Maybe it is time Americans learned exactly what "Extreme" really means, but I doubt it.
My fellow US citizens are so besotted with the concept of their own exceptionalism and the joined-at-the-hip connection of the Extreme with that perception, it's highly unlikely they're about to dial back their embrace of it despite the fact that extreme weather, extreme QE, extreme fire danger, extreme weapons build-up to such Overkill capacity we can incinerate anything that gets in our way, having built up our military arsenal to such an extreme degree we can obliterate every living person on the planet hundreds of times over for no more reason than that it enables the Pentagon and their Neo-con Masters in their extreme desire to maintain extreme military control over every nation in the world, in its well-published extreme goal of Full-Spectrum Domination over the entire Globe.
Is that too extreme?
Well, judging by the fact that QE is starting up again, despite the reluctance to call it that, or by the fact that the Congress, one of its bicameral houses now run by Democrats (lest you have the mis-guided notion that they are less war-mongering then their Republican counterparts, which the Obama/Biden/Clinton dominated "center" demonstrates is anything but the case (while "Black Lives Matter" were fulminating over their treatment in the US under the only black President in American history's tenure, they voiced nary a whisper of protest as that same Black President destroyed the African nation of Libya and gave his cheerleading approval to the horrible evisceration and murder of its leader. Perhaps OBAMA should be their name : Only Black Americans Matter Anyway, has voted to allocate Trillions of dollars more to upgrade our extreme Overkill capacity to an even more obscene, inhuman scale, even as the "This is not a Socialist Country" President has already promised not just billions, but trillions to "Upgrade" the USA's Extreme Overkill capacity. Meanwhile billions more goes to farm support to the most rabid anti-Socialist contingent of his base base: failing Midwest farmers. Then our "This will never be as Socialist Country" President offered yet billions upon billions more to the failing fracking industry, while QE ad infinitum and 0% interest rates prop up the failing banking and insurance industries, so that the failing flailing Wall St weak can have their Free Market valuations artificially boosted by our "This will never be a Socialist Country"'s Central Government yet again ... because that incomprehensible $4.5 Trillion QE gusher, (an amount in excess of a full 25% of annual US GDP), fracturing any basis for the belief in Free Markets, simply hasn't proven to be enough.
They like to call it the "Wealth Effect", but it's only a euphemism for fraud, but by which they mean, "the Central Government's contrived maneuvering to enhance the general public's perception of their net worth", thereby, with 0% interest rates as an added incentive, they will naively sink their pitiful dollars into the failing economy's sinkhole on that Street that has erected a Wall around the economy, having constructed a medieval keep where labor's dollars go in, but only used toilet paper comes out". Papering over Risk to hide a massive inability to make good on promised returns on any number of hyped-up investments (IPO's being the most odious and obvious strategy of vacuuming savings out of the hands of the novice investor and into the accounts of private hedge funds and investment firms).
Of course, being the Central Planning Committee of an America that will NEVER be a Socialist Country, they can call it anything they want, but what it is in fact, is FRAUD.
And as you weigh the impact of that on our lives and our very concept of Capitalism and free markets, a word that comes to mind is "Scale", and I don't mean from the heartbreak of psoriasis, but
the enormity of QE-generated "dollars" and what that does to our perceptions.
In an article documenting the rising number of suicides in the Farming community, well, more specifically, the American Midwest's farming community (as in the so-called "global Village" which in terms of trade, we very much still live in, the thousand of farmers committing suicide on a yearly basis in India, thanks to American TNC's such as Monsanto and ADM, simply doesn't register even a blip on our self-reverential radar) produces nearly all of the country’s food and bio-fuel and contribute some $133 billion annually to the gross domestic product.
Sounds like a lot, doesn't it?
