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The Pentagong Show

The Pentagong Show
United State of Terror: Is Drone War Fair?

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Cry, 96 Tears; Cry, Cry Cry for the Cryosphere.

 With the Blob's sequestration at Look Ma, a-Lardo, the press has quickly become reacquainted, during this, our Covid nightmare, with the so-called climate emergency. That's the new word replacing climate crisis, since that appellation did nothing to infuse a sense of urgency to the climate derangement we're living through (so far .... most of us). However, if the staff in an Emergency Room of even the slackest of hospitals reacted with the same lack of  "STAT!"-ness as States do to the climate emergency, there would be no reason to go to one, as you could get a more urgent response to your pressing needs at your local dry cleaners. 

While, during their third night of mayhem, rioters burn down a Covid vaccination site in Amsterdam, right across that thin expanse of ocean known as the English Channel, deaths from the dreaded disease are at an all-time high, its newest variant racing through its population faster than a streaker at a wintry NFL game.

The blitzkrieg of dumpy Trumpy's four-year twitter-storm having been blockaded by its enabler, the strong signal of accelerating climate derangement can at last be discerned without the noisy static of temper tantrums and untempered hooliganism wrought by an overwrought, deeply disturbed psyche onto the heavily tattooed body politic. 

As the corona virus was cutting the life expectancy of the most scientifically advanced nations of the globe by a decade in the span of months, it went uncommented on that in the cryosphere, a new number had emerged. Whereas it had been accepted knowledge, at least in the scientific community, that the rate of what they referred to as Arctic amplification, meaning that the Arctic was warming at twice the rate of the rest of the planet, had ramped up. The Arctic is now warming at three times the global average. This acceleration, in my own estimation, but unproven hypothesis, bro, has been brought about by the big American BOT: Bush/Obama/Trump and their corporate sponsors' frackapalooza.

It is the reason that Trumpy could declare climate change a hoax and have the ramifications of such a belief, other than his withdrawing of the USA from the completely ineffectual Paris Accords, go, for the most part, unremarked. But the amount of energy required to extract not only the energy for our immediate usage, but for the energy requirements of our future, ie solar panels, wind farms and bio-fuel production, as well as the gargantuan energy sinks of fracturing and Canadian tar sands, all means that industrialized civilization, far from reducing its carbon footprint, has increased it by an alarming degree, even as it delivers its energy, not for productive purposes, but simply for consumption: heating and A/C, driving around in circles on a daily basis, and air travel, or flying around in circles purely for its entertainment value, and of course, mining and energy extraction itself.

Now, what the corona virus should have pointed out to us, is that were we to curtail such activities on a world wide basis, our economic system would collapse, as it is in the process of doing now, since all the ancillary activities, such as restaurants, hotels, the airline industry along with its ancillary activities, all of which have been artificially stimulated in this quasi-capitalistic state, has, far from creating an economic system that is "resilient", as its ardent supporters claim, has on the contrary, devised a system that leaves the vast hordes of mankind living in a state of precarious debt bondage as it recruits the best minds of the over-educated elites to devise ever more plays on stock market listings, and toys for the rich, who consider the rest of us as some alien growth ... they've never taken a lichen to us.

Yet, were it to be otherwise, the amount of CO2 vented into the atmosphere by a more well-heeled public would zoom to stratospheric heights: the US has demonstrated, along with other OECD nations, that the cheaper energy prices are, the more fuel is burned: that is the derelict logic of demand-side economics: build it and they will come, they opined (yeah, because in order to build it, you tore down everything else of value, and sucked up all the dollars  needed to finance any chance of building anything else, leaving them no alternative ... but that's just me). Well, Okay. So they built SUV's, eg, and thereby doubled the fuel requirements of the most energy-intensive nation in the world without anyone having to drive a single mile farther; they built, and continue to build, homes in floodplains, in firetraps, in deserts, on remote islands, all of which stomp out a far larger carbon footprint even without the usual modern amenities, and the building of the infrastructure needed to deliver those amenities, to their living rooms.

