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The Pentagong Show

The Pentagong Show
United State of Terror: Is Drone War Fair?

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Casa Blanca's Play it Again Uncle Sam: The 'Coalition Of We Will Again' .


A Grave Error is Afoot.

 As though to prove my assertion that the Trump State is no different than his Republican predecessors, our DJ has started playing yet another of Arbusto's tunes, whistling past the graveyard the delightful ditty, "Coalition of the (un)willing" to pretend that he has allies in his mad rush to pretend Iran sanctions have anything whatsoever to do with Iran's behavior. I tried to find out the truth of the matter by consulting the Iranian equivalent of WhinSec (Western hemisphere for Secrecy and Cooptation), but couldn't find one. What I could find was that the United States of Armamentaria is so flush with destructive engines, chemicals and spycraft that not only a War but a more satisfying, full spectrum all-consuming War is in its best economic interest: What's good for America's well-oiled War Machine is good for America:


 Notes from America:

The USA has > 20,000 plutonium pits (up from 12,000 just 15 years ago) in storage in the Pantex plant in Amarillo, Tx, (home to plutonium cores from thousands of dismantled nuclear warheads ... it’s the only location that then puts plutonium cores into new warheads) and ~200 tons of highly enriched uranium @ the Oak Ridge reservation in TN. Tritium, a material that heightens the explosive force of nuclear weapons is being produced @ the Wats Bar nuclear reactor in Tn. The government plans to produce about 450 plutonium warheads /yr.

(Like all nuclear, in order to legally falsify the Dept of War's budget, these are held under the  auspices of the DOE, despite they're having nothing to do with energy production).

Anniston Army depot in Alabama stores 2200 tons of deadly VX and sarin nerve gas and mustard gas loaded onto 660thousand chemical weapons stored in concrete bunkers called "Igloos" with more stashed in Tooele, The Greatest City in Utah, and Johnston Atoll in Hawaii.

The USA has the largest bio-weapons program in the world, and the American army has a patent for a new rifle-launched gas grenades and has an aerolized anthrax.

The military might, the peoples will:

More than 80,000 civilians died in a single night of bombing in Tokyo during WW2, a civilian casualty greater than the 74,000 incinerated in Nagasaki by the A-Bomb. (Unlike the Germans, the Japanese never targeted US civilian populations with aerial bombardment: The preferred method of modern CorpoNational Terrorism). In the Vietnam War, America dropped more bomb tonnage than was dropped in ALL of WW2.

The depleted uranium we dropped on Iraq rather indiscriminately is a very dense material, denser than lead and its burns on impact and penetrates thick armor. In 1989 alone, the US used 320 tons of DU.

Cluster bombs - a thousand pounds contains palm-sized canisters called bomblets, 16% of which remain in the ground exploded (yet the death caused thereby will be referred to as "collateral damage": FMN: Fake Military News).

For more than 10 years in the 80's, America companies shipped chemicals and biological agents' seed supplies to Iraq including: Thiodiglycol, a mustard gas precursor. GW just knew Saddam had chemical weapons, because he had the receipts his father left in the top drawer.

The United States of Armamentaria has the largest bio-weapons program in the world, part of which are the rifle-launchers for gas grenades of aerolized anthrax.

Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe freedom molecules:

US is once again the world's largest emitter of pollutants.

Pentagon''s oil use, in this relatively peaceful time, is still > 100mln bbl/yr. It is  the world's largest consumer of refined oil products and accounts for > 80% of all Federal government use. Making the military's securing of petroleum reserves more in its own self-interest than that of the rest of the country in whose interest it supposedly operates.

All War is powerfully and inextricably tied to Money, so putting a billionaire bankrupt in the Casa Blanca is tantamount to supporting more Wars.

And then there's Diego Garcia:

A UN court has ruled the UK must return the territory -- which hosts a major US military base -- to Mauritius .. yeah, like that's gonna happen.

