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The Pentagong Show
United State of Terror: Is Drone War Fair?

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

A Pall Apprenticeship of Fools: You're SO Fired!

Biodiesel's the fuel of Weasels.

Bolsonaro Bolsonaro tiny little thing
Bolsonaro prance Bolsonaro singe
Bolsonaro what's the difference if your heart is small?
When your City's full of smoke it's just a pall. 
With brains no bigger than my thumb
Than my thumb, than my thumb
Neat Bolsonaro don't be glum
Now now now, ah ah ah, dumb dumb dumb.

Bolsonaro Bolsonaro tiny little thing
Bolsonrao dance Bolsonaro singe
Bolsonaro what's the difference if you're heart is small?
When your City's full of smoke it's just a pall.
With brains no bigger than my toe
Than my toe, than my toe
Peat Bolsonaro keeps that glow
And it'll grow and it'll grow and it'll grow

Bolsonaro Bolasonaro tiny little thing
Bolsonaro dance Bolsonaro singe
Bolsonaro what's the difference if you're heart is small?
When your City's full of smoke it casts a pall.

The G-7 was ablaze in a firestorm of criticism as Macron rushed the ongoing disaster in the Amazon to the top of their agenda. As the world burns, with fires by the thousands raging in Russia and Bolivia, baking Alaska, and roasting Namibia, incinerating Indonesia and scorching Madagascar, racing through it like an infernal combusting engine of wrath, it's a bit ironic to see the group of nations most responsible for the deliberate razing of Indonesia's vast rainforests to enable them to burn biodiesel, the fuel around whose use they designed criminal software to deceive not only their customers, but entire nations, bewail the fate of "our" (by which they mean "their")  planet.  

Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States, every single one of those nations that comprise the G-string 7 rely heavily on the growth of their automobile manufacturing industries. The most notable, as it is constantly touted as the "Greenest",  being Germany, the Poster Junge for international fraud, relying on the deception of their own customers to goose sales by fooling them into pouring more poisonous gases into the atmosphere than their native countries would allow.

G-7 Nations' populations are too Tired to Walk Anywhere.

Because it isn't just the manufacturing of internal combustion machines that the economies of all seven of the G-shoestring-7 nations rely on to pay down the enormous mountains of debt they've amassed to keep their home fires burning, but is also its growth unto infinity of those Transnationals that pour more fumes, noxious gases, and toxic emissions into the atmosphere on an ongoing and accelerating basis that they stoke to a government-incentivized heat, that blazes like a coke furnace, not during one fire-season as in the Brazilian inferno they are railing so publicly about, but one that rages year-round, manufacturing vehicles that will then continue the process of incinerating everything in sight to keep their rubber wheels rolling over those asphalt jungle pavements while burning burning burning more fuel per annum, thereby creating more byproducts of combustion  than would be created should the entire Amazon go up in smoke (which it may just well do). All while sucking up more oxygen than the rainforests of Brazil could ever hope to produce.

And it is these nations, the countries with the most molly-coddled populations in the world, who are  responsible for the utter desolation of native cultures, the despoliation of  entire continents, who over the span of decades and centuries ran rough shod over anyone with enough temerity to stand in their way, that now so haughtily ensconces themselves in the  judgment seat to decide how other countries should run their affairs.

Not a one of these nations has the least intention, and therefore haven't the semblance of a plan, to cease the manufacture of personal portable incineration machines. Their entire economies would collapse into burning rubble, their combustion-dependent transportation systems, into which they've poured every nickel of profit and every cent of credit they can squeeze out of the emerging economies (emerging traffic keep right ... far right), would come to a screeching halt, should they do as they demand Bolsonaro do, and stop the fires burning. Except their fires burn inside each and every one of the billion engines set ablaze every morning to belch from a billion tailpipes the fumes that propel people, Svengali-like, to an office where more often than not, they are set to perform tasks that no one wants done, but that are needed to stoke the economy enough to paint the facade of "growth" onto a Potemkin village of "creative" destruction.

