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The Pentagong Show

The Pentagong Show
United State of Terror: Is Drone War Fair?

Monday, June 1, 2020

The Killing of Mister George: A Black Comedy in Two Acts.

It's now a full week. A week during which any enemy of the USA is staring agape at the realization of their fondest dreams as a minority population explodes into protest, spreading a killer virus throughout their own and the wider community while demanding justice. But that justice, as long as it has been in coming, will matter little to the millions more that will be infected and die thanks to the "demonstrators", as the NYT and other media call them even as they incinerate buildings, loot businesses, and riot like there were no tomorrow. Which there won't be for many of them. As there also won't be for their relatives and friends they bring the plague back home to.

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Although there has been a word or two about the consequences of such lawless congregation, the lack of any pleas or forceful remonstration is hard not to notice. Just a single week ago, there were pictures of pool parties, beach gatherings, church attendance splashed all over the media, all of which raised the specter, now being pretty much borne out by the documented rise in Covid cases, of an increase in the spread of Corona Virus caused by the relaxation of social distancing and the re-opening of non-essential businesses such as hair salons and tatootoo parlors With all this mob activity of the last week, why is there barely a peep about the explosion in infected people that is sure to result from it? Have we been being lied to all this time? Because that's exactly the impression such silence on the most dire implications of this mass hysteria forms. How can a single pool party, or any of the myriad other Super Spreader events that were said to have brought on the uncontrollable spread of the disease in the spring compare to this indiscriminate mixing of tens of thousands of individuals congregating en masse? Of whom as many as maybe 85% have absolutely no immunity? Oh ... they're wearing masks? Really? What masks encourage (and there are far more "demonstrators" without masks than with) is the elimination of social distancing, as they provide a false sense of security, such that people wearing masks get far closer than advisable to other (NO one knows whether they themselves  are infected) potential carriers of Covid. Because masks don't provide protection at that close range, and most of those worn are not N-95, but are more like surgical masks, which are designed to keep droplets from getting out, not prevent them coming in from the patient being operated on, so viral particles are small enough to go right through the cotton material and into the respiratory tract.

The prelude we saw in the Spring in New York City, New Jersey, and other hotspots of the pandemic's rampage was one that called for a swift, determined response to save the healthcare system from collapse by protecting as many people as possible from exposure. Those precautions have now been thrown to the wind, all the dutiful sequestering nullified in a single week. The danger to the heathcare system was still, despite the re-opening of the economy, an existential threat before this outbreak of mass hysteria. The spike in cases it will occasion will be on a scale, not of a second wave, but of a deadly inundation. That what the USA's Provocateur-In-Chief wanted was a riot of just such proportions he has made quite clear, the proof being right there in the remarks he twittered with the obvious intention of inciting violence ... not "to glorify" it, as Twitter so timorously chided ... but to INCITE it.

 Although it has been forgotten in the relentless monopolization of the airwaves by Corona coverage, before the virus struck there were demonstrations in France by Les Gilets Jaune, for a YEAR; demonstrations in Hong Kong; uprisings in Chile, Brazil, Venezuela, Thailand, Indonesia: the entire globe was calling for an end to the neo-liberal regime that was tightening a noose around their necks, yet from not one single leader anywhere else in the world was there any such statement as that of the USA's Provocateur-in-Chief throwing down a gauntlet in a Dirty Harry incitement to "Go ahead, make my day", that the US President, relishing the sudden impact it would engender, twittered out contemptuously to both provoke the demonstrators and alert his minions to gear up for battle ... which they obligingly did. That the crowds of young people looting stores, and vandalizing businesses, torching cars and properties played so easily into his hands doesn't show them for pursuers of justice. That their despair, anxieties, and hopelessness are justified, few really had doubts about before, but now ...

Now that they have shown themselves to be such easily manipulated pawns of Power, it is sad to contemplate their fate. As the infection rate skyrockets, the suffering and the bodycounts brought about by their self-destructive rampage will spike right along with the summer's record-shattering heat and incidents of uncontrollable wildfires, while not an iota of justice will have been served. Like the Occupy Wall St demonstrations that had a similar lack of anything concrete to demand as a condition for their unoccupying Wall St, this mob action has no endgame. OWS demonstrated that action is not everything, that contemplation is necessary for the discovery of the way forward and for the refinement of the will. But this inchoate mob action has guaranteed only one thing: that the number of innocent deaths these brutish actions will bring about will be staggering. And the largest number by far will be suffered by their own people. Yet the amount of any remorse, feeling of responsibility or accountability for the lives of those laid low by their fiery display of disapproval of a single man's despicable, cold-blooded, and deliberate ignition of a powder keg of pent-up (literally) rage, by those that reacted by ransacking the place will be precisely what it always is: Zero. And for one simple reason: it is not justice that is being sought; it is Revenge.

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