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The Pentagong Show

The Pentagong Show
United State of Terror: Is Drone War Fair?

Monday, May 27, 2019

Bias currents: In case you missed her, She's my TranSister.

 Garden of Earthly Delights  

 As the Midwest braces itself for more tumultuous weather, the words of their Furor ring out loud and true:

 "It's called weather, [it] changes and you have storms and you have rain ... "

The defining attitude of his hoax that climate change is a hoax gets closer to home, as it spells out exactly the plight of those who ignore the changing climate to focus on the weather: Using the troposphere as a private enterprise dumping ground and thereby changing its molecular composition leaves the problem of climate change one for future generations to worry about. For as the President makes so clear, it is the Weather that we are changing with our profligate wasteful consumption, as in combusting of, petroleum and its byproducts.

Many have expressed skepticism as to my pet theory that the mad rush to produce hydrocarbons at any cost by fracking ie shattering the very bedrock to release its stored hydrocarbons, giving a whole new meaning to the term pet rocks, is wreaking havoc with the weather, have stated that disbelief by pointing out that the vast quantity of water is brought from the Pacific Ocean, the moisture being flared into the troposphere at an ever-accelerating level, not being close to enough to cause the catastrophic flooding we are seeing.

But that's a misunderstanding of my thesis.

I'm not suggesting that those miles and miles of seepage, and those H2O/CO2 manufacturing facilities, their actual activity disguised by the euphemism, "flaring", that have sprung up all around the Midwest, forming a littoral bulwark around what is becoming the vast Toiletbowl of the Farmbelt, are alone responsible for the deluge (Although one would think the term HYDROcarbons would be kind of a clue). But that's not what I mean, precisely. What I mean is best exemplified by the term bias, one we are all becoming more and more familiar with as we watch politics and the media convoluted by the same phenomenon, it should be easier to understand how it is used in electronics.

Most circuits involving transistors typically require specific DC voltages and currents for their operation; these can be achieved using a biasing circuit. As an example think of the transistor amplifiers that power your I-phone speakers. In linear amplifiers, a small input signal, gives larger output signal without any change in shape (low distortion): the input signal causes the output signal to vary up and down in a manner strictly proportional to the input. However, because the relationship between input and output for a transistor is not linear across its full operating range, the transistor amplifier only approximates linear operation. For low distortion, the transistor must be biased so the output signal swing does not drive the transistor into a region of extremely nonlinear operation. For a bipolar junction transistor amplifier, this requirement means that the transistor must stay in the active mode, and avoid cut-off or saturation.

Saturation being the keyword in our example, with run-off instead of cut-off . The Jet Stream is a current and it swings in oscillation in not that different a manner from any AC voltage you can see on any oscilloscope. When it arrives fully laden from the West into the biased troposphere of those States surrounded by others that are fracking with a flare, the output signal swing drives the entire weather regime of the region into extremely nonlinear operation, resulting in extreme flooding as their heavy burden of water is wrung out of the sky.

Maybe this 'll help you not see.
But as usual, when our Grand Pooh-Bah gives us the gift of his own twisted vision, we are so biased as to our response, we fail to see that there's some truth there: it is not just the climate, anymore than it's the planet, that is or should be, our immediate concern; it is, as is becoming more and more obvious, the weather. And as we continue to turn up the heat under the kettle, we shouldn't be so surprised that the weather system that was can never return, nor can the weather system that now is be relied on to be the one that will be: It is not only changing: it has already changed, as anomalies become the new normal and the closed system called earth responds to the increase of energy by an energetic increase of unstable weather as it reconfigures itself to a new stasis. But no stasis is static when you keep injecting ever more heat, until, in exact parallel to the international increase in pressure and tensions, something breaks, at which point we have all already been biased to wring our hands in unison and exclaim, in what has become the catchphrase of the Projected New American Century for anything caused by our own activities but whose ramifications we have assiduously blinded ourselves to: "No one could have seen it coming."

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