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The Puffpiecing Host. |
In a breath-taking report in the Huffing-tons-of-carbon news, it's been revealed that,
"the automobile has become one of the greatest challenges to solving climate change."!
Hot Damn! What crack reporting! OMG! You mean the ongoing, organized fracturing of the entire plate of the North American craton isn't just being undertaken for the sake of Japanese-style, make-busy let's pretend the economy isn't just for the enrichment of the few and the destruction of the many? No indeedy. This time, unlike in 2008, the way we are being set up will leave the US electorate trapped in a web of their own construction. Much like the mortgage scam run by the Fed and the College tuition trap Sallie Mae ensnares our most vulnerable, years before they can legally buy their own drinks, the driving public has been saddled with auto loans for vehicles they will not have the ability to either drive or sell before the note, which they will still be liable for, has been paid off.
But then again, rereading that statement reveals it's maybe not such cracker-jack reporting:
"the automobile has become one of the greatest challenges"?
Really? Where've ya been?
The auto mobile has always been not "one of" the greatest challenges, but THE greatest challenge, the one that tippered Gore into the losing column in 2000 in favor of yet another oil-connected Bush and the Texas mafia that first ran him and then both his presidency and the economy right into the ground. No one knew the Lay of the land like the Bush junta. Today we are till held hostage to the largest boondoggle of the 21'st century, the one Trump is currently using to solidify support in the so-called (corn)bread basket where corn-for-ethanol program slathers all those tax dollars the Grover Norquislings of the world insist they are against spending. Every department in the Federal government caters to and craters to the automobile industry's demands. Even when those industries are in other countries, paving the way for US tax dollars to be extorted to pay for VW plants in the south where they manufactured, and would still be manufacturing if they hadn't been caught, portable gas chambers (a German specialty) that were filling their customers' lungs with toxins their tests were designed to tell them weren't there. Now, a few years and a piddling fine later, and they're back in business, performing who-knows-what crimes on an unsuspecting public today.
And that's just only one of many. The machines invented in the 19'th century and that enabled the mechanized militarization and razing of the planet in the 20'th century are basically the same machines in the 21'st:
Except they're BIGGER, and therefore Thirstier, they're more dangerous, their drivers more aggressive and, cosseted as they are in their foamed, e-machine, GPS-enabled, internet-providing portable living rooms, less attentive to the threat they pose to those outside their encapsulated Jetson-like carapace, running down pedestrians and cyclists, of all sorts, motorcyclists included, at an increasing and alarming rate.
We don't care, we don't have to, we're driven.
So, I'm sorry, you can go around huffing and puffing all you want, but you can't say it is ONE of the greatest challenges when it is THE greatest challenge, you can't say it has BECOME the greatest challenge, when that's what it's always been, and you can't say it has anything to do with solving climate change when it is the number one CAUSE of climate change; but mostly, you can't entitle an article, "The Democrats baffling blind-spot ... ", while demonstrating your own cluelessness on the same subject. And that's only one sentence, and we've not even tackled the most ridiculous word in that sentence.
There is no "challenge", there is only capitulation. The US is pulling out of the Paris Agreements specifically because US citizens will consciously, willingly, gleefully, even, stand and watch the entire country get flooded, its forests burnt to a crisp, its future utterly destroyed, rather than admit it has anything to do with THEM. And the rest of the world, well, for Americans, it simply has no relevance, even those parts of it, such as right now in Afghanistan, you know that country with which the US is at War, has been at War for more than 15 years, pouring trillions of dollars into ITS economy, yet which country 85% of the US war-mongering public would be unable to find on a globe.
It may have been forgotten or simply a forgone conclusion, but the reason we are in Afghanistan, or the Middle East at all, is oil. That is, for fuel to power our cars. Allied with the medieval, conservative, so-called "kingdom" of Bone-Sawdi Arabia, the land that spawned Bin Laden and the mujahadeen to fight in oh yeah, Afghanistan, all through the Reagan/Bush eighties, was all for OIL, all to enable the powering, paving, manufacture of and wasteful use of the auto mobile such that we now have trapped ourselves in an economy that uses our own and the rest of the worlds' reserves not to power our industrial base, but to drive/chauffeur ourselves around in ever-increasingly luxurious style while employed at increasingly make-work employment.
