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United State of Terror: Is Drone War Fair?

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Hydraulic Fractured Fairy Tailings

Nearly 2 decades of War in Afghanistan: Shows Muslim women the heights they can attain if only they would dump the Chador.
                                              The Art of The Pimp: The "My Two" Movement.

                           Even Rock Album covers seem downright Puritanical compared to the baring of the Presidential Sweets.

While Trump slides down in the polls ("It can't be all bad", he quips, "That's how I met Melania"), and Corona virus continues its Groundhog Day-like monopolization of the airwaves, scant attention is being paid to the escalating costs the climate changing gasses of the fracking industry is having on the states around the Gulf and in the Four Corners region.

As you can see from the US gov't's chart from the EIA, the Bush US opened the 21'st century burning twice as much coal as it did in the 60's, an amount that went down only after Bush left office, and left the economy reeling from his mishandling of ... well, everything. Luckily for us, in terms of legibility of the above data, our usage in BTU's tracks right up to 100, making the percentages easy to determine. Such that it is child's play to see that the percentage of those BTU's derived from coal, are, at ten%, exactly the same as the number of BTU's derived from what they call "renewables", within which they include biomass (at 43% of all renewables, easily the largest ... with wind a close second).

Between those two extremes lie the mass of US generative capacity at 80% Oil and Gas, and 30% overall growth from Reagonomics that has remained relatively unchanged, peaking in the Bush years and peaking once again now, as the US has gone on a massive binge of fracturing the landscape to scrape the bottom of the oil barrel, in order, not to make America "Energy Independent" but to sell to countries like China, thereby destroying any hope America had of being Energy Independent in the future in order to make a handful of well-connected insiders billionaires. In other words, from the onset of the Fracking bonanza until the current day, a period in which the production of US petroleum products has more than doubled from some 5 mln bpd's to > 12 mln bpd's at the beginning of 2020 (again, the EIA's figures), not a drop of that burgeoning output in petroleum production has contributed to energy production in the US: As you can see from the graph,  petroleum provided ~ 35quadrillion BTU's of energy in 2010 when Fracking began to really increase, until present day, when it provides that almost exact same number: ~ 35quadrillion BTU's of energy. Many of which are used up to drill, build rigs, build roads to carry the heavy loads of sand and fracking water, build pipelines, fill cargo trains, to ship the oil to ports where it is exported to the rest of the world, all supposedly to make America "Energy Independent", which it most assuredly has not done. 

The Bloomberg article sited explains how the Wilks brothers helped bilk the US out of its last remaining fossil fuel reserves, including a chart, which I'm unable to provide as it's in Excel,  so I settled for the following from the EIA:


and more currently, here, which illustrates the amount of crude oil  exports, which were stable from 1985 until 2010 at ~ .5mln bpd, when they began their inexorable climb, reaching 1 million bpd by 2014, when prices crashed just in time for the US ramp up, tripling its output of exports to 3mln bpd's when the profitability of doing so was non-existent, leaving the industry where it is today: flat on its back, laiden with debt, and, like the Fed that ballooned its balance sheet to provide the "industry" with  trillions in investment cash, exposed for the fraud it has perpetuated on the American people.

In other words, the billionaire class, like the Wilks mentioned above, rake in billions, while not a nickel of those ill-gotten gains will they use to seal the leaks of the thousands of wells leaking methane ... instead it has been proposed in an article in Gizmodo penned by Dharna Noor, that the Federal Government, a federal government that denies Climate Change in order to deny any liability to the oil and gas interests that are accorded the leeway to release as much methane and CO2, and flare as much of our potential future natural gas into the air, pay for the expensive work of stopping these leaks that are driving up the temperature of the entire Gulf Coast. Instead they get to lay off tens of thousands of workers and throw them onto the unemployment lines with no health insurance while the country is in the grips of a pandemic, instead of using them to clean up their own mess: a mess made, not, as our lying president claims, to "Make America Great Again", but to leave Americans holding the gasbag of an atmosphere sodden with CO2 and ever-increasing load of the more powerful methane in order to sell the last of US petroleum reserves to .... wait for it ... China. To which country we, as in the USA, have exported an increasing amounts of oil and LNG year after year, decreasing the trade deficit with China, but enabling all those jobs our Chief Executive claims they have "stolen" even as his administration provides them the cheap energy resources without which they would be unable to do so.  

