Donald Jim-Jones Trump's Kool-Aid Stand
It's curious how I've turned to rhyming of late to make my blog entries. I like it, but can understand why readers may not, as the effects on my mood are so much nicer when I versify than when I cursify, although I don't know why. Waxing poetic, I suspect, puts your brainwaves on a different level than attempting hard-hitting prose where every statement of fact needs to be backed up by a link to an article or be cited, or the writer whose data you've used to buttress your arguments needs to be given a tip of the hat. Which fact shouldn't be misconstrued to mean I resent doing any of those things, just to mention that they are not only a lot of work, but they can often lead one to lose one's train of thought, something very important when you a have a one-track mind that rails as much as I do on the same subject. Even thought that subject encompasses every aspect of our lives: transportation, communications, air pollution and therefore, health, the economy, agriculture, and planning for the future even as it changes before we get to tomorrow, never mind next week, or next decade. How do you plan for retirement when its main component of your continued contribution, Social Security, is being actively undermined, the eventual destruction being the goal of one of the major political parties? Or buy into a stock market that is kept artificially high by design, effectively blocking out newcomers unless they're willing (and able) to buy assets they know are priced higher than the earnings of its constituent companies will ever make them worth?
So although my main point of interest is the US methane monster that fracturing the continent's crust has created, it's mostly the lack of reporting on the fact and the resultant finger-pointing at everything else but the actual culprit for the climate derangement that is no longer an anomaly, but a persistent fact of life (such as the current global temperature ... one that used to be, as little as a few years ago, dependent on the ENSO cycle, but has now, for the 2'nd year in a row, resulted in a world that's now hotter than any El Nino-year in history).
For example, it's my contention that the methane releases of tens of thousands of drills fracturing the earth's surface across a broad expanse of the continent are, judging from the increased emphasis on the industry doing the fracturing on not having to plug the methane leaks its leaving in its wake, nor be held accountable for the deleterious effects of it on our environment, having a disastrous effect on our environment, and going beyond that, are in fact responsible for the events happening in our country from one ocean to the other.
The location of the heat dome that has wreaked havoc with the weather of the Pacific coast and the mountain states is not coincidentally located at the heart of the fracturing spree in the four corner region of the country, and fanning out to include the environs of East Texas, Western New Mexico, Oklahoma, and even Kansas. This is not just CO2 that's wreaking this destructive havoc, but CO2 heavily augmented by a veil of methane that acts like a super booster, enhancing the already CO2-laden atmospherical effect.
When the corona virus was first threatening to shutdown the economy, Limbaugh, Fox and other heartless GOP stalwarts were minimizing its threat by likening it to car accident deaths, ignoring the fact that it represented a +1: a whole new string of deaths on top of the others, not replacing them. Methane is the same way, and is played down the same way: it isn't the increased methane alone that is responsible for the wildfires and overheated ocean waters: it is the addition of it on TOP of the heightened CO2 numbers that make it so potent. With more than 414 ppm of CO2, an amount that sits at the highest it has ever been in any July of our entire lifetimes, or of mankind's entire existence, in fact, and its concentration is greater in the center of the fracturing frenzies going on in both the USA and Russia. Both those centers of the fracturing mania have heightened levels of methane, a gas with a far more powerful greenhouse effect: one that is wreaking havoc in both of the epicenters of the planet's only earth-fracturing nations. And both of them are currnetly burning to the ground.
Unlike Russia, the USA has other options it could have pursued, but decided to provide a bonanza for a few well-placed billionaires and rely on the discretion of the reporting of the "Free", as in ad-reliant, press to shut up about the costs that are being imposed on the entire country by the most energy-intensive industrial activity on the globe. After all, the financial system is set up in exactly the same way: all the risk and costs shoved off onto the shoulders of the public while a few TBTF industries, buttressed by being in the favor of the Fed, skim their artery-clogging enrichment off first, and leave the public to pick up the tab for their defalcations, gambling losses and bankrupt schemes. Why would fracking be any different?
One would think because it is easier to see its results. You can't hide a heat dome scorching the west, one so intense it damped the usual upwelling of the waters of the Pacific ocean that keep San Diego's waters cool. Without that upwelling, two tropical remnants of East Pacific hurricanes were able to churn their ways up the California coast unleashing a barrage of lightening storms in an area that has never experienced such an onslaught, setting off one fire after the other, resulting in more damage in the Northern California counties than ever before. Meanwhile, East Texas was doing its own super-heating of that part of the US, throwing a methane veil over the Gulf of Mexico that heated those waters to close to 90 degrees, enabling a Category 1 storm to power up to a Cat 4 in less than 24 hours.
But the Confederacy of Donald Jim-Jones Dunces don't miss a beat (As Citi's Prince said in 2008 as the Bush Ponzi scheme was unravelling, "I'm still dancing") and slurp up the Kool-Aid, feeling themselves immune to the ravages the scheme to sell-off the last dregs of American energy to China has resulted in: They can fly to wherever they like and stay at one of Big Daddy's gaudy palaces, so what do they care?
Watching the Corona Coronation, I realized that Michael Moore, was indeed right: this fat-assed lard-belly is actually going to be driving the country further into the ground for yet another four years. Wow! I guess that's what BLM wants. What better revenge on Whitey than straddling them with their avatar of grift for another four years: they think they have nothing to lose, a curious position, since nothing has made it more clear how pervasive black people are in our country's media, sports, entertainment, and manufacturing industries than Black people complaining how they aren't included. You would be hard-pressed to find any other country in the world that has elected a member of a minority group that constitutes little more than 10 per cent of the population as its President. OBAMA: Only Black Americans Matter Anyway. About ten percent of the population and yet you are featured on every channel, every hour; even on Fox, who has to keep their tokens in play.
So thanks guys. The statue of Liberty's iconic hand raised high above her head doesn't mean you should torch the place; but mass rioting, senseless looting, and arson seem to be your favorite sports, and well, that's gonna get Biden the boot. Congrats. You've been played so easily by this administration and its cohorts it's embarrassing. Do you really think that a cop shooting down a black guy, firing seven shots in his black back in the middle of the RNC was just coincidental? This was planned long before the virus hit, long before Donald had a clue as to who his opponent was even going to be. And you've played your part wonderfully ... and totally predictably. And once again have made a far greater impact on the outcome of the election than your numbers warrant. So good work. Your revenge is sewn into the outcome as surly as Betsy Ross' stars in the flag; and yet you can still demand reparations during the next election cycle. Why give up on a sure thing?
(Update: I so love it when I'm WRONG! Whooo-hoooo).