And that was just the beginning of the planned ramp-up in the American Car-nage to be inflicted on the world's less-militarized zones. In fact, it is interesting to note that it is only in terms of climate change that they Huff and puff. The car has been at the center of US geopolitical stratagems and military deployments for at least two generations, it is the reason we are the Bone Sawdis' closest ally:
"I'd have taken the OIL" ... "I'll just take the oil!"
is the mantra that got the Trumplestiltskin into the oral office. It is the reason that Ellen DeGeneres can unapologetically be best buddies with the mass murderer and War Criminal, GW Bush. Because we knew then what we have forgotten today. The wars on Iraq had nothing to do with WMD and everything to do with keeping their oil in the ground, and the current president has followed the exact same strategy in Iran: to keep oil prices from falling to rock bottom, illegally sanction a country that has done nothing to us ... nothing ... in order to ensure a market for the weak substitute derived from fracturing: gas-liquid condensates, which are not in fact oil. They are useless as transport fuels, so must be dumped on the fungible oil market. (Leading up to the US peak in conventional oil production, around 2005, this word, "fungible," was bandied about as though everyone knew what it meant, although no one I knew had a clue as to its meaning. You wouldn't have noticed, but because I have this obsession with the oil/car/ military nexus running the country, I have. And what I've noticed is the complete disappearance of the word, because now the world's # 1 oil producer (Lol!) delivers a product that is not fungible, and cannot in fact be processed in the heart of America's oil industry, but must be shipped to refineries in other pats of the world instead ... at great cost, both financially and environmentally).
Saudi Arabia, however, the homeland of the well-connected Bin Ladens, those closest of friends to the Bush family, whose citizens, despite being the most watched over and threatened with decapitation of all the world's polities, are the ones who bombed the WTC to a cinder, instigating the still-rampaging "Endless wars" of which the current President bewails, neglecting, with nary an MSNBC pundit bothering to point it out, to connect those wars to the Republican administrations whose policies spawned and waged them.
ALL for oil, which translates, if you care to look, which the Huff apparently doesn't, into fueling America's dream machines' past, present and increasingly destuctive, future (electric or not).
Yet it's climate change you think will awaken US drivers to their perfidy, when the murderous rampages the US government has embroiled our military in around the globe provides not the slightest twinge of conscience as we turn that key in the ignition every day? Seriously? Something about which the country, as evinced by this article, is in denial about, will change behavior when the actual disintegration of one country after the other, and the support of criminal regimes, for as long as they hand over their energy resources to US transnationals, have had no effect whatsoever, but the theorized prospect of a couple of degrees rise in global temperatures will? That doesn't say much for one's view of the American people, does it? It may be accurate, yes, but it's not a very charitable one.
Next the article states that our own International Energy Agency reported that America’s oil use was rising more quickly than any other nation. In 2016, (and the foot on the accelerator has only gotten heavier ever since) the average American drove 1,300 more miles than they did in 1992 (That was the year of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), btw, on which the useless international treaty of 1997, referred to as the Kyoto Protocol, is based. That's more than 25 years ago, so no Exxon to use as your scapegoat here: We knew.... Like cigarette smoking, we knew; we merely pretended we didn't. That worked so well, why not just try it again?)
Every advance in fuel economy has been wiped out not only from the concomitant increase in miles driven, but accentuated by substantially bigger cars, and by burning Bush-sponsored and Trump-supported diluted gas to fuel them (long before this Trumpette sabotaged any pollution controls). In fact, as the lack of controls starts to impact those areas where the most drivers are on the road, such lack may actually be the only devise left to stop the extraordinarily fuelish behavior of the US polity. But in reality, that is hardly likely to matter, as the resultant oxygen-depleted, CO2-enriched air we must then breathe impacts those not driving far worse.