The fires in the Amazon are so upsetting to these avatars of internal combustion precisely because they make abundantly clear, by concentrating the pall of dense and choking smoke in a cinematic and fiery display, the scale of mankind's destructive conflagration in a way that separating the fires into small steel-enclosed chambers that render them invisible, can't. But what gets burned into the psyche by this dramatic manner of flames bursting into the air so photogenically, is that the spectre of our dearly beloved Capitalism, once mankind's boon, has now become its bane.

The plume is off the rows.

Fire fire everywhere pours soot into the air
But we never care, unless it's Bolsonar-Oh!
Then we raise a hue and cry as if it's something new, 
smoke pouring from the flue
OH what are we to do?

Jump in the car and drive and drive or else we'll never thrive,
leave nothing else alive, while the jetstream takes a dive.
Start the engine hear it roar, without it life's a bore
a haunting metaphor: modernity's our whore.

We point the finger everywhere to find someone to blame;
Call them out by name, heap on them our shame.
But burn it up! and burn it down! is still the only game
Not a thing will change, as we all declaim,
"One Nation indivisible; Our way's non-negotiable"
 Rendering our frantic cries absurdly, otherworldly,

Amazon Prime's the Pump.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Bespeak Oil Production: President Plump Builds his Wall after All. (And Aimed the Economy Right At It).

Our resilient economy is as fragile as a cloisonné vase, yet has been manhandled as though it were as hardy as a cement trough. Currency wars, trade wars, oil wars, embargoes, sanctions, mountains of debt, derivatives, income gulfs wider than the Pacific Ocean, money manufactured as though it were poker chips, asset prices actively and openly propped up by the same people who insist on "Free Market" Capitalism, such that only those already in possession of the nose-bleed-priced stocks and housing lock everyone else out, all of which is aimed at supporting the only thing that everyone agrees we should stop doing as of yesterday: relying on Petroleum, Coal and Natural Gas to fuel the entire edifice of the modern hyper-militarized Corponationalist State.

In other words, it is appropriate that as we head toward our collision with the future, one that requires 2020 vision, we have built a 3-D world: a Globalization that is based on Deception, Delusion, and Dissemblance; Distortion, Divestment and Dissonance; Dishonesty, Dross and Duplicity. Thus do we have a slowing global economy ignored as nay-sayers in the US are blamed for the incipient recession, not the tariffs unilaterally pummeling free trade; likewise it couldn't possibly be the deliberate attacks against the Chinese/US trade deficit that has been bringing US consumers, resulting from the Bush/Reagan-era deconstruction of the US economy that bartered low prices to offset the lower wages of a service economy; nor is there any chance that those Chinese currency manipulations, accusations leveled against the Communist Super Power created by that bastion of Capitalism, the US, could be the result of relying on the only Communist State in the WTO to create the credit expansion necessary to pull the "Free World" out of its self-inflicted 2008 free fall.  The free fall itself the comeuppance inflicted on an economy built on the gas fumes of the internationalization of fraud, toxic security peddling, and collusion. This delicious irony, whereby the last remaining Communist Super power not only "gives them enough rope", but uses their own hemp to braid it, never having been mentioned in the first place, has now been completely forgotten.

The real reasons of the coming collapse are easy to see because President Plump is following the same template as his Republican predecessor. You know, that guy whose name you never hear (it's always Obama this, and Obama that, never GW Bush, the man who drove the entire global economy to the precipice of the abyss that came very close to toppling the entire edifice).

Bush used coal as one of his underlying energy strategies, doubling, in the face of a rapidly warming world, our nation's reliance on coal to generate electricity and process what was sold to the American public as "Green Fuel", ethanol made from food crops. Although never mentioned by his opponent in the Presidential race, Plump's accusations of a War  on Coal were possible only because of  the GW Bush administration's use of coal as the major fuel for the electrification of the United States, building more coal-fired power plants in eight years than had been built in the previous twenty and bringing the total from less than a thousand to more than 1430: a new coal-fired power plant for every week the eight-year administration held office. This was actuated because the president from oil country gave his buddies free hand to manipulate the price of oil to such levels it would have cratered the economy, so before they jacked it up to skim off the bonanza into their own bank accounts, US electricity had to first be made to run on a different fuel, the one the coal industry insiders hired him to implement: Coal. Quelle surprise!

