Following the scorched earth policies of Saddam Hussein and the fleeing Armenis who are burning their own homes to the ground rather than see an Azeri live in them, the US President continues to deliberately spread, together with his bilious lies, the corona virus far and wide among his own followers, knowing that they will then, (being concentrated in the middle of the country), spread the virus all over the rest of the United States. You can watch the infection numbers climb, like a trail of slime, in his burbling wake.
The military call it collateral damage when they purposely deliver carnage to innocents, and it is a euphemism then, and it is one now, as the lethal consequences of the Furor's actions are known in advance, yet the actions are taken regardless. That is not collateral damage, that is diabolically planned murder. Mayhem delivered with a shrug of the shoulders; "Hey, it's not my fault. They're the ones who got in the way." Much like the incumbent's Partietags, which he prefers to call "Rallies": a convening of the gullible to allow the Furor to bask in their shouts of approval while culling their ranks by bringing them a virus, via his dozens of infected "Secret Service" agents, used to spread the microbe from which, he has fully-briefed knowledge, his base supporters have zero immunity.
Following the same advise as Reagan/Bush did in the eighties, the current President is in the thrall of what its adherents still refer to as a moral majority, but one that is now comprised of religiously-addled cultists who think of themselves as chosen people. Which they are: chosen by their Furor to carry a deadly virus to the rest of the country, after first infecting those near and dear to them. As it turns out, the deplorables, now that they have shown themselves to be far more deserving of that moniker than anyone believed they were when Mrs. Clinton called them that, would not only still support the President after he shot someone dead on Fifth Ave, but as it turns out, they would continue their rabid support of their own little (well big fat, to be more accurate), Jim Jones suicide cult leader, even as he jeers at their own elders for inconveniently living too long. Yet not even that has proven to be a step too far.
But getting back to their self-reverence/reference as the moral majority, the term doesn't apply: they are neither moral, nor are they a majority ... nor should any of their actions be confused with religion, as they are not only devoid of any religious feeling or sentiment, but contrarily, are fueled by their most avid vice: Greed. A deadly sin they worship like the Israelites who built a golden calf to worship even as the hapless Moses was up on the mount talking to, you know, the deity, who apparently had no idea the people Moses was to deliver his Commandments to would rather he brought them Gold, which they then, as now, unabashedly worshiped more than any faceless supernatural.
Moses was predictably upset.
Not the least of reasons being that Moses knew the all-knowing knew, even as he handed him the tablets, that Moses would smash them to pieces in anger against the false idol Baal's hindquarters, so yahweh was just laughing up his sleeve at him. A LOL at it all, as the "faithful" preferred Baal.
Not much has changed.
Even as they call themselves the moral majority, they not only worship Greed as their god, but in what is the West's favorite form of navel worship, a season of Lint where no earthly pleasure need ever be foregone, but they also deride anyone who thought there was anything else on the face of the earth, or in the high heavens for that matter, that could not have a price tag or a bar code slapped onto it to mark its value.
Nowadays you can stay up into the wee hours during your lockdown nightmare and watch the servants of god promise their congregation, that never congregates anywhere other than on the airwaves, their souls' salvation by promising, in return for a hefty monetary remittance, to rain down upon them all the earthly riches their hearts desire. Paganism in wolf's clothing. Just send them your hard-earned cash, scads of it, to these modern-day Elmer Gantry snake-oil salesmen, and you will be blessed with earthly happiness. Which, somehow, reserves a place in the firmament when you shuffle off this mortal coil. (Speaking of 'mortal', such blasphemy was considered a mortal sin by religious people when I was taught Christ's sermons as a young 'un).
No longer are these christians interested in anything as mundane as christian charity; gone are the hypocritical claims of any drop of compassionate conservatism for anything but their own comfort. While during the AIDS epidemic they railed against helping the sinners who were defying the Word of god, their true colors, as shown by their ardent embrace of the Almighty Dollar as the only thing of value, are highlighted by the deification of this avatar of Greed; they even profanely hail it as the Second coming.
But there's a bible in every hotel room. The book they use to hold their tired carcasses up as the font of divine wisdom can be read, and interpreted, by anyone. There is no Governor Winthrop to exile the Anne Hutchinson's of the world to the wilderness for daring to have their own opinion of written words; but words mean what they mean, no matter what tome their buried in, and the stance of these Greed-as-god apostates are nowhere repudiated as forcibly as in their own bible ... time and again ... by the very man who they purport to love (the few times that word is allowed in their vocabulary. Mostly they are embarrassed to use it, as it has no place in their hell and brimstone rants, now turned into brick and mortar, as in Banks, the real temples singled out for their brand of "worship". Because, you know, Christ was such a fan of money exchangers in the temple).