But during the aughts, the Fed was injecting $85 Billion/month into the US economy, surpassing in a scant four months the entire combined annual contribution of the entire farming sector plus the largest category within retail, automotive, which generates approximately $212 billion, which gives us:
$133 billion + $212 billion = $334.5 Billion. (Real money from actual labor and productivity),
Four months of QE4 = $334 Billion (Fed counterfeit money issued to convince investors their "securities" are not worth less. Can I say it again? Fraud!).
Yet month after month Rachel Madcow can rail about "Russia", yet never once use her soapbox to educate her public about the kleptocratic rule of the Keptocracy. Her sponsors would have disappeared as fast as cockroaches scuttling for cover when the light's snapped on in the middle of the night.
(As an example of how we are purposely kept ill-informed, in researching the internet for articles on the subject, I clicked on a piece entitled, "The 5 Industries Driving the U.S Economy". Nowhere in the article does it mention the US GDP, the still-used gross measure of our National Output (not GNP), nor a dollar amount, or even a percentage of the economic pie that each or any of those 5 industries contribute to it. The same holds true for the Fed's Beige Book. This report of economic activity in the US by Federal Reserve District makes such statements as "Residential real estate activity grew modestly", "Residential real estate activity grew slightly", "Lending activity grew further", "Activity in the agriculture sector increased slightly", while "Sales of retail goods increased markedly" ... (But from what dollar-amount base to how much now? Remember this is the FED, the organisation that monetizes EVERYthing, yet they give not a single dollar figure in any of the industries they cover, never mind a designation of what percentage of total GDP each industry represents. As you might realize, in order to get the percentage growth you need the actual dollar amount before the period measured and then after, yet site after site offers such percentages while none of them give the actual dollar amounts on which those percentages are based. In other words how can this be anything but a deliberate omission?).
Such extreme numbers must be hidden, disguised, or glossed over so that the Japanification of the economy can proceed uncommented on. But when an industry, and the livelihoods that go with it, such as the shrimp industry in the Gulf of Mexico that is being destroyed by the Dead Zones created by fertilizer runoff from the failing farm sector, and the media quotes the financial damage at, let's say $8.5 Billion, such a large amount, even though it affects tens of thousands of people, sounds trivial, when you know that the Fed can just create 10 TIMES that amount in the blink of an eye without anyone batting an eye, never mind forcing them to account for their legerdemain.
But here in the Extreme States of America, Just Do it:
So going to the extreme with monetary intervention by the Fed dovetails nicely with Extreme
Driving, Extreme Sports, Extreme Fitness, Extreme Terrain, Extreme Ownership, while the Extreme unction of Extreme oil production is considered just normal: okay, get outta the way even as it results in extreme downpours that cause ex-stream flooding, or Extreme droughts that result in Extreme fires forcing governments to take Extreme measure because of the resulting extreme homelessness.
So now, as a microscopic organism forces government after government into extreme measures, and the extreme heat that is rolling our way as a result of the extreme curtailment in aerosol production in the atmosphere from coal-fired power plants and airliners' jet trails, both of which have a net cooling effect, we remain at 415 ppm of CO2, the most extreme level of that gas in mankind's entire history, an amount of atmospheric carbon appreciably higher than last year's, which amount then resulted in the hottest year on record. Hence, at this same time, now and going forward, when we are bereft of that cooling effect from the extreme burning of coal and the jet trails emitted by the Industrial Nations' extreme level of global air travel, it is entirely likely, and grows more so on a daily basis, that here in the northern hemisphere, this growing level of heat every government is ignoring as much as they ignored the corona virus, will prove perhaps to be one extreme too many.
Maybe then the USA will finally take the extreme step of recognizing that yes, it is the actual invisible-to-the-naked-eye world of REAL life, not the invisible supernatural world of their imagination, that delivers real and EXTREME repercussions when we choose to pretend that we believe that what you can't see can't hurt you. Likewise the rostrum that " ... but words can never hurt me", is also being proven untrue as President Plump's extremely ignorant and mindlessly accepted insistence that both of them are nothing but a Hoax gets tragically exposed as the self-serving deliberate lies they are.
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