The sense and significance of the enigma of growth is utterly ignored, yet it seems to me to touch upon the very explanation of existence, why there is something instead of nothing. For growth has in its kernel the inevitability of Force.
Humans are nothings, animalcules, our time here, as measured in geological time, a mere ephemera, a slight fluttering of a butterfly's wings that beat, fall off, and are forgotten as dawn makes its way toward dusk.
Men are naught, life is naught, only FORCE exists. Force that brought life to flourish and mankind into the world, Force that will crowd them out of it, and Force to make way for the succeeding generation and its next, non-human, representation of its ascendancy. That is the lesson of Capitalism, which, despite its democratic trappings and humanitarian pretensions, is mankind's ultimate expression of that Force, overriding humanity, ridiculing compassion, and ultimately resulting in the deliberate annihilation of even the possibility of existence itself. Like War, which is its Twin Tower, it exists for itself, and itself alone. And like War, we holeheartedly (sic) embrace it, not in spite of its negative aspects, just one of many lies we tell ourselves, but precisely because of them. Everything else becomes subservient to it and serves its ends as they have no escape from its all-encompassing reach, its suction-cupped tentacles that grasp and cling and wring the very life out of those in its embrace, flinging them aside as if it were a sated Vampire thoughtlessly disposing of the corpses it creates once their lifeblood's been sucked dry.
Yet here we are celebrating an Independence Day (The Nation's ID) that rings hollow, not only for minorities and the vast horde of mankind stomped underfoot by the Empire's jackboots on the ground, but the very people who most benefited from that Declaration written centuries ago by a slaveholder who had absolutely no intention of giving up his own property for a mere chimera. For Thomas Jefferson had worked out that at the rate of reproduction of a good 4.5% of his human property (which is why we have the phrase "The pursuit of Happiness" in said Declaration, because the Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Property, which his own State of Virginia's Declaration (which he also wrote, using "Property" as what we would now call a dogwhistle to northern slaveowners that their human Property would not be in jeopardy. But the northerners who were against slavery were attuned to that frequency as well, which fact necessitated his changing it to the phrase we are all so familiar with now of the "Pursuit of Happiness"; just one of the founding father's many lies), and that property gave him a better return @ 4.5%, and a more secure foundation to build his fortune on than agriculture ever could, and therefore based his fortune on the slavetrade instead. All men being created equal and all. (This is why Southerners were forced to refer to black people as beasts, they were obviously not equal, so black people must be other than human; which attitude carries down the years to the current day, explaining why any form of sexual congress they disapprove of being shouted down as 'bestiality". Because the Southerners, including TJ, practiced bestiality on a scale previously unknown in civilized nations. You can't categorize an entire population of people as Beasts, and still have sex with them, and give your own children to their women to breastfeed, without practicing, at least by your own definition, bestiality. This explains why they care not a jot for "reason", it shows them up for the hypocrites they insist is their divine right to be).
Soon, with the rallying cry of Manifist Destiny, America flung its Forces against the prosperous indigent population; into the quiet community of farmers and gatherers, it sent its engine of Capitalist destruction roaring down upon them like a galloping monster, inciting Terror, bursting apart their lives, shooting up the horizon and flinging the echoes of their chemical weapons of mass destruction onto the defenseless tribes of an entire continent, leaving blood and destruction and tragic homelessness in its path. Declaring their independence for them: independent of Law, independent of Justice, independent of any human compassion, the US Capitalist monster flung them aside brutally, tore their families to ribbons, confiscated their lands and then started practicing the same brutality on the earth itself as it girded it with bands of iron, ripping huge holes in its flesh to drag out the chunks of anthracite it needed to power the iron monsters that would soon bestride it in a never-ending black smoke-belching stream of steam, steel, and metal wheel.
All the while chanting the same mantra: Life (ours) Liberty (just not for you) and pursuit of Happiness (no matter what it costs ... you).
The modern version has changed not a jot, all the fetters put upon it to keep it from destroying us utterly torn off and flung aside by the Reagan "Revolution" (Proving the maxim that what goes around comes around ... that's why it's called one revolution). Only now the victims are the descendants of the perpetrators. WE are the native Americans, and the government cares not a jot for us either (you can fire crackers but the new crew'll screw you too), which should come as no surprise, but has instead apparently taken us completely unawares.
The spectacle at the border is fodder for the media, the same media that has for decades ignored the families being torn apart at home by many indirect Forces (such as rigging home appreciation to such a nosebleed level that children are left with no choice but to move far away from their parents to somewhere they can afford the price of living), with the DEA's Forceful practices against marijuana smokers being the most obvious (nowhere more mercilessly practiced than in that same State of Texas where all the cameras are lined up to document the plight of the undocumented, having ignored for decades that of the millions of US citizens Forcefully ripped from their families and sent to prison for an excess of 25 years by the Lie of labeling MJ a narcotic), the untrammeled Force of Greed and 'creative' Destruction at the heart of the Capitalist beast, leveraged by the unrepentant tools provided by science, will consume everything until there is nothing left: no home ... no family ... no world.
Now that's Independence.
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