The Face of 21'st Century Leadership:
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"This will never be a Socialist country!!" |
While the media focuses on one Mueller, I prefer to mull over another one: Volkswagen, having eaten throught its WinterKorn, replaced CEO Matthias Mueller who formerly headed Porsche, Volkswagen’s sports car division that was forced to recall about 60,000 diesel-engined Cayenne and Macan sport utility vehicles (What, may I ask, does "sport utility" even mean? Fold-down seats so capacious one can hold a soccer match in the space thus provided? Practice your putt while you putt-putt along? Improve your drive(train), your passing game, or maybe producing foul air during your home run? ). The company sold 10.74 million vehicles and made 11.6 billion euros ($14.3 billion) in profit. Proving once again, as FB recently did, that breaking the law and poisoning humanity for profit is well, profitable, and comes with the full blessing of the government of the people you're poisoning. Germany was given carte blanche to poison Americans (the software designed to allow more CO2 into the atmosphere than what was allowed by law specifically targeted American sales) created barely a blip in the shareholders' dividends, and so the company continued to produce vehicles that did so, by simply moving the s/w to a different make and model of VW products ... NEXT! Who knows, or more to the point, who cares, where they'll next break the law to feed their own already well-heeled investors?
But Germany's Mueller will experience none of the opprobrium heaped on our Mueller, because he was "successful": he made money, his company and its shareholders made money, its workers' pensions and high salaries and six-week vacations all got paid and their customers' saved money, all at the public's expense. The perfect Capitalist scenario, push the true costs of doing business, not onto your customers, but onto the general public.That's what the entire system is built on, as illustrated by the lack of any action whatsoever besides lip service to the continued untrammeled venting of CO2 into the atmosphere, a process for which the entire human population is set up to pay for the profits of a small monstrosity, oh I mean minority, of the world holding shares in criminal organizations, such as VW.
The NYT just quoted one of those feasting at the smorgasbord: "I’m a card-carrying capitalist,” Warren Buffett, who hath a way with words, said. “I believe we wouldn’t be sitting here (In the fatcatbird seat) except for the market system.”
Really, the market system? Not the Free market system, just the market system, since we all know there's only ONE type of market system. But that has nothing to do with Capitalism, over the seven C's: Cronyism, Corruption, Confiscation, Criminality, Class, Credit, and Capitolism, provide the fumes that an economy, that was once capitalistic, continues to run on.
FREE (to Corponations, but not to you and me) Enterprise aka Capitolism/Corponationalism:
At close to 0% interest rates paid for the coin of the realm, while the Fed pushes for a 2% annual inflation rate, what other than malfeasance and criminality can explain even a seven year auto loan made at 4%/per annum by the same banks that pay nothing for it, and yet can't, even at that rate, make money because the same entity it borrows from is actively engaged in trying to make their own customers' (the banks) business model untenable? In a mere two years, that 4% is eaten up by the Fed's planned inflation, and the banks get paid back with dollars of increasingly less value, until, at the end of the loan, they are paying the 4%, not the borrowers (Which means it has to be made up in other realms, which is the non-banks check-cashing franchises (all owned by actual banks, the SIV's of post-2008 finance, and why your credit card interest rate is so nose-bleed high ... YOU are paying that arbitrage between the real cost of interest on that which is charged to the car-buying public, which otherwise would be unable to afford the gas-guzzling, high margin livingrooms they drag around with them wherever they go ... empty livingrooms 98% of the time). Thus the War on Cash.
Both the Auto industry and the financial industry in America is still extant because it coerced the public to "invest" in them (why is the public's investment not right now paying it dividends that the criminal VW organization is paying out to its investors? Instead the industry claims it "paid back" all the "loans". Meanwhile shoveling dividends into the pockets of GM's investors such as WarrenBuffet, whose risk was assumed by the Federal Government, which is you, and paying as few dollars in taxes to the entity that rescued it as possible).