"We have enough coal in the ground to supply the energy needs of the US economy for the next 200 years" ( at least). The small proviso left out of that statement being, "at our current usage". Then that usage doubled. Meanwhile imports of firrin erl just kept climbing. This to fuel the thirst for heavier and  heavier transport modules. Lumbering vehicles large enough to accommodate living room-sized furniture or a soccer team, yet 98% of the time piloted by one lone occupant, soon filled the highways and the driveways of McMansions. This is the empty prosperity the MAGA meme is striving so mightily to recapture.

The chosen poison this time 'round is the oil obtained by fracturing the landscape to hardscrabble and releasing its locked-in oil. What it also sets loose are those Freedom Molecules floating up in such abundance they promise to blow up the entire operation, so are flared, thus creating two more Freed Molecules, CO2 and H2O. The Milton Friedman Molecules. Because, investment in fracturing was not as robust as what was needed, so the Fed simply created the investment dollars, recycled via Goldman and the other dealers of sovereign debt, to their own hedge funds and countless others, that poured their free money into the Plump administration equivalent of the coal boondoggle, fracturing. Commonly referred to by its industry-sponsored nick-name, "fracking". But there is no such word. It had to be made up. Yet it carries no extra baggage than its commonplace name: Fracking just sounds better than fracturing. And the magnitude of its operation is on the same scale of malinvestment as the building of the overcapacity in housing during the disastrous Bush reign of error, albeit this time completely removed from public purview.

Multiply this by tens of thousands:
 These are not homes, but they are responsible for the lack of housing.

The sheer size of these earth-fracturing operations are breath-taking. What are equivalent in size and resource allocation to creating entire suburbs cut from new cloth now pepper the landscape of the West. In Texas and Oklahoma, Utah, North Dakota and New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada and California, entire new "towns" have sprung up. Well-pads and drill points, water systems to provide the liquid infusion of chemical soup into the ground at high pressure, and roads sturdy enough to bear the heavy traffic of big rigs and sand-laden trucks, all connected via a network of pipelines resembling those underlying entire cities, and that last ironic twist: flaring towers to burn off the natural gas stock that may have been able to power a future. Or offset the tremendous combustion of fossil fuels required to build this other-worldy landscape.

Wonder where all the infrastructure dollars go?
Heavy equipment such as this requires heavy duty investment for roads in the middle of nowhere.

And just as Bush created a coal infrastructure that paid off his buddies handsomely even while condemning the rest of the nation for whose benefit he swore to run the country, the fossil fuel infrastructure the administration is now building, the basket into which he has piled all our eggs, this assuredly losing bet, has the same future, as can be divined by the corollary infrastructure rising in tandem with it: Multi-billion dollar Petrochemical plants built on cheap credit for which we will pay a heavy price for decades, just as we are still paying for the Bush-era breakneck coal build-out that set the stage the opiate crisis in coal country.

President Plump learned well. Taking his cue from Dubya by building out an industry slated to earn a fast buck for cronies yet destined for the dustbin of history well before it pays its promised dividends to any but a few insiders, and leaving the rest of the economy to pay the hangover of intractable, burdensome debt. All in order to take immediate advantage of natural gas in unnatural abundance, by using the tremendous oversupply from fracturing the earth at such breakneck speed that even the resultant exudate has no market at any but break-even prices, in this, our "market-based" economy, by fronting for the industry bent on finishing the job by covering the earth in plastic.

 In complete disregard for anything that comes after him, such as the multifarious health problems resulting in microplastics in every drop we drink or bite we eat, President Plump is riding the economy he claims he has made great, right into the same impediment his Republican predecessor aimed it at: a wall. One built of burgeoning supply right on the boundary with a desert of demand. Thus making it the only promise he made to his base that he'll keep. He promised to build a wall and he damn well has. And as he's already admitted, after remarking that no one really believed Mexico would pay for his wall, least of all him, it's a wall US citizens will get the bill for. They will be the ones paying for it. And they will pay dearly.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

The Unholyland Alliance

In an article in Asia Times, of all places, since so few Americans seem to realize that Israel is an Asian country, they posted an article entitled, Israel uses archeology to claim rights over Palestine. A rather disingenuous title, as it wasn't Israel at all, but fundamentalist Christians from the US and ultra-Orthodox Jews who are "using the archeologist’s trowel as a tool of politics".

