As an explanation of the hydrological madness pouring down from the skies, the folks at The National Climate Assessment decided to offer us this pabulum:
"The climate crisis has led to an uptick in extreme downpours, since warmer air can hold more moisture".
Pretty tame stuff, that. And at odds with the data:
Rank Year Anomaly °C Anomaly °F
1 2016 0.94 1.69
2 2015 0.90 1.62
3 2017 0.84 1.51
4 2018 0.77 1.39
5 2014 0.74 1.33
6 2010 0.70 1.26
7 2013 0.66 1.19
8 2005 0.65 1.17
9 2009 0.64 1.15
10 1998 0.63 1.13
As you can see from the figures above, the temperature in 2018 was a mere .03 degrees warmer than in 2014, and has been steadily DEcreasing since President Plump took office.
During that same timeframe, the deluges that have been occurring around the globe have been dramatically INcreasing, so if a warmer atmosphere can hold more water, it apparently is, as opposed to letting it fall from the sky in deluginous (yes, I made that word up) quantities.
There is however, one phenomenon that has been occurring simultaneously with the cooling of the atmosphere during that same period: the untrammeled expansion of the USA's fracking operations and their flaring of Natural Gas, the expansion of the latter having outpaced the former thanks to a lack of pipeline infrastructure to utilize the much larger bonanza of natural gas being "Freed":
Statute of Liberty Gas:
Give me your hired petroleurs,
Your cuddled gases we're churning to set free,
The wretched refuse of your streaming bore,
Send these, freed molecules of fracking-tost NG,
I light my flame to flare from ship to shore.
As you can ascertain from the chart, in 1998 the earth's temperature was up by .63, and it took a full 15 years for it to increase by the same .03degrees C it is now above from 2014's temperature.
According to the thesis that a warmer atmosphere holds more water, then 2016 should have been a far more disruptive year for deluge-like rainfall than the years following it have been. That, however has not been the case, has it? It is after 2016 that the most water has been wrung out of the atmosphere, even as the atmosphere has been cooling. On a certain level, that makes sense, n'est-ce pas? If the atmosphere's cooling it can no longer hold all that water, so it dumps it. But the atmosphere doesn't cool over the span of years to such an extent to explain the dump it just took in Washington DC. As it cooled over that span of years is when it would have been releasing its extra burden of H2O, not somehow waiting over that period of time to rain it all down at once.
There is one difference, though: man-made water vapor from recklessly extensive flaring operations as well as other heat-trapping gases being pumped into the atmosphere at an accelerating rate as the Plump administration gooses the golden egg of oil production, bringing one catastrophe after another to the US. This change, as the US oil production figures continue to escalate, meaning as the US continues to burn a prodigious quantity of fossil fuel just to dig up even more prodigious amounts of fossil fuel, is venting into the atmosphere unheard of amounts of pollutants and Greenhouse gases, the collateral damage to the rest of the infrastructure of non-energy industries, a connection never postulated, as though the two were happening on different continents, on different planets, will continue to get hammered to the point of collapse.
Sure, there will be plenty of fuel to power the grid, but the grid will have been swamped by the raging rivers and rising floodwaters of a continent in the throes of mass suicide. Yet we are killing ourselves not to feed the US energy appetite, which is voracious enough, but that of the very allies and competitors alike that President Plump insults one minute while providing them with the energy required for their export-oriented manufacturing industries the next. Making Asia Great Again (China, No. Korea, So. Korea, India, Japan, Afghanistan, all are recipients of US oil, US fracked oil, to be more specific) luckily bears the same initials, so he can sell the same caps (Which are, despite the label they may bear, Made in China, with American oil).
The Washington Post: In total, Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport recorded 3.3 inches of rainfall between 9 and 10 a.m. That number broke DC's total rainfall record for the date, which was previously set at 2.16 inches.
Note the for the date, ie, more than an inch more rain fell in less than one hour than fell during the entire day of rainfall so copious it broke all previous records back in 1958. That's not just breaking the record, that's exhibiting a heretofore unseen phenomenon that has become all but commonplace, yet is occurring while the atmosphere is capable of holding less water than it could hold in 2016 when such flooding was not happening on this regular basis.
But it doesn't stop with rainfall. In the west in Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, California, Oregon, Montana, the landscape is being pummeled, permeated, overrun with pipelines, heavy trucks and equipment, bearing enormous quantities of sand for fracking, water for pressurized pumping into the earth's crust even while, as we're seeing in California, Texas, Oklahoma, Utah, Montana, swarms of earthquakes following the exact same path as the drilling operations that are jeopardizing the homes and lives of millions of US citizens and thousand of US enterprises, all to deliver oil NOT to those citizens nor their associated businesses but to siphon it off and pump its bonanza via LNG terminals and oil tankers to the very countries the administration is erecting trade barriers against in an oh-so-showboating manner while uttering nary a whisper about the enormous risks of destabilizing weather and earthquakes that are occurring as a direct result, and at the exact same locations of this feverish, to-the-point-of-madness, activity.
The destruction to the rest of the US that has already occurred is more extensive and promises more catastrophic repercussions than any WMD being manufactured anywhere on the globe. It has already done more damage to the same Homeland that Washington DC is extorting trillions of dollars from US tax-payers in order to supposedly provide them "Security". Yet you can be sure that when the next destructive impact from our headlong rush to self-immolation occurs, there will be another National Climate Assessment report to 'splain that torrential Rain kills grain but goes mainly down the drain,(of the Mississippi River where it feeds the largest G of M dead zone ever) clearing the whole matter up, and exonerating the whole industry that's causing it from any blame.
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