Friday, June 14, 2019
The Law of the Land, Gresham's, Trumps All.
Ramblin' Rows:
Arctic Talk: Our Tic Toc Walk to the Blue Ocean Event. Or, mass suicide : the effortless slide, the A/C'd ride to extinction. Freedom Fries, Democracy Bakes, Industry Lies, Phoebe Snow Flakes. I'm sitting here pondering on how to pull all this together, how to best illustrate the connection , best reflected by the disconnect, between politics, economics and the rapidly accelerating overburdening of the troposphere with our gaseous waste (one of the funniest rebuttals from the climate-change denying, "Prolife" (lol, as they tool around in ginormous vehicles spewing poison gasses, CO2 being but the most publicized one) crowd being that the methane from the ruminants of the planet far exceeds our own, purposelessly ignoring the fact that all those ruminants and their domination is in reality the same source: mankind. It should come as no surprise that all those farting cows are sporting a brand, seared into their flesh by their all-too-human owners. They are there to provide milk and meat to the ever-expanding billions of humans and so themselves number in the multiple billions, far exceeding the humans that produce them, a number they would never have gotten to without the direct intervention of mankind, the upshot being that their methane contribution, together with that of the vast rice bogs of Asia, should be added to or included in, the amount of methane which humankind is responsible for venting into the atmosphere, not subtracted from it. Both these sources of greenhouse gases are as man-made as the exhaust from automobiles).
I wanted to show how the Administration's insistent lie that climate change is a hoax while simultaneously exclaiming the fact that the rapid decline of ice in the Arctic is an economic opportunity fly in the face of each other: You can't claim BOTH without proffering a reason for exactly why the opportunity now exists for exploration in the Arctic because its ice is melting. If not CC, t hen exactly what has caused the ice to melt to such an unprecedented degree that it is now economically feasible to consider using it as yet another source of carbon extraction and combustion? Yet not a single Democratic voice, not a millisecond of MSNBS/CNN airtime, has bothered to point out this fact; how, as they bang their collective heads against the border Wall, for an excuse to impeach, the very real reason of a President directly and admittedly involved in a conspiracy (Just as the Birther Movement was a conspiracy against the duly elected President of the US, the promulgation of the conspiracy (a hoax is a conspiracy ... a specific kind of conspiracy, but in a Venn diagram of Conspiracy, hoax would be entirely within the circle: every conspiracy isn't a hoax, but every hoax that isn't the product of a single mind, is a conspiracy). A conspiracy to accuse scientists of being in a conspiracy, in order to aid and abet the Neo Con's piracy ... at the heart of which is the entire fracking industry.
Why, for example do Democratic candidates for the Presidency of the United States not decry the Pentagon budget?
Half of all federal discretionary spending goes to the Pentagon: the epicenter of the hoax called Climate Change. it has a budget of more than 3/4 of a trillion dollars and is using that money to prepare for the nation's #1 security threat: Climate Change and their attendant State-spanning and ever-longer-duration disasters, during enemies can then take advantage of us, is all, has always been for the more than decade they've held that belief, and yet, the US congress has nary a peep to say about the enormous funding for no other reason than to perpetrate this hoax on the American people and the World.
But that path is too muddled, the reasoning too tortured for me to present it in a convincing manner, so I've instead decided to start looking for sources that will publish such work and write to that instead of continuing to post to a blog that no one has the least interest in reading. The time I need to do just the above, being a case in point. Not just the time, but the increasing magnitude of the changes we have wrought making it more and more important to concentrate my efforts on getting an audience that will both acknowledge and heed the danger and take action against our legislators and news monopolies referred to as the MSM, the acronym blithely termed "mainstream" when part of the problem is that it is just mainstream, mediocre. It should more accurately be referred to as the Monopolized News Media: The M'NM's: encased in a candy shell of ads that dangle distracting baubles to tantalize (like newspaper ads for Pringles next to newspix in a feature about starving Yemeni infants) that keeps their hands from getting sullied by the dark things they purvey to give /deliver to us the for which we tune them in, as if it's America's Funniest Home Videos, vicarious thrills of violence kept safely remote ... we're not remotely connected but remotely disconnected with but a push of a button, until now, the effort of having to even lift a finger to have our desires effortlessly fulfilled becoming too onerous, a voice command now will work. Hopefully we'll soon be able to just bark at it. The advertisers dream. A customer base that actually desires to have its every word picked up, its every desire attended to.
"It only starts listening after I say "Alexa" ...
"Ummm, ..., How does it know you said "Alexa" unless it was listening?"
Seriously though, well, maybe not seriously, but not facetiously either, when you look up MSM it specifically states mainstream as one word, so it is the MM: (Monopolized Media?). This makes my semantically-wired brain ponder on the difference between mainstream and main stream, the former being, "the ideas, attitudes, or activities that are regarded as normal or conventional; the dominant trend in opinion", while the latter implies a scenario similar to the one we seeing flooding the interior of the country, as the grand Mississippi gets swollen to unprecedented proportions from its many tributaries, the main stream may be overwhelming, but that's because it carries within it the waters draining from many States it doesn't even border. Ergo Mainstream is what our monopolized Corporate media is in actuality; Main Stream is what the Monopolized Corporate media would have us believe it is: just the principal source of news, one that incorporates other, tributary sources, hence the inaccurate acronym, the one both dreamt up and promulgated by that same MCM. Case in point:
PBS, which is part of the MSM, stands for Public Broadcasting System and is referred to as Public television, yet if you look at their own figures, PBS receives less than 8% of their funding from the government, all the rest of their revenues comes donations from Private Sources, yet it still refers to itself as Public television, despite its sponsors that we have to listen to ad nauseum (no pun intended ... (I'm such a liar)) all being Corporations, so it's actually the Corporate Broadcasting System: sponsored TV is not Public TV, even if the closest to any Public Broadcasting System is Fox News, as it is the only news source that takes directions and plans its broadcasts to suit the whims of the nation's top public official, the trained Seal that's the President of the US. The first Chief Executive who is completely and unabashedly foremost a representative of the Corporate class of billionaires (the most base of his base) to which he belongs. He is the first President to openly display his cringing obeisance to what they used to call "The Money Interest" (but that now they call Free Speech), to the complete exclusion of any others. The rest is all showboating. A circus that the MSM has gone to the bank with every year since he first flashed his orange bouffant at the Republican "Debates". Those he rapidly transformed into the political version of a Comedy Central's Roast (of which he was a seasoned veteran), with him now taking center stage as the Master of Ceremonies.
