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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Michael Moore Presents: Planet of the Humans | Full Documentary | Direct...

I so often get misunderstood as being anti-green, but that's because I believe there' no such thing ... a rather lonely position. But This film shows why, presents my case in a far more convincing and comprehensive than I ever will be able to. But, I've never embedded a vid, so I hope this works.

 Although there's moments filled with Blood and Gore in this movie, and it is a repulsive sight, I highly recommend it. I found it posted in the comments section on my favorite accountant's site, Gail the actuary, of the wonderful resource of my early blogging daze, the, long since shuttered, but she still writes at :

You can find the oildrum posts there, too.

As a last comment, I just read a post  about, Surprise! Surprise!, coronavirus that put my attitude toward the Greening of the energy sector in perfect terms, or at least as succinctly as I've ever seen it:

The paradigm we have been sold by the Green Spin Machine is one in which we, "Treat the symptom to make the world safe for the pathology."

Bingo. That is what the Green economy is really all about: allowing, nay, enabling, the continued combustion of every fossil fuel on earth. It treats the symptom to make the continued pathological behavior of ever-more widespread incineration possible, so that it now not only encompasses the unholy trinity of Oil, Coal, And natural Gas, but now includes every living plant on earth.  Either growing them, with massive fossil fuel inputs, or harvesting them (switch grass) them to make ethanol; or razing forests to create woodchips and biodiesel, clear-cutting forests in the Carolinas and rainforests in Indonesia to ship the output to Europe to be incinerated. We have created a Concentration Camp-style industrialized death machine for all of Nature into which we throw our plant-slaves once they've been stripped of any semblance of Life.

We had to be stopped, and as Jeff Goldblum put it in "Jurassic Park, "Nature finds a way".

It appears that it has.

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