Diego Garcia, access to which is only permitted to those with connections to the military:

Facilities on the island include an anchorage and a port housing a U.S. Navy support force, a flotilla of Navy prepositioning ships mostly carrying Army and Marine Corps equipment, barracks, an airfield, separate U.S. Air Force detachments supporting Pacific Air Forces and Air Mobility Command flights, an Air Force satellite relay and a powerful telescope that the flying branch operates to keep track of spacecraft.

The U.S. Navy is trying to build up its own carrier fleet to 12 ships to support global power projection. Iran, whose neighborhood the island is actually in?  None.

Diego Garcia reduces the need for U.S. military personnel while maintaining a large footprint on the ground in order to project America’s spread of terrorism and weapons of mass destruction proliferation into area, as it, like the Nazi's whose philosophy it has embraced, has embarked on its aggressive invasion agenda because "Homeland Security is threatened" (a phrase the Nazi's  used to the same effect, only instead of calling it National Socialism we prefer the term National Security: Military expansion where no military aggression against the homeland is even possible, nevermind contemplated. It was the US allies, either Iraq/Afgahanistan/Saudi Arabia whence the 9/11 attacks were instigated, NOT Iran, our "enemy").  

Easy to see how the Pentagon's oil use, in this relatively peaceful time, is still > 100mln bbl/yr.

Diego Garcia enables the U.S. to pursue its regional interests with a less provocative and less visible presence, mainly to its own allies in the region who will tolerate no presence on their soil of an ally that demands SOFA agreements in which they give up their own sovereign rights..

As Greed has become the only value worth fighting for, plausible deniability becomes a fulcrum against which to lever the substitution of image over substance as legions of hired liars labor to disconnect reality from all manner if images.

 Enmity mobilizes the energy to strike, and that energy is being stored as though in an emotional capacitor with his base the foundation of a unified body from which to derive a violent unanimity to easily sway to approve the collective destruction of his chosen sacrificial victim; those who dissent, already being called treasonous, will be turned on and eliminated. For, as we see in Afghanistan, or don't see, War is cruelty, the deliberate and malicious infliction of mental or physical pain upon others, including our own "Warriors", a cruelty in which our Leader revels in as much as he derides compassion; cruelty, being, after all, the offspring of Greed.

Thus can the nonsense of the country that is by far the largest arms dealer in the world, the pre-eminent Merchant of Death, its foreign policy based on maintaining itself as the longest-lasting War Machine of any culture anywhere, whose Leader backs the murder of an unarmed journalist by a vicious Saudi "Prince" by using the fact that he buys military hardware from our Corpornational trusts as a public reason for his condoning the bludgeoning of someone to death because he simply doesn't like what he said about him. The country providing arms to that same entity to wage another useless war, another contrived Yemeni of the people, once again on a helpless, impoverished people.

Enmity mobilizes the energy to strike, and that energy is being stored as though in an emotional capacitor, with his base the foundation of a unified body from which to derive a violent unanimity to easily sway to approve the collective destruction of his chosen sacrificial victim; those who dissent, already being called treasonous, will be turned on and eliminated. For, as we see in Afghanistan, or don't see, War, the Cult of Death, turns human beings in to parts; spare parts; human resources manipulated by inhuman sources, making it easy to kill the living because it's so much harder to kill The Deal.

War's sinister godfather and secret sharer in its spoils is religion, making the Ganrtyfication of American society far more disturbing than its gentrification. Because as war clouds gather the lightning bolts of  religious enmity electrify the air with self-righteous lies of justification, martial energy mobilizes, as doubt becomes traitorous, an enemy to be silenced, and Western Christianity's god come to the fore when War is in the Air, the last Republican President claiming god spoke to him to go and smite the Iraqi's, this one is never so cozy with his base "Christians" as when he's fulminating for biblical terrorism, slaughter, and military strikes on civilian targets.

After all, Love conquers all, and Love of War is one that no other Love has ever been able to conquer.

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