's case is the very oxygen we breathe. But you won't hear that discussed on the evening news, not interesting enough.
So every time we turn on, press on, or turn up the gas, we should remember the prison guard's pet seagull, which the inmates always referred to as a tern of the screw.
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