Poisoning their own offspring, leaving them in the lurch, destroying their future while saddling them with unpayable debt, is the US Government Guide to Childcare that every US parent follows religiously. Vaccines? NEVER! Now get in the car seat so I can drive to work and forget you even exist until I come out and find you dead from neglect. (Every parent could simply put their cell phone in the same seat with their offspring: they may forget their child, but they won't forget their phone. The reason this stratagem won't work? Parents fear they would miss a call, and so won't leave their phone where it can't be accessed while they're driving ... never mind that it's illegal. The fifty or so parents who, this summer alone, left their children to die an excruciatingly horrible death would have been penalized more for texting-while-driving than they got penalized for causing the death of their child. It is, after all their child, so big deal, right?
Continuing on:
Lol again. Au Contraire: turning the Automobile manufacturing industry into a GSE (which is what Obama basically did, claiming the industry is as TBTF as the banking and insurance "industries", here in our Free-For-All enterprise system, is where political connections, military contracts, and financial defalcations, not honest accounting and profitability, determine which Corponationals remain in business).
Every major industrial country in the world, and none more so than the U, hands out large sums from the public purse to keep the cars rolling down those assembly lines, without which their economies would crater, their unemployment rates skyrocket, their tax receipts dwindle, and their balance-of-payments go haywire.
Far from reversing those trends, as the article's own statistics, as cited above, point out, such knowledge has only accelerated them. Since that 1992 UNFCCC Convention, the burning up and incinerating of every fossil fuel on the planet has not only shown no "proposed policies to reverse this trend" but has contrarily had several policies enacted that have been specifically designed to accelerate that trend.
"It’s a real blind spot.”
That's what they conclude.
But it's a bare-faced lie. It's not a "blind spot" when you can see it and choose to pretend you don't: that's psychosis. Not only is not not a "real" blind spot, it isn't a blind spot at all. It's a mule-headed refusal by the citizenry to face facts; for politicians, it's an absolute necessity to pretend they're blind to it if they wish to get re-elected. (Just ask Al Gore). What the Dems know that the Huff pretends not to, is that Americans' attitude on this subject is intractable. You think Guns create strife? Start talking about limiting driving, and you'll see how many guns Americans really own, as they start pulling them out. The automobile has brought us to this juncture, and it will drive us right over the cliff, but what a joy ride, right?
"Simply move closer to jobs, services and shopping."
Of COURSE! What idiots we are to not have thought of that.
Oh, wait ... thanks to the generations-long Fed-manipulation of the mortgage market, it is impossible to move to any of the country's cities that have transit, because the disconnect between wages and property values, brought about by so much Fed-manipulation of the economy, housing prices are forced up to nosebleed levels, while trillions of dollars sits idly on the Fed's books propping up those prices with MBS's purchased for that specific purpose: to keep the bubble-inflated real estate values paid during the financial mania from ever coming down to reality (ie, keeping housing prices and housing's value from the reconciliation they are in such desperate need of), keeping them artificially high and making it impossible for workers to ever even contemplate the possibility of living anywhere near where they have to work. Consequently, workers in the cities, where the jobs are darling, have no option: they are FORCED to locate an hour, sometimes two hours, away from their place of employment, and, there being no mass transit in most of the country, that leaves them having to Drive to thrive.
"The most obvious explanation for Democrats’ four-wheeled "blind spot" is that reducing car use is politically unpopular".
Wrong: it's political suicide. Suburban women are not going to be stranded: they will turn on the Dems like mad dogs and rip them to shreds. Women, the font of human creation, are quite immune to all talk of reducing their carbon footprints. Bigger and bigger SUV's are in their sites, the damage they wreak be damned. Used to being kept, coddled, and catered to, the center of which entails automobility, they will give up their car keys only when they're wrested from their cold, dead hands.
So while they may Huff about their bafflement regarding the Dems ... all their brouhaha about Trump's withdrawal from the climate accords was exactly that ... a tempest in a teapot, as they have exactly zero intention of speaking truth to power, because, in a Democracy, at least the way I was taught, Power resides in the people. And "the people" will crush your face in the dirt at the mere suggestion that you'll take way or curtail access to their car or the cheap (very expensive to the rest of mankind who can't or won't drive) fuel needed to power them.
This failure is so monumental, that if liberal democracy is in fact the end of history, as was so arrogantly trumpeted in the nineties, then it will indeed bring about not just the end of history: its only promise now is that it'll leave us no future; provide us no hope; leave us no world. But at least then there'll be plenty of parking spaces.
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