Despite its being the most famous formula in the history of the world, there are but a handful of people who could give me a satisfactory, non-mathematical explanation to the question, what about the Heat? Where in the formula E=mc squared (E = energy, M = mass, and C = the speed of light (expressed in distance per time increments, (miles/second, or meters/sec))) is there provision for the waste heat created and exhausted by the conversion of energy from one form into the other? The answer? In very non-mathematical terms, as I gleaned from a quick read of WikiHow, is that the E = ALL the energy, including the heat energy. So while in explaining the process of a chemical reaction, our equations must always include the waste heat in order to take into account the conservation of energy, Einstein's equation tells us how much total energy is contained inside a certain amount of mass, not the amount of energy to be derived from converting that mass into its energy equivalence, essentially demonstrating that a small amount of mass contains a massive (NPI) amount of energy.
In case you haven't noticed, every one of the green technologies (championed by the "Let Corponations run the world" philosophy, that never misses an opportunity to profit from misery) invented by the CryptoCapitalism stalwarts, including hydro, are failing (Surprise! Surprise!) to produce the necessary amount of power to replace the legacy generation provided by fossil fuels. The largest producer of energy in the country, and therefore the world, the State of Texas, lacks the provision, despite a landscape overrun by oil rigs, jackdaws, pipelines, and refineries, boasts the largest installed base of wind-generated electricity in the US, and has installed solar-generating capacity second only to California's, to weather either a cold snap that was predicted months in advance or a heat wave, which is simply weather for that arid stalwart of "Climate Change is a Hoax", state, Texas.
Now what we must remember is that Texas is the epicenter of trumpery, and therefore the epicenter for climate change denialism. What that shouts out loud to the entire world, given the fact that without climate change, there is no other explanation for the rapid ramp-up in heat, drought, extreme hail, tornados, derechos, earthquakes, and floods, other than hydraulic fracturing. Granting the strumpettes that Climate Change may be a hoax, the rapid growth in extreme weather events that have exactly paralleled the expansion of fracturing around the country are undeniable. Dutchsinse, a youtube channel devoted to earthquake prediction makes clear, the extent of the hydraulic fracturing mania that stretches across more than half of the US' States that are using this high-intensity form of energy extraction (High intensity means high percentage of waste heat is produced as a consequence of the vast amount of energy required to extract the last dregs of America's fossil fuel legacy and rapidly build an LNG infrastructure in order to EXport them to the rest of the globe (in order, per an article in the WSJ, to enrich oil company "stakeholders", who demand that they alone be enriched despite the fact that their demands for dividends instead of more drilling are tanking the economy) ... and that waste heat cannot escape because there is a veil of methane and nitrous oxide blocking it).
I have a Dutchsinse's t-shirt and hoodie which both state that "Fracturing causes Earthquakes", which, given that "climate change is a hoax" and that the extreme weather in the US has exactly paralleled the growth of the fracturing enterprise, it HAS to be, according to the trumpery of the largest fracker in the universe, Texas, hydraulic fracturing, and the veil of GHG's its adoption has enveloped the Western US in, that is causing the weather extremes across the US continent. It is only because, as made manifest by the War on Ukraine that has resulted in energy constraints around the globe, that without the energy-intensive method of energy extraction that fracturing represents, we would not have enough energy for the status quo, never mind growth, that fracturing must continue. Yet even as people flock to Texas, it's economy and isolated energy infrastructure haven't the ability to provide them with the juice they need to live, let alone thrive.
What I find compelling about all the failed green initiatives is the woeful fact that as the rig count in the USA's infamous oil splatch have increased from day one of the Build Back Bigger Biden administration, three things didn't follow that increase:
1) oil production
2) US oil stocks (NOT Wall Street stocks, but supply of oil in US inventory. This drop in inventory has coincided with a INcrease in the amount of oil the US is importing from abroad)
3) US distillate stocks, which in the last year have plummeted from 160 million bbls/day in March 2021 to little over 100 million bbl's/day as of late May, while demand for them soars.
Yet just as compelling are the increases in
1) rig count
2) dividend payments to energy investors as oil price escalates to past $100/bbl (as it did during the beginning of the Obama/Biden administration)
3) LNG exports; as the US exports hand over fist the last of its energy reserves: the LNG industry simply didn't exist during Biden's Vice presidency, but it has since grown, with nary a comment from the navel-gazing commentariat, to become the world's largest by the time of his Presidency, i.e., in less than a decade!
But that's still not exporting America's last energy resources fast enough to satisfy the greed of the Corponationals who have already started laying the pipeline to export ever larger quantities of a diminishing resource to foreign entities:
In the first quarter of 2022, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved three projects specifically intended to increase U.S. natural gas exports via pipeline and as liquefied natural gas.
In a new report from the Stockholm International Peace Institute, it suggests that "the nations of the world must come together, invest in resilience, finance peace, and make clear the risks of not working on the problems of eliminating conflict and climate change together".
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