CO2: February 24: 420.85 ppm
Well, well, the NYT's has finally caught up with reality. In an article published this morning, they make the claim that Russia and Right-Wing Americans have Converged on War in Ukraine. But, as my republishing of my own blog posts from the start of the war in 2014 helps illustrate, the nexus between the Russian propaganda machine and the US far right, as epitomized most strikingly by Reagan cabinet member Paul Craig Roberts (PCR), has been in full swing since long before the 2016 election. The illiberal, THeoCon and oiligarch sentiments have been being unabashedly pushed by America's right wing using the same techniques they used in their anti-communist broadsides against the USSR under that same Reagan administration that PCR was a member of. Every thing they said then wasn't an echo of Tass, 'tis true, but only propaganda of a most insidious type can squeeze tax dollars from an educated citizenry in the name of fighting godless communism while simultaneously moving its industrial base to the last Communist-run regime in the world. The Russians emulated this sleight -off-hand, and with the help of such nefarious anti-Americans as PCR, who's writings echo the Russian perspective more faithfully than even China's communist rag, the SCMP. I might add here, that the South China Morning Post ran the above-mentioned NYT story weeks ago. But the utilization by America's minority party as the main propagator of Russian propaganda so as to drive their own illiberal agenda has been more than obvious since at least 2015 when Breitbart, and that scurrilous marauder, Steve Bannon, would simply change a keyword or two in Russian articles before publishing the exact same garbage on their Trumpian site, and for the same reason as the Russian Orthopedic Church: maniacal opposition to Gay marriage and trans-rights. They will gladly bring the world, oh wait, they have brought the world, to War rather than allow sex between consenting partners: all sex must remain the provenance of the State, in the guise of the churches, which, with their non-tax status, are merely arms of the government, able to do what the government cannot: enforce sexual predilections via child brutality, including genital mutilation of males while they are still helpless to do anything to stop it.
Russia was already at War with the rest of the world. Now it's a Hot War.
I guess it takes a war for people to notice what's been right in front of their face for a decade. The Red Party of the USA is officially the party of the Red Menace, the GOP. It is only because a mere 3 Americans actually watch RT news that it hasn't been broadcast over the newswires that the platform of the RNC has for some time now taken their cues from the propaganda reporting of RT and Tass. Which is to say from Putin, as any news source that is allowed to operate is a defacto arm of the Russian government, or, as we are seeing, it would be peremptorily shut down by that same government. So, like everything Russian, must report only what Moscow says to report, otherwise their journalists receive stiff prison sentences. Up until the financial crisis, I was reading RT quite regularly, as they actually were reporting the news, instead of the dreamscape the official US organs of the NYT and Wapo were painting, wherein home prices keep rising and the Fed was actually chiding the public for not taking out more Variable rate loans, loans that would leave them at the mercy of the "all powerful" market forces our well-sinecured financial officials were setting up to steamroll over them.
As we all know now, they, as in RT, were printing what was far closer to reality than any news outlet in the US, and so I kept reading RT for years after the Wall St-engineered market destruction that left, like the pandemic, millions in poverty while insider trading billionaires continued "Doing God's Work", making a killing by skimming their winnings from the destruction they wreaked on their fellow citizens' savings. So when the 2016 election maneuverings began, it came as somewhat as a surprise that the DNC never bothered to mention that Trump's "Platform" was like reading RT: it came directly from its propaganda, never even bothering to hide where its "news" source was. Why bother? The corporate-owned press had no interest in it, as the tRump-bump was making them billions in ad revenue. There is no standard for News, the only test a newspaper must pass is whether it is making money, hence the destruction of news outlets all over the country and its monopolization by a paltry handful of "news" organizations. Dividends to share holders in any publicly held company take precedent over everything else. Poisoning their customers made federally-subsidized tobacco conglomerates and their shareholders rich, while smoking marijuana resulted in imprisonment, which the smokers of tobacco products were happy to allow. To this day both they and the rest of the public are still burdened with paying private prison companies to house and feed the millions of men still languishing in prisons as a result. The drug was then misclassified purposely, at the insistence of the Pharmaceutical industry, lest, as we are seeing now, its medicinal value be exposed. As you read this the cannabinoids found in marijuana are being tested, because of preliminary positive results, as a treatment for Covid. If it were not for the evil greed of these major corporations and their shareholders (who should also be held unaccountable: you take the money, you take the punishment, just like for any other crime) this would already be known. But the Federal gov't disallowed any testing to discover the remarkable pharmaceutical potential of this product by placing it in the same class as heroine and cocaine.