Ina vicious circle, American wages get suppressed in order to siphon profits to the "job creators". The jobs they have been creating, however, have been in China, because, it is there that industry can operate in an environment that disregards environmental degradation, while back home, the US uses the profits of its entire business sector to pour into the oil fields, copying the dynamic of the ethanol industry, where federal funds are slathered all over the corn fields of Iowa, the same is true for the oilfields of Texas, skewing the economy toward the billionaire class that reaps the benefits while we reap the whirlwind their activities put into motion.

And now, as the rig count collapses, the methane leaks get worse, and the much-vaunted oil revolution in US shale starts unraveling, the entire economy is set to unravel with it, since it has been leveraged off of the increased production: LNG terminals to export the far more copious amounts of natural gas fracturing produces, petrochemicals plants to take advantage of that fact will now not be fed with the voluminous amounts of cheap feedstock they need to operate, oil services companies and myriad other ancillary businesses, all suffering major losses and bankruptcies while federal deficits calculated on revenues that have now disappeared will balloon even more alarmingly than any figures we have been told about, as the deficit projections only account for the added fiscal stimulus the Congress has provided, never taking into account the collapse in federal receipts from leveraging the entire economy on one Market "play": Freakin' Fracking. 

So now, one country after the other is drowning in climate deranged flooding: India, Bangladesh, Korea, Japan, China, Italy, Indochina, the USA, not-so-Great Britain, Spain, Yemen, Mexico, Central America, with the number of submerged cars floating down the road promising to deliver that Paula Krugman fantasy economic miracle of increasing demand to spur our moribund Covid country in to a manufacturing renaissance to replace all those soggy, moldy, broken autos ... EV's don't float either, ya know. And as the Arctic is in flames, along with much of Arizona, and soon enough, California, as the heat continues to build, threatening a long destructive hurricane season, the prospect of paying for all the damage that the continued burning of copious amounts of fossil fuels causes, the ability of the economy to do so has been severely crippled: the stock market may not reflect the decline of America's economic engine, but federal tax receipts, not capable of the same legerdemain, do, as they are based on actual profits made in the real economy, which Wall St. is not, and so most companies are hard-put to come up with those profits the Federal Government is anxious to tax them on .

Meanwhile in "This will never be a Socialist country", every citizen is required to fund the continued existence of the industries that are completely dedicated to the rich: Airlines that were buying up their own stock with the "Tax reform" dollars the Republicans larded them with are now stealing the public's tax dollars to line their pockets even as they lay off workers and keep flights to nowhere flying. From Tesla to the Healthcare system, from Amazon and Whole Foods to yacht and Bunker-building "Enterprises" the economy has been skewed heavily to cater to the rich, leaving the rest of us to shop at Walmarts for the cheap Chinese-made goods filling its shelves.

But without those dollars being used to buoy up the mistakes of the past, the enterprises of the future, or even of today, have no capital ... it has all been pre-allocated to the crashing enterprises that operate on the same principal that the Wilks made "their" fortune on: risk the public's money, if you lose, they lose, and then foist the true costs, once you've skimmed off your own billions, onto the public to pay to clean up your mess, while pouring campaign dollars into the re-election campaign of the avatar of pseudo-Capitalism, that serial bankrupt, run-the-country-for-my-own-personal-aggrandizement, Trump.

No wonder you have to call out the Gestapo to send into American cities to quell the unrest. Corruption on this scale would have made Marie Antoinette blush. Something the current crop of swindlers are incapable of, as they have absolutely no shame. So when you hear the News dutifully claim "We're all in this together", run.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

The Land of Waste

The Land of Waste

To sow dissent's Verboten; the last remnants of belief
Clutch at hearts we think beyond repair. The blind
Watch their loved one's bodies interred. The dearly departed.
Sweet Nature calls softly, but that won't last much longer.
Freighted, as She is, with empty bottles, plastic wrap,
Discarded face masks, cardboard boxes, cigarette butts
Or other debris from human blight. The nearly discarded.
Lasting impacts, from the continuing abuse of entire sectors
Of lush rainforests, pristine streams, and fragile deserts
Have only started, no one's left who dares to address 

By the brackish waters I sat down and wept ...
Sweet Nature defiled by algae blooms, gonyaulax 
the color of blood resumes
Another season of toxic tides, A day in the surf tossed
For Disney rides.
Like diapers and lighters and ammo shells
Gloves and gowns from the hospital tells
A story of waste: humans lives once selfie-posable
Discarded as thoughtlessly as any other disposable

So down my spine slides a shiver of fear,
A rattle of bones like a chandelier
Shimmering and quivering from yet another quake 
From the earth's web of fractures made
In order to slake
Mankind's heedless thirst for cheap energy.
Its restless demand for electricity
Overrules all logic, scorns all calls for restraints, 
Despite the grim picture it remorselessly paints
Of a future that makes a pandemic appear
The least of our worries, a phantom to fear
Pro tem.

