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The Pentagong Show

The Pentagong Show
United State of Terror: Is Drone War Fair?

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Green Energy Mantra: "Don't Look Up" ... anything. Just Believe Corponationals' Propaganda.

Don't look up: How much coal is burned to produce the biofuel ethanol from corn

Don't look up: How much water is drained from the Ogallala aquifer (non-renewable) to produce                                         renewable fuel. (At no cost to the Corponationals that simply leave once the water is                                gone).

Don't look up: How much of the corn crop is used to produce renewable ethanol (40%: more than goes                           to animals (36%) or actual food).

Don't look up: How much federal money went to develop the technology to use plant residue and                                     switch grass to manufacture ethanol to a State (let's say Kansas) that still claims that                                 you should run the other way when someone claims, "I'm from the government and I'm                           here to help."

Don't look up: The stark evidence documenting failed ex-President Trump's continuing struggle with                               Long-Covid-induced dementia, even as the Republican Party continues to cater to his                               every whim.

Don't look up: The ecological disaster being wrought by making biofuels from woodchips, nor the                                  increase in the CO2 vented by burning wood to produce electricity instead of coal, nor                            the immediate addition of all the CO2 stored in not only the wood, but the leaves,                                    branches and soil. The devastation to the landscape caused by production of what is                                referred to as a biofuel is so total, it makes blowing off mountaintops, and burning the                              resultant biofuel of coal, look ecologically sound.        

Don't look up: How the Corponationals are exporting America's future energy supply hand over fist for                           quick profit, claiming renewables, all of which depend on non-renewable inputs,                                     (which is what we (they) are exporting) will power America into the future.

Don't look up: How US Corponationals, such as Halliburton and Exxon-Mobil, have transferred to                                                      Russian "Champions", such as Rosneft, the US government-developed                                                      hydraulic fracturing technologies necessary to power Russia's energy                                                                                         renaissance.                              

Don't look up: How, because of that renaissance, this year the scientific community has, with no comment, as though nobody would notice, quietly started referring to the speed at which the Arctic is warming as being THREE times the rate of that of the rest of the world; whereas, at the beginning of the pandemic, during which we saw the world reduce its energy consumption, it was always stated as being twice the rate of the rest of the world (which was quite alarming enough). Were it to increase to four times the rate, the Russians would curtail their climate-deranging activities not a single bit ... or byte.

Then be sure not to look up how the USA's victory over Germany's Nazi regime was fueled by what were at the time its "inexhaustible" supplies of oil. By draining not only the rest of US oil, and selling the vast reserves of Natural Gas thus created to the rest of the world via LNG, the Corponationals will leave the US in much the same position they are leaving US agriculture in respect to the rapidly depleting Ogallala aquifer: farmers will be unable to grow food (never mind produce "renewable" ethanol), while the USA will be left unable to grow its economy or military. What they will be able to grow is the trade deficit. With no more oil to procure foreign exchange, it will balloon from its already outsize figure, while its National budget deficit, since the military (which you may have noticed is continuing to receive an outsize portion of the federal budget, even though it is no longer in the midst of any pre-emptive wars, nor facing any threat that it hasn't itself produced ... it has become the country's largest, and most intractable, Welfare Program) keeps siphoning off an ever larger percentage of federal spending. The USA will soon enough, following its current trajectory (ie it is completely predictable, so whereas the vast majority of US citizens will be totally blind-sided, the Russians and Chinese are well aware of the strip-mining and exportation of US resources taking place by US federally-subsidized Corponationals) will be in the same position, vis-à-vis the by-then oil-dominant Russia that the EU and not-so-Great Britain are in now: complete dependency (as in over an oil barrel wondering whre all that gas flue) on energy imports from places, such as Venezuela, whose government we have, for no rational reason whatsoever, continuously antagonized and tried to destroy. 

So in case you were wondering where Russia's new-found aggressiveness is coming from, it is because they know what you don't: while the US hydraulic fracturing output is sputtering into its inevitable decline, Russia's is just beginning; and Russia, unlike the US, needn't worry one iota about citizens like me taking umbrage at its wanton destruction of the Arctic: that's what Soviet, oops, I mean Russian, prisons, such as the Lubyanka, are there for. It is Russia's real Memorial International, it doesn't need another one.

So don't look up anything, and you just may have a Happy New Year.

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