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Thursday, July 16, 2020

The Land of Waste

The Land of Waste

To sow dissent's Verboten; the last remnants of belief
Clutch at hearts we think beyond repair. The blind
Watch their loved one's bodies interred. The dearly departed.
Sweet Nature calls softly, but that won't last much longer.
Freighted, as She is, with empty bottles, plastic wrap,
Discarded face masks, cardboard boxes, cigarette butts
Or other debris from human blight. The nearly discarded.
Lasting impacts, from the continuing abuse of entire sectors
Of lush rainforests, pristine streams, and fragile deserts
Have only started, no one's left who dares to address 

By the brackish waters I sat down and wept ...
Sweet Nature defiled by algae blooms, gonyaulax 
the color of blood resumes
Another season of toxic tides, A day in the surf tossed
For Disney rides.
Like diapers and lighters and ammo shells
Gloves and gowns from the hospital tells
A story of waste: humans lives once selfie-posable
Discarded as thoughtlessly as any other disposable

So down my spine slides a shiver of fear,
A rattle of bones like a chandelier
Shimmering and quivering from yet another quake 
From the earth's web of fractures made
In order to slake
Mankind's heedless thirst for cheap energy.
Its restless demand for electricity
Overrules all logic, scorns all calls for restraints, 
Despite the grim picture it remorselessly paints
Of a future that makes a pandemic appear
The least of our worries, a phantom to fear
Pro tem.

 The Fire Sermon summons visions of hell
Hieronymous Bosch meets William Tell
Aiming a shaft at Carmen Miranda's 
Head freighted with fruit: he dislikes her law.
Reading people their rights is just propaganda,
The right to keep silent having one grievous flaw, 
Bearing then, as one must, every arrow and sling, 
Your compliance must everyday bring, when you haw,
and hem.

A rat, a man a honky-tonk's Madam
Drag their blood-streaked belly across the macadam
On a wintry eve, while cars streaking past them
Bear their passengers by, it's too chilly to stop
Or even slow down;
Roaring motors, blaring horns, and screeching tires
All insist on movement, in maintaining
 the rat-race to nowhere: each spark plug that fires, 
demands a frantic pace. In big city or town,
Or village of Hobbits, wheeling passersby only open 
Their windows to hawk gobbets
of Phlegm.
So don't go fishing in the Erie Canal, 
Or sailing down the Potomac in sloop or skiff, 
If you don't catch cholera, you'll catch a whiff
Of benzene, or sulfur, or Adam Schiff.
For everything you've stuffed in a Recology bin
To recycle re-use re-purpose rescind
Ends up in some landfill, or incinerator,
And from there back into the water or air; 
Like microplastics, your waste ends up everywhere.
 So love her or leave her or maybe you hate her
But Columbia of the Ocean is no longer
a Gem.

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