 The Fire Sermon summons visions of hell
Hieronymous Bosch meets William Tell
Aiming a shaft at Carmen Miranda's 
Head freighted with fruit: he dislikes her law.
Reading people their rights is just propaganda,
The right to keep silent having one grievous flaw, 
Bearing then, as one must, every arrow and sling, 
Your compliance must everyday bring, when you haw,
and hem.

A rat, a man a honky-tonk's Madam
Drag their blood-streaked belly across the macadam
On a wintry eve, while cars streaking past them
Bear their passengers by, it's too chilly to stop
Or even slow down;
Roaring motors, blaring horns, and screeching tires
All insist on movement, in maintaining
 the rat-race to nowhere: each spark plug that fires, 
demands a frantic pace. In big city or town,
Or village of Hobbits, wheeling passersby only open 
Their windows to hawk gobbets
of Phlegm.
So don't go fishing in the Erie Canal, 
Or sailing down the Potomac in sloop or skiff, 
If you don't catch cholera, you'll catch a whiff
Of benzene, or sulfur, or Adam Schiff.
For everything you've stuffed in a Recology bin
To recycle re-use re-purpose rescind
Ends up in some landfill, or incinerator,
And from there back into the water or air; 
Like microplastics, your waste ends up everywhere.
 So love her or leave her or maybe you hate her
But Columbia of the Ocean is no longer
a Gem.

Monday, July 13, 2020

El Fatso Jokes, "Everything is a Hoax".

The NYT  published a quote from a dying man in Texas this morning:

A 30-year-old Texas man who attended a “Covid party” died after being infected with the virus. Just before he died, he told his nurse: “I think I made a mistake. I thought this was a hoax, but it’s not.”

Well, "Duh".

That is the result of having a mass murderer as President of the sole SuperPower, the one who's sylph of a Press agent will insist, "It was only a joke", when confronted with the real repercussions of having a heartless demagogue controlling the nation's airwaves, assuring the populace that it's a joke that a virus he has gone out of his way to blame China for, because of which he has withdrawn the USA from the WHO and closed down the economy, yet maintains is 99% harmless. All to a press that doesn't see fit to ask him why then did his administration close down the economy? How can you blame China for not taking action against a virus that is 99% harmless, Mr.President? Why would any country take action against a disease that is 99% harmless, sir? 

"Oh ... of course. You were (once again) using your position as leader of the free world to make light of yet another deadly serious situation". 


Like Climate change. 

That statement the NYT published that that Texas man supposedly said (sounds a little too pat for me to totally believe it). But even if it were just propaganda ... Propaganda includes omitting facts also, you know. For example Bloomberg noticed something I've been wondering about for weeks now: As California's Covid numbers soared higher than any of the three Superstars of MSNBC's Covid case luminaries, Arizona, Florida and Texas, time and again they would iterate their numbers, numbers that were less than those being suffered by California, yet California was time and again omitted from their stories. California, where the numbers in the San Francisco Bay area remained the lowest of any major metropolis in the nation, while those in the Southland soared. So California's governor fixed that. Gavin Nuisance ordered the prisons in the southern part of the state, where the viral numbers were going, well, viral, to transfer Covid-infected inmates to the penal institutions in the North, where they, Surprise! Surprise!, infected the inmates and guards there. Now every hospital in the region that was relatively Covid-free has inmates, and their THREE GUARDS chaperones, filling the hospitals, stalking their hallways, and spreading the virus where there was previously barely any spread at all. The California Government, in other words, made itself a Super Spreader. 

Rachel Madcow looks deadpan at the camera while informing her viewers how Mississippi's citizens were being warned to stay away from their legislators, repeating it over and over, as is her wont; Rachel Madcow, who has been going on for weeks now about prisons being hotbeds of infections from Corona virus, said not a word about Gave-in Nuisance's deliberate action (if it weren't deliberate, the level of stupidity it evinces is quite enough to warrant his removal from office. If Grey Davis can be recalled for the malicious targeting of the State's energy sector by the Bush administration, using Bush-addled Kenneth Lay's Enron as its agent, then this far more egregious crime easily makes Nuisance eligible for recall) to spread the virus into the Northern part of the State where it had made the least amount of inroads. But such outbreaks, occurring as they did in a Blue State, because of an erratic Democratic Governor, don't serve MSNBC's narrative, as the Bloomberg article pointed out. So they are simply left out of the "news". That is propaganda. (As it doesn't give a proper gander to the full picture of what's going on).