And that 's not even counting the Tesla or any other EV s that get enormous government subsidies, so much so that the market valuation of Tesla is more than Ford, resulting in one headline I read today stating that Tesla is more valuable than Ford. The dire implications of monetizing everything under the sun is most perfectly illustrated by this absurdity. Ford employs 85,000, in the US alone, Tesla, worldwide (it doesn't provide the number of US employees anywhere on its website or anywhere else I've looked) 37,500. It is keen to keep the fact of its exploding cars from the headlines while it struggles to produce, with a worldwide workforce of half of Ford's US workforce, far less than a quarter of a million vehicles a year, as opposed to Ford's producing the same number of vehicles every two weeks; Ford Motor Has a Dividend Yield of 5.53, whereas Tesla has never declared dividends on their common stock, and brags that it intends on retaining all future earnings (lol) to finance future growth, regardless of profitability (who needs it when you have subsidized sales?) and therefore, do not anticipate paying any cash dividends in the foreseeable future.
If Ford went out of business tomorrow the repercussions would be felt worldwide, if Tesla did, who'ds care except the fools that bought a much-hyped and techie-ballyhooed stock despite its being hopelessly underwater? Yet it's Tesla that is the more valuable enterprise? That is the result of Capitolization: the collusion between Corponations and the Centrally-Planned economy to shell-game costs, with a sleight -of-hand multi-card Monte game to shift the real costs of production and finance to those not purchasing the products being sold: the costs and risks are borne by the public, the profits and dividends, allocated to private bank accounts of those who insist that any tax burden, by which they are made rich, is not to be borne by themselves: a double whammy as that means individuals must make up that difference as well. So what does Value mean then, except monetized value, which is obviously manipulated by Centrally-Planned Government forces, not Market forces, and is in fact in complete opposition to market forces?
The FED: As the Chairman tries to normalize rates, no one asks why in Buffet the Vampire Capitalism's Player's market system, the most fundamental commodity of all, money itself, is Jerry-rigged, manipulated, and centrally-controlled to a value decided by everything else except market forces, which are quite consciously, conspicuously, and shamelessly manipulated to a value they feel is appropriate, since otherwise it would crash the system specifically because a free market system would collapse the house of cards the seven C's straddle.
Finally, ignoring the most fundamental of reasons, the military complex that IS the heart of our Corpornation's economic system, so much so that BOeINGBOeING's engineers, so intent were they at making the far more profitable jets that kill people by design using The Terror from the Air Force as our main branch of diplomacy, resulting in the fact that their new commercial design dangerously put the lives of their passengers (passengers? Well THEY'RE not our customers!) in jeopardy for the sake of efficiency, was nary a concern. When killing people is your bread and butter, it's so easy to forget that you can't go around killing everyone.
So instead, I'll just mention my favorite bĂȘte noire, Ethanol. A product for which there was no market, no need, and no road to profitability. A complete boondoggle that used fake science to slather federal dollars over a huge swath of Red State territory to buy their votes far into the future by mandating that the rest of the country adulterate their gasoline with an inferior dilution, thereby reducing their mpg's, all supposedly in order to make America "Energy Independent" by a group of Texans that cared not a whit, and in fact had no interest whatsoever, in making the US Energy Independent. Yet every Red State that voted for "This will never be a Socialist country" Trump, signs on to make the market system anything but. It is a mandated tribute to a Midwest peopled by anti-federal government stalwarts so completely at odds with their stated definition of what the US economic system should look like, that it is never mentioned, never mind decried, even by their Democratic opposition, as they know they will thereby lose any support they have in those states, while gaining no votes in the states they already control.
But we will continue to concentrate on the foibles of the MAGAstrate, squabbling over inanities while the Corponation, that has no political allegiance to any but its corpocitizens continues to plunder the remaining of the country's energy resources even as they pile debt onto debt, leaving yet another generation to pay them with an economy that will by then have no energy reserves except those that can be begged borrowed or stolen.
A scenario that perfectly explains the country's foreign policy, bandit mentality and hyper-hypocrisy, and the media's unremitting obsession with everything Trump, which at the moment means Mueller, tomorrow, who knows, Guaido anyone?
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