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The Pentagong Show

The Pentagong Show
United State of Terror: Is Drone War Fair?

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Does anybody know what we are living for?

                                                                    No Won Nose.

An anti-hero, another mindless crime
One thing's for certain, your life's not worth a dime.
On and on 
Does anybody know what we are living for?

Africa's colonized by China
While Putin lectures the world
Twin 21'st century reincarnations
Of countries that in the 20'th hurled
Millions into their graves by deliberate mass starvation.

 Whatever happens, We leave it all to chance
Life's one long heartache
One long failed romance;
It goes on and on and on and yet
Does anybody know what we are living for?

The Roaring 20's meant madness and Euphoria
The roaring 21'st means roaring rivers and raging wildfires;
Exploding tundra in Siberia;
Landslides causing tsunami's in Greenland;
Snowstorms in the desert;
Humans breeding like rabbits.

 Whatever happens we'll never change this dance.
Just watch the landscape bake
Destroy wildlife and plants;
We just go on as though it's ours to take, yet
There's not a one can say what we are living for.

Some say it started with Reaganism:
That turned Christianity into paganism,
Used Wahhabism to stir up the mujahedeen.
Once Religion preached eternal love
But now it's just plain mean.
Squabbling tribes of irreconcilable sects
Leave entire countries devastated, smoldering wrecks.

 Whatever happens We don't change our stance
Life's one long heartache
Where love don't stand a chance;
It goes on and on, you bet but 
Nobody can say what we are living for.
While people starve, their militaries grow
With mounting rhetoric, whirlwinds are all they sow;
Gnashionalism sharpens their dragon's teeth;
Inevitable War the gift that we bequeath
To our children, who, like god, we claim to love,  
Then send them early to their reward in heaven above.

 Whatever happens we claim to have free will
Yet its never-ending heartbreak
Makes our lives a Nightmare still.
Must we then let cruel Destiny be
The only one that knows what we are living for?

"A plague on both your houses", was his curse
Then Covid came, turned things from bad to worse;
With headaches and pneumonia our lives leak away,
Yet ads for Revlon, SUV's, Camay
Assail us every minute of every day.  

 Who penned the notes for this, our Dance Macabre?
Who conducts performers in the orchestra?
Plying instruments of torture
That play on and on 
Do antibodies know what we are living for?

Mass media blares noise at us each day
Yet rarely if ever has anything to say
It mesmerizes minds, enthralls our eyes,
But its main objective is to polarize;
Sets us adrift, each in our separate boats
Otherwise, we're at each other's throats.

 Whatever happenstance should send our way
Life 's one long heartache
From birth to dying day
It goes on and on and yet
Does anybody know what we are living for?

If we found out would it shake us to our nasty core?
A big black hole that screams out, "Nevermore!"?
A blissful Eden, an ever-roaring Hell 
Dante's Inferno, everlasting Nirvana
Stranded on Mars or sub-tropical Botswana,
Hieronymus Bosch, eternal Inquisition
Aushwitz, Dachau, Roman crucifixion
A purple haze, unending opium daze?
More than any of these we dread,

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