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The Pentagong Show

The Pentagong Show
United State of Terror: Is Drone War Fair?

Monday, November 23, 2020

The Plasticene Error.

They shake with hate for things they've never seen.
Devoid of love in this age, the Plasticene,
Oppressed by Dow and dreams of Mr. Clean.

Driven mad by rides from Lyft and Uber
Their bags are Glad, the air they breathe is scuba;
A conscience has become a long-lost feature
Of those convinced they're god's most favored creature.

Some strayed, most stayed, imprisoned by possessions 
Though disasters came in waves of quick succession;
The houses of the poor were thereby forfeit
While Corporations showed a steady profit.

Along the corridors of power they come and go
And quail in fear of tweets from Trumpashenko;
Nothing is sacred, least of all the rule of Law
Except for John's, of course, which has one fatal flaw:

The Mississippi Bubble he ostensibly blew
Ravaged every nation, just like our "Flu";
It fractured every Nation's citizens' trust,
Exposed paper fortunes' sparkle as so much fairy dust.

But nevermind, that's just how Capitalism works,
Handing sacred duties over to conniving jerks;
Whose spindly arms stretch like sorry vegetation
Toward the despoiler of men: Bane to his own Nation.

Instead of competition, rampant monopoly;
But never guilty, they just cop a plea,
"We weren't, you know, the people who designed it,
We're forced to use the system just as we find it".

If that should mean we're all turning Japanese
With banking systems bringing nations to their knees,
Living through serial Lost generations,
Is but a small price to pay
For the Rich's permanent vacations.

The Age of Reason, at one time it was seven.
When childish minds still think they'll go to heaven.
Now despite billions in public funds deployed
to educate them, 
They're un- and underemployed.

A glorious future is what we promised youth
Never telling them what's closer to the truth:
Take out a student loan at rates usurious,
And your future will be hopeless and financially injurious.

He looks, devoid of wisdom, from atop his gilded throne
Down on his own base with face of Revlon'd stone
His only duty now being to compel
Their gratitude for his playing the role of William Tell.

To those poor sods who trusted him, he said,
  "Take this polished apple and place it on your head".
And while those more wary soon began to shiver,
He aimed the Covid arrow he'd taken from his quiver.

This is how he planned to inspire daze of glory
Though the outcome might be astonishing or gory,
Like other ruses pulled from the bag of Capitalism's tricks,
 All the rewards would be his, while you take all the risks.


His followers so low, they call themselves the base:
The dregs, the low. The avatars of race
As the one and only attribute 
Needed for your  place
Of elevated privilege/
As noxious weeds,
A wan, pale complexion 
is all anyone really needs.
White is right and right is Might
The pallid insist, well wrapped in spite.
But the Spanish flu came a century ago
Following mankind's biggest imbroglio, 
When every Nation that was ruled by Divine Rights
Plunged the entire world into its Darkest of Nights.

Mechanized slaughter of heartbreaking proportion
Helped kindle the appetite for financial extortion.
So they signed the famous Treaty of Versailles
(Watch the series, you'll see just why)
It was just a cease-fire, 
not an end to War/
Used for Preparations
To even the Score, by getting
 Your citizens ready by whetting
Their lust for carnage, while preening their feathers
Strutting themselves in front of vanity's mirrors. To Justify
Another globalized village's rampage of rape, slaughter and pillage.


And this is the group, we're all led to believe
That'll insure the world a lasting reprieve,
From the very evil it served on a plate
to a world now being stoked by vitriol and Hate
Thinly cloaked in assertions to, "Make America Great".

But instead of "Great", to no one's Surprise,
Has risen a raft of conspiracies and lies
To mow down their enemies with a deadly disease,
Thinning out their ranks, ignoring their pleas
Mocking their request to, "Wear a mask" ... 

Yet in this atmosphere of Climate denial, 
This rancor, spleen and bewildering bile
Is really just a logical extension
Of negating every step of Global Warming prevention ...
It's but a ratcheting up of the White Reign of Terror
Snow-blinding everyone to the rampaging weather,
For which the sop, "We're all in this Together,"
Is thrown like a bone to a junkyard cur.

But despite millions now claiming they've finally awakened,
Their trust in Capitalism remains unshakened;
Growth and jobs is the demanded remedy
Which ignores they are inflicting the globe with a malady 
From which now nor ever will there be a vaccine: 
The economic system of The Plasticene. 




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