Cryptocapitalism: The Handwriting's on the Wall St. |
While the NYT's and other news outlets continue to show the very real effects of Russia's onslaught on the Ukrainians, one should remember that the same rag printed nary a word about the heart-breaking effects of the Global War Of Terror that America's waged, with no provocation, for an entire generation. Now you may claim that the events of 9/11 were certainly a provocation, but it must be remembered that the reason there is no no-fly zone over Ukraine at the current time is that enforcing a NoFly zone is an act of War, yet the US enforced a no-fly zone over Iraq, a country the DOD and Bush White House, without a sliver of proof, claimed were responsible for the attacks on NYC and the Pentagon.
In other words, the USA, by virtue of the NoFly zone it maintained over Iraqi sovereign territory, was at War with Iraq when the 9/11 attack occurred, so had it been, as claimed, perpetrated by Iraq, it would have been an act of War, not a terrorist attack, so the USA's GWOT was an exercise in Imperial overreach for which it used the attacks of 9/11 as cover, an exercise for which the US is still paying the price, yet for which the pages of the NYT's are silent.
As the USA waged its cryptoWar, a war whose real intentions and ultimate designs were forever hidden from the view of the public upon whose back the burden was placed, made it a good milieu for the explosive growth of US Cryptocapitalim in which the real means of production and the ultimate source of funding are all enshrouded in fake corporate names, tax havens, slush funds, misallocated federal funs, military-style contracts in which the corporate profits are guaranteed whereas their products are not, etc etc.
Yet the near hysterical level of Reagan hagiography continues unabated. Reagan, whose administration started the bogus program of SDI, otherwise know as Star Wars, for its fantasy-level churning of science with science fiction, to such an extent that the US, with a population more than twice that of Russia, a defense budget that exceeds the GDP of most of the nations of the world by billions and billion of dollars, and international "Defense" contactors stuffing their faces at the trough of pork-barrel Military Keynesianism, has nothing to show for their efforts, while Russia attacks its neighbor with hypersonic missiles, an offensive weapon not in the arsenal of the Soviets, and one which, given the sclerotic shape of the USSR before Reagan launched his so-called Star Wars program, would not have to this day.
That's the legacy of the Reagan/Bush duopoly. Increased military spending, using financial legerdemain to fund the expenditures with borrowed money, imposing the burden on future generations at which time, it could, given its constituencies' ignorance, blame on the opposition party.
Just as the Bush regimes used the Iraqi Wars to try out their new smart weaponry and the Darpanet to showcase its superiority in everything military, ie its Sole SuperPower right to inflict death and destruction from the air on a helpless population with impunity, the Red Badge of Cowardice has been wrested from its grip by the Russians' spineless military's onslaught of a neighbor that was not protected by a defense pact, its troops firing on women and children indiscriminately, using aerial bombardment as its Nazi buzz bomb alternative.
And like the US, it claims "collateral damage" when civilian targets are "inadvertently" incinerated by their weapons of mass destruction. But there is no collateral damage. It's like driving your multi-ton SUV into a crowd because they're in your way and ... "Freedom" ... and then claiming the mangled bodies left in your wake were collateral damage. Nonsense. As both the US and Russian militaries know, when you know there will be casualties as a result of your actions, yet you take that action regardless, that is not collateral damage, that is unrepentant murder.
In much the same way cryptocapitalism uses the cover of climate change to wrest federal dollars from the US government for "green solutions" to our increasingly dire energy conundrum to maintain their profits while building an infrastructure that is no more climate-resilient than an igloo.
The internet itself, as can be gleaned from the stupidity of the billionaires it has created, a major enabler of not just the Bush Wars, but the crytocapitalistic model whereby the taxpayers fund the R&D, construction, and beta-testing of a vast infrastructure that enables the monopolization of every enterprise business owners have been building, the evisceration of entire downtowns to be replaced with a Warmart on the outskirts of town, making shopping without an automobile all but impossible, and the financialization of debt to an extent that, without the internet, would be impossible.
So to the list of cryptocurrencies undermining the value of real currencies while making every nation's efforts at reducing CO2 emissions futile, (as crypto produces more CO2 than the Netherlands or Sweden, Argentina, or Chile) to cyber attacks, drones, nuclear war, SDI can now be added to the list of "defensive" technologies developed by the DOD that has now been turned against us. For had there been no SDI, there would be no hypersonic missiles in the Russian arsenal, since, let us not forget, the Russians were selling the uranium from their missiles to the USA, that's how much they believed our good intentions post Cold War. Believing the fiction of laissez-faire governance espoused by the Reagan/Bush theory of trickle-down-your-leg Voodoo economics, they thought a more decentralized economy would bring Russians the level of prosperity it could see being enjoyed in the US. Somehow the Politburo failed to notice the so-called "laissez-faire" economics was powered by the biggest growth in the Central Government's outlays since the second world War, nor that it was funded via high-interest loans for a low-risk commodity: 30 year bonds paying > 15% interest. Nor that, in yet another example of cryptocapitalism, how those borrowed dollars were being surreptitiously funneled to those defense contractors in which the ex-CIA Director had ample monies invested via his chairmanship of the board of the Carlyle Group.
But Putin noticed.
And, innovation not being a forte of most autocratically-ruled Asians, he copied Poppy Bush more than the Poppy seeds did, and with far more success. After all, cryptocaitalism is much more endemic to the East, they had to merely turn the page, whereas in the West, governments still have to use the cover of pretending they are "doing something" about climate change as a cover for them to shovel money by the truckload to major corponations that are already paying nothing in taxes while enriching their dividend collectors and producing more CO2 and plastics waste than at any other time in history ... yet are drowned in federal dollars to do "research" into "handling the climate crisis" (since they did such a bang-up job of handling the Covid pandemic) by using the same tactics of monetary obfuscation and the transformation of the investment world into a gambling mecca for the already we-to-do.
Our road to oblivion has already been paved by the declaration by both political parties in the USA that, "The American Way of Life is Nonnegotiable." That is the death warrant of the most inhumane species on the globe: Homo Sapiens. It is only fitting that the ersatz economic system of cryptocapitalim, in which the mean justify the end of the world, supported by the internet-enabled worldwide web of lies, should prevail while we're stumbling toward the Death of Man.
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