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The Pentagong Show
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Monday, March 23, 2020

Wreckonomics: The Big American Bust is Set to Lower the Boom.

 Double Trouble HelixJust-in-Time means Too-Little Too-Late.

It is human to have compassion for the afflicted, yet howsoever much it behooves everyone to not only feel, but show that other people matter to them, it is more particularly compelling in people who have once had need of comfort and have found it, so know that in some measure it helped save them from one of the many of life's travails they'd had visited upon them.

In this our current affliction, the pleasant discourse of friends and their admirable consolations can afford us such refreshment such that I firmly believe that without it many who needn't have will die.
Despite the immutable law that states that all things mundane must at some point come to an end, it remained firmly within my hope for humanity that that point was nowhere in sight no matter how far out we peer along mankind's event horizon.

Those with some compassion who within their tender bosoms, fearful and shamefast, hold hidden the fires of love, now must be content to bide most of the time confined to the narrow compass of their dwellings and, sitting there in idleness, willing and unwilling in the one and the same moment, turn over in their minds various thoughts and dreams which they are finding it is not possible to always keep exactly merry.

By that reason alone, if it raises in their minds any melancholy, bred of ardent desire, it must now, with growing annoyance, be left to but abide within, unless it can be dispelled by some new discourse to allay the loneliness and fear and find the inner strength necessary to endure during these days of deadly pestilence.

Even though some may still insist that this is but a more deadly version of the common cold, since we are asked by them to believe, despite all our instincts suggesting otherwise, that it is a media-frenzy coverage of yet another hoax, perhaps it is its effects on the economy that will coax at least a modicum of compassion to soften their hearts of stone.

A closer scrutiny of such people reveals them to be largely comprised of those same individuals who insist that another invisible, even deadlier, peril occasions the same non-reaction, but it might afford the rest of us some vision of a different future than the one our present momentum has determined we should continue.

The fires in Australia have now been all-but-forgotten by the rest of the world, (and for all I know in the rest of Australia), but the heat-seeking missile of molecular geo-engineering wrought by fossil fuel combustion has changed the attitude of many Australians in much the same way the Pestilence has stimulated many confronting it to change theirs. The outpouring of clouds of toxin-bearing plumes bellowing into the atmosphere has been slowed down, despite all the brouhaha raised by calling for even the most timid of curtailments, by only one phenomenon: Corona Virus. Not all the bloviating or jetting from one country to another making pledges no one intends to keep and promising outcomes no one believes will come to pass, what this virus has shown us, or could show us, is that the major part of the CO2 burden we are asking the atmosphere to bear has nothing whatsoever to do with real human needs, and everything to do with the needs of "the economy".

Developing countries may fare far better than the developed countries' economies, because they do actual work of providing, however poorly, for their citizens' needs, whereas we in the OECD nations cater to the most selfish part of the population that demands enormous inputs of fossil-fueled recreational diversions. The worship of Bling, the yen for a fling, drives this world where the Dollar is King.

That is what they are trying to save, not lives.

When Trump towers over Fauci as though Fauci were Hillary Clinton, a debate contender he's determined to crush, rather than a member of his own administration, it becomes apparent that the freedom of enterprise includes the freedom to sit back and watch as if it were death-porn the glowing statistics that ensure the continuation of Social Security and Medicare, as the largest coterie of the population dependent on them gets wiped out.

The President has insisted he knows a lot, a lot, about viruses. That most basic of facts, however, that a virus is virulent, he has pretended to have overlooked.

Knowledge he had at Davos when he assured the world there was no problem.

But, of course, knowing even a little about viruses would mean he knew even then, as most of us who actually were paying attention to the news out of Wuhan, knew, that that was a lie. He already knew, being the expert on viral epidemiology he has boasted he is, that borders weren't going to contain a microbe.

But, like China, the US has a problem: old people. More specifically, the US economy has a problem:

The promises and commitments made to retired people as to the payment of pension benefits and health care that their government and US Corponations would provide them after they left the work force could not, given the pillaging of Corporate America by the CEO's enabled by their sponsors in Congress, be honored.

The current administration like the Republican administration that preceded it, the one that attempted to slough off the onerous burden of the Social Security system to Wall St., has determined that the US economy cannot provide the excess earnings in anything close to the amount needed to honor those liabilities.

By downplaying the virus, the President, knowing all there is to know about viruses, is fully aware that the longer the virus is allowed to spread and gain traction among the general population , the larger toll it will take on the most elderly population as well as anyone over 60 (The Italians have already opted to not bother to even extend treatment to anyone over 60 years of age).

Along with the rest of his colleagues, he considers this a boon.

From California to Illinois, and all other states facing bankruptcy in the face of retiring municipal workers and State nursing home capacity, the virus is secretly considered a god-send.

As they watch their elder population disappear they watch all those liabilities melt away like morning dew in the sunlight of a New Day.

Trump support among the young people of America grows the longer he gives nothing but lip service to the virus and billions to the billionaire class to work on a vaccine that will do absolutely nothing for the next 18 months.

Bring it on and Bring em down, is the Trumpelstiltskin's new campaign promise: to weed out the weak, bring down the vast majority of the population bedeviled with "previous conditions", and solve both the Social Security's and  Medicare's insolvency in one extremely fell swoop.

The next lie that will be exposed too late by our Virus Expert: masks.

Only when it is far too late, since they're being told the opposite, will Americans start to realize that masks actually DO cut down on viral transmission. But, although Boris Johnson was the only one brazen enough to say it out loud, herd immunity, or lack thereof, is being let to run its course, the too-little, too-late formula of population control. The WHO's warning of what the outcome of such a stance would be serves only to deepen the conviction that Death to Seniors far out of proportion to the rest of the polity is just what the overworked doctor ordered for the ailing economies of the OECD that were all teetering toward collapse from contractual promises made that their economies couldn't possibly keep, contracts they wrote with no intention of honoring but that were now coming due.

The dire mortality figures are mucus music to their ears. Can you breathe?

Got airline stock? Ditch it and buy stock in Crematoria ... or coffin manufacturers.

You won't even need a new hat: Mine Americans' Grief Again.

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