We are in a climate emergency, a Covid emergency; a Declaration of Emergency has been made for the Southeast, New York City, Lake Tahoe. Sin City synchronicity. What does an emergency declared within another emergency that exists inside a third emergency say about the nature of emergency? Just another panic attack as Doomsday Epoch-a-lips predicked foreshadows of Righteous denouements resulting from the screed that Greed is all we need in order to succeed, an ethos that excess is the measure of your suckcess pool; a strange silence prevails over imminent Economic tipping points that the run-up to the Climactic ones will inevitably occasion.
Lebanon, anyone?
One could easily attest that in the case of Lebanon, the tipping point was caused by intractable corruption and the untrammeled looting of the economy by its Keptocracy. But that hardly matters. The point is, economic tipping points are demonstrably possible, no matter what their causes, and, as the State of California and its decades-long drought demonstrates, they can be reached with no one taking notice, never mind planning for the Afghanistan-like rout they will engender, even as we witness their effects in the form of waves of refugees crashing against our borders from economies that US policies have helped tip that tipping point to keep us in clover yet it's not over 'til the fat lady singes.
Although the tight linkage between the Triple E's of Environment, Energy and Economics isn't generally acknowledged, Climate Tipping Points, the ones getting all the press, are the last ones that will actually occur, as both energy and economic ones, (Lebanon being but one example) will have, long before, already raised their ugly heads. Covid merely pulled back the curtain to show the ugly reality hidden beneath our Potemkin Globaloney Façade of normalcy. A normalcy that had already been teetering on the precipice from oh-so-many grievous decisions, the most foolish and ugliest being the embrace of Milton Freidman-esque adulation of "the Market", and using the so-called "Free" press, that is bought and paid for by Corponational advertisers, more like Perma-press, no unsightly wrinkles and made-up of the synthetic fabric of society, concocted to lull the ignorant masses into surrendering to its Money Managers' dictates so as to retain the dubious distinction that the freedom to buy whichever brand of toothpaste one wants confers.
Not to be outdone, the once-Tony blairs: "We Need to Start Traveling Again". Here’s How: Climate adaptation, I mean Covid adaptation, I mean herd immunity, no, heard 'im you knitty, me a shawl, serape, afghan, with a croquet mallet, all shouting together to raise the youser's fee. National Health or Corporate Wealth, distant learning or book-burning, Kindleburger is smoked, smoked meat served on a Kaiser role. To "manu"facture things with machines is like a broadcast with all male performers, fleeing abroad by joining a nunnery, or skanks with lamb shanks looking at a rack askance.
Unlike Taleb, Talib means educated student or to learn things, hence a Talib ban means learning is verboten. So tea with the Taliban's tillerman was the book-averse GW Bushes in evita hillbillity. The US president reading to a bunch of tots while his pals bombed the Twin Towers inspired not a whiff of the outrage a drag queen reading to them does to this day. Thousands killed while all the wily US president concerns himself with is whisking his Bin Laden buddies out of harm's way, even as its plain planes are being used to bomb the very citizenry he has vowed to protect ... and didn't. After ours after office he would still need his Arab contacts, whereas his use for the American polity would be through; a Texan through and threw at heart, he had no use for the rest of us US, eh? Even as president he harrumphed around in the high heels of cowboy boots wearing cowboy-drag hats, donning caballero drag, while preening around his ranch dragging a branch for the photo-ops, his fans' sigh-ops, in his pressed genes showing lace along the coal seams, his slack-jawed ruminations juxtaposed with jackdaw's lubrications: pump pump pump pump extraction's not just distractions, it's chump chump climate change in action, geoengineering the war on terraform while knitting afghans' browse the library books Laura's Dewy decimals defiled.
We are all in this to gather ... dust to dustin Huffwoman, tootsie role.
We set the water table but it dropped while not a drop fell in the subsidized subsidence of the comedy central valley of the dolls where meth labs hauls their black labs and golden age retrievers, braking bad on offroad ruts, sitting pretty forming mesa dickson lines of coke while smoking cracks show guyser dolls in the trans Vaal's Salton Pepa Sea, where MEQ's provide electricity to a green State that's burned black and brown, but not Governor Brown who's moon Beamer's sleek lines followed the hulking Hummer's gas-guzzling track of the Schwartz- as in black - enegger's fractured fairy tail of hydro-lick high pressured injections of chemical soup to obtain the tar-black goop of light-tight petrocks' sequestered carbon if for us, it's all good. Grey slush. From cobalt lips to lithium sticks, all about EV’s as the nation grieves, one more disaster costing billions, on top of a viral loaded ICU, “it’s just the flu.”
The dead zone spreads, as amorphous as The Blob’s Jabba-like cred, every matrix you use, his followers refuse to see every worse case scenario he orchestrated like an impresario, spiking the punch with Jewdy, lacing the air with GHG’s from sea to rising sea, yet like his burning Bush predecessor left the cleanup to his throne’s successor, holding Dominion surrounded with wealth, all sequestered with financial stealth technologies, in off-shore havens and tax-sheltered shoals, from buddies he gave license to loose methane and burn kohl for mascara, while making sure masks scare ya.
Such that around the world, even as we approach two years into a pandemic, we are still in thrall to,
"Emergency! Emergency!"
"Everybody to get from Street!"
1 comment:
We live inside a ruskie nesting doll universe. I've spent 9 weeks in covid isolation-quarantine this year and thank fawking gawwd that I kept my mask on! The next doll? Same thing, different month.
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