Apparently derisive of their own faith, since faith neither needs nor looks for proof, these two groups immediately pounced on this "scientific" (the six-year excavation has been condemned even by the Israel Antiquities Authority itself as “bad archaeology”) discovery as a proof of the ‘Jewish historic right to the land.’

Although an interesting subject in its own rite, it is the alliance between these two groups I find the most interesting, since here in the USA!USA!, there is no need to do archaeological digs to ascertain who has "historic right to the land." 

It certainly isn't the European descendants of the invading hordes that sailed across the seas and "discovered" it by accidentally bumping into it on the way to India. Although they rabidly scream that the federal government should send back US citizens (to where they haven't a clue) based solely on their skin color, it is common knowledge, even to President Plump's proudly ignorant base, that if there is any force of law behind the idea of a people having historic right to the land of the North American continent, it is certainly people with skin color the same shade of those they are yelling down who have that right, and not any one of the palefaces insisting on their deportation.

So here we have a group of the president's most rabid supporters trying to prove that because someone lived in a land 3000 years ago, they should have the right to come back from a massacre of their people in a land where the moderns of the same palefaces insisting other races be "sent back" had come from, can then themselves push natives into the dust since it "belongs" to its supposedly "original" inhabitants (which even the ultra-Orthodox Jews don't claim is them: there were inhabitants of the land where Israel sits long before the Jews, so why it is they think history started with them is itself a curious position).

As they fund these excavations to prove the bible isn't just a book of fables, which of course would indicate that the god of the jews is a mass murderer beyond the pale, as it were, having wiped out humanity on a whim (a belief that can only add fuel to the Israelis already mad inclination to aerial bombardment first and ask questions later (which actions by any other nation in the world would be called what it is: terrorist attacks using chemical weapons of mass destruction)) in order to prove that they therefore have in the bible a title deed rather than a book of faith, leaves the fellow citizens of these fundamentalist Christians of the United States without a country, because those inhabiting this land 3000 years ago need no book of fables to lay claim to their right of possession, as they already have exactly what the ultra-orthodox Jews are attempting to dig up: historical proof that they were the original inhabitants.

The fact that their perfidy of undermining the legitimacy of the only country on the globe that is willing to put their entire population in the crosshairs of terrorist attacks just to defends Israel's occupation of the land they usurped, leaving the State they've occupied without an ally in the world, appears to be of not the least importance to them. "With friends like these" ... indeed.

Perhaps both American christians and jews alike should take another look at what the President and his fellow religionists are up to before they wake up someday and find themselves refugees in the land they inhabit, as this President is in league with a determined sect, and holds their base demands, despite their minority status, above those of the rest of the citizens he rules. And that sect is in alliance with another sect (not surprisingly, since christianity is but a sect of Judaism: if not for the  Jews, there'd be no Christians) that holds the belief that it is the inhabitants of millennia ago that have the right of possession. So any historical events that have left its current citizens as legal owners of the country, ie War after War after War, are moot, making them squatters, and giving the original natives the right to oust them by force of Law and return the favor of relegating their place on the continent to a few well-chosen remote badlands to which they can be sequestered. A prospect the rest of us might harbor a few reservations about. Perhaps it is the intention of our sitting president to have the pole dancers he's so fond of start doing the Gaza Strip.

Monday, August 5, 2019

Oh Tell, Baltimore.

The Fuel that Drove the long Drive to Kill Pussyboy! Kill! Kill!

His furious face reveals Capitalism in its true colors, and in its maturity of repulsive hatefulness while it simultaneously projects such depths of evil and conceit that there seems to be no possibility of communication between him and ordinary humans. Intoxicated by the success of following his base's instincts, he sees himself as a knight-errant in the modern world, but with consummate hypocrisy ... As an acting (heavy emphasis on the "acting") christian, his main belief is that he can get away with anything, from adultery to crime ... and he can.

(I mean that in the nicest way).