And just as the corona virus is spread willy-nilly around the globe, with no travel restrictions imposed on the rich while the poor are kept in enforced isolation in their cramped quarters, the cognitive dissonance of those warning about climate change even as they build an economy that no one can use if we were to heed what they are warning us will be the result if we do, they jet one variant of the virus from one continent to another with as little regard for the consequences as they do when they hop in to a plane to attend their grandson's graduation from kindergarten: both activities require a level of denial that is just as mind-boggling as those of Climate Change deniers, yet it is only the deniers that get bally-hooed, we having decide that what the rich do is what WE want to do, so it must be OK.

Which pretty much  puts me on the same page as Jeff Gibbs. It's not that I don't find the aesthetics of an offshore windfarm more appealing than a fossil-fueled power plant belching its blackened effluents into the atmosphere as though it's their inalienable right, which it apparently is, but the bromide that building them all over the world while simultaneously increasing the energy-intensity of the already energy-intensive lifestyle of an ever-expanding middle class will somehow make the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere decrease, or at least not keep increasing at its current trajectory, is pure hokum. It's as anti-science as any Kraken head or Qanon conspiracy theorist, and it is in fact such nonsense that furnishes the anvil on which such nutjob theories are forged. 

As Elon Musk teases millions out of investors to build a carbon storage and sequestration plant, it never occurs to any of them that the country is already dotted with them ... they're called Petrochemical plants, and they sequester so much carbon that it has gathered itself together into enormous gyres in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, stuffed landfills with so much of it that they can no longer be used to hold the other detritus of modern life, and they wreak havoc on poorer countries that get inundated with it from container ships piling it up on their shores: all that carbon (they're not called hydrocarbon chains for nothing), is stored and sequestered more securely than it is in now not-so-permanent permafrost. 

The energy transition holds out the promise for a better, cleaner world, but the journey will come at a steep energy cost and would take quite a lot of time ... time we no longer have. Just as the vaccine has been held out as a miracle cure for Covid, (another phrase that exemplifies the cognitive dissonance of the public, "Miracle Cure" is a nonsensical contradiction in terms, one related to the equally absurd term, "Miracle of Science", since science's fundamental philosophy is that there is no such thing as a miracle) the very specter of it loosens peoples behavior, such that now the virus is infecting more people per day than the number who get inoculated against it each day, the rush to install a renewable energy regime without a lockdown on our energy consumption until it gets in place, promises to do the same thing the vaccine rollout is doing: cost us all the resources we have left in order to build an infrastructure that in its very building causes as much damage to the atmosphere as all the collective power plants have to date. There's just no getting around the science: the amount of fossil fuel consumption necessary to get us to just an EV future will leave us not only ICEless, but, as far as the cryosphere is concerned, iceless, as well.

The events in the Netherlands overshadow and obscure the larger truth that the 2019 French Yellow Vest protests, all but forgotten, reflected about climate change: in the same country who's capitol lent its name to the Climate Accords, the populace refuses to submit to a future in which they will have to pay the exorbitant price for energy that it would have were we actually serious about curtailing our wanton use and waste of it. It is that same refusal that allowed dumpy Trumpy to declare that climate change simply didn't exist and get elected on little more than that platform, one he then applied to the Corona Virus. "Just a hoax folks, and if you disagree I'll fracture you as irreparably as a geological plate, mate." 

Too many teardrops
For our hearts to be cryin'
Too many teardrops
For our hearts to carry on

We could have stopped once
Done it deftly
Stopped pourin' toxins
Into the Sea

But watch out now
I'm gonna bet they're
Gonna get together
For just a little while

And then I'm gonna put you
Way down here
Too many teardrops
For our hearts to be cryin'
Too many teardrops
For our hearts to carry on

They're all on top now
Ensconced in Davos
They're always laughin'
Way down at us

No way out now
We'll never get there
To be together
Not even for awhile

We'll deep on melting the
Too many teardrops
For our hearts to be cryin'
Too many teardrops
For our hearts to carry on

They're way on top now
Magic Mountain
Where they keep laughin'
Way down at me

But watch out now
We'll never get there
Or act together
Not even for awhile

And then they're gonna keep you
Way down where
cryosphere's gone, let me hear you die, now
96 tears, woo, I wanna hear you cry
Night and day, yeah, all night long

96 tears, cry, cry, cry
C'mon baby, let me hear you cry now
All white's gone, no cryosphere
Yeah, c'mon now, 96 tears

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

The National Maul.