Natural gas saw the largest usage boost but all fossil fuels saw increases. So rampant production of our so-called "transition" fuel, Natural Gas, is accelerating even as growth in the use of the renewable fuels it is supposedly replacing grow in tandem with it. If one were to listen to such writers as Robert Scribbler, the growth of "renewable" fuels is growing at a rate more than double that of those same fossil fuels they are, again, supposedly, replacing.The joined-at-the-hip growth of energy demand, renewable energy, US oil production, US Natural Gas produuction, explosion of US petrochemical industry, and the intractable intertwined growth of plastic waste and CO2 are totally ignored.
Climate change is a National security Threat per the Pentagon: denial of this by the Commander of chief of US armed forces is simply ignored completely by the so called "Opposition Party" despite the fact that said denial makes the US President the #1 threat to the Security of the United States of America.
Department of Defense, “Report on the Effects of a Changing Climate to the Department of Defense,” Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment, January2019
So the President is overseeing the funding of the largest hoax on the planet by showering billions and billions of taxpayer dollars to generate "reports" to propagate that hoax. And not a contra, in the basement, "Oh we didn't know about it!", hoax, in order to fund a few "freedom fighters". Oh no. This President is running an administration where everyone else is afraid to say "boo!", where he has no intention of pretending that what they do he knows nothing about.
Until comes the crash. The tune our DJ's playing if it were a record, would be getting sued for copyright infringement. The fracking fiasco, billed, like the Bush economy, asa boon, for its temporary methamphetamine unsustainable last boom of the boom and bust boomer generation: the same genesis, the same use of oil, the same malinvesment to force a generation's dependence on eking a livelihood out of fracking, flaring, and the poisonous plastics industry, a destroyed farmbelt, are all reminiscent of the War-All-the-Time-is-good-for-ShoPPINIG! Who knew ? An economy of all cons all the time, til Daddy Fed pulls the plug. Take away the punchbowl? They dumped it on our heads!
That tale of the aughts, hasn't changed anything, it just continued the con, hid the pea under a different cup, palmed the card up their sleeve.
Launder. Rinse. Spin. Repeat.
The tellltale heart of the lie is always in its invisibility on national media even as it overtakes reality.
Exxon's Attack Against Climate Change Suit Narrowed by Judge: Exxon gets sued, but the President of the United States never has to worry about any reporter, Democratic or Republican, Conservative or Progressive, ever asking him how this case isn't simply thrown out as a frivolous lawsuit?
Only by pretending that climate change doesn't exist can you nationalize our DJ's playlist. It is the central policy of his administration, yet nothing has been done to stop funding the largest purveyor of this stupendous hoax of Climate Change as a threat: The Pentagon.
Since the heart of the military perpetrates the Hoax that climate change is a "Threat" a threat for which we must funnel trillions of dollars to the Pentagon to "protect" us from it while the US President knows, broadcasts, and insists that it is just a HOAX, why has he increased the defense budget even more than what they even asked? And why has the Congress and the media remained absolutely silent on the subject?
This isn't just some "Oh, I was just kidding", birther bull, this is the rejigging of the entire US landscape and economy to gear it to expanding fossil fuel development and export at the exact same time that the country's largest investor and provider of such services, Exxon, is in several US courts being sued for providing vital energy resources that have no negative impact?
The enormous disaster we, as in the world as well, are being set up for rivals anything his hero, Schicklegruber, ever devised. The drop in price, not it's escalation, will be the death knell: hence the single-minded obsession to get every oil producer possible off the market: Libya, Venezuela, Iran, Russia, all the OPEC nations have agreed to lower their production, in the teeth of which the US continues to por money into expanding theirs: for export ... onto a market brimming with oil while trade and economies that are "booming"panic at even the whisper of a mere .25% increase in interest rates, ie: they can't make a profit, so the banks can't so the oil industry can't: we all love the energy, but less and less are we able to afford it. even as we become more and more reliant on it for absolutely everything. Including feedstock for the spanking new Saudi-owned (see why Kashoggi could get killed with impunuity? MSB knows the Business of America is synonymous with Trump Enterprises; so who cares if , "All ah wanna do is kill someone"? ... we need another refinery) Texas petrochemical plant.
Gresham's Law is a monetary principle stating that "bad money drives out good." ... Gresham’s law was originally based on the composition of minted coins and the value of the precious metals used in them. ... At the core of Gresham’s law is the concept of good money versus bad money.
I first noticed it during the housing mania while the Bush junta was ransacking the place, but now it's enveloped everything, as bad policy pushes out good, because all that bad money hasn't been earned, it's just wished into existence and leveraged on debt so that investment that would be made based on market decisions, research, and data are shoved aside with the phony-generated money, which is indistinguishable from the money generated via productivity, and hence hopium becomes dopium and the falling in line of all dissenters begins.
Alexa ....Clean up this Mess!.
In a Guardian article on plastic waste, (I'll be back)
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