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The Pentagong Show
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Monday, October 12, 2020

FLOTUS Alone: The First Lady Vanishes.

                    Saboteur: Psycho Gaslights Suspicion by a Notorious Spellbound Frenzy down 39 Steps.

As the head honcho heaves his god-sent torso around the country, there seems to be an unearthly silence about the state of health of the other positive-testing Trump, by whom I mean his wife. Perhaps it has been asked in late-night forums, on after-hours talk shows, or other outlets I don't peruse, but I've yet to hear a single reporter, concerned citizen, or politico inquire as to how the wife of the President, whose last mention of I've heard only in relation to her having the virus, but since then, not a whisper as to how she has fared with it. 

As the roster of people infected at the Super Spreader event at the White House grows, and is reported and commented on, as well as discussion of the aggressive treatment the Chief Executive underwent, no one has deigned to ask if the FLOTUS is receiving the same treatment ... or any treatment. 

Now the fact that Malaria is easily the most useless First "lady" we have ever had makes such an omission easy to miss, as she is usually missing from anything having to actually do with the country she could care less about, except for how much money it can contribute to her bottom line, it is still quite startling to realize that nobody actually gives two cents whether she's sick, has a temperature, is showing symptoms, or is actually obeying quarantine, a moot point, since her husband flaunts his own administration's recommendations on the matter.

I first noticed this deathly silence when they were asking the President when his last negative test was, and he was refusing to answer. I was particularly curious to know, as one of my first questions was, "How do we know the Great White Hope for hicks didn't give it to Hope Hicks instead of the other way  around?" 

The answer to that first question could well answer the latter. 

Any other man, let alone the President of the world's largest military and economic behemoth, would have felt it incumbent upon himself to offer updates as to their wife's health after making it known that she had become infected with a microbe that has killed > 210,000 of her husband's countrymen, sickened 7 million worldwide and changed the world forever ... whatever happens in the race for a vaccine. 

But nope. Not Trump-a-dump. He doesn't care to mention it, and no one else cares enough to ask. 

I consider GW Bush to have been by far our worst President. Yet had he been in office when this happened and Laura Bush had come down with it, the pathos, the constant coverage, the flowers and cards would have flowed like water as the citizenry expressed their concern for her welfare, and you could be sure that even in the middle of two Wars, a re-election campaign, and an economy kept alive only by virtue of nationalized scams, embezzlements, and globalized Wall St-fueled securities fraud, that GW would have kept us apprised of Laura's condition. But Miss hoity-toity, her well-coiffed cobra-like head kept in the clouds by high heels that function more like stilts, in order to keep her away from mingling with the hoi polloi, has apparently had the effect that the masses don't really give a damn about her, returning in spades her "Let them eat ... " (well, it ain't cake) attitude toward the polity.  

An attitude, to judge from all appearances, also shared by her husband.

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