In that other Red Square, Moscow, not Ted Cruz, a neon sign in 2016 depicted the US President as a chimp with a banana, while stories of Hilary Clinton, as well as the abiding hatred of her, were a mirror image of what the GOP was using as campaign rhetoric. The exact same fake news (that's where the comically overly-coiffed ex-Pres got the term) that RT was printing would show up on Fox News; but MSNBC never bothered to point that out.
I never saw a single story, even years afterwards, when the MSNBC absurd "coverage" of the Russian investigation was wending its torturous path through the courts with no proof of wrong-doing (which isn't to say there wasn't any, but to prove it, as the failed ex-president is himself learning, is an entirely different ball of wax) highlighting the obvious and quite remarkable similarity between Fox and RT.
So when I read yesterday that the BBC was banning broadcasts of RT, I wondered why RT, and not Fox news? They are the same in all but name.
Could it be because this newly invented crisis takes the heat off the actual crises mankind is facing, allowing them to fester and setting the stage for the next, "Who could have seen it coming?" disaster?That disaster is already in progress, similar to how the globaloney economy was unraveling before the dawn of the Covid-19 outbreak:
The EIA announced once again that "Methane Emissions From the Energy Sector Are 70% Higher Than Official Figures".
That, of course, is in the US. The figures for the explosive, literally, release of methane in Russia's Yamal peninsula, however, aren't even tracked. Yet,
"Methane is responsible for around 30% of the rise in global temperatures since the Industrial Revolution, and quick and sustained emission reductions are key to limiting near-term warming and improving air quality."
As the warming in the Arctic accelerates from twice the rate of the rest of the planet to thrice the rate, to a now astonishing quadruple the rate as the rest of the planet, there is not a word whispered as to the lion's share of methane pollution being sourced from the Arctic's number 1 fossil fuel producer, ice-breaking capacity, and Northwest passage promoter, Russia. Nor does one ever see it mentioned that Russia's population is less than half of the other major polluter, the US, and but one eight the population of the #1 polluter, China, ergo, the same amount of methane production = 2 to 8 times' the citizen's carbon footprint compared to the other top competitors for Methane Queen.
Next one must consider flaring. No country in the world even approaches the amount of natural gas the Soviets Russian oligarchs' companies oblast into the atmosphere every year. With entire villages living surrounded by blackened snow from industrial activities, the rest of the Arctic gets warmer from the warming in Siberia that is blowing holes in Yamal, melting the no-longer-permafrost, spilling toxic soup into a pristine environment, and turning what was close to a 100% albedo effect on its head, as blackened snow retains almost all the heat a white surface was once reflecting back into space.
These countries, all the high-emitting countries, are criminals. But because the criminal economic system delivers dividends to shareholders who are little more than insider traders, their shares openly buttressed by deliberate governmental policies that run roughshod over anyone not fully invested in the deliberate alteration of our planet's climate, it won't be altered. Even while the workers producing that wealth are forced into working environments rife with a deadly virus are left without healthcare, and paid a pittance, out of which their can be no "pension" saving, since they can barely eke out an existence from their paltry paychecks.
Yet despite all this, the very simple fact that it is only the three PetroPowers: the United States, Russia, and Saudi Arabia that are, have been, and will continue, to drop destructive ordnance onto the heads of helpless civilian populations. As long as the world, and by the world, I mean Europe, continues to play house, refurbishing their entire economies to run as B&B's, sucking up foreign exchange as they serve as quaint tourist havens instead of producing the goods their citizens consume, no one can stand up to the all-powerful purveyors of fossil fuel who will send sorties of bombers to appear in your night skies and drop incendiary, phosphorous, depleted uranium, and other chemical weapons of mass destruction, ie bombs, onto the heads of their unarmed citizens and critical infrastructure, should you simply be too "socialist".