Yet even so, while seeing the malignancy he displays as unmistakably as a cancerous tumor, risking all, facing annihilation, we the persecuted flee into the arms of your embruted American humanity: hoping to be embraced by the outspread wings of America; only to have its true face revealed to us. It's bones are brass; American humanity hates us, scorns us, disowns and denies us, its features iron. In running from the hungry blood-hound we've encountered the devouring wolf - from a corrupt and selfish tyranny - to a hollow and hypocritical sanctuary.

In the state of Maryland- in the City of Baltimore - where at one time slavery, wrapped in its own congenial, midnight darkness, was free to develop all it malign and shocking characteristics; where it could be indecent without shame, cruel without shuddering, and murderous without apprehension or fear of exposure, we can see the reflections of its past in the words of our president.

In its isolation, seclusion and self-reliant independence, the US stands resembling what the baronial domains were during the middle ages in Europe. Grim, cold, and unapproachable by all genial influences from outside communities, here it stands, abjuring all that relates to humanity and morals.

We are all victims of the same overshadowing evil.

This immense wealth; this gilded splendor; this profusion of luxury; this exemption from toil; this life of ease; this sea of plenty; aye, what of it all? Should these pearly gates of happiness and sweet content be flung open to such upstarts as immigrants? Far from it. The poor huddled masses on hard ground sleeps while soundly the voluptuary reclines on his isotonic mattress and downy pillow. Yet lurking beneath all their privilege lie invisible spirits of evil, ready to feed the self-deluded gormandizers with aches, pains, fierce temper, uncontrolled rampages, dyspepsia, rheumatism, lumbago and gout. 

But our Fearless leader chooses to focus on deriding Life in Baltimore.

This natural wickedness of his heart has not been removed, but only reinforced, by his profession of religion. In Baltimore, as in the rest of the White Supremacist South, professedly christian slaveholders, echoed now by the modern professedly christian immigrant bashers backing up every word of the President with the largest percentage of "Christian" supporters than any before him, had once upon a time, amidst all his prayers and hymns, shamelessly and boastfully compelled in their own homes undisguised and unmitigated fornication as a means of increasing their human stock. While this fact would be met with disgust and shame Now, in the south, "in the day", such niceties were laughed at,  smart and praiseworthy was such a man and no more condemned there for buying a woman and forcing her to devote her life to dishonor than buying a cow for breeding stock from her.

The Tyrant's voice:

They would make bets on a slave to see who could drink more whiskey and so to induce a rivalry among them for  the mastery in this degradation. The scenes, brought about in this way, were often scandalous and loathsome in the extreme. Whole multitudes might be found stretched out in brutal drunkenness, at once helpless and disgusting. A dose of vicious and revolting dissipation, artfully labeled with the name of LIBERTY. When the holidays were over, they all staggered up from their filth and wallowing, took a deep breath , and went away to various fields to work. 

This religion of the south that once enshrined slavery as white man's burden, is still, as reflected by its  unstinting admiration for the profanity and race-baiting of their hero, a mere covering for the most horrid crimes; the justifier of the most appalling barbarity; a sanctifier of the most hateful frauds; and a secure shelter, under which the darkest, foulest, grossest, and most  infernal abominations fester  and flourish.

In Baltimore, during the administration of our Current Leader's favorite President, Andrew Jackson,  the fact of being the slave of a religious slaveholder, was the greatest calamity that could befall one. For of all slaveholders, religious slaveholders were the worst, the vilest, meanest, and basest of their class; the most extreme in their malice and violence. They firmly believed the good slave must be whipped to be kept good. And the bad slave must be whipped to be made good. The scarred backs of slave women were the most immediate witness against them.

The man unaccustomed to slaveholding, would be astonished to observe how many floggable offenses there were in the slaveholders' catalogue of crimes and how easy it was to commit any one of them, even when the slave least intended it. A slaveholder, bent on finding faults could hatch up a dozen a day, if he chose to do so and each one of these had punishable description. A mere look, word, or motion, a mistake, accident, or want of power, were all matters for which a slave could be whipped at any time. Does a slave look dissatisfied with his condition? It is said, that he has the devil in him, and it must be whipped out. Does he answer loudly when spoken to by his master, with an air 
of self consciousness? Then must he be taken down a peg or two by the lash, well laid on. Does he forget to pull off  his hat, when approaching a white person? Then he must, or may be, whipped for his bad manners! Does he dare venture to vindicate his conduct, when harshly or unjustly accused? Then he is guilty of impudence, one of the greatest crimes in the societal catalogue of southern society.