Midnight in   
The Garden of National Zeroes.
The Trumps' Washington Monument.

Monday, January 18, 2021

MAGA: Maul Americans' Government Assembly.

The Mob's attack was always part of the Plan: this post is largely reprinted from My Inaugural Post from 2017. 

Many were surprised by the Rout at Das Capital, but cummon, we always knew it was the one promise that Trumpelstiltskin would keep:, to Maul America's Government Assembly.

Flag of the Furor

Where does Trump come from? Stocks. Where is he going? Into Stocks. What are his tastes? Stocks. Has he any principles? Stocks. What gives him a voice in Congress? Stocks. Although he never of himself achieved success in anything (beyond ushering one company after the other into bankruptcy court), never originated anything, never produced anything, let it suffice to know he has Stocks. O mighty Stocks.

To manipulate those blaring instruments of finance up so high as to cause us smaller vermin, as though under the influence of crack cocaine or crystal meth, to cry out night and day, "Relieve us of our money, scatter it for us to the winds of chance, buy us and sell us, ruin us to enrich yourself, only, we beseech you, sit on the Peecock Throne among the other powers of the earth and fatten yourself, even to the state of repugnancy, on us.

And then spin spin spin those Stocks into gold, lest King Midas Muffle her, changing her golden fleets back to straw dogs nipping at her too-high heels. MedUSA, MedUSA, MedUSA, which turned his heart to stone, his skin to flint and drained power from his tower.  As the crowds below yelled Rapunzel Rapunzel, his daughter/advisor, Ivanka the Terrible, let down her long hair and into the sanctuary, the mystery, the hallowed ground, climbed, following Trumpelstiltskin's bidding, a riotous mass of faces, bent on creating a wild weekend with Bernie as they tumbled into the sanctum sanctorum, intent on breaking the chapel windows, juggling the sacred vessels and performing step-dances round the tabernacle.

Up, up, up they climbed, and in a flash Das Capital was crammed with maniacs wielding clubs, sticks, rifles, flagpoles; filled with deafening tumult, oaths, shouts, screams, hootings; changed suddenly into a beer-garden, a madhouse, an infernal temple: men darting in and out, by door and by window, smashing glass, raiding the bar, flying down long halls, smashing through doorways, tearing down barriers; dragging guards down the stairs into the fray who were then thrashed to a pulp on the marble floors, soon followed by the sound of a gun's blast; some were sitting astride the Villa Valencia settees puffing on atomizers stuffed with weed, as others were cutting down the curtains, and still more were hacking and hewing at an early 18th century painting, its frame veneered with gilt copper, stuffing their pockets with trinkets without even glancing at what they might be, invading lawmakers' offices and trashing them right in front of our eyes, wantonly wasting, pulling down and tearing up: nothing left unscratched, nothing private: men everywhere - above, below, overhead, in the meeting rooms, in the offices, in the atrium - carousing into the House chamber where a horde of them were tearing through the rostrums, ripping up the Assembly hall, jumbling up the guards and stomping on those attempting to stop their mad onrush; all the while more men were pouring in - some  yelling some singing, some fighting, some breaking heads and shouting calumny, some pouring in, some ringing the bells till they pulled them from the walls, others beating guards' heads with fire-extinguishers till they were pulverized: more men still - more more more - swarming in like insects: noise, smoke, light, darkness, frolic, anger, laughter, groans, plunder, fear, and ruin whirled through the air like a raid of locusts on a defenseless crop, a Luftwaffe air raid strafing a terrified village.

At length the band began to reassemble inside the suites, and to call to those remaining without to  join them, so, as one phalanx streamed in through the window, the leaders of the mob streamed through the hallways and down the stairs, out the front doors and into the street, bent on spreading more mayhem until their irresistible onslaught bumped up against the immovable security forces, at which point they flowed like so many rats down ripped up sewers grates and popped manhole covers, through underground parking garages, streaming screaming into subway entrances leaving behind a flaming ruin and a pall of terror.