Even as a U.N. report urges 'immediate and deep emissions reductions', OPEC, with boneSawdi Arabia at its heart, is being chastened for not increasing their output, the US is plundering its own Strategic Petroleum Reserve, and Russia, while hammering yet another country into dust, has never had a more robust energy portfolio, exporting larger quantities of coal, natural gas, and oil than ever before in its entire history.
No one in the world has the power to stop these three military juggernauts from their path of destruction. Any who tries has already seen the fate that awaits them and their citizens: they will be paraded across the headlines, proclaimed as heroes for their brave resistance, and then pummeled into the ground by cowards in aircraft committing crimes against humanity for a weekly paycheck; all while being hailed as heroes for the slaughter they deliver, safely ensconced in jets so high you can't even see them, drones launched from so far away you don't know their origin, and missiles so powerful they pulverize the ground as though an earthquake had struck.
Can we not get even this one fact into our collective heads?:
Aerial Bombardment is a NAZI tactic. |
Just as Hitler did in the thirties, each major oil-producing nation of the trio of Petro States is a protector of the unborn while it simultaneously bombs babies to death, makes its own country "great again" by knee-capping everyone else, silences dissent by imprisonment and murder (reporters not "embedded" during the Iraq War were "accidentally" killed, with more reporters losing their lives than in all the decades of the Vietnam imbroglio).
In such a context, the U.N. report urging 'immediate and deep emissions reductions', would be laughable were it not so dire. But like the pandemic, which is now being referred to as endemic, as it has been rolled into our everyday lives, the cap on Social Security the Red Menace has been advocating for decades has now been emplaced, crowned by a corona virus that will ensure the population over 65 will be scythed down, like a ripe field of hay, on a regular basis, saving the country trillions in senior support, as they are to be wiped out of existence. Simultaneously the billions of overpopulation of the world are being similarly winnowed while scientists dutifully urge an 'immediate and deep emissions reductions' that they know will never be allowed to happen.
The world is in the throes of an epidemic of sadism not seen since the witch trials of Medieval Europe. To read what today passes for journalism is akin to reading the accounts of those witch trials, in both cases you begin to feel slightly insane as you begin to ponder how entire populations that purport to believe in a deity can find human beings redeemable. What for? so they can murder anew? The human mind was never intended for such narrowness, and becomes trivial and vicious when trapped into the darkened corridors the constant propaganda of every major news outlet ushers it into. Like Noah we stand by utterly passive to the planned destruction of our world. For it is the Noah story from which Hitler devised the idea of destroying entire groups of people. He didn't have to think it up himself, the bible did it for him. The bible, in light of this, is like Mein Kampf writ large, as here we are made privy to the mind of the Judaeo/Christian god of wrath, the one that, in the throes of one of the Deadly Sins for which he condemns us mere mortals, simply wipes off the face of the earth anyone not Noah enough for his liking ... and this is the myth that has been propagated and worshipped as sacred down through the millennia, thousands of years, the social glue that keeps together a chosen people comes down to little more than the intent to utterly destroy anyone not in their tribe, yet who can't understand how the Holocaust could have happened to them.
And just as Evangelical religion was 100% behind the Bush regime's attack on helpless populations of poverty-stricken "others", never once decrying Bush's assertion that "god told me to do it," as the depraved blasphemy it was, neither does the Russian Orthodox Church voice even a whisper of dissent against their champion Putin, as, far from rejecting murder and destruction wreaked purely for its own sake, each of the major religions of the world are steeped in blood, and have as their future plans the spilling of oceans more of it until only their fellow practitioners remain to repopulate the lands that are their god-given right to rule over (Again, just read the bible ... the passages THEY quote!), and you will see that their most fervent wish is to have you dead). All supernaturalists have this same contradiction: to claim that only the after-life matters, while simultaneously claiming the right to rule over the real world, claiming, with not a shred of evidence, to be instruments of the divine, even as they accumulate every worldly luxury imaginable while filling up the coffers of their own sect. It is such evil, not some soul for which there is not the least sign of which exists, that is immortal. But for us? It is only life after death we have to look forward to ... but unlike immortalists, it doesn't frighten us into abject submission to charlatans to stand toe-to-toe with the fact that the life after death won't be our own.
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