It's being reported this week, as the COPout conference begins, that a wide-ranging probe by the US Congress would look into the oil companies' misleading of the public about the anthropogenic nature of the change our global climate is experiencing. Top executives from leading firms like Chevron and Royal Dutch Shell are being called on to testify at these hearings.
Yes, you read that right. The Congress is conducting this probe. That same Congress that includes Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz. To name but the two most bare-faced liars in the group. That same Congress that is peopled by a minority of Republicans, the majority of which are all still backing the most outrageous lies about Climate Change spouted by anyone on the globe, along with the Stop the Steal, or any other conspiratorial idiocy the Blob from the previous Administration decides to champion. With barely a peep from Congressional leaders who all but rolled over with a shrug of their shoulders so as to profit from the fracking bonanza such an outrageous lie was propagated to enable, with the Blob's administration encouraging a dramatic increase of CO2 forcing, by proclaiming that it isn't a pollutant at all, along with methane, while the world whispered barely a syllable of protest until the Blob had slithered out of the Offal Orifice. His administration still referring to these powerful GHG's as Freedom Molecules, demonstrating the USA's intransigence even as their "Freedom" fries the planet. Yet it's not until NOW that they're instigating a "wide-ranging probe"?
Why, may I ask, need it be wide-ranging when Congress need look no further than its own disgraced chambers to find the most egregious, the vilest, and the remaining intransigent purveyors of the cruel hoax that, "Climate Change is a Hoax"? Despite what industry leaders from all over the globe believed, and what the political leaders of all of our allies were professing, the US Congress and the Blob administration were disseminating lies about not only the causes of the change in the planet's climate regime, but even about the existence of that change, denying they were even occurring, even as the altered climate fueled torrential downpours that drowned their own constituents in roaring torrents of water or engulfed entire communities in raging wildfires.
This is the "deliberative body" that's going to expose the lies that nobody believed so long as they were being propagated by the fossil fuel industries? But like tobacco companies insisting "nicotine isn't addictive", or that "smoking doesn't cause cancer", only those either already hooked, or those profiting from that addiction ever "believed" those lies. That is, until members of the Congress of the US accepted as truth the lie that Climate Change was a hoax, and actual candidates for the presidency of the US, the lily-livered Marco Rubio, and the cynical Ted Cruz missile, both of whom are from States where the ravages wrought by an amped-up weather regime are exacting ever-greater costs, was any credence given to industry propaganda. Because of course, as in the case of tobacco, the US, like a drug-pusher, was numbered among the three top suppliers of the product the rest of the world was hooked on, and members from both parties, via their support of hydraulic fracturing, were profiting nicely from that addiction. Thus it is only now, with the Blob safely out of office, that the profiteers start pointing their cowardly fingers at the industry their own perfidy enabled.
So somehow, the only legislative body in the world in the only country in the world that not only denies the very existence of Climate Change, but insists that there is a CONSPIRACY afoot to fool you into believing that climate change is happening, is the same one that is conducting a witch hunt to flush out the perpetrators of "Climate Lies". Because that is what a hoax is folks: a prank pulled off by a cadre of co-conspirators to make a fool of someone for their own sadistic amusement. Watch an episode of Punk'd, and you will see the nature of the hoax that Climate Change is a hoax, for like the other lies of the Blob, once the idiocy of his stance gets in the way of his political ambitions, it is simply discarded with a, "Well I never really believed that" (See the history of the completely bogus "Birther" movement that sustained The Blob's political ambitions throughout the Obama Presidency and its complete disappearance despite the fervid, virulent hatred it bellowed to a red hot heat in its adherents, which was the only reason the hoax that Obama was Kenyan was conjured up in the first place).
Even as we were subjected for four long years to the clown show and media circus of All Trump All the Time, because it suited the MSM's bottom line as they watched their ratings skyrocket while they rode a gravy train of ad revenue that Silver Streaked into their home depots, barely a word of protest was heard, let alone a congressional investigation. Yet even as MSNBC, and none more than Rachel Madcow, spent millions of dollars and wasted years investigating the Russian "ATTACK" on our elections that gave us the Blob's presidency, never once did they in all that time point out the similar propaganda used by the Russian President Putin and the Russian's own oil extraction machine, even though the man the Blob picked for his Secretary of State ran the Company that was supplying Rosneft not only with the technical expertise to enable the horizontal drilling in the Siberian Arctic, but the economic backing as well, thus making the connection obvious. Russia needn't propagate any lies of its own, it had the President of the United States doing that for them. Whether that was intentional or not, the fact remained that the Fake News the President was spreading with all the fervor of an evangelical preacher, helped the Russians' oil industry far more than its alliance with Exxon, so it consequently ended it. But this wasn't deemed newsworthy by the "Russia is Evil" contingent of the news media ... not entertaining enough, apparently. Right. Nor did they ever bother to illuminate the connection between the full-throttled extraction of the rest of the USA's energy reserves (and its sale to none other than Communist China at rock bottom prices), that was the underlying promise embedded in the lie that Climate change is a hoax.
So when you read the News' assertion that "Facebook Is Making Millions Off Lies About the Climate Crisis", remember that lying about the Climate Crisis has been making billions for American Politicians from both parties for decades now, and that lying is not about to stop simply because Facebook's now accused of it too. Every train, even a gravy train, has a terminal, but not until every last cent of profit has been wrung from the last sequestered hydrocarbon will this one chug into the station, pulling the last lumps of thermal coal behind it.
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