Thus have the forces unleashed by the mocking muppet, this Killer Klown from the Empire State, stunned and castigated the electoral victors by inciting the rabble to revel in a feverish orgy of anarchy, displaying the destruction and nihilism he fostered within them until it cried to be unleashed in a paroxysm of enkindled fire as the unexpressed rage he has bellowed to a white hot heat explodes in our face.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

You'll Always Walk Alone.

  Guyana Guiliani pushing the Donald Jim-Jones Trump Death Cult.

Gerry Marsden, the lead singer of Gerry and the Pacemakers (if only he'd been wearing one!) died recently, so naturally, I listened to a couple of his hits:

         Don't let the Sun Catch You Crying


 You'll Never Walk Alone


Perhaps it's just me, but listening to Gerry Marsden sing these ballads reminded me of what we have lost over the generations since he recorded these much-loved songs, which isn't Hope, that we still have reserves of, but Empathy, an emotion that has been ballyhooed as sissy and womanish, taboo in these "modern" days of toxic masculinity and hyper-militancy where compassion and love have been excoriated by no one so fiercely as by the so-called religious community.  

Even current music seems devoid of expressing Gerry's memorable affirmation of camaraderie that these songs express, like a friendly arm over your shoulder; rather than consoling one by reminding us that you'll never walk alone, what the new millennium tells us is just the opposite; instead what's constantly emphasized is the Thatcherism that there is no such thing as society and so you will always walk alone ... your government - democratic or representative, fascist or authoritarian - it matters not, it is the first entity that repeatedly tells you, no, you don't need Social Security; of what good is health care? What does government have to do with higher education other than trapping our youth in burdensome lifetime liability? Nutrition, halting climate change, stopping the proliferation of guns, nuclear missiles, Corona virus, CO2 or methane. Walk on in the rain, slog on through your pain. Alone.

I thought of Herman Cain, and the lack of a single syllable of sorrow at his passing from the callous Republicans who were his fellows:

As we walk through this storm
Our sense of dread is high
You'd best be afraid of the dark
There's no end to this storm
Just a threatening sky
Sans the sweet silver song of the lark

Walk on through the wind
Walk on through the rain
Though your dreams be tossed and blown
Walk on, walk on
Without hope in your heart
'Cause you'll ever walk alone
You'll always walk alone

This is the message as more than 70 million of our fellow citizens are willing to rip the Halls of Congress apart, shred the Constitution to pieces, and chant for the murder of the Vice President of their own Party, all in order to keep drumming into our heads the fact that we are all alone, we are all Free, at liberty to spread a deadly virus around, as long as it doesn't affect ME. The government is not here to help you, and to make sure you believe that, they've undertaken the task of destroying every government program that does so, making sure that reality fits the picture they've painted of it by throwing buckets of paint on the canvas. See? I told you modern art sucks, as they slice the canvas to ribbons. 

So here ... drink up me maties. The elixir that'll fix yer is Freedom! So, 

Drink up, Drink up!
Dash love from your heart
And you'll ever walk alone
Staring into your damn I-phone 

Thursday, January 7, 2021

MAGAts Come Loudly; Mayhem Ensues.

"I take full responsibility ... It's not my Fault"
                                                         President of The Heir's Club for Men.

It seems a bit of turmoil has engulfed DC, even as corona virus continues its unchallenged tramp across the USA, and CO2 increases its ramp up in the atmosphere.

Daily CO2:

Dec. 31, 2020 = 415.15 ppm

Dec. 31, 2019 = 413.2 ppm

Think  they're not connected? Most people would agree with you. Me? Well. Let's face it; I'm another story entirely. 

When the CSA started firing on the States of the North, at least they knew what they were fighting to save: the economic system that was enshrined in the US constitution that allowed the perpetuation of an economic system of racial aparthied and human enslavement ... a harsh, cruel regime that used human beings as chattel, bred them like cattle and spewed "God"-ridden prattle about the right of one group of men to flog, torture, starve into submission, work to death, and execute at will another group based solely on their genetics. This is the Freedom the Proud Boys demand they be re-invested with. But boys, in every country on earth, do not have freedom: they are wards of their parents, their guardians, or kept in juvenile homes until they are deemed mature enough to be allowed into the society of adults. When so-called "men", decades after they have physically outgrown their adolescent bodies, dub themselves "boys" it is for the express, unexpressed purpose of ridding themselves of any responsibility for their actions. But they aren't boys, of course, they're thugs, donning the Cloak of Immaturity to disguise their evil intent.

