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The Pentagong Show

The Pentagong Show
United State of Terror: Is Drone War Fair?

Friday, May 3, 2019

420 illegality is a Smokescreen: Corponations 20/20 Vision: 420 ppm by 4/20/2020.

Predictions are often tricky, but when they are in the realm of climate forecasting, the more dire, the more likely, so it seems not too terribly adventurous to suggest that in the next year the amount of CO2 accumulated in the atmosphere of the planet earth will, given its current value of 415 ppm (that's parts per million) touch the milestone of 420 ppm by 4/20 of 2020, even while more ppm's are produced to keep people from smoking the chronic, otherwise known as 420.

As governments around the world continue to throw citizens in jail for the "crime" of smoking mj, the Crime against Humanity known as War-mongering, oil-extracting, fossil-fuel-incinerating Capitalism continues to spew an accelerating and untrammeled burden of Carbon into the atmosphere, while nothing more substantial than bromides are deployed to even pretend there's any effort to curtail them. 

That's the problem with giving  person hood to a concept and then giving it absolute power over the economic and political landscape over which it casts its long shadow of malfeasance and corruption. Corporations are not, however, despite being peopled, people. They need people to survive, but fewer and fewer of them, and with the rise of supply-side economics, wherein you build it and they will come, having no choice in the matter, because in the building of whatever the "it" is, you have pulled the rug out of any alternatives that may have existed beforehand. As each new step on our escalator of progress is added, plans for other stairs that would have been built had demand been leading instead of following a carrot held out on a stick, are jettisoned. Derided as Flights of Fancy. When the power fails the escalator stops running and, since the elevators don't work either, are soon too packed to allow movement, and never designed to hold the weight the overcrowding of them occasions, they are soon groaning under their burden, before the inevitable collapse cascading their human freight onto the flights below, a concatenating  catastrophic failure.

That's spun as a good outcome: priorities and proprieties must be observed, after all, and at least it can be said that no one is getting high any more. Good Governing has prevailed.

Corporate sponsorship of well, everything, as that's all that's left, will continue to bring you the best of tomorrow today. Democracy Inaction works, but only to silence the majority, drowned out as it is, by its squabbling minorities leaving them unable to coalesce into any form of opposition, because the only thing they/we can all agree on is that the centralization of power and authority, technology and innovation, represented by the corponations of the world, are a perfect marriage with a political system that grants them the freedom to steamroll over anything considered low-tech, or (ugh!) primitive. Should a snag develop, no worries: National Security is always waiting in the wings to be invoked should any group think they have "rights"  or any other such old-school hesitations about ceding their liberties to Supranational Corponations. So Shut up and drive, it's the only way to thrive.

AI: is all that's left when the native version has been all but squelched. And it, like all "your" FB data, is owned exclusively by Corporate entities, their sole proprietorship of it enforced by "your" democratic institutions (yours by virtue of you paying for them - only the little people pay taxes -  even though they function solely for Corponational interests), operating in their behalf to keep you in line and on-line.

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