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Thursday, August 11, 2022

The Zani Hoax that Remade Our World into a Death Factory.

                                                      Habitat Destruction always precedes  

The Distinction of Extinction.

While fires rage on every continent of the globe, and the US Congress holds its inquiry into the attack on its very existence, not a single "journalist", not on the radio, nor on any podcast, not on substack, nor, naturally enough, the mainstream press, cares to point out the banality of Evil represented by the trumpery that "Climate Change is a Hoax", espoused by the instigator of the mob's attack on the Capital.

Even while they hold the spotlight on themselves to investigate what everyone already knows to be true, national institutions resist mentioning the brutality inflicted by the megalomaniacal assertion that climate change is a hoax; nor the subsequent use of that phrase to use the State's apparatus and its instruments of violence for its own economic purposes. The GOP continues to stake everything on its continued use of the trumpery of the Big Lie that Climate Change is a Hoax, solely to incite the mob into taking politics into its own hands and liquidate the liberal elites along with all other classes and democratic institutions.

We can piece together the attributes that made the current leader of the Zani party the man of the moment: the attraction he evokes for both the mob, afflicted as it is by the toxic mixture of gullibility and cynicism, and the elites, driven by their thirst for expansion for expansion's sake of their mountainous hoards of capital. No wonder that they tell lies. The wonder is that even a mob should swallow them whole. They take advantage of the unthinkability that the policies supported by the Big Lie will lead to their own doom ("the very immensity of the claim that Climate Change is a Hoax guarantees that the murderers who proclaim their innocence with all manner of additional Lies will be more readily believed than the victims of those policies who tell the truth").

As the nation sizzles in the extreme heat while denying its own complicity in stoking it, the Bright Green Lies that Derrick Jensen wrote an entire book to expose, continue to help stoke the already deadly heat. The 10% mixture of corn-based ethanol that every driver in America is Forced to pay for at the pump, and that DEcreases the number of miles they are able to drive on any given volume of gas, emit VOC's from every tailpipe of those hundreds of millions of ICE machines and heats up the urban environment even more as those volatile organic compounds get transformed, via the intense summer sunlight (the ethanol is only mandated during the summer months, the worst months that could have been chosen) , into ground level ozone, which increases the intensity of urban heat islands even further.

 Although the frog boiling in water that has had its temperature slowly increased so that froggie doesn't notice it is being boiled alive, is at this point perhaps a trite trite, it reminds me of one of my early childhood experiences. Growing up on a street called Brookside, it never occurred to me until we left that there was no brook anywhere in sight, but what there was, was a small pond to which we would venture in the spring to watch the pollywogs swimming around. Soon enough, of course, they all disappeared. As we bewailed their demise to our parents, we learned that they hadn't in fact all been devoured, but had transmuted into toads (although we always referred to them as frogs) . They were so tiny and adorably cute that we caught a whole bucketful to watch them romp and play, leaping from one another's backs in their vain attempts to regain their freedom. We were called in for lunch at some point, and forgot all about our little terrarium for close to two hours while the sun continued along its prescribed path that gave the erstwhile shaded bucket its place in the sun, broiling its tiny inhabitants to a crisp by the time we returned to discover a gruesome scene of carnage. I was maybe 5/6 years old, but, as you can see, I never forgot the act of terror I had participated in, the unnecessary suffering I had caused playing with the living world as though it were simply a toy for my amusement.   

But as I grew and learned more about the how the world operated, the more I became aware of how wrong-headed my perspective was. The entire culture in which I was reared looked upon nature in exactly those terms, not with horror at their heartlessness toward what they referred to as god's creation, but with a sense of complete entitlement that that was what the lower forms of life were there for: they were at our disposal to use howsoever we saw fit, no matter how unfitting the extermination of entire species was to a mankind tasked by the same god we feign belief in with its husbandry.

