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The Pentagong Show

The Pentagong Show
United State of Terror: Is Drone War Fair?

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

The Waste Land of Empires.

The Waste Land of Empires.

Bombed back to the Stone Age

 August is the cruelest month, breeding 
Locusts out of devastated harvests.
While in the high altitudes
Poppies flourish.
Opium grows, and is processed 
into heroin, then,
Smuggled out by Empire to hook its own citizens on

The scarred earth is forgetful, full of roots that clutch,
No branches grow where waters no longer flow
 Out of this stony rubbish we're fed a heap of broken images,
where the sun beats and the dead trees give no shelter, 
no relief, as from dry stone there's no sound of water. Only,
There is a shadow darkening this land's red clay
One further darkened, now two Empires have gone their way.
Something different has descended on this land
A scape of dust and rock, a graveyard
Where Enduring Freedom lies buried;
Imperial Dreams ground into dust, dollar flight
Leaves nary a crust to people starving, as Covid 
Spreads, as deadly as the Taliban, 
Foreshadowing a future everyone dreads.

Under the brown fog of a summer's dawn
A mob crowds a tarmac, as raging 
As a river in spate;
Desperate to get to any United State.
Sighs, cries, sobs of desperation. While the world 
Watched the country's disintegration 
Each man fixed his eyes down at his feet
Their women now robed in the rags of defeat
Hair that once shone in chestnut luster
Hidden under portable tents as females cluster
Together for what must be one last time
before being unescorted becomes a crime.

Wahhabis came but never really went
Mujahedeen funneled in through Pakistan
Caspian Basin and a pipeline for oil
Taliban was what they became 
The Russians were going the Russians are Gone
Surface to air missiles brought down Soviet choppers
Godless communism crushed by zealots with Stingers
Who remain to weed out its Capitalist prelates' dead ringers
The Northern Alliance's shadow was growing.

I remember in the nineties, having brought down 
The Soviet Empire, Congress wrangled 
over funds for Afghans' education; money being the issue;
But having served their purpose,
We tossed them aside, much like used tissue.
The corpses we planted in the Afghan soil
The dogs of war with nails of steel
Dug up again and brought to power
A regime that brought down The Two Towers.

"Poppy's seed will make them sleep",
Osama told them, holed up in Helms Deep.
The return of the King, he was "the Decider"
He invited the Taliban over for tea 
and then upon them bequeathed
 45 million to fund their strategy.
Of creating a Fellowship of the warRing to strike at Murdor.
Using its own jets filled with passengers 
As revenge for the Holy Land defiled
By Poppy's bases in Saud-on's land.

They needed oil, in desert sands it lay buried
They made Saud Royal, and across the seas ferried
The War's spoils, to none more than Halliburton.
House of Saud/House of Bush/Osama bin Laden
A Republic, a Kingdom, a land that's forgotten
All together boarded an ark of instability
To get their hands on what was for them cheap energy
Whose deep intrigue drew them together in a circle, 
but in a ruse so obvious, it could be worked out by Urkel.
They lifted it from a well-known shire, 
Then implemented it with their guns for hire
In order to control everything with Murder,
they forged in Hell's fire,
One Ring to rule them all, 
One Ring to find them,
 One Ring to bring them all
And in the darkness 
bind them. 

The Ring of Fire.

Enduring Freedom

1 comment:

Rex Bishop said...

Wonder how long it will take them towelheads to get back over here creating mayhem and destruction??? It's probably cause-celeb 1 with them barbarians. Then there is amerikkka. Barbarians of a different color. One thing will be for sure... it won't be pretty when camel-jockies come riding into town
If my blatant racism shows -- good. But it's not at all about their fawking race. They're repugnant, fowl barbarians...plain and simple. Besides, they deserve names that add just that extra highlight as to who they are.