In an article in Asia Times, of all places, since so few Americans seem to realize that Israel is an Asian country, they posted an article entitled, Israel uses archeology to claim rights over Palestine. A rather disingenuous title, as it wasn't Israel at all, but fundamentalist Christians from the US and ultra-Orthodox Jews who are "using the archeologist’s trowel as a tool of politics".
Apparently derisive of their own faith, since faith neither needs nor looks for proof, these two groups immediately pounced on this "scientific" (the six-year excavation has been condemned even by the Israel Antiquities Authority itself as “bad archaeology”) discovery as a proof of the ‘Jewish historic right to the land.’
Although an interesting subject in its own rite, it is the alliance between these two groups I find the most interesting, since here in the USA!USA!, there is no need to do archaeological digs to ascertain who has "historic right to the land."
It certainly isn't the European descendants of the invading hordes that sailed across the seas and "discovered" it by accidentally bumping into it on the way to India. Although they rabidly scream that the federal government should send back US citizens (to where they haven't a clue) based solely on their skin color, it is common knowledge, even to President Plump's proudly ignorant base, that if there is any force of law behind the idea of a people having historic right to the land of the North American continent, it is certainly people with skin color the same shade of those they are yelling down who have that right, and not any one of the palefaces insisting on their deportation.
So here we have a group of the president's most rabid supporters trying to prove that because someone lived in a land 3000 years ago, they should have the right to come back from a massacre of their people in a land where the moderns of the same palefaces insisting other races be "sent back" had come from, can then themselves push natives into the dust since it "belongs" to its supposedly "original" inhabitants (which even the ultra-Orthodox Jews don't claim is them: there were inhabitants of the land where Israel sits long before the Jews, so why it is they think history started with them is itself a curious position).
As they fund these excavations to prove the bible isn't just a book of fables, which of course would indicate that the god of the jews is a mass murderer beyond the pale, as it were, having wiped out humanity on a whim (a belief that can only add fuel to the Israelis already mad inclination to aerial bombardment first and ask questions later (which actions by any other nation in the world would be called what it is: terrorist attacks using chemical weapons of mass destruction)) in order to prove that they therefore have in the bible a title deed rather than a book of faith, leaves the fellow citizens of these fundamentalist Christians of the United States without a country, because those inhabiting this land 3000 years ago need no book of fables to lay claim to their right of possession, as they already have exactly what the ultra-orthodox Jews are attempting to dig up: historical proof that they were the original inhabitants.
The fact that their perfidy of undermining the legitimacy of the only country on the globe that is willing to put their entire population in the crosshairs of terrorist attacks just to defends Israel's occupation of the land they usurped, leaving the State they've occupied without an ally in the world, appears to be of not the least importance to them. "With friends like these" ... indeed.
The fact that their perfidy of undermining the legitimacy of the only country on the globe that is willing to put their entire population in the crosshairs of terrorist attacks just to defends Israel's occupation of the land they usurped, leaving the State they've occupied without an ally in the world, appears to be of not the least importance to them. "With friends like these" ... indeed.
Perhaps both American christians and jews alike should take another look at what the President and his fellow religionists are up to before they wake up someday and find themselves refugees in the land they inhabit, as this President is in league with a determined sect, and holds their base demands, despite their minority status, above those of the rest of the citizens he rules. And that sect is in alliance with another sect (not surprisingly, since christianity is but a sect of Judaism: if not for the Jews, there'd be no Christians) that holds the belief that it is the inhabitants of millennia ago that have the right of possession. So any historical events that have left its current citizens as legal owners of the country, ie War after War after War, are moot, making them squatters, and giving the original natives the right to oust them by force of Law and return the favor of relegating their place on the continent to a few well-chosen remote badlands to which they can be sequestered. A prospect the rest of us might harbor a few reservations about. Perhaps it is the intention of our sitting president to have the pole dancers he's so fond of start doing the Gaza Strip.
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