It is only the peoples that Fake christians call heathens, so as to justify their liquidation of them, that  still practice sustainable agriculture, building mounds around corn stalks and planting squash and beans in them: raised fields as opposed to industrial's agriculture's "Green Revolution"'s adoption of the unsustainable practice of razed fields as far as the eye can see. The creative destruction that capitalism brags about inflicting on Nature, which, unlike the fantasy god of the supernaturalists, actually exists, and not paying tribute  to Her exacts real consequences that threaten our continued existence despite the continued insistence by "the smartest  people in the room", that it is there to be used and abused solely for our species' benefit. Like the subsistence farmers of Brazil that I can remember being scoffed at in our student textbooks for their use of crash-and-burn agricultural methods, using up the fertility of the soil and then moving on to the next tract, leaving a swath of scorched earth in their wake, the oh-so-clever modern heathens follow the exact same logic as they slash and burn their way through the entire globe, as though they too can simply move on to the next earth to continue their rampage anew.

What the most primitive of peoples know that the moderns have forced themselves to forget, is that fertile soil is Nature's most precious gift to mankind, and so they cherished and nurtured it, as did the peasant class that has been all but wiped off the face of the earth. Yet even as the main ingredient for manufacturing modern fertilizers, natural gas, is burned to power Air conditioners, stream bonehead videos through the air, and produce the main ingredient for fireworks and firearms, ordnance and smart bombs, or loaded onto a fleet of LNG tankers - non-existent a mere decade ago - the increasing insolation that is cooking the topsoil across the vast prairies of America continues to be ramped up.

So as you read about, or hear of, the Pyrrhic victory of the Democrats' big "Climate Bill," that imposes a larger bill on the price tag of climate derangement than a giant platypus', in order to "make clean energy (which is as much as an oxymoron as "Clean Coal") so cheap in all aspects of life that it’s nearly irresistible," is an ambition that suggests it should instead be named the Climate Kill Bill.  If you recall that a Pyrrhic victory is "a victory that inflicts such a devastating toll on the victor that it is tantamount to defeat," then it is obvious that the Democrats' legislative victory negates any true achievement and instead damages any long-term progress that might still be possible.

If the spineless Democrats had started the reversal in the process of processing corn into fuel so as to lower the costs of ownership for the very Ice Machines they are purportedly phasing out; if they had mandated Corporate cessation of all fracking operations until such time until the oil companies are tasked with reducing the hemorrhaging of methane resulting from their operations (instead of forcing the costs of following around the fracturing corporations with taxpayer-funded cleanup crews); or mandated that UPS and other "free" delivery services pick-up from their customers the deluge of cardboard boxes and packing materials, all practically virgin, but all of which, since the delivery is "free," are not even recycled, never mind re-used, which the empty UPS trucks could easily transport BACK to their points of origin without spending an extra nickel on getting this resource (it is a RESOURCE, not something to be discarded ... unlike Congress) into their  revenue stream; or had they passed a law that restrained the size of any new industry's carbon footprint, such that a scam with the carbon footprint the size of the crypto-capitalist Bit-coin "industry," (that created an entire industrialized nation's carbon footprint overnight, while providing absolutely no social benefit to anyone other than billionaires trying to increase their hoard by conning the horde); or had they offered incentives to any State or local government that came up with programs that demonstrably, reduced their citizens' carbon footprint, perhaps their efforts could at least be seen as well-intentioned.

But none of that is the case. 

Every aspect of the Climate Kill Bill legislation is rife with pork to be larded onto the very same Corporations that continue to pour unwarranted amounts of toxic gases into the troposphere, the Congress blithely hiding their defalcations behind much of the same crypto-capitalist rhetoric the Bush administration used to ram through the Legislature his ongoing Twin Towers of ecological disaster: horizontal fracturing and his cynical coal-powered, oil-burning, natural gas dependent, food-to-fuel programs sold to a science-challenged public as a means for the USA! USA! to achieve "Energy Independence."

 Naked Capitalism featured the photo below as their "antidote du jour" aujour d'hui. In addition to its its ineffable adorability, it illustrates the aspect of mutation that is most often neglected in our "survival of the fittest" myopic vision of Darwin's theory. Which is natural selection. The "Nature" in natural refers here to the environment in which the mutations take place, and how it is this conversation between environmental change and living organisms' mutations, which are what enable them to adapt to those changes, that has bequeathed to us the startling yet wondrously diverse world of wildlife we are in the process of extirpating. 

Bibi and her baby hippo (Lol ... What'd you expect her to have ... a baby giraffe?). 