Slavery, wrapped in its own congenial, midnight darkness and espoused by ministers as white southerners god-given right, was free to develop all it malign and shocking characteristics; it could be indecent without shame, cruel without shuddering, and murderous without apprehension or fear of exposure, we can see the reflections of its past in the words of our present president.

But at least the Confederate South admitted what they were fighting to maintain. They didn't cloak it in euphemisms and decry Freedom as a hoax; you should be allowed to own your very own nigga, to do with what you want, even as horses had laws to protect them from the utter depravity of human cruelty, as urban dwellers were appalled at the public beatings of animals, even unto their deaths, in full view of onlookers. Horses, like black-skinned humans, were property; and the State, and least of all you, had no right to intervene with how private citizens treated their private property ... it's more civilized today, as you can see from the hundreds of fracking rigs emitting poisonous gases that are set up a mere block away from housing projects, or leaking into the playground of a nearby school: we need the energy, they've got it, to hell with the consequences. But at least there's no more floggings. A state of affairs that has helped create the cognitive dissonance necessary to pave the way to victory for a defender of the traitorous insurrection of the CSA and his hordes of evil Evangelical-prodded, Bible-toting acolytes bearing banners with "Don't Tread on ME" while they tromp over anything that gets in their way.  If it's not sacred to them it simply doesn't exist.

Their entire agenda is a hoax:


The censorship of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine in Sodomerica (America is DEAD, let’s face it) has absolutely NOTHING to do with Capitalism and EVERYTHING to do with GODLESSNESS and Marxism.

The entities in America working to censor the mention of those drugs are CLEARLY Leftist and liars and idiots deny that."

The nugget of revelation in this man's baseless assertions, more reminiscent of the comment section of Zerohedge than that of a medical journal, on which it was posted, is "America is DEAD, let’s face it", which, not coincidentally, comes directly after his reference to the USA as Sodomerica. For reasons I've yet to fathom, but which I find quite compelling, given the rapture-like devotion to a travesty of a human being, is derived from this attitude, and is rooted in evangelical ravings about Sodom and Gomorrah and Biblical injunctions from a supernatural entity that is manifest nowhere, nor has it ever been at any time in human history, against same-sex sexual relations. So in their minds, when the US made gay marriage legal, it killed America. That is this unspoken dictum that fuels the treasonous behavior, and to them, justifies their cult-hero adoration of another man, while decrying it in others, by these "Proud Boys" (Could they have chosen a more "Gay" name? Was the Washington rally not then a Pride Parade? the Proud gay Boys strutting their flag-drag down the Appall Mall to keep their heavily made-up, crushed bee-hive hair-do'ed Empress ensconced on her "Look Ma, I'm a Lardo" throne? (one can't help but wonder what their explanation would be to explain why he is ORANGE (one can see from camera shots from the side exactly where his slathered-on make-up ends and his ghastly-white REAL pallor begins)). It ain't from eating the orange clownfish, which, for him would be cannibalism).

These evangelical "preachers" (they are not preachers, they are insurrectionists. How can the same people who accuse the President of arousing the rabble to do his bidding be completely silent about the complicity and baseness  of his ecclesiastical cheerleaders, yet chastise his fellow Republican traitors?)
Since when does freedom of religion include the freedom of religious leaders to openly foment revolution among their congregation? While simultaneously the man they have elevated to their followers as the Second coming of Christ (if I dared utter such egregious blasphemy as a child, fer crissakes, the retribution that would have been heaped on my defenseless carcass would still be evident today, as one of the hallmarks of a religious upbringing is a regular regime of thrashings with whatsoever happens to be at hand to inflict them with) is not only a notorious Liar but a convicted scam artist. Yet so-called "men of the cloth" can tell their huddled masses during their befuddled Masses that this bankrupt reprobate and serpent-tongued, nasty-mouthed bully is the Christ. It's as though the Communist Party of China claimed that Xi Jinping was the reincarnation of Buddha, yet no one dared to laugh, never mind chastise them for profanely mocking what they hold most sacred. 