... The feeling was very bitter in Baltimore and all colored people, free and slave, suffered all manner of insult and wrong. Baltimore, where it was feared that training slaves to be mechanics would allow the slavemaster to dispense altogether with the services of the poor white worker.

To strike a white man was death; the whole sentiment of Baltimore was murderous "Kill him kill him kill the damned nigger, he struck a white person."

Such was the character of the men and the murderous spirit of the times in Baltimore, at the time of President Andrew Jackson. Andrew Jackson, he who President Plump, who holds fellowship with such holders and traffickers in human flesh as Jeffrey Epstein, has proclaimed is his favorite past President. 

Like greed today, then it was necessary to deny that slavery was a sin.

Thus was the Evangelical alliance formed. This was an attempt by slaveholders to form a union so as to weave a world-wide garment with which to clothe evangelical slaveholders.  Today this garment is better known as the hood and robes of the KKK.

Washington DC had two slave prisons.

White Supremacists' toolbox: While under British rule, the colonies ie England, used starvation, the bloody whip, the chain, the gag, the thumb-screw, cat-hauling (Look that one up for a truly gruesome description), the cat-o'-nine-tails, the dungeon, the bloodhound, all brought to the English colonies from the death camps of the West Indies plantations.

Our countrywomen in chains,

The whip on woman's shrinking flesh,

Our soil yet reddening with the stains

Caught from her scourgings warm and fresh.

–The Liberator, June 2, 1837

 .... for the slave must be brutalized to keep her a slave.

I am afraid you do not understand the awful character of these lashes (and the person inflicting them). You must bring it before your mind. A human being in a perfect state of nudity tied hand and foot to a stake, and a strong coward of a man standing behind with a heavy rope, knotted at the end, each blow cutting into his flesh, and leaving the warm blood dripping to the feet.

It was for these trifles a slave may be whipped, cropped, or branded in the cheek with the letter "R" or otherwise punished: 

 If 7 slaves are found in any road without a white person, 20 lashes apiece, for visiting a plantation without a written pass: 10 lashes; for letting loose boat from where it is made fast 39 lashes for the first offense, for the 2'nd, an ear shall be cut off from his head.

In the single state of Va, then, as now, home of the Capital, there were 71 crimes for which a colored person may be executed (3 such crimes for whites). 

If a colored woman, in the defense of her virtue, in defense of her own person, should shield herself from the brutal attacks of her tyrannical master, or make the slightest resistance, she could be killed on the spot. No law whatever will bring the guilty man to justice for the crime.

Slavery's defenders, from High Church to base humans sounded the same reasons then we hear today for refusing asylum to refugees from Capitalism's onslaught on their homelands:

 While America is printing tracts and bibles it is sending missionaries abroad to convert the heathen; expending money in various ways for the promotion of the gospel in foreign lands, even as refugees not only are forgotten, uncared for/about, but is trampled under foot while every church in the country remains silent. Every Minister of God supporting the sweeping up of human beings as debris to be sloughed off into the dustbin.

What reasons have we to promote White Supremacy in America? Why we have a sordid history of slavery as part of the religion of the land.  You can add an amendment to the Constitution, but  religions are free to preach whatever form of White is Right they deem profitable in this land where the Elmer Gantrification of religion goes uncommented on. Is it surprising that the pulpits of the south that once stood up as the great defenders of the cursed institution of slavery, remain mum in the face of the sufferings of innocents outside their purview? Ministers of religion come forward and torture the hallowed pages of inspired wisdom to sanction the bloody deed. Their current silence reflects the fact that they were once the foremost, the strongest defenders of the curious institution.