It should come as no surprise to us that as any species becomes more "fit" for their environment, they become more vulnerable to changes in it, such that those that are the least fit for the environment in which they may nonetheless thrive, are also those most likely to survive sudden changes in that environment; while those most exquisitely fit to survive in it perish. Such a creature is a hippo; or a platypus. The more unique an animal becomes to more perfectly fit its environment, the more vulnerable it becomes to any alterations in those very aspects of their surroundings that their mutations have given them the attributes that have conferred to them their dominance in it.

That is why, or at least one of the reasons why, I reject the use of "race" as a  designation for cultural and physical differences among people: it has been deranged form its true meaning in order to more easily set us at each others' throats ... admittedly not a terribly difficult task to begin with. But there is in fact but one human race, and we homo sapiens are in fact the consummate racists, just not in the way the Fourth Estate means it. The racism the human race demonstrates toward the non-humans on what we constantly refer to as "our" planet, far exceed the worst aspects of how the word is used in politics to drive a wedge between people of different skin tones or facial features who nonetheless mostly share the same interests. And it is to this actual racism that, like dangling prepositions, we mostly turn a blind eye to. And it is this lack of vision that allows the drafting of this obscene Climate Kill Bill the House is poised to pass as though it is a transformative bill that will somehow fight climate change by lavishing the largest hoard of cash onto its Corporate sponsors than any other country; dwarfing even that of Germany's Energiewende:

 As millions of its solar panels are blanketed in snow and ice, and its vast fields of windmills stop turning for lack of wind, their hydropower output continues to shrink along with its rivers, whose waters are now so low and so warm it obviates even  the resuscitation of its nuclear industry, forcing even their transport system to fall back onto burning coal, oil, natural gas, diesel, and even woodchips to fuel their Energiewende that is, instead of transitioning, not only fueling the steepest rise in energy costs in Europe, but is necessitating energy rationing; our own transition to the moronically monikored "Clean Energy", a concept even children would question, is being ballyhooed as the current administration's greatest achievement; the ecological damage and habitat destruction our own nascent Energy Transition is already inflicting be damned.  

This piece of destructive legislation only hardens the firm conviction the thesis of this blog has maintained from its inception (and which even a cursory examination of the utter failure of Germany's Energiewende to not only not transition away from fossil fuel, but which has, because of the outsize expenditure it undertook to enable it, left it with a larger carbon footprint than when it started its non-transition away from fossil fuels): namely, that the more big governments shovel into the coffers of the ruling class of Corponational criminals that support them, the worse the derangement of the climate gets, and the faster disastrous events are wont to occur. This is true for a very obvious reason that no one cares to mention but which is written on the wall for anyone to read who cares to: 

The path to any so-called energy transition is as paved over with fossil fuels as the roads over which all those multi-ton E-SUV's must be driven, so that, when twenty years later, as is true in the case of both Germany's Energiewende and the criminal GW Bush's food-to-fuel-SUV's program, even though the CO2 forcing of the atmosphere, far from abating, is instead accelerating, the Corponations can still sit on their hoard of government-funded profits that are then lavished onto their shareholders, while the actual people burdened with shouldering not only all the risk, but the financial burden as well, are left shivering in a flooded house or staring at the charred remains of their fire-ravaged homes, completely unaware that it is the very policies of "transition" that have left them homeless, helpless, and ready to be counted among the world's dispossessed. Had the Climate Kill Bill done nothing more than address  this disconnect between risk and reward that is the hallmark of the Crypto-Capitalist economy, whereby taxpayers incur all the costs, and private "enterprise" pries all the rewards out of our cold dead hands, while disrupting every aspect of life on every continent of the globe, it would have actually had a chance to stop the Madness of continuing our self-inflicted extermination. But of that happening, there's neither the slightest glimmer of hope; nor the slimmest chance, as the only "people" Congress has congress with are the Corponations on whose bribes their future in politics is wholly dependent on.  

Aug. 10, 2022 417.45 ppm

Aug. 10, 2021 414.39 ppm:

1 Year Change 3.06 ppm (0.74%)

But since, "The American Way of Life is Non-Negotiable," you needn't worry ... nothing will actually change that will in any way slow down the derangement of the climate.  What you can depend on, is that any policies they do enact, will have the exact opposite effect than what they claim, by virtue of their initial, pay-it-forward, enormous addition to the already high burden of heat-trapping GHG's.

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