First of all I hope you realize the oxymoronic (Or more accurately, simply moronic) nature of the phrase "Miracle of Science". If it's science, it is by definition, not a miracle; and if it's a miracle, it means it has no scientific explanation, otherwise, it wouldn't be a Miracle.
Now on with the show.
Axios is showing us how we can save lives by cutting emissions! All we need do is generate 100% clean electricity! If just the city of New York were to do so, it would, "save 14.2 thousand lives". In a country where half the population still believes that Climate change is a hoax, and the other half have forgotten that, and where the milestone of one million lives lost to Covid goes by with barely a shrug, the author seems to think that a "Lives Saved Calculator", that calculates the number of lives "saved" thanks to CO2 reduction, is going to act as some kind of incentive to meet "Clean energy targets."
So there you have it. Half the country thinks climate change is a hoax, while the "smart people", you know, the ones who "listen to the science," are bloviating about the possibility of saving thousands of lives via the twin chimeras of "Clean Electricity" and "Clean Energy". Like claiming natural gas is a "transition" or "bridge fuel", or that there's any such thing as "Clean Coal", such reportage reeks of Corporate sponsorship as it wreaks havoc on the fortunes of Americans.
As anyone knows who has read any of my posts, it's my firm belief that every one of the lies about energy production and the energy "transition", which is the theory that we can continue to increase our daily consumption of vast amounts of energy while simultaneously decreasing the load of waste heat and other harmful byproducts of energy generation (it is instructive that, even as the conversations in regard to global warming starts to heat up, there is never any mention of the substantial loss inherent in all cases of energy conversion ... that is because that loss is measured in terms of excess HEAT, heat that is added to the atmosphere from which it has an increasingly hard time of escaping). Think of crypto currencies and reread the endless benefits to be derived from their use, as opposed to the stark reality of irreparable financial damage to millions simply because billionaires needed a better method of hiding their ill-gotten gains from illicit activities, and you get an inkling of the scale of the "clean energy" hoax being perpetrated by the Corponationals right under our noses and with the full blessing of such "journalists" as Ben Geman, the author of this cited piece of garbage reporting.
But although that is true, that is not why I think it has the real potential to wreak havoc on the fortunes of Americans.
Because if you claim that New York City can save tens of thousands of lives if they would only generate 100% clean electricity, then you're saying that if it hasn't, which it won't, because it can't, since there is no such thing, then NYC is liable for the lives it is arguably willfully destroying. Remember, this is the same City that has brought frivolous lawsuits against Exxon for providing them with the energy resources they need to run their city; so if Exxon can be sued by NYC for the lives it has ruined, the same logic, using the handy "Lives Saved Calculator" would put NYC in the sights of those same lawyers, using those same arguments, with the additional fact that Exxon doesn't actually combust its own resources, but NYC certainly does.
Then there's this:
New York City has the largest number of electric cars in the country, home to some 69,000 electric vehicles whisking their passengers on their 35 million trips every day. In neighboring New Jersey, The Garden State has an impressive 30,420 registered EVs. The difference being that those in NJ can take you places, whereas the 69,000 EV's in New York are all in situ as they are passenger elevators (So that number would be even higher if freight cars were included), all of which are electric vehicles; and should the mental meanderings of our trepid reporter realize this, then the first thing on his, or anyone's agenda who actually cared about those 14,000 lives, would be to first provide them with some of that clean, generated by fairy dust, electricity. Because if you can't provide the clean energy to produce the clean electricity to your already existing fleet of 69,000 EV's that exist right now in NYC, how in the hell do you think this pipedream of powering an entirely new mobile fleet of electric vehicles that can drive to wherever they like to get recharged will do anything but add to the City's CO2 generation? (like to NJ, let's say, where they are not exactly committed to having a green energy infrastructure. Like drivers of ICE machines, EV drivers will go to where the fuel is the cheapest, not the cleanest).
But there's no glamor in that, I suppose, so it never gets mentioned any more than the 100% dirty electricity that they have been running on for generations. And now, thanks to the "Lives Saved Calculator", litigators have a tool to estimate the amount of damage NYC is inflicting on its neighbors, and for which they can now be held liable. Now THAT might have an effect on how much CO2 the city, which, with half the population of China's Guangdong (which manufactures more goods for US consumers than the entire state of New York), emits twice the CO2.
When even the state of Texas, the dirty energy hub of the universe, calls for its citizens to turn up their thermostats, after excess demand for A/C (to escape from the excess heat being the center of the universe produces) brought six power plants to their knees in a matter of hours, maybe its time for the 100% clean electricity crowd to admit that even if that were remotely possible, it would only exacerbate (what incentive does anyone have to curtail their use of 100% Clean Electricity?), not solve, our current (NPI) problems.
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