"I take full responsibility ... It's not my Fault"
President of The Heir's Club for Men.It seems a bit of turmoil has engulfed DC, even as corona virus continues its unchallenged tramp across the USA, and CO2 increases its ramp up in the atmosphere.
Daily CO2:
Dec. 31, 2020 = 415.15 ppm
Dec. 31, 2019 = 413.2 ppm
Think they're not connected? Most people would agree with you. Me? Well. Let's face it; I'm another story entirely.
When the CSA started firing on the States of the North, at least they knew what they were fighting to save: the economic system that was enshrined in the US constitution that allowed the perpetuation of an economic system of racial aparthied and human enslavement ... a harsh, cruel regime that used human beings as chattel, bred them like cattle and spewed "God"-ridden prattle about the right of one group of men to flog, torture, starve into submission, work to death, and execute at will another group based solely on their genetics. This is the Freedom the Proud Boys demand they be re-invested with. But boys, in every country on earth, do not have freedom: they are wards of their parents, their guardians, or kept in juvenile homes until they are deemed mature enough to be allowed into the society of adults. When so-called "men", decades after they have physically outgrown their adolescent bodies, dub themselves "boys" it is for the express, unexpressed purpose of ridding themselves of any responsibility for their actions. But they aren't boys, of course, they're thugs, donning the Cloak of Immaturity to disguise their evil intent.
Slavery, wrapped in its own congenial, midnight darkness and espoused by ministers as white southerners god-given right, was free to develop all it malign and shocking characteristics; it could be indecent without shame, cruel without shuddering, and murderous without apprehension or fear of exposure, we can see the reflections of its past in the words of our present president.
But at least the Confederate South admitted what they were fighting to maintain. They didn't cloak it in euphemisms and decry Freedom as a hoax; you should be allowed to own your very own nigga, to do with what you want, even as horses had laws to protect them from the utter depravity of human cruelty, as urban dwellers were appalled at the public beatings of animals, even unto their deaths, in full view of onlookers. Horses, like black-skinned humans, were property; and the State, and least of all you, had no right to intervene with how private citizens treated their private property ... it's more civilized today, as you can see from the hundreds of fracking rigs emitting poisonous gases that are set up a mere block away from housing projects, or leaking into the playground of a nearby school: we need the energy, they've got it, to hell with the consequences. But at least there's no more floggings. A state of affairs that has helped create the cognitive dissonance necessary to pave the way to victory for a defender of the traitorous insurrection of the CSA and his hordes of evil Evangelical-prodded, Bible-toting acolytes bearing banners with "Don't Tread on ME" while they tromp over anything that gets in their way. If it's not sacred to them it simply doesn't exist.
Their entire agenda is a hoax:
The censorship of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine in Sodomerica (America is DEAD, let’s face it) has absolutely NOTHING to do with Capitalism and EVERYTHING to do with GODLESSNESS and Marxism.
The entities in America working to censor the mention of those drugs are CLEARLY Leftist and liars and idiots deny that."
The nugget of revelation in this man's baseless assertions, more reminiscent of the comment section of Zerohedge than that of a medical journal, on which it was posted, is "America is DEAD, let’s face it", which, not coincidentally, comes directly after his reference to the USA as Sodomerica. For reasons I've yet to fathom, but which I find quite compelling, given the rapture-like devotion to a travesty of a human being, is derived from this attitude, and is rooted in evangelical ravings about Sodom and Gomorrah and Biblical injunctions from a supernatural entity that is manifest nowhere, nor has it ever been at any time in human history, against same-sex sexual relations. So in their minds, when the US made gay marriage legal, it killed America. That is this unspoken dictum that fuels the treasonous behavior, and to them, justifies their cult-hero adoration of another man, while decrying it in others, by these "Proud Boys" (Could they have chosen a more "Gay" name? Was the Washington rally not then a Pride Parade? the Proud gay Boys strutting their flag-drag down the Appall Mall to keep their heavily made-up, crushed bee-hive hair-do'ed Empress ensconced on her "Look Ma, I'm a Lardo" throne? (one can't help but wonder what their explanation would be to explain why he is ORANGE (one can see from camera shots from the side exactly where his slathered-on make-up ends and his ghastly-white REAL pallor begins)). It ain't from eating the orange clownfish, which, for him would be cannibalism).
These evangelical "preachers" (they are not preachers, they are insurrectionists. How can the same people who accuse the President of arousing the rabble to do his bidding be completely silent about the complicity and baseness of his ecclesiastical cheerleaders, yet chastise his fellow Republican traitors?)
