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The Pentagong Show
United State of Terror: Is Drone War Fair?

Thursday, July 26, 2018

2020 Vision: Exporting America's Energy.

AS solar panels in England melt into the roofs of the houses they're sitting on and wind farms take on an eerie stillness as that windless heat dome sits over western Europe; while hydroelectric dams either collapse onto villages, wiping them out and killing hundreds (for whom not an ion of current would have gone to) or stop functioning for lack of water, the US continues its mad spree of renewable energy build-out even as its use of fossil fuel grows as inexorably as before the financial crisis.

Yet, as the media sounds off with all Trumpet all the time, nary a mention is made of the central role in the US of energy. Not a whisper about the fact that America holds but 6% of the world's population, yet consumes in excess of 20% of its energy, even though its government is the most indebted in the world; IE the polity, which owes more than any other country in credit card, auto, student loan and mortgage debt) maintains the largest trade deficit, as percentage of GDP, of any  country in the world. What that reflects is that although we import vast amounts of energy resources, instead of leveraging those supplies to manufacture goods other countries would wish to buy, we squander it.

What the US now leverages instead of energy is debt. Leveraging debt (which is a fancy-pants term used by the Keptocracy to convince the proles that a liability is an asset) instead of energy resources has the predictable result that the money made in doing so goes to a mere elite few in that Keptocracy while the rest of us are held hostage to it. The onus of repayment falls onto the backs of the citizens, while the fees, interest charges and embezzlement proceeds have already gone into the bank accounts and tax havens of the well-connected world wide web of financiers, Lords and Peers.

None of this is news, of course, but it brings up the energy usage as a way of pointing out the utter depravity of the MSM, otherwise called mainstream media, even as it is anything but, and is the reason that at least partially explains the ability of the harpy we call President to screech "Fake News" at anything he finds contradicts his own version of the "Reality Show" his tenure in the White House is.

The U.S. Congress, at the head of the Deep State's behest, is looking at legislation to accelerate LNG exports. (Like he needs any lousy legislation to authorize the export of "Vast amounts of LNG", which any actual journalist would point out means vast amounts of America's energy legacy).

The rig count in the US fracking industry just keeps going up, as the volume of fake oil pumped from the US continues to increase and the methane leaking from its wells grows year after year, accumulating in the atmosphere at a frightening pace.

Sources: U.S. Energy Information Administration, "Petroleum and Other Liquids, Exports" website. Accessed February 22, 2018. 2017 data from the Petroleum Supply Monthly, February 2018, Table 50.


LNG exports are expected to make up a growing share of natural gas exports and to surpass pipeline exports of natural gas by 2020.

 U.S. exports to Mexico have doubled since 2009 and are projected to continue rising through at least 2020 as pipeline projects currently under construction are completed.

 Increasing amounts of natural gas from the Marcellus and Utica basins in the Northeast and Midwest regions of the United States are to flow to eastern Canadian provinces.

The United States becomes a net exporter of natural gas by pipeline to Canada by 2030.

Those projected exports have nothing to do with  decline in US consumption of Natural Gas, though, those are expected to climb as well, as they replace the coal-fired plants with solar/wind/natgas plants.

Meanwhile, as the Green Machine extols the US for its switch to "renewables", don't assume that any less coal is being burned:

The U.S. exported 97.0 million tons of coal in 2017, a 61 percent increase from the 2016 level. Exports to Asia more than doubled from 15.7 million tons in 2016 to 32.8 million tons in 2017, although Europe continues to be the largest recipient of U.S. coal exports:

... it becomes increasingly clear that the only benefit, as US energy usage continues apace, is to the urban masses who can now breathe freely while we export our way to cleaner air and guilt-free energy-squandering. Guilt-free for the simple-minded reason that it's not being burned here.

Japan, India, So Korea; as the demand for electricity continues its inexorable climb, and dams are built to produce it hydroelectrically to (as was predicted) only collapse onto villages that were there for centuries, wiping them out in seconds, while killing hundreds of their citizens, CO2 from US fossil fuels are burped into the atmosphere at an ever-increasing rate as they get combusted all over the globe instead of in the continental US. If there were no such thing as "Green Energy" (which of course, there isn't), the US citizenry wouldn't be so easily duped into sending their own fuel supplies all over the planet to fire growth in other countries' economies while less and less  is invested in their own.

And as we export the means of producing electricity for the emergency situations that must arise more and more frequently as the world's temperature rises more and more exponentially (all those BTU's needed to run the AC units cooling down the inhabitants of Phoenix, LA, and Vegas will have been consumed in cooling down Japan and So Korea instead) are silently, stealthily being shipped to sweltering countries in both Europe and Asia, such that, just as in the 1970's, when the Oil Shock shook the very foundations of America's Empire out of its doldrums, the 2020 vision looks to be shaping up to be when it'll hit the US polity that, having learned nothing, they let the GOP-led drive to export ALL its energy resources go unchallenged; unnoticed, even.

While rivers of ink are dedicated to slamming the Elephant in the room that we elected President, no one has yet seen fit to ask why the Republican Party, the new Red Menace, is so hell bent on emptying the country of all its resources to lands where, as in the case of the Nord Stream 2, there are plentiful resources available from other, cheaper, less energy-intensive sources (As in LNG burns up approximately half of the usable energy it could provide just in converting, freezing it, constucting the specialized vehicles necessary for its transport, building LNG terminals in both the importing and exporting countries, and then in changing it back to a usable form ... all of which you should realize, adds to not only the fiscal, but the energy, overhead: ie INcreases, for the same amount of usable energy, the carbon footprint of all the countries involved in its production, transport and combustion).

But don't look to the corporate media, owned by the same interests that are exporting your legacy overseas, while the stopgap measure the renewables represent in all but rhetoric, are ballyhooed as Progressive, even as the Midwest corn crops, the ones those same progressives were hoodwinked into believing would make us "Energy Independent" by being processed (magically ... the string of Coal-fired power plants needed to perform our ethanol miracle being somehow left out of the equation) into fuel, (burning the dirtiest fuel to make "clean" fuel), wilts in a brutal heatwave.

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice ... I'm a moron.

 To paraphrase Upton Sinclair,  “It is difficult to get anyone to understand something when their privileged lifestyle depends on them not understanding it.”

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