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The Pentagong Show

The Pentagong Show
United State of Terror: Is Drone War Fair?

Thursday, March 25, 2021

What is WRONG with us? This is what is wrong with us:

Almost a year ago, I ended this blog entry with the question in the title of this post:

Until we answer that question, (which will only happen after we ask it, which we haven't as yet), we will continue to mow each other down for fun and profit, just as we do so all around the globe. Perhaps sending missiles screaming into sovereign states' territories to murder our target of the day and feeling perfectly fine about it creates a mindset in all of us that we have the right to do so (we don't).

 Closely related to these incidents, and occurring simultaneously with the attacks on Chinese and other Oriental minorities (not simply oh so PC, simply Asians; Jews are Asian, fer crissakes (look at a map, Israel is in the Mideast, a part of ASIA) AND NOBODY IS ATTACKING JEWS (I hit capslock by mistake but decided to leave it) at least at the moment. We are allowed, and should be allowed, to discuss Chinese intransigence, Chinese Communist propaganda and ridicule everything from chopsticks to Kung POW! Chicken. Only in the United States does casting aspersions on another nation, race (a rather difficult thing to do, as there is only one human race; so, there's that) or creed create the impression that it's alright to hunt them down and do them grievous harm. Or physically attack them in any way.  People in every nation are racist, people in every other country in the world name their country after the dominant, as in majority, population that inhabits it; France is not named Russia nor is China Japan, for one and one reason only, there are only Chinese/Japanese there. America is the least racist of countries, but it is the most murderous ... by far. 

So, what is wrong with us?

What is wrong with us?

What is wrong with us?

If we can answer those three simple questions, we won't have to worry about making fun of people, like people in every other country on the globe do quite regularly, without grabbing a firearm and hunting them down or beating their face to a pulp. Don Rickles made the most caustic remarks I've ever heard anyone hurl in someone else's face. Did he offend people? Damn straight he did. Did they therefore feel they had the right to beat his face to a pulp or shoot him in the back? Never. And  he was, as he told us over and over and over and over and over again, a Jew. And I do believe there were then, as there are now, anti-Jewish people. It is only now that we feel justified to address our personal sense of offense with violence. Such fragile egos, such self-pity-filled, self-indulgent infants. 

That's at least one thing that's wrong with us. 

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