Since when does freedom of religion include the freedom of religious leaders to openly foment revolution among their congregation? While simultaneously the man they have elevated to their followers as the Second coming of Christ (if I dared utter such egregious blasphemy as a child, fer crissakes, the retribution that would have been heaped on my defenseless carcass would still be evident today, as one of the hallmarks of a religious upbringing is a regular regime of thrashings with whatsoever happens to be at hand to inflict them with) is not only a notorious Liar but a convicted scam artist. Yet so-called "men of the cloth" can tell their huddled masses during their befuddled Masses that this bankrupt reprobate and serpent-tongued, nasty-mouthed bully is the Christ. It's as though the Communist Party of China claimed that Xi Jinping was the reincarnation of Buddha, yet no one dared to laugh, never mind chastise them for profanely mocking what they hold most sacred.
It is a reflection of the state of the Republican party that these blasphemers and heretics are more Red than the CCP, their grip on the party so tight-fisted, their control so absolute, that they can claim such super-natural nonsense with a straight face and have no one dare even murmur a word of dissent. This is Party discipline on a level even Communist parties have been unable to indoctrinate into their followers since the days of Stalin and Mao Zedong. It is these Communist Party entities that the Republican Party of the USA has emulated to ensure that their adherents will follow in lockstep any doctrine they wish to promulgate, any fact they wish to unilaterally, without the slightest of proofs, proclaim a Hoax, any leader they wish to confer Divine attributes onto.
It is a deliberate return to the dark days of slavery when churches housed evil ministers spewing venomous justifications for cruelty, debasement, and murder.
Lurking beneath all their privilege lies invisible spirits of evil.
In the White Supremacist South, professedly christian slaveholders, would, amidst all their prayers and hymns, shamelessly and boastfully compel in their own homes undisguised and unmitigated fornication as a means of increasing their human stock. Stock which they themselves would then take their pleasure from, even while calling them subhuman beasts ... thus do we hear the accusation of "bestiality" from their descendants whenever gay rights are mentioned. It's easy to see how they equate any sex outside their provenance as leading to bestiality, as the White Supremacists of the South would regularly have sexual relations with persons they professed to believe were beasts.
The religion leaders of the south enshrined slavery as white man's burden, an attitude that is today reflected by their unstinting admiration for the profanity and race-baiting of their hero, once again cynically using their religion as a mere covering for the most horrid crimes; the justifier of the most appalling barbarity; a sanctifier of the most hateful frauds; and a secure shelter, under which the darkest, foulest, grossest, and most infernal abominations fester and flourish. Yet it is only the "abomination" of homo-sex that anneals their hatred into a bulwark of steely righteousness.
Frederick Douglas: The fact of being the slave of a religious slaveholder, was the greatest calamity that could befall one. For, of all slaveholders, religious slaveholders were the worst, the vilest, meanest, and basest of their class; the most extreme in their malice and violence. They firmly believed the good slave must be whipped to be kept good. And the bad slave must be whipped to be made good. The scarred backs of slave women were the most immediate witnesses against them.
And it is into the hands of the descendants of these monsters that the Republican Party has surrendered the reins of leadership, mute to their usurpation of control, a silence that renders them as guilty as the perpetrators of mayhem who they were too cowardly to confront.
At that time it was necessary to deny that slavery was a sin. Today it's just as necessary to deny that greed is a sin. And it is this denial, as we wrap ourselves in a flag that represents usurpation and the justification of any crime so long as it is for the satiation of greedy appetites, that rules our hearts of darkness and is destroying us. Thus can we maintain the same nonchalant attitude toward the other disease ravaging the country, you know, the one whose latest variant "spread" from the UK to Colorado (No, it didn't ... it was brought there because we high-flying humans insist on Freedom for the rich while locking down the poor, robbing them of their liberty so we can junket to ski resorts and seaside cabanas ... Don't Tread on ME, indeed). Yet all we wish to do is to return to normal. The normal pursuit of everything that's killing us, remaking the climate regime of the planet, and destroying the possibility of creating from the ashes of corona crematoria a world that doesn't rot its seedcorn in silos deluged by floods, prairies that aren't torn up, releasing their CO2 to the atmosphere so we can grow crops that will fill not one empty stomach, but will instead be used to feed machines: as far as the eye can see stretch golden vistas of corn swaying in the gentle Iowa breeze; planted by machines and harvested by machines, transported by other machines to bring to market to be mechanically pumped into even more machines, for no other purpose than to roll humanoids along on their daily roundtrips to nowhere, to perform repetitive tasks that we now know are not only nonessential, but actually destructive: and this is the "normal" to which we wish to return.
There is no warpspeed-developed vaccine, no easy cure, for madness such as this.
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