Now, back to the NYT's story. Even if it were propaganda, which I'm not saying it was, it makes for a very good analogy of what the United States is doing to the rest of the world via its untrammeled fracturing of the continent to extract a resource the world had no current need of, and in fact has insisted should be left in the ground. By declaring that "Climate Change is a hoax", the real repercussions of the United States' actions are rendered nothing more than the ravings of overwrought scientists: a conspiracy of hunches to be counteracted by the conspiracy of dunces comprised of religious zealots and race-baiting  desperadoes convinced that the second coming is nigh and they, being, as they are, the chosen ones, have all the answers. 

Meanwhile at the other end of the political spectrum, there are the so-called progressives and Green stalwarts all claiming the same exalted role for science. As though it weren't science, and the uses it's been put to, that has put us in this position in the first place. Without scientific know-how, there would be no such rapid accumulation of global warming gasses in our atmosphere. Gasses that are replacing the very oxygen we need in order to breathe. There would be no onerous concentrations of CO2 disrupting a climate that has been extant during the entire history of mankind, gifting it with the stable environment in which to grow its food. Which also depended on science, long before it was called that, despite agriculture being one of the first instances of scientific observation being used to benefit mankind. Yet the Green machine rejects sound science as soundly as the Trumpelstiltskins do. To the inevitability of the enormous extra burden their proposed replacement of the billion automobiles coursing down the world's freeways with an electric fleet of the same size, the manufacture of which would raise the CO2 content of the already unprecedented 418 ppm's now saturating the troposphere, they have no answer. They pretend as though those billions of autos will somehow come into existence through an act of will alone, with no repercussions, despite the entire new infrastructure needed to produce, fuel and allocate the rare earth elements on which their mobility depends. But the billions of tons of CO2 that would be exhausted into the troposphere in order to effect a change of such magnitude would surely push the global climate regime into overdrive, paying it forward, as it were, even though we are currently seeing that it need not be. And that's just one o fthe negative consequenses, ignoring as it does, the trillions in investment in the electric grid that would be necessary to deliver juice to those vehicles. And least we forget, PG&E has been held accountable for the incineration of Paradise, as well as damage from other wildfires started by their transmission lines. Lines that would necessarily proliferate all over the country. Lines that were strung to make California look Green by transporting energy form hundreds of miles away to keep its own green halo in place while doing nothing to stop its accelerating use of energy: ie to feed its propaganda machine. And now, having learned nothing, a side effect of putting the  onus of blame on a third party, they wish to increase that demand for juice exponentially. All over the country. There may be problems.

                                                             Wildfires: They're all the rage.

A modern economic system is possible. One that's not dependent on the insane level of wasted movement on a daily basis of billions of people driving to offices to do the busy work of building bridges to nowhere, roads to ruin, erecting castles built on sand; to fly to foreign lands to crowd into venues to which they have no connection, no understanding of, no interest in other than to photograph everything ad nauseum that has already been photographed a million times before; to cruise on the ocean in a floating hotel to nowhere in cramped stuffy atmosphere that regularly has breakouts of intestinal diseases and that dump tons of untreated human excrement into the oceans. A modern economic system is entirely possible. What isn't possible is that such an economy would generate the kind of profits still being squeezed from the current one. And those profits are necessary, because it is those profits that the Federal Government taxes, and without the revenue from those taxes there goes the overarching power of the military to maintain the toxic worship of hyper-masculinity that pervades the US and decides how its citizens should live their lives; and there goes the USA's overwhelming strike force necessary to maintain its hegemonic straddling of the globe to bend it to its will while wrapping itself in the banner of Freedom, unabashedly using, as our current president does, the exact same phraseology to exact the tribute of its deplorables that Hitler used to incite the same atavistic impulses in the German hoi plolloi: "Freedom" and Make Germany Great Again (verbatim, btw). 