Naked Greed
Religion used to claim the ability to confer grace onto its adherents. Now, however, the Furor they have let loose on the world and which they wish to continue to mock it with, evinces not a drop of grace, grace being the last word even his most ardent of followers would associate with the lumbering lump of bilious vindictiveness currently spewing his venom throughout the Twittersphere.
While AIDS was the epidemic of the day, they referred time and again to Leviticus, to homos as abominations (an appellation they soon used to refer to Obama, cleverly changing it to "Obamanation", feeling themselves quite astute for such grammar-school-level mendacity. But as Thomas Mann opined in The Magic Mountain, "“There are so many different kinds of stupidity, and cleverness is one of the worst.”). An abomination is what mankind lying together is referred to ... an abomination being an aberration, a shock, an effrontery ... but it is not actually called out in the bible as being actually Evil.
Greed, however, the mantle which, since Reagan, the Republican Party has wrapped itself in, even as they claim themselves to be a so-called moral majority, is time and again, in the very tome they wish to use to deprive Palestinians of their Homeland and cudgel "the gays" with, referred to not only as Evil, but as the source of ALL Evil, which is what the Love of Money, the very definition of Greed, is; yet it is the only love that the current crop of apostate christians ever discusses with unfeigned fervor, the only divine substance they consider worth pursuing, even unto their destruction. Yet their book is specific, no minced words here, no reference to it as an abomination, but called out for what it is: the love of money is the source of all Evil. Not money itslef, which cannot be evil as it has no will (and therefore no capacity for evil), no soul. It is brought into being as a means of exchange. It is only the love of money, a purely human capacity, that is referred to in their bible as Evil. (and homosexuality, unlike prostitution, has nothing to do with money. And since it is the love of money, not the love of your fellow man, that is the source of ALL evil - not some of it, ALL of it - means that homosexuality, which is never associated with the love of money, is not, per the bible, evil; thus the "moral" stance against it by embracers of greed is but a sham, raising a cloud of dust to obscure the perfidy of their own apostasy, desecrating everything that actual lovers of Christ hold sacred).
The evangelical religion, however, is evil. And it is these evil bastards, evil by their OWN Words, cited right out of the bible in their belts, having bounced their Baal into the Offal Office to enable their embrace of the Vice they "worship" (they know not the meaning of the word), Greed, who are now doing their best to spread a virus throughout the country that will kill, despite the much-ballyhooed vaccine, (What do they care how many get killed? The vaccine will make its purveyors Rich, and it is the love of money, not of god or their fellow man that inspires their devotion) millions of their own countrymen, displaying their transparent scorched-earth policy that is far more monstrous than anything any of the so-called serial "enemies" that they have concocted over the last three generations, and is fueled by nothing more than their own rancor and avarice. It is not as though they have any plan for the country's future other than its demolition. No economic plan, no foreign affairs outlook, no Health Insurance plan, no rebuilding of infrastructure, nor any energy plan that doesn't entail poisoning the entire globe; nothing. Destruction of everything that gets in the way of their accumulation of Money is their only goal. Their entire platform consists of taking a wrecking ball to anything any "Libtard" ever held dear, and replacing the carnage with ... nothing. (Unless you call fracking everything to hell, regardless of the consequences, to excavate a product that can't even fetch a price high enough to cover the costs of obtaining it (to judge by the almighty Free Market) a plan).
And this desecration is what evangelicals call Religion. But neither Eve, nor angelicals would ever have had anything to do with these greedy, avaricious, sons and daughters of Satan. As they cast aspersions onto the rest of mankind, they defile the very word of god, which is how they refer to the bible, by callously dragging it through the mud, twisting its words to fit their own selfish, worldly aims; its most venerated maxims, to honor god (of which holding Greed up as a virtue is the exact opposite), and to love thy neighbor as thyself, are derided as Liberal Hogwash.
Little wonder that the word hypocrisy is never heard anymore. It has become the ruling mantra of the anything-but-religious right. And it is built into its ethos of untrammeled amassing of obscene stockpiles of Wealth.
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