It is a reflection of the state of the Republican party that these blasphemers and heretics are more Red than the CCP, their grip on the party so tight-fisted, their control so absolute, that they can claim such super-natural nonsense with a straight face and have no one dare even murmur a word of dissent. This is Party discipline on a level even Communist parties have been unable to indoctrinate into their followers since the days of Stalin and Mao Zedong. It is these Communist Party entities that the Republican Party of the USA has emulated to ensure that their adherents will follow in lockstep any doctrine they wish to promulgate, any fact they wish to unilaterally, without the slightest of proofs, proclaim a Hoax, any leader they wish to confer Divine attributes onto.

It is a deliberate return to the dark days of slavery when churches housed evil ministers spewing venomous justifications for cruelty, debasement, and murder.  

 Lurking beneath all their privilege lies invisible spirits of evil.

In the White Supremacist South, professedly christian slaveholders, would, amidst all their prayers and hymns, shamelessly and boastfully compel in their own homes undisguised and unmitigated fornication as a means of increasing their human stock. Stock which they themselves would then take their pleasure from, even while calling them subhuman beasts ... thus do we hear the accusation of "bestiality" from their descendants whenever gay rights are mentioned. It's easy to see how they equate any sex outside their provenance as leading to bestiality, as the White  Supremacists of the South would regularly have sexual relations with persons they professed to believe were beasts.

The religion leaders of the south enshrined slavery as white man's burden, an attitude that is today reflected by their unstinting admiration for the profanity and race-baiting of their hero, once again cynically using their religion as a mere covering for the most horrid crimes; the justifier of the most appalling barbarity; a sanctifier of the most hateful frauds; and a secure shelter, under which the darkest, foulest, grossest, and most  infernal abominations fester  and flourish. Yet it is only the "abomination" of homo-sex that anneals their hatred into a bulwark of steely righteousness.

Frederick Douglas: The fact of being the slave of a religious slaveholder, was the greatest calamity that could befall one. For, of all slaveholders, religious slaveholders were the worst, the vilest, meanest, and basest of their class; the most extreme in their malice and violence. They firmly believed the good slave must be whipped to be kept good. And the bad slave must be whipped to be made good. The scarred backs of slave women were the most immediate witnesses against them. 

And it is into the hands of the descendants of these monsters that the Republican Party has surrendered the reins of leadership, mute to their usurpation of control, a silence that renders them as guilty as the perpetrators of mayhem who they were too cowardly to confront.

At that time it was necessary to deny that slavery was a sin. Today it's just as necessary to deny that greed is a sin.  And it is this denial, as we wrap ourselves in a flag that represents usurpation and the justification of any crime so long as it is for the satiation of greedy appetites, that rules our hearts of darkness and is destroying us. Thus can we maintain the same nonchalant attitude toward the other disease ravaging the country, you know, the one whose latest variant "spread" from the UK to Colorado (No, it didn't ... it was brought there because we high-flying humans insist on Freedom for the rich while locking down the poor, robbing them of their liberty so we can junket to ski resorts and seaside cabanas ... Don't Tread on ME, indeed). Yet all we wish to do is to return to normal. The normal pursuit of everything that's killing us, remaking the climate regime of the planet, and destroying the possibility of creating from the ashes of corona crematoria a world that doesn't rot its seedcorn in silos deluged by floods, prairies that aren't torn up, releasing their CO2 to the atmosphere so we can grow crops that will fill not one empty stomach, but will instead be used to feed machines: as far as the eye can see stretch golden vistas of corn swaying in the gentle Iowa breeze; planted by machines and harvested by machines, transported by other machines to bring to market to be mechanically pumped into even more machines, for no other purpose than to roll humanoids along on their daily roundtrips to nowhere, to perform repetitive tasks that we now know are not only nonessential, but actually destructive: and this is the "normal" to which we wish to return. 

There is no warpspeed-developed vaccine, no easy cure, for madness such as this.