Irish, Italians, Poles, Slavs, all line up to worship the Aryan white supremacy rhetoric of the US President, as though his ancestral Germany wasn't responsible for the annihilation of millions of their fellow countrymen in the name of Aryan supremacy. Not Irish supremacy. Not Polish. And certainly not Slavic, having, as it did, the annexation of Ukraine and the elimination of its population at the very heart of its policy of Lebensraum. How feeble it is to watch drinkers in an Irish pub cheer our Furor's rhetoric, completely ignorant of the fact that were the black population to be "taken care of" (whatever that means ... it can't be good, though) they would be next. They really think this arrogant Aryan has their best interests at heart, includes their wants in his agenda, considers their offspring members of The Master Race he claims as his birthright. How pathetic to see Russians in America (there are no Russian-Americans ... they are here to make money, something they can't do in Russia; yet they despise American culture, openly revile American Blacks, scoff derisively at the very idea of gay marriage) cheer the man espousing the same philosophy as the Führer who slaughtered 26 millions of their countrymen in order to Make Germany Great Again, as though the rhetoric behind MAGA (Make America Germany's Arsenal?) went so well the first time. For without American and English Corporations' and upper class's investments in Nazi Germany, and specifically in the rearmament of Germany, the dream of a third Reich would never have been realized. Similarly, had the Russian State not allowed the illegal use of its lands to surreptitiously build the Führer's Wehrmacht, the Germans would have had no air force to hurl against Stalin's Russia. But Russians' love of Autarchy, Aristocracy, Authoritarianism, and Autocracy is such that they would prefer to rally behind Trump precisely because he despised and seditiously undermined, Obama, as they also prefer the same mindless form of one-man rule he has made abundantly clear he so fervently embraces. 

Which brings us back to climate change. Because it is this one man's aim, to make America "Energy Independent", which is what he equates with "Making it Grrrrreat Again" (as though it were a box of corn flakes), that has driven the agenda from the first day of his tenure. And it is this maniacal obsession that has driven the world to its current state of climate derangement. Yet it is currently ignoring that fact so as to focus on the corona virus outbreak to such an obsessive degree that it is as though we have all become extras in the remake of Groundhog Day.  But as Siberia's wildfires rage and Arizona burns to a crisp, as the Southwest is embroiled in an unprecedented heatwave centered exactly on the nexus of a fracturing fervor - western Texas, eastern New Mexico, and the four corners region - the acceleration of the change in the weather that has occurred simultaneously with the fevered rush to use the rest of the economy to sustain the bankrupting uneconomic extraction of oil from uncooperative shale; as tons of Freedom Molecules are let loose to build an LNG infrastructure that has no hope of paying for itself, its premier advocate (ie, beneficiary via federal subsidies), Chesapeake Energy, having already, a mere four months into the pandemic, declared bankruptcy; as China suffers, along with Japan, from unprecedented torrential downpours so egregious they threaten the Three Gorges Dam in one country while causing deadly mudslides in the other, and as our own southeastern seaboard gets swamped once again by once-in-a-thousand-years floods, all the major economies want to do is to get back to "normal". Get back to the energy regime that is bringing calamity after calamity in order to maintain. 

Instead, it is as though none of it has anything to do with the "resilient" capitalist economic system we have adopted, as it is too sacrosanct to question any of its failings, point out any of the real costs it extracts, since denying the real cost of Free-for-all Enterprise is what Cowboy Capitalism is all about: push the costs and the risk onto the public, and reap the benefits and profits for the Ruling Keptocracy who reward their sycophants with sinecures such that when actual expertise is needed it is nowhere to be found (since our genius billionaire hates elites, and is in full knowledge that his followers will never figure out that both geniuses and billionaires are the elitist of the elite. Then again, since he's neither ...) Ah, the airs a parent puts on to keep his hiers apparent in line for their completely unearned, untaxed, unlimited incomes for the entirety of their unworking lives. They may have no enterprise, but they are free from life's more sordid dilemmas. And it is for this that we allow our world to be brought to ruin. Oh. Sorry. That's just a hoax. That wasn't my house I just saw go floating down the inundated roadway.

Friday, July 3, 2020

They OutLawed "Go Fourth", So I bought a Fifth.

                                                                  A Lonely Fate-a-Fête.
                                                              Masking the Pain.

All alone am I on this, the 4'th of July,
All alone with just the beat of my heart;
Not a soul around so I don't hear a sound
Just the lonely beating of my heart.

Unsafe to hold each other hands,
All we're allowed to hold is emptiness;
Unsafe to kiss our lover's lips,
Trapped as we are in this Corona mess.

All alone am I on this, the 4'th of July,
All alone with just the beat of my heart;
Not a soul around they too are all house-bound,
With the lonely beating of their heart.

No Netflix binge or guilt-free splurge,  
Will work to make my lone heart sing again;
No fireworks can sate this urge,
Only your touch makes my heart's wringing end.
All alone am I on this, the 4'th of July,
All alone with just the beat of my heart;
Like a doleful hound, I circle 'round and 'round,
Hearing just the beating of my heart.