There was never any war between slavery and the religions of the south. The woman-whipping, the mind-darkening, the soul-destroying religion that existed in the southern states of America all were supported during Andrew Jackson's presidency. Slavery is a system of wrong, so blinding to all, so hardening to the heart, so corrupting to the morals, so deleterious to any actual religion, so sapping to all the principles of justice in its immediate vicinity, that the community surrounding it lacked the moral stamina necessary to its removal. Like Cowboy Capitalism, once it became unchallenged by any competing force, has now evolved into, it was a system of gigantic evil, so strong, so overwhelming in its power, that no one nation was equal to the task of its removal because the rich and powerful so easily bend the acts of government to their own selfish purposes.

In law, emigrants are treated more like these slaves of yesteryear: the slave had no wife, no children, no country, no home. He could own nothing, but what must belong to another. To eat the fruit of his own toil, to clothe his person with the work of his own hands was considered stealing. They toiled so that another could reap the fruit; were industrious that another could live in idleness; ate gruel that another could eat the bread of fine flour; labored in chains at  home, under a burning sun and  biting lash, that another could ride in ease and  splendor; lived in ignorance that another could be educated; was abused so that another could be exalted; rested his toil-worn limbs on the cold, damp ground so that another could repose on the softest pillow; was clad in tatters so that another could be arrayed in fine linen and was sheltered only by the wretched hovel so that we can dwell in McMansions we can afford only because they were built with the labor of lowly paid immigrants; and in this condition they are bound down as by an arm of iron.

The Fugitive slave act of 1859 whose functions ICE and the DEA now seems to have assumed, basically legitimated the kidnapping and selling (Collecting a bounty) of blacks as slaves throughout the nation.

Frederick Douglass in My Bondage and My Freedom from whom many of these descriptions of that Life in the Baltimore that was the basis for the resplendence it enjoys today, came from, was able to write about it despite the fact that teaching a slave to read was a crime, one punishable by severe fines and imprisonment, and in some instances, death itself.

This is the background of the White Supremacists; the heyday of their ascendancy that they so fervently wish to restore. White Supremacists who ignore the repeated annihilation by white people, of the inhabitants of the entire continent of white Europe, in world wars that embroiled the entire globe in their cataclysmic mass onslaughts, inflicted monumental sufferings on the Russians and attempted the final solution to the "problem" of the Jews.

Cowboy Capitalism's complete takeover of the world was the first step necessary in the longterm plan for mankind by proffering economics as a kind of escapism from political and ideological problems, its Mien Kampf written into its amoral "market" ideology of monetizing everything and denying value to any actual human aspirations if they cannot have a price tag slapped onto them. 

Before its shuddering collapse, Andrei Amalrik, author of, "Will the Soviet Union survive Until '84?" opined in his essay, "Three Western Approaches to the USSR", that the democratization of the USSR would be the best guarantee of the West's own security. He felt that,

"the idea of universal human rights should be the moral basis of the West. This doesn't mean offering asylum to a few dissidents,  or would-be emigrants, it is the whole problem of what values will gain the dominant position in the world order that is even now in the making."

As we now know, the US opted instead to debauch the entire concept of universal human rights and advocate Full Spectrum Domination (FSD) while undermining any authority the UN had and destroying the legitimacy of the ICC (International Criminal Court) so as to have no barrier to its illegal trampling around the globe for the resources it needed to effect its cherished FSD.

As with this weekend's El Paso massacre, the policies thus enacted redound onto the US citizenry, who is incapable of seeing these repercussions as blowback from a rabid lawlessness they have themselves engendered, preferring to see themselves as innocents in the face of the world's evil.

But when capital can cross borders willy-nilly, claiming the fruits of labor as their own property, to which deployment no restraints may be attached, even while Labor is forcefully turned back at the border and returned to the economic wasteland wrought by asset-stripping American hedge funds, banks, and MNC's, it is a Capital Crime, and should be punished as such. It is larceny on a grand scale and those who it most robs prefer to rail against the immigrant invasion rather than face the fact that the avatar of that policy is a billionaire who became one by robbing them of far more than anything their bugbear Hillary could ever have hoped to pilfer.

Such is the strength, not of hatred, but of love: Love of self, Love of ease, Love of money; but mostly of that aching, patriotic, atavistic Love of WAR that no other people on the globe embraces so fervently, accepts so nonchalantly, as Americans. ... if you doubt it, the Pentagon, the only house of worship Americans